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李剑文 《学术探索》2003,1(3):37-40
我国刑事诉讼立法所确立的犯罪嫌疑人如实陈述制度 ,以及时查明犯罪事实为其基本价值取向 ,以犯罪嫌疑人如实陈述义务为本位 ,旨在加强侦查能力 ,同时注重保障犯罪嫌疑人基本权利。但是由于在配套制度设置上的缺陷 ,往往造成对犯罪嫌疑人权利的忽视和侵害。为此 ,有必要从衡平侦查能力和辩护能力的角度 ,对其进行改革和完善。  相似文献   

ObjectivesWhile a great deal of attention has been given to the 1990s crime drop, less is known about the more recent decline in homicide rates that occurred in several large U.S. cities. This paper aims to explore whether these represent two distinct drops via statistical evidence of structural breaks in longitudinal homicide trends and explore potentially differing explanations for the two declines. Methods: Using homicide data on a large sample of U.S. cities from 1990 to 2011, we test for structural breaks in temporal homicide rates. Combining census data and a time series approach, we also examine the role structural features, demographic shifts, and crime control strategies played in the changes in homicide rates over time. Results: Statistical evidence demonstrates two structural breaks in homicide trends, with one trend reflecting the 1990s crime drop (1994–2002) and another trend capturing a second decline (2007–2011). Time series analysis confirms previous research findings about the contributions of structural conditions (e.g., disadvantage) and crime control strategies (e.g., police force size) to the crime drop of the 1990s, but these factors cannot account for the more recent drop with the exception of police presence. Conclusions: Although both structural conditions and crime control strategies are critical to the longitudinal trends in homicide rates over the entire span from 1990 to 2011, different factors account for these two distinct temporal trends.  相似文献   

传统刑事司法制度把对罪犯的刑事制裁视为社会正义的最终实现,同时强调对犯罪嫌疑人合法权益的保护,以期实现程序正义和实体正义的双重价值,但往往忽略了对刑事被害入的权益保护。在当前打击犯罪与保护人民同等重要的理念下,刑事被害人的权益保护问题备受关注。恢复性司法作为传统刑事司法的有益补充,对保护被害人的权益有着积极影响,如何通过恢复性司法保护刑事被害人权益也已成为刑事司法的重要命题。  相似文献   

对转型期中国犯罪实际发案情况的估测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以联合国犯罪受害调查和公安部的立案不实调查为依据,对我国1978年以来犯罪的实际发案情况进行了估测。考虑到有许多犯罪案件发生后受害人没有报案以及立案不实顽症的客观存在,我国的犯罪问题实际上比以立案数为标准的统计值所反映的情况要严重得多。2004年全国犯罪发案数、犯罪率分别达到约2348万起、1800起/10万人,分别比同年犯罪立案数统计值 (471.8万起)和犯罪率统计值(363起/10万人)高4倍。不过,我国的犯罪率仍然低于世界平均水平。  相似文献   

随着新刑诉法的实施,更加注重保障人权开始体现在我国刑事诉讼制度中。其中,为合理限制自由裁量权,科学确立基准刑实现刑罚个别化,我国刑事司法实践正在积极探索量刑工作的创新和改革,目前最为突出的成果是规范裁量权,将量刑建议纳入法庭审理程序。量刑建议的规范化之路是让在庭审环节控辩双方针对量刑建议问题展开充分辩论,合议庭在判决时对量刑建议采纳与否的说理,对个案的量刑进行全方位的考查,一方面有利于保障犯罪嫌疑人的诉讼权利,另一方面还有利于准确、及时惩罚犯罪,进一步推进我国量刑规范化改革向纵深处发展。  相似文献   

网络治理的“最大变量”在技术服务犯罪化的“最大增量”中呈现张力。信息网络犯罪的技术基础性、技术归责和主体归责的边界混同,导致技术服务犯罪参与处罚范围扩张、司法认定缺乏定型性。例外、常规、中立模式的归责方案存在理论缺陷。以新型网络犯罪独立说为代表的独立归责模式存在法益保护、构成要件、罪量标准的解释障碍,网络黑灰产业链的组织架构并未改变网络帮助行为的违法从属性。主体关系反向认定行为关系的“基础犯罪事实-辅助犯罪事实”区分之中,行为不法层面的技术服务行为具有事实、规范、程序的双重从属性,结果归责兼具参与性和独立性,实现罪责自负原则下的罪刑均衡。  相似文献   

