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男人醒来的时候,感觉不大对劲。他的头很疼,很沉,迷迷瞪瞪。厨房里传来嘶嘶的声音,轻微,却连成一线,不断钻凿他的脑子。男人想去看,站起来,又一头栽倒。仿佛那是别人的躯体,他的神经,已经不能控制。  相似文献   

正阴雨天,顾客稀少,无所事事。有人掀了珠帘进来,伞礼貌地收在门外。很好看的女孩子,干净的面容,干净的眼神,干净的打扮。说了声你好,便不再打搅她,让她自由地在店里挑选。她仔细地将中意的小物品一一拿起,看片刻,小心地抚摩,又放下。我留意到,她总是先看价钱。  相似文献   

李向春 《公共关系》2000,(12):30-30
去年冬天,北京的气候较往年寒冷,因此,我决定买一条围巾御寒。人民大学附近的一家商场,在周末晚上,顾客总是很多。一层有几家柜台都在出售围巾。产品质量、价格及花色品种都区别不大。我走向一个柜台,那售货的小姐是一位浙江人,一双游动的眼睛及适当的笑容,显示出小老板的精明。她拿出许多条围巾供我挑选。望着这么多相似又不同的产品,我有点无所适从。“这一条黑白相间的比较适合你。”她拿出一条说道:“你这件大衣是黑色的,再配上这条素色的围巾,显得颜色比较统一,而且,黑色格的图案沉稳中显出一丝变化,符合你的青年学者的气质。”。  相似文献   

一开始的时候.我是不喜欢莫莲的。她是我们男生宿舍冯冯的女友,据说美得邪恶。我想我是讨厌她的。因为。我讨厌冯冯。冯冯是我的下铺,他是有钱男子,刚进大学,就开红色跑车来报到,他老爸开一个古董公司,钱多得不得了。于是总有美女围绕在他身边,这很正常。但是,那天,她突然出现。  相似文献   

倏然,这扇被情感尘封几何的智慧之门终于打开。他明白了,所有的季节都将飘零,人又何必愁肠百结呢?让过去的全部过去,从此不再提起。春别一九七七年三月,草长莺飞,乍暖还寒。花儿含苞欲放,柳丝迎风摇曳,梢尖轻点水面,漾起泛泛涟漪。这撩人的春色,注定是个孕育的季节,一切都在萌芽阶段。她,一个12岁的小姑娘,一张白白净净的瓜子脸,挂着一对微笑时才浅出的梨窝。一双大眼睛,闪烁着淡定的眼神,不温不火。今天,她背着用红线锈着"为人民服务"的军书包,牵着弟弟的小手,跟在漂亮的妈妈身后,搭载汽车,又换乘火车,直到消失在冰天雪地银装素裹的茫茫北国,与在军旅中的爸爸团聚(随军)。  相似文献   

一把木梳,原也承载不了岁月的流逝的。她总是随身带着一把梳子,仿檀木的,月牙型。横着放时,像一叶扁舟。六七年了罢?他给她买梳子时的情景,在她的记忆里,还像一幅新油印出来的画。那时,正是春天好时光,花红柳绿,阳光飞泻。他们就快大学毕业了,一帮人,相约着去公园玩。公园门口,长一排柳树,柳树下,  相似文献   

爱情没有"齐人之福",同时拥有两个女人的爱情,其实是一件很恐怖的事。1郑建民有个外号。二先生。开始他很得意,二先生,不知道的以为他这人有多二。其实不是他多二,他长相英俊,像八十年代的三浦友和,他有钱多金,还有自己的建筑公司,而且会三国外语。他早年留学德国,回国后自己开了建筑公司,成为最早的那批有钱人,所以,他不二。  相似文献   

我出生在香港,有一个姐姐。我上小学不久,父母就离婚了。妈妈带着9岁的我离开了香港这个伤心地,远走英国。从此,我和妈妈相依为命。妈妈是很有见地的女人,对我的一生影响非常大。小时候,我对自己的相貌很不自信。17岁时,我的身高已经1.68米,身材也不错,但我还是觉  相似文献   

原来,婆婆的轻视是那么根深蒂固。她不仅轻视母素的贫贱,还包括母亲的富有。一天,见我把玩手机,婆婆的眉毛拧成了疙瘩:"新生儿娇气,有辐射的手机要离孩子远些。还有你刚生产完,身体虚,当心屏幕刺激眼睛。"其实,我只是想给母亲报个喜。孩子落地3天了,我还没给母亲打电话。我每每碰到手机,便会被婆婆阻止。我对婆婆的霸道感到不满,但又不敢拂逆她。刚好手机铃声响起,  相似文献   

正9月,我换了一家公司。办公室是大间,都是隔断的,相互间看不见,但相邻格子间打电话却是听得一清二楚。我左边的同事石斛,是个很黏老婆的男人。"老婆,今天晚上我想吃红烧肉哦。""老婆,那件灰格子的衬衣熨了没有?明天我要穿哦。""老婆,我又馋你的葱油饼了。"刻意压低的声音竟然糯糯软软的。  相似文献   

