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林娜 《现代交际》2011,(4):130-130
图书情报工作是图书馆工作的重要组成部分。探讨图书情报工作今后的发展是摆在图书馆工作者面前的一项重要工作。随着我国各行各业的飞速发展,对各种情报信息的需求也越来越大,本文从提高图书情报人员的综合能力和情报信息服务的定位及如何开发符合当地经济的情报服务等多个方面,对情报服务工作做了深入探讨。  相似文献   

施亚夫,原江苏省建设委员会副主任。抗战时期受党的派遣,打入汪伪部队,任伪七师中将师长、伪34师参谋长、副师长,在新四军叶飞等人的指挥下,成功策划起义。我这个新四军情报人员变成汪伪中将师长自1930年16岁入党以来,我主要从事地下情报工作。1940年春天,汪精卫成立汉奸  相似文献   

吴慧婷 《现代妇女》2014,(11):411-411
播音与主持从业者是搭建在节目与听、观众之间的纽带,为传播良好的节目内容有着重要作用,同时又十分考验播音与主持从业者的心理素质。本文主要围绕播音与主持从业者应有的心理素质为中心,探索良好的心理素质对播音与主持从业者的积极影响,最后具体阐述播音与主持从业者应该具有的心理素质。  相似文献   

一段舞蹈的成功不仅在于舞蹈演员动作的优美,技术的熟练,更重要的是在于其良好的心理素质上。只有克服舞蹈演员自身的一些缺陷,才能使其注意力更加的集中,才能够更加出色的去完成每一个动作,去处理每一个细节。因此对于舞蹈演员来说,除了扎实的基本功需要训练以外,良好的心理素质也是其必修课之一。所以说舞蹈艺术的关键在于舞蹈演员是否有一个良好的心理素质。本文通过论述心理素质对于舞蹈演员的各种重要性和影响提出在日常训练和指导中,也应该把培养舞蹈演员的心理素质作为重中之重。  相似文献   

本文是从舞蹈演员的心理素质角度出发,分析在表演中良好心理素质的重要性以及其对舞蹈表演的影响。  相似文献   

廖海波 《职业》2011,(Z1):90-90
坚持正面教育、促进学生的心理健康、培养学生良好的心理素质是高校教育改革的重要任务。本文通过对大学生心理健康影响的调查和分析,找出促进大学生心理健康、培养良好心理素质的途径和办法。  相似文献   

舞蹈是一门实践性较强的艺术,舞蹈艺术的成败在于舞者能否通过自己的肢体动作表现出作品的情感。在舞者表演的过程中,良好的心理素质对舞台演出起着十分重要的作用。本文将从舞蹈表演心理素质的重要性方面,探讨怎样养成一个良好的心理素质,以帮助舞蹈演员成功的诠释作品。  相似文献   

温春继 《职业时空》2009,5(9):182-183
面对改革开放和现代化建设的艰巨任务,领导干部要做好工作,打开局面,抵制各种诱惑,取得事业成功,除了具有良好的政治素质和工作能力以外,还必须具有良好的心理素质。关注领导干部的心理健康,更好地培养领导干部的良好心理素质,对推进党风廉政建设、筑牢拒腐防变的心理防线很有意义。  相似文献   

王延安 《现代交际》2014,(5):183-183
本文介绍了心理状态对声乐表演效果的重要性以及加强演唱者心理素质的方法。提高演唱者对心理素质的重视程度,让良好的心理状态配合专业的演唱技巧达到完美的声乐表演效果。  相似文献   

学校教育越来越重视心理素质教育,在学校教育中进行心理素质拓展训练,对大学生的心理健康教育很有帮助.拓展训练教育是一种体验式教学,在训练的过程中可以提高学生的身体素质,帮助学生培养良好的心理情绪以及意志,是促进大学生心理素质健康发展的有效方法之一.  相似文献   


This research investigates the impact of emotional intelligence on counterproductive work behavior through examining the mediating role of organizational climate. Data were collected from 304 administrative employees working in nine private universities in Amman, Jordan. Validity and reliability tests were conducted using factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha. Research hypotheses were tested through multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling methods. Outcomes of the analysis indicate that there is a significant impact on the relationship between emotional intelligence and counterproductive work behavior. The research proposes several recommendations for managers to apply specifically in private universities, and/or in any type of sector in Amman- Jordan. It also laid the groundwork for future research.  相似文献   

The extant literature indicates that social work is a high stress profession owing to multifarious and complex demands of practice. There is also evidence of stress experienced by student trainees who aspire for a career in social work. Working with service users and the distressing life scenarios encountered on placement often involves negotiating complex emotions and requires reflective skills. Effective practice requires rapport building skills and the ability to demonstrate empathy is a core skill for effective practice. While there is a plethora of Western literature on these issues, the Indian literature has not adequately explored them. Framed against this background, this quantitative study collected data from students of all three years of their undergraduate social work course from a ‘women only’ college in India. Standardised instruments to assess empathy, reflective ability and emotional intelligence were administered. Statistical tests revealed a higher manifestation of these dimensions in final-year students than those in the first year. Further it was seen that the total emotional intelligence and empathy scores were positively correlated. Implications of these findings for the education and training of social work students has also been discussed in this article.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether lower emotional intelligence would be related to less self-efficacy to control gambling and more problem gambling and whether gambling self-efficacy would mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and problem gambling. A total of 117 participants, including 49 women and 68 men, with an average age of 39.93 (SD = 13.87), completed an emotional intelligence inventory, a gambling control self-efficacy scale, and a measure of problem gambling. Lower emotional intelligence was related to lower gambling self-efficacy and more problem gambling. Gambling control self-efficacy partially mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and problem gambling.  相似文献   