The Hispanic population is now the largest and fastest growing minority in the United States, so it is not surprising that ethnic threat linked to Hispanics has been associated with harsher crime control. While minority threat research has found that individuals who associate blacks with crime are more likely to support harsh criminal policies, the possibility that this relationship exists for those who typify Hispanics as criminal has yet to be examined. Using a national random sample, this study is the first to use HLM to find that perceptions of Hispanics as criminals do increase support for punitive crime control measures, controlling for various individual and state influences. Moderated and contextual analyses indicate this relationship is most applicable for individuals who are less apt to typify criminals as black, less prejudiced, less fearful of victimization, politically liberal or moderate, not parents, and living in states with relatively fewer Latin American immigrants.  相似文献   

Despite popular commentary claiming a link between immigration and crime, empirical research exploring this relationship is sparse. Especially missing from the literature on immigration and crime is a consideration of how immigration affects rates of crime at the macro-level. Although individual-level studies of immigrant criminality and victimization tend to demonstrate that immigrants typically engage in less crime than their native-born counterparts, the effect of immigration on aggregate criminal offending is less clear. In this research, we attempt to address this weakness in the literature by examining the effects of aspects of immigration on crime rates in metropolitan areas. We combine 2000 US Census data and 2000 Uniform Crime Report data to explore how the foreign-born population influences criminal offending across a sample of metropolitan areas. After controlling for a host of demographic and economic characteristics, we find that immigration does not increase crime rates, and some aspects of immigration lessen crime in metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

黎宏伟 《理论界》2014,(10):74-77
2012年新修订的《刑事诉讼法》增加规定了"犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件违法所得的没收程序",对于符合一定条件的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件,在不对人定罪的情况下,单独对违法所得予以没收,顺应了我国反腐、反恐的形势需要,完善了这方面的刑事诉讼立法。新刑诉法以四个条文规定了没收所得违法程序,分别为程序的启动、受理及公告、审理及裁定、回转,但新刑诉法对于该程序的案件范围和证据制度等方面需要完善。  相似文献   

从我国最高人民法院和最高人民检察院近两次的工作报告数据入手,阐释了我国刑事立法上的缺陷,探讨完善贪污贿赂犯罪刑事立法需要及时调整腐败犯罪的定罪量刑标准,完善没收财产刑,并进一步针对罪质增设罚金刑和资格刑的对策,有效遏制贪污贿赂犯罪,达到良好的法律效果和社会效果的统一。  相似文献   

有关伪证罪的处罚规定,中外刑法理论界一般认为,由于被告人本人在现行刑事诉讼制度下不能成为证人,因此,不能成为该罪的犯罪主体。同样,有关窝藏、包庇罪的处罚规定,中外刑法理论界一般也认为,犯罪人本人不能成为该罚的犯罪主体。但是,犯罪人本人教唆他人为自己作伪证或要求帮助窝藏、包庇时,作为教唆犯能否成为处罚的对象,在大陆法系的刑法理论界则有激烈的争论。另外,由于大陆法系部分国家的刑法有近亲属藏匿、包庇犯罪人不构成窝藏、包庇罪的特别规定,因此,这一问题变得更加复杂。  相似文献   

Data from the 1% 1980 Census Public Use Sample are used to estimate the determinants of employment and wage rates for out-of-school male youths residing in central cities. Separate calculations are undertaken for white, black, and Hispanic youths. Independent variables include individual, family background, and local labor market characteristics. Three basic findings emerge. First, racial inequality persists, with whites showing the best outcomes, Hispanics second, and blacks at the bottom. Second, underlying these unequal outcomes are rather different patterns of effect for personal and family characteristics by race. Note-worthy here is the Hispanic pattern of low reliance on schooling and high reliance on family. Finally, net of these effects, intercity differences are interesting and important. These include negative effects of city size and race composition effects which show white gains where blacks and Hispanics are a larger share of the population.  相似文献   

Whereas there is a burgeoning literature focusing on the spatial distribution of crime events across neighborhoods or micro-geographic units in a specific city, the present study expands this line of research by selecting four cities that vary across two macro-spatial dimensions: population in the micro-environment, and population in the broader macro-environment. We assess the relationship between measures constructed at different spatial scales and robbery rates in blocks in four cities: 1) San Francisco (high in micro- and macro-environment population); 2) Honolulu (high in micro- but low in macro-environment population); 3) Los Angeles (low in micro- but high in macro-environment population); 4) Sacramento (low in micro- and macro-environment population). Whereas the socio-demographic characteristics of residents further than ½ mile away do not impact robbery rates, the number of people up to 2.5 miles away are related to robbery rates, especially in the two cities with smaller micro-environment population, implying a larger spatial scale than is often considered. The results show that coefficient estimates differ somewhat more between cities differing in micro-environment population compared to those differing based on macro-environment population. It is therefore necessary to consider the broader macro-environment even when focusing on the level of crime across neighborhoods or micro-geographic units within an area.  相似文献   

