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The major objective of the present research is to examine the long-standing theoretical proposition that hostility and discriminatory attitudes toward out-groups are likely to rise with relative size of the out-group population. Using data from The German General Social Survey (ALLBUS, 1996) we provide, for the first time, an examination of the impact of both actual and perceived size of the foreign population on discriminatory attitudes toward foreigners. Specifically, by using a multiple-indicators analytical model, we examine the theoretical proposition that perceived threat posed by an out-group population mediates the relations between size of the out-group and exclusionary attitudes toward the out-group. The analysis does not support the theoretical expectation that actual size of the foreign population in the locale is likely to increase either perception of threat or exclusionary attitudes. Perceived size, however, is found to be associated, as expected, with perceived threat, and perceived threat is found to mediate the relations between perceived size and support for exclusionary practices against foreigners—the higher the perceived size, the more pronounced are both the threat and anti-foreigner attitudes. The findings and their significance are discussed in the light of sociological theories on the relations between minority size and discrimination.  相似文献   

本文结合有关史料,对文学史研究者涉及较少的判词进行探讨。指出唐代是中国古代判词的成熟兴盛期,并结合唐代的社会历史状况,进一步详细论述,指出唐代所特有的注重判词写作的选官制度和文化风尚,直接促成了判词本身的成熟。  相似文献   

旅游电子商务发展迅猛,互联网购物平台的虚拟性和远程性强化了消费者感知风险,它也成为影响旅游电子商务发展的重要因素之一.文章聚焦消费者感知风险,运用SPSS 19.0及AMOS 21.0软件,构建以5个维度的感知风险为自变量、购买意愿为因变量、信任为调节变量的结构方程模型,探讨变量间相关关系.结果发现:感知风险对信任的影响差异较大,仅经济风险感知与信任呈显著负相关;感知风险对购买意愿总效应皆呈负相关;信任作为中介变量存在明显的调节作用,有效地降低了感知风险对购买意愿的负向影响.  相似文献   

Different instruments have been used to measure social support in epidemiological studies of which the most widely used is the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale (SSS-MOS). However, these studies lack measures of the level of social support on health risks. We used latent class analysis (LCA) to distinguish subgroups with different levels of perceived social support and tested the consistency of these subgroups by their associations with the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD). This is a cross-sectional study of 1013 mothers living in the city of Salvador, Brazil in which psychosocial data were collected through home visits using the SSS-MOS and the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20. For each dimension of social support analysed here, we selected models with two classes using LCA. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between participants’ perceived social support and the prevalence of CMD to verify the consistency of the groups defined by LCA. There was a clear difference in the reporting of perceived social support between those classified as high or low using LCA. The probability of perceiving several types of social support was lower in the subgroup classified as low level of social support (13.7–59.8%), and it was much higher in the group classified as high level of social support (84.3–98%). A greater prevalence of CMD was found among mothers with lower levels of social support. LCA seems to be a useful tool to improve measurement of perceived social support by separation into two levels in which the lower level is associated with an increased prevalence of CMD.  相似文献   

我国现行公司法规定的司法解散的事由、解散公司请求权的主体、司法解散的程序等方面仍然存在一些有待进一步完善的地方。就此问题展开研究,分析我国公司司法解散制度存在的问题,并提出解决的措施,以期对我国公司司法解散制度进一步完善。  相似文献   

在建筑施工领域,承包方将工程分包给不具备资质的自然人的情况普遍,而自然人又直接招用人员进行工作。在生产作业的过程中,若劳动者受到人身损害,到底应该由直接招用的自然人负责还是由发包单位负责,理论界观点不一。但在审判中却一味偏向了劳动者。文章从一则案例入手,分析承担用工主体责任与事实劳动关系的成立之间并不存在必然的联系。  相似文献   

