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1996 To Readers     
AT the golden season of 1995, women and guests from all over the world gathered in Beijing. The UN Fourth World Conference on Women was a complete success. The Conference approved the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, both aiming at accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women. This will definitely exert a positive and profound influence on the international women's course in the future. Reporters of Women of China magazine went to the  相似文献   

China's Women's Volleyball Team won a gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, which made it the first sports team from China to win Olympic gold. Chen Yueling was China's first race walker to win Olympic gold.Chen competed at the Barcelona Games in 1992. Ma Yanhong,born in Beijing on March 21,1964,was the first Chinese gymnast to win  相似文献   

Women's development is a process. It is also a process to await the Fourth World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing in 1995, a process to further mobilize women from various countries to gain equality between the sexes and to take a part in social development. The second international seminar on women's studies was held from November 23 to 26, 1993, at Beijing University in preparation for this day. Some 100 women researchers from Australia, Bangladesh', Canada, the United States, England, Malaysia and Japan, as well as Hong Kong and China participated in the event. It was one of the most lively and active seminars held during this process. To take prompt action in development was a common nderstanding of the participants.  相似文献   

Women Carry Olympic Torch Atop Qomolangma两位女队员参加珠峰圣火传递The Olympic torch reached the top of Mt Qomolangma,known as Mt Everest in the West and the world's highest peak,shortly after 9 am(Beijing time)on May 8.It was an emotional—and  相似文献   

MEMBERS of the audience listening to the melodious melody coming from the keyboards were unable to believe that the pianist had studied piano for only two months. The event was a special piano recital held on one June Sunday afternoon in the auditorium at the Dongcheng Normal School in Beijing. The pianists, the oldest 61 and the youngest 22, were al adult students at the Bao Huiqiao Piano Center, the first center in the country named after the famed Chinese pianist who serves as chairperson of the board. One performer, 61-year-old He Jiyuan,  相似文献   

The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games(BOCOG)unveiled an ethereal,yet dynamic,torch design on February 4,to mark the one-year countdown to the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.  相似文献   

1 2008 Beijing Olympics Emblem Unveiled北京奥运会徽正式公布The official emblem for the 2gth Olympic Games.tobe held in Beijing in 2008.was presented to the worldat Qinian Hall of Temple of Heaven in Beijing onAugust 3.The emblem has been called"DancingBeijing."It resembles a red Chinese seal,which is  相似文献   

The Beijing neighborhood of Zhongguancun is considered China's Silicon Valley. After ten years of rapid devel-opment, it has hewn out a dominant position for itself in respect to computer markets, technology and labor force. Even on an average day, the famous "Computer Street" attracts a large number of visitors and consumers, but at a recent computer fair, the crowds were even larger. The purpose of the festival was to encourage computer use in homes and offices, to further promote the development of high-tech production and to keep pushing the modernization of information in China. The once-a-year computer festival will probably become a new custom in Chinese people's lives.  相似文献   

IN the beautiful autumn of 1995, women from all over the world gathered at the NGO Forum of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing to discuss the ugly topic of "women and violence." An American woman said angrily that domestic violence was "as common as giving birth to babies." She denounced the prevalence of the violent behavior that was hidden in families and called upon the participants to strive for women's dignity and safety. The participants all recognized that domestic violence had become a global  相似文献   

《我国家庭教育指导服务现状调查报告》发布 Initial findings are in and, based on the survey's results, the Chinese Government plans to play a greater role in the guidance of family education across the nation. The Chinese Family Education Guidance Service Report was released -- by officials from the China Family Education Society (CFES), the Department for Children of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and the China National Children's Center (CNCC) during a news conference in Beijing, on September 15.  相似文献   

The Beijing silk figurine is a traditional Chinese handicraft. It originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and has been around for more than 1,000 years. It is called a silk figurine because all parts of the handicraft are made of highquality Chinese silk. The figurine comes in sizes ranging from 16-46 centimeters to suit many decorating tastes. If you look closely you will find that the head and hands are quite exquisite, and the clothes and ornaments are true to lire. The process of making a figurine includes dozens of steps, from sculpting to painting, sewing to doing inlay work. The subjects of Beijing silk figures are wide-ranging and come mostly from Chinese  相似文献   