当前刑法理论学派之争正在趋于折衷,对共同犯罪中止的认定也应该通过主客观相结合的路径来适应世界刑法理论的发展趋势,在强调客观方面的同时,关注共犯的主观努力,同时对共犯的中止行为提出一定的要求。依据牧野英一"因果的共犯理论",共同犯罪中止的成立条件应从因果关系理论的视角来构建,即时间性、自动性、脱离性。  相似文献   

This work examines connections between two threads of community residents’ perceptions of local police legitimacy, effectiveness and procedural fairness, and how those links depend on race, place, and race/place combinations. Previous works have connected these two threads, but have failed (a) to explore the variability of that connection by race, place, and race/place combinations across communities spanning the urban to suburban to rural continuum or (b) to model mutual influence. An extension of the group position thesis and work on minority views of police practices suggest how these variations might be patterned. Data were derived from a 2003 probability-based sampling survey of household respondents across Pennsylvania (n = 1289). Generalized confirmatory factor analysis models built procedural fairness and effectiveness indices for four groups: whites in urban core counties, non-whites in urban core counties, whites in non-urban core counties, and non-whites in non-urban core counties. Non-recursive structural equation models revealed variable impacts of perceived police effectiveness on perceived police fairness and, to a lesser extent, of fairness on effectiveness. Implications for a more structurally and contextually aware understanding of links in police legitimacy models are developed.  相似文献   

犯罪本质一元论把社会危害性作为犯罪的唯一本质特征,把应受刑罚惩罚性看做社会危害性和刑事违法性的当然结果,不仅使得犯罪三特征之间的逻辑关系存在矛盾,而且不能科学地解释犯罪与犯罪构成、犯罪与刑罚之间的关系。重新认识应受刑罚惩罚性的含义,把应受刑罚惩罚性作为犯罪的主观特征,把社会危害性作为犯罪的客观特征,即犯罪本质二元论,不仅使犯罪三特征之间的逻辑关系更加严密,而且能科学地解释犯罪、犯罪构成、刑罚等诸范畴之间的关系。  相似文献   

杨河  陈建军 《云梦学刊》2013,34(2):76-79,160
刑事审后程序包括判决生效后的一系列程序,即刑事执行程序、被害人保护程序、前科消灭程序等,不包括审判监督程序。为了弥补我国刑事审后程序权力分散、职责不明的缺陷,应当由司法行政机关统一行使刑事执行权,由人民法院行使刑事执行中的裁判权及前科消灭的裁判权,完善刑事审后程序中的被害人保护制度。  相似文献   

关于缩减刑法分则"法定犯"罪名的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑法分则过多规定"法定犯"不符合现代刑法"省刑"、"谦抑"思想,法治社会不是条文越多越好.刑法有自身的调整范围.不是所有的行政违法行为发展到严重程度就都构成犯罪.现行刑法中许多"法定犯"的社会危害性和行为人的主观恶性达不到犯罪程度,甚至不属于犯罪的性质.法定犯使空白罪状过多实际上把部分刑事立法权变相地交由行政机关行使.与立法法的精神相悖.基于以上考虑,建议大幅缩减刑法分则"法定犯"罪名.  相似文献   

聚众淫乱罪的非犯罪化与犯罪化存在争议。从规范的方面分析本罪的犯罪构成特征,将本罪分为秘密型与公然型两种,并对区分秘密与公然的标准提出意见。从法理方面,分别对两种行为类型进行分析:从刑法介入道德的准则角度,分析两种类型违背的伦理道德;从刑法谦抑角度,分析两种行为类型是否符合刑法宽容性、补充性、经济性。结论是秘密的聚众淫乱行为应当非犯罪化,公然的聚众淫乱应当犯罪化。  相似文献   

Concerns about a digital divide persist and recent calls have been made for understanding how lifestyles influence Internet adoption and use. Online criminal behaviors have drawn attention from law enforcement, but diffusion of innovation theory suggests higher propensities for crime, particularly street crime, reduces the likelihood of Internet use. Drawing from this theory and research on the role of street criminal lifestyles on technology adoption, this study examined patterns of Internet use among a sample of 585 individuals at-risk for and involved in street crime. Results from our logistic and negative binomial regression analyses lead to two general conclusions: (1) compared to research on the general population, similar predictors and lower rates of Internet participation and usage are observed, and (2) mixed evidence suggests participation in criminal lifestyles contributes to digital inequality. The results support a theory of technological diffusion to marginalized populations. We conclude by discussing the expansion of technology, digital inequality, and crime.  相似文献   

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