The comprehensive social reform and relaxation of religious regulation in mainland China have encouraged scholars to propose a revival thesis of religion, predicting a rising prevalence of religious adherence in the Reform Era. This study extends the revival thesis by focusing attention on people's subjective religiosity, and investigates age, period, and cohort effects on the transition in perceived importance of religion from 1990 to 2012. Capitalizing on the repeated cross-sectional data of the China sample in the World Values Survey, this study shows that (1) The senior population, relative to the younger counterpart, attaches greater importance to religion. (2) The net period effect suggests that Chinese citizens' perceived importance of religion follows an upward trend by the early 2000s, but no significant growth is detected henceforward. (3) The cohorts who experienced the anti-religion Mao's Era in their adolescent life course stage have an evidently lower probability of viewing religion to be important, in relation to the cohorts of the Reform Era. Theoretical implications of the empirical age-period-cohort patterns for the religious economies theory and change of Chinese religious landscape are discussed.  相似文献   

社交媒体平台可以从“推-拉-系泊”方面进行有效管理,以满足用户需求,促进平台发展。基于前人的研究提炼相关变量,基于PPM(push-pull-mooring)理论框架,采用结构方程模型,使用227个有效样本对模型进行验证。研究显示,系统质量缺陷、信息质量缺陷和感知隐私风险等显著影响用户的负面性感知价值,对用户的转移意愿产生推动作用,替代品吸引力作为拉力因素显著影响转移意愿,转移成本作为系泊因素对习惯无显著影响,技术自我效能和社会影响作为系泊因素显著影响用户习惯,从而显著影响用户转移意愿,且转移意愿显著影响其转移行为。  相似文献   

Whereas prior research has focused on women’s access to managerial authority, an equally important question is the effect on subordinates’ careers when they report to a female boss. One line of thought suggests that female bosses act as change agents by fostering the careers of female subordinates, whereas the cog in the machine perspective suggests that female bosses either willingly or are constrained to promote men’s careers. Using data from the 2002 National Study of the Changing Workforce, analytic models of subordinates’ perceived job-related support from supervisors and advancement prospects were developed. Results were consistent with the cog in the machine perspective in that in contrast to women, men received more job-related support and were more optimistic about their careers when they reported to a female supervisor. Yet, given the paucity of research on this topic, more research (especially longitudinal studies) is needed to fully understand how supervisors affect subordinates’ careers.  相似文献   

我国新《公司法》在我国初步确立了股东派生诉讼制度,规定了对股东资格的限制,提起诉讼的前置程序以及提起诉讼所依据的理由。但是有关一些问题并没有在法律上明确规定,相关的一些理论问题也亟待澄清。有必要结合域外经验与诉讼法理论的新发展对这些问题进行探讨,并提出有益的建议。  相似文献   

为了实现公诉转自诉制度的理想功能,必须对其进行改造.建立审前程序性裁判机制,将重大、复杂案件的起诉决定权交给法官,由法官作出起诉与否的裁定;加强对自诉人取证的支持;建立、完善刑事被害人补偿制度;完善、扩大适用人民监督员制度.同时,赋予被害人选择适用程序的权利,或者申请程序裁判;或者直接提起自诉.二者只能选择其一,由被害人衡量.  相似文献   

首先对高校人力资本价值评价方法进行综述,然后基于实物期权定价理论进行了高校人力资本价值评价.将Black-Scholes 期权定价模型运用到人力资本评价中,文章结合某高校引进人才的实际情况,根据其工作业绩表现,确定出高校引进人才的人力资本价值波动率,并计算出人力资本的期权价值,该价值就是高校人才引进支持力度的主要参考值.基于实物期权的人力资本评价方法在高校人才引进中的应用,将为高校制定引进人才有关政策提供理论依据.  相似文献   

本文以国际社会对南京大屠杀早有定论为论点,用严谨的逻辑证明阐述了国际社会对侵华日军南京大屠杀罪行认定的合法性和有效性.重申:南京大屠杀的历史定论不容篡改和否认.  相似文献   

随着威客模式应用的不断成熟与用户数的不断扩大,威客交易过程中交易率低的问题也逐渐暴露出来.为分析威客模式下发包方的感知风险对交易完成的影响,以及发包方感知风险的前置因素,在已有文献的基础上结合威客模式的特殊性,构建了发包方感知风险模型.提出了在威客模式下,发包方的感知风险由感知经济、感知时间、感知服务和感知心理四个维度构成,并影响着威客网站上的交易完成.此外提出假设,网站的真实性、便捷性、安全性等影响着发包方的感知风险.通过运用针对威客和发包方的调查问卷数据,对研究假设作了检验,结果表明所提研究假设在整体上成立.  相似文献   

