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Bennett, D., Fox, C, Jowell, T., & Skynner, A. C. R. Toward a family approach in a psychiatric day hospital.
Blechman, E. A., Olson, D. H. L., & Hellman