Surveying recent developments in management and work culture, computing and social media, and science and psychology, this article speculates on the concept of emotional extraction. Emotional extraction is defined in two ways. One iteration involves the transfer of emotional resources from one individual or group to another, such as that which occurs in the work of caring for others, but which also increasingly occurs in the work of producing new technology, such as emotionally aware computers. A second instance of emotional extraction entails the use of emotion knowledge – or theories about emotions, such as emotional intelligence – to generate conclusions or predictions about human behaviour. Emotional extraction in service work, management, marketing, social media, artificial intelligence, and neuroscience are discussed. ‘Mining the mind’ focuses in particular on emotional extraction that enhances both productivity and predictability, in turn tracing how emotionally extractive sites are implicated within the production and hierarchical valuation of difference – especially racial and gendered, but also neural difference – in everyday life. The article aims to offer scholars in cultural studies, as well as critical race theory, feminist theory, and critical disability studies, ways to think about this newly intensifying resource extraction and the intersections of culture, capital, and human experience that such extraction indexes and makes possible.  相似文献   

Two studies set out to provide information regarding social environment contexts of trait emotional intelligence. In an initial exploratory study, participants with higher emotional intelligence were associated with close others of high emotional intelligence. A second longitudinal study examined the effect of social environments comprising higher or lower emotional intelligence on changes in emotional intelligence of residents in these environments. This study assessed the emotional intelligence and subjective well-being of residents of colleges at the start of a semester and again three months later. A higher composite college residence emotional intelligence index predicted an increase in participants' emotional intelligence and positive affect. These effects were especially strong for first-semester residents. The results offer new information regarding social environment contexts of trait emotional intelligence and extend findings regarding contagion of emotion and transmission of individual differences in complex emotion processing.  相似文献   

Doctoral research into competence for social work practice engaged with 17 participants who drew upon their experiences of being practice educators and registered social work practitioners and the analysis of data suggested they identified a difference between competence to pass a final placement and capability for social work practice. Baseline social work knowledge, skills and values will enable a student to pass a final placement however, research data suggest that the individual’s approach to learning, emotional intelligence and resilience give confidence that they are more likely to be able to cope in a social work role. Practice educators intuitively recognise these characteristics and this article argues that in addition to working with students, practice educators are ideally situated to support individuals throughout their post qualifying social work learning journey.  相似文献   

Exploring the factors that contribute to sustainable forms of an intergenerational relationship is becoming an important conceptual and practical challenge, not least because of the growing need for an aged care workforce that is both motivated and suitably trained. Generational intelligence is a means of examining interaction between younger and older people which has been applied to community care settings. Dimensions of generational intelligence include recognising and valuing generational differences, finding common ground, plus negotiating social and practical outcomes from the situation. A case study plus a series of qualitative interviews are used to examine the value of this approach both as a means of exploring the processes involved in generational exchange and in providing recommendations for work preparation and training. It is suggested that intergenerational relations have been a missing factor in the understanding of sustainable care and that in future, service delivery should not simply be analysed as comprising professional and lay perspectives but also as containing generationally distinctive perspectives that require negotiation.  相似文献   

In today’s growing competition, organizations face shrinking innovation cycles, swelling customer expectations, and distributed talent which impels organizations to apply knowledge, skills, and experience of employees most effectively. Applying collective intelligence, i.e., the combined knowledge and expertise of a diverse group, has become the order of the day. Therefore, collective intelligence level of an individual is of immense importance for high performance and achievement of the goals. In the present research, an attempt is made to operationalize the components of organizational collective intelligence from working professionals. Specifically, an attempt is made to develop a scale to measure collective intelligence among 600 working professionals. The results were subjected to the robust measurement tools such as Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structures Equation Modeling to confirm the factor structure. The instrument resulted in four factors and a 17-item scale. The instrument can be used by the policymakers and human resource managers for selecting, harnessing, and retaining appropriate talent in the organization.  相似文献   

"屌丝"一词反映了当代青年对于社会现实和自身改变的一种无力的心理状态。作为2012年度最热的网络流行语之一,"屌丝"一词被当代青年争相认领,是认识当代青年心理状态和心理诉求的媒介。"屌丝"社会心态的具体表现为财富拥有的自嘲心态、追求爱情的无奈心态和改变现状的无力心态,这是受多元思潮、网络媒体、社会矛盾凸显的消极后果以及草根时代的自我认同焦虑的影响所致,因此,加强对青年的引导十分必要。  相似文献   

This article shows how the bio-ecological assessment system is applied in assessing a child’s cognitive intelligence beyond a psychometric intelligence test. The authors conceive of intellectual behavior as an inextricable bio-ecological phenomenon and argue for an assessment system consistent with this conception. The recognition that there are many types of intelligences (such as musical and bodily kinesthetic) is discussed. The article presents a cursory review ofhow to assess the other intelligences ofa child and how to incorporate this into a culturally sensitive report. A case sample via a psychological report demonstrating this model is presented with the goal of showing how the psychological status of minority children can be enhanced if ,psychologists adopt an integrated approach to assessment by way of a bio-ecological model. The case presented is that of a child with deficient cognitive functioning on the psychometric tests, but advanced functioning on the “Other Intelligence Assessment Measure.” Diagnostic impressions are given and implications for report writing and intelVentions are suggested.  相似文献   

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