The current experiments investigate how infants use goal‐directed action to reason about intentionally sampled outcomes in a probabilistic inference paradigm. Older infants and young children are flexible in their expectations of sampling: They expect random samples to reflect population statistics and non‐random samples to reflect an agent's preferences or goals (Kushnir, Xu, & Wellman, 2010; Xu & Denison, 2009). However, more recent work shows that probabilistic inference comes online at approximately 6 months (Denison, Reed, & Xu, 2013; Kayhan, Gredebäck, & Lindskog, 2017; Ma & Xu, 2011; Wellman, Kushnir, Xu, & Brink, 2016), and thus, these sampling assumptions can be investigated at the age probabilistic reasoning first emerges. Results indicate that 6‐month‐old infants expect a human agent to sample in accord with their goal and do not expect the same of an unintentional agent—a mechanical claw. By 9.5 months, infants expect the mechanical claw to sample in accord with random sampling. These results suggest that infants use goals to make inferences about intentional sampling, under appropriate conditions at 6 months, and they have expectations of the kinds of samples a mechanical device should obtain by 9.5 months.  相似文献   

舞台、追光、音乐、掌声……与“新工人艺术团”的工友们登台演出是41岁的徐芳最为享受的时刻。而走下舞台,走进生活,一辆三轮车大小的煎饼摊支撑起她生活的重担和自己的梦想。  相似文献   

Inspired by the discussion of different functions of freedom of choice (instrumental versus intrinsic value) by Sen and others and an axiomatic characterization of an intrinsic aspect by Pattanaik and Xu, we compare unique axiomatic characterizations of three classes of rankings of opportunity sets in terms of freedom of choice: First, we investigate the simple cardinality-based ranking proposed by Pattanaik and Xu and a generalization of this. Secondly, we propose a new criterion that is based on the comparison of the ranges of sets of options. Thirdly, we solve possibly occuring conflicts between these two criteria.I am indebted to Wulf Gaertner, Yongsheng Xu, Walter Bossert, the participants of the Economic Theory Workshop of the University of Rochester, and anonymous referees for helpful discussions and comments. Financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

去阳朔不能不去西街。这里被称为中国第一条洋人街,最大的外语角、名副其实的地球村。踏着石板路一路走走逛逛,累了坐下歇歇,渴了喝杯饮料,  相似文献   

Family love     
Everyone has his or her own family, no matter who he is, what he does, and where he lives, his families keep company with him all the time. Family is that you are always there for each other. You trust one another. You support each other. If you fight you end up making up in the end. Where there is family, there is love. To me, my grandma is the deepest love in my heart.  相似文献   

Moshe Talmon, author of Single Session Therapy and Single Session Solutions, spoke to Lil Cox, family therapist from Oakrise Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service at Launceston, when she caught up with him at the Inaugural Pan‐Pacific Family Therapy Conference in Melbourne, Australia in September 2001. He spoke about his early life, training, his research showing that clients can get what they need from one session, and his current approach to therapy. Finally, he gives his reasons for continuing to live and work in Israel.  相似文献   

We identify previously unnoticed ways in which agents can strategically distort allocation rules, by affecting the set of “active” agents. (i) An agent withdraws with his endowment. (ii) He gives control of his endowment to someone else and withdraws. (iii) He invites someone in and let him use some of his endowment. (iv) He pre-delivers to some other agent the net trade that the rule would assign to that second agent if that second agent had participated. In (i) and (ii), he and his co-conspirator may end up controlling resources that allow them to reach higher welfare levels than they otherwise would. In (iii) and (iv), he may end up with a bundle that he prefers to the one he would have been assigned had he not engaged in the manipulation. We show that (i) the Walrasian rule is not “withdrawing-proof”, nor “endowments-merging-proof, nor “endowments-splitting-proof”, but that it is “pre-delivery-proof”, and that (ii) canonical selections from the egalitarian-equivalence-in-trades solutions satisfy none of the properties.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the assassination of Guatemalan lawyer, Rodrigo Rosenberg, on 10 May 2009 and his videotaped accusation of the Colom administration, broadcast after his death. Rosenberg’s self-produced video testimony, and the ‘staging’ of his own death, opens up questions about the role of testimonio and theatricality as modes of political address. I argue that the spectacular politics of the Rosenberg video, while drawing from the testimonio genre and incorporating electronic media, mark a return to a baroque conception of politics.  相似文献   

The Catcher in the Rye made a great sensation when published in 1951.It was regarded as the banned book by many communities and schools,but was popular among teenagers.This paper intends to analyze the anti-heroism in this novel,and the comparison on rebellious psychology of nowadays juveniles.Anti-heroism is represented by the protagonist,Holden Caulfield,through his disgust on the hypocritical adult world,his disability in handling memory and reality,his contradictory value of growing up and maintaining his naiveté;And anti-heroism that reflects in the structure and language.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the image repair discourse by Chinese Health Minister Zhang Wenkang's discourse on SARS. The minister faced several accusations: the SARS outbreak was growing, the Chinese government had covered up the severity of this problem, the Chinese government ignored Taiwanese who suffered from SARS, and the Health Ministry provided information that was neither timely nor accurate. He employed several image repair strategies (denial, defeasibility, bolstering, minimization, differentiation, attack accuser, and corrective action). However, his messages were contradictory and apparently related on false information, so his efforts were unsuccessful and he was stripped of his office.  相似文献   

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