陶婷 《学术探索》2014,(8):46-49
判后答疑是一定历史条件下解决大量涉诉信访案件的司法政策,在处于转型期的中国社会中,短期内有助于降低申诉、上访率。自最高人民法院提出在全国法院系统大力推行判后答疑制度之后,判后答疑制度已在全国各级法院陆续试行。但是因其固有的缺陷和功能弊端,长期坚持判后答疑会有损于司法权威。司法机关应将司法制度创新的重心由诉讼外的司法政策转移到诉讼内的制度完善上来,通过充分利用判前说理制度、心证公开制度等来增强判决的可接受性,才能真正使当事人服判息讼,案结事了。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the mechanisms why education is rewarded vary across countries. Do educational institutions affect the likelihood that support for a particular mechanism is found? Combining IALS survey data and OECD statistics on educational institutions, it was shown that the effect of measured skill on earnings - controlled for educational attainment - is lower in countries where educational institutions produce skills relevant for work through the vocational system. This indicates that the human capital perspective on education works particularly well in vocationally oriented educational systems, as the skills generated in education are strongly overlapping with the skills that are rewarded. An alternative mechanism sees education as a means for social closure through credentialization. Under the credentialization model, education is not primarily rewarded for the productivity-enhancing skills it entails, but rather for reasons unrelated to productivity. Following this theory education is used for selection into the organization, after which directly observable skills are determining wages. Assuming that a strongly differentiated educational system creates boundaries between social groups, it is hypothesized that strongly differentiated systems lead to stronger measured skill effects. We do not find support for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

何孝子案是发生于明弘治朝的血亲复仇案。就该案自身而言,其诸多细节影响着判决的走向;从司法运作角度论,案件暴露了在高度强化的皇权体制下司法运作模式存在的诸多弊端。该案从案牍材料变为道德教材,则体现了中国古代独特的法律文化。  相似文献   

网络视频已成为重要的内容传播方式,但现有研究少有关注其对疾病的呈现方式与呈现特征。通过确定入选标准和内容编码,对优酷网跨度10年的220个肺癌视频进行分析。研究表明,视频普遍存在信息不权威、不科学与不充分现象。自媒体和非专业的个体是视频发布主体,科学的筛查建议、社会支持、患者实际生存状态等内容极少出现,不同发布来源在健康信念模式要素呈现上存在显著差异。为此,建议加强对媒介平台的融合使用,强化信息呈现形态与内容设计,加强网络平台的内容审核等。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze an interorganizational resource network involving three resources—information, money, and support-and a broad range of 73 organizations in a medium size American community. Mutuality is strongest for information flows, and weakest for money flows. “Multiplex” patternings—flows of two media in the same direction—are found for all three pairs of resources, while “exchange” effects—flows of two media in opposite directions—involving information and money, and information and support, but not money and support, are also indicated. Moreover, the tendencies toward symmetry in the information and support networks are accentuated in the presence of one another. The analysis suggests that information flows play a crucial role in conditioning the flows of the other resources, and that they may be a precondition to the establishment of more elaborate interorganizational networks.  相似文献   

Establishing electoral legitimacy across the population is vital for democratic stability, yet in contrast to other measures of political support, perceived electoral fairness has received scant scholarly attention. Moreover, while research into other measures of political support has shown that they differ by both ethnicity and socio-economic status, no study examines both at once, potentially overlooking important interrelationships between the two variables. This paper combines data from the Ethnic Power Relations project and the World Value Survey to examine respondents’ perceptions of electoral fairness according to their ethnic group’s access to power, their individual socio-economic status, and the intersection of these two. It finds that one’s ethnic group’s political status does affect perceived fairness, but that the effect interacts strongly with one’s socio-economic status. Poorer members of non-represented ethnic groups have significantly lower perceptions of fairness, while richer members’ perceptions do not differ from those of represented groups. The results suggest a levelling effect of socio-economic status on ethnic inequalities.  相似文献   

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