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在既有研究提出的食品安全“监管困局”现象基础上,通过仿真建模及分析进一步解剖该困局的动态形成过程,构建食品市场中生产者、消费者和监管者构成的两期博弈模型,剖析食品安全“监管困局”的内在形成机理. 研究发现: 1) 加大监管力度形成的违规揭露信息会影响到消费者的支付预期,当违规揭露水平超过消费者心理承受时会降低消费者的支付水平,进而影响食品行业平均收益,导致生产经营者的超额违规收益迅速增大,反过来又增强了生产经营者的违规动机,是为食品安全“监管困局”的动态形成过程; 2) 食品安全“监管困局”在于监管者与企业、监管者与消费者两种信息结构使监管力度的信号被扭曲所致,即政府监管力度对消费者形成信号扭曲,消费者无法通过市场价格实现质量信号分离,从而降低支付水平而影响行业平均收益. 本文由此提出针对性的制度安排.  相似文献   

刘玲 《管理科学文摘》2009,(13):249-250
我国目前的食品安全情况令人堪忧,政府的食品安全监管水平提高缓慢,效率低下,其食品安全监管能力亟待提高。本文对我国政府监管中存在的问题进行了深入的分析,从监管的制度层面和现实层面找出制约政府监管能力的原因,并以此从组织架构,立法,制度保障方面有针对性的提出了提高政府监管能力的建议。  相似文献   

食品安全问题的政府监管分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品企业社会责任缺失、政府监管体制庞杂、消费者监督乏力等造成了国家食品安全控制系统能力的欠缺。在比较"多部门分工监管、单部门主导监管、专设部门独立监管"等食品监管模式的基础上,可通过引导企业诚信建设、健全监管法律体系、完善政府及部门间的协同体制、搭建消费者反馈平台等来构建我国政府对食品安全问题监管的长效机制。  相似文献   

食品安全关系到公众的身体健康和生命安全,如今社会上频繁曝出各种食品安全事件,引起了社会恐慌,食品安全监管部门应积极主动地发挥社会管理和服务的功能,来化解社会矛盾,维护和谐稳定的社会环境。  相似文献   

食品已经成为继种子和农药之后,排位第三的“农村消费者最不放心”产品。2011年9月,国务院食品安全办发出通知,要求各地区、各有关监管部门采取有效措施,严厉打击假劣食品,进一步提高农村食品安全保障水平,切实维护广大人民群众的身体健康和合法权益。相对于城市。目前广大农村的食品安全监管网络还很不健全,存在大量“监管盲区”。甚至成为“被遗忘的角落”,农村食品安全监管亟待加强。  相似文献   

我国金融业市场在近些年来发展迅速,出现了诸多类型的金融产品和服务,但是因为金融产品十分的复杂和专业,在金融市场中,往往会侵害到消费者的合法权益,需要引起人们足够的重视。  相似文献   

食品安全是全球面临的共同挑战,各国有各国的问题和风险。但对比而言,以中国在全球食品总量之巨,急速发展的食品工业与相对落后的农业产业链的失衡,环境污染加剧,部分企业家的急功近利以及消费者不信任感的持续蔓延等,都使中国食品安全的管理难度超越其本身道德、法规与技术的界限,成为上至中央领导、下至普通百姓关注的热点。有效地应对挑战,政府必须承担使命。  相似文献   

魏锋  薛飞 《管理学报》2008,5(6):862-870
在考察多元化经营与公司绩效关系的基础上,通过构建"制度-行为-绩效"分析框架,以寻求董事会制度安排对这种关系的解释。结果发现:多元化经营导致公司价值折价,但这种价值折价在各年的表现形式不一样;董事会会议频率、独立董事比例以及二职合一与多元化经营决策呈显著正相关关系;董事持股比例与公司进行多元化经营的概率呈负相关关系。进一步的解释是,董事会会议频率和独立董事比例是通过影响多元化经营决策,从而影响多元化经营公司绩效的主要因素。  相似文献   

杨于泽 《决策探索》2008,(21):13-13
大连韩伟集团的鸡蛋被香港检出三聚氰胺,紧接着,一种湖北产鸡蛋目前也被香港认定三聚氰胺超标.后果自然严重,相关生产商的产品在香港退市不说,在内地也只能跟着下架.内地监管部门可能低调处理,但消费者不会低调,他们肯定会拒买.  相似文献   

作为我国市场经济的重要组成部分,家族企业的占比较大,对社会经济的发展起到了不可忽视的促进作用。近些年,家族企业在社会发展中的重要性凸显,越来越多的人开始关注和重视家族企业经理人选择、制度安排与企业绩效等方面的内容。但是,结合实际管理情况能够发现,受到主观及客观因素的影响,其经理人选择、制度建设和企业绩效管理中会出现各种问题,导致企业发展中遇到较大的风险,严重影响企业后续的发展和进步。对此,在实际的企业发展中,相关人员需要对管理层面进行分析,助推家族企业更好地发展进步。  相似文献   

Efficient food safety monitoring should achieve optimal resource allocation. In this article, a methodology is presented to optimize the use of resources for food safety monitoring aimed at identifying noncompliant samples and estimating background level of hazards in food products. A Bayesian network (BN) model and an optimization model were combined in a single framework. The framework was applied to monitoring dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in primary animal-derived food products in the Netherlands. The BN model was built using a national dataset with monitoring results of dioxins and DL-PCBs in animal-derived food products over a 10-year period (2008–2017). These data were used to estimate the probability of detecting suspect samples with dioxins and DL-PCBs levels above preset thresholds, given certain sample conditions. The results of the BN model were then inserted into the optimization model to compute an optimal monitoring scheme. Model estimates showed that the probability of dioxins and DL-PCBs exceeding threshold limits was higher in laying hen eggs and sheep meat than in other animal-derived food (except deer meat). Compared with the monitoring scheme used in the Netherlands in 2018, the optimal monitoring scheme would save around 10,000 EUR per year. This could be obtained by reallocating monitoring resources from products with lower probability of dioxin and DL-PCBs exceeding threshold limits (e.g., pig meat) to products with higher probability (e.g., bovine animal meat), and by shifting sample collection from the last quarter of the year toward the first three quarters of the year.  相似文献   

In 2021, the Biden Administration issued mandates requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for U.S. federal employees and contractors and for some healthcare and private sector workers. These mandates have been challenged in court; some have been halted or delayed. However, their costs and benefits have not been rigorously appraised. This study helps fill that gap. We estimate the direct costs and health-related benefits that would have accrued if these vaccination requirements had been implemented as intended. Compared with the January 2022 vaccination rates, we find that the mandates could have led to 15 million additional vaccinated individuals, increasing the overall proportion of the fully vaccinated U.S. population from 64% to 68%. The associated net benefits depend on the subsequent evolution of the pandemic—information unavailable ex ante to analysts or policymakers. In scenarios involving the emergence of a novel, more transmissible variant, against which vaccination and previous infection offer moderate protection, the estimated net benefits are potentially large. They reach almost $20,000 per additional vaccinated individual, with more than 20,000 total deaths averted over the 6-month period assessed. In scenarios involving a fading pandemic, existing vaccination-acquired or infection-acquired immunity provides sufficient protection, and the mandates’ benefits are unlikely to exceed their costs. Thus, mandates may be most useful when the consequences of inaction are catastrophic. However, we do not compare the effects of mandates with alternative policies for increasing vaccination rates or for promoting other protective measures, which may receive stronger public support and be less likely to be overturned by litigation.  相似文献   

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