IN order to understand the family situation of Beijingers, the Research Office of Family and Marriage under the Research Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences conducted a large-scale random survey. It was conducted in eight urban and rural areas of Beijing, where researchers collected information on 1,920 cases from 48 neighborhood committees of 16 residential districts. The interviewers devised a way to interview people in their homes and had them fill out forms at the same time. These very typical examples reflect the changing views Beijingers have about family life during the process of urbanization and industrialization in recent years.  相似文献   

IN April of 1996, Kui Yuanyuan, a core member of the Chinese Gymnastics Team, won the only gold medal for the Chinese team at the World Gymnastics Championships in Puerto Rico. It was also the first gold medal for China in international women's floor exercises. Pretty and lively Kui Yuanyuan delivered another outstanding performance on behalf of the Beijing Team at the Eighth China National Games in 1997. Gauging from the enthusiastic response of the audience, she has  相似文献   

FOREIGNERS who have been to Beijing are probably familiar with the Beijing International Hotel near the main railway station. It's the four-star hotel where I work as a chief cook. My job is to manage nine kitchens—both Chinese and Western. I have been a chef for 34 years. After graduated from school in 1964, I studied Chinese cuisine for three years. I believed that it was a job worth doing. In the past, people looked down on this occupation; they thought it was a low-class job because cooks were always serving other people. I, however, found the job very interesting. After all, I reasoned, everyone needs to eat. If we could make eating into a kind of art or a science, eating could become an act of culture. People engaged in the food industry treat the act of eating with a respect that most people cooking at home do not feel. But for those of us who work in prestigious hotels whose guests come from all over the world and have different customs and tastes, it is our job to put the Chinese cooking cultu  相似文献   

Ten Chinese women were named "Models of the Year" during an annual awards ceremony on December 9, 2013, in Beijing. The Women Media Awards ceremony was sponsored by lady. 163.com and the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN- Women). It was the first event of its kind in China, which has made a commitment to the promotion of gender equality and women's progress in various sectors.  相似文献   

The Beijing Wine Expo will be held in the Badaling International Convention Center, at the foot of the Great Wall in Yanqing County, Beijing, from July 29-31, 2014. The expo is part of the llth International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, which is widely referred to as the "grape Olympic Games" by experts and producers in the international grape sector.  相似文献   

After years of preparation and months of tense anticipation, China has realized the dream to hold an Olympic game! On the night of the announcement, Beijing exploded into a celebration of pride and joy—fireworks burst in the air, and people poured out of their apartments and into the plazas to share their happiness. The next day, work continued on the renewing of Beijing, because making the 2008 Olympic Games successful is not only important to the Beijingers but to all Chinese people. Representing all of China as  相似文献   

CCTF, Nestle Team Up to Improve Health of Newborns, Women
The China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), on April 22, 2014, received a donation of 30 million yuan (US $4.9 million) from Nestl6 China to fund a project aimed at improving the health of women and newborns in China. The donation was made in Beijing. The project, entitled "1,000 Days Action for Newborn and Maternal Health," is intended to raise public awareness of the significance of the 1,000 days from conception to a child's second birthday, through various types of publicity and training. It is also intended to improve the nutrition of newborns and their mothers.  相似文献   

Memories of Home     
COUPLES invited to participate in the '96 Beijing Golden Wedding Anniversary for the World's People's Tour stayed in the Shangri-La Hotel in western Beijing. The large contingent included Chen Dong and his wife Zhang Shujie. Shortly after arriving, one segment of a TV program featuring a Canadian woman recounting her experiences in China in the Chinese language aroused the attention of Zhang Shujie. That woman said she was born in Beijing at a time when her family lived at No.47 Waijiaobu Street. Zhang muttered to herself: "It's No.32 and not No.47." Zhang suddenly remembered  相似文献   

The star-studded movie, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. directed by famous Hollywood director. Ang Lee. made quite a stir at this May's Cannes Film Festival. Despite commendable performances by stars,Chow Yun-fat and Michelle Yeoh. a young actress from Beijing, Zhang Ziyi. stole the show. Crouching Tiger was Zhang's s second movie. Zhang Ziyi. the latest hot talent to arrive on the Chinese film scene. has always been good at making moves. A student of Beijing Dance School(studying Chinese traditional dance). she won best performer at the National Young Dancer competition. but turned down dancing for the movies When asked her reasons she said she had become frustrated with dancing. feeling there was not much future in  相似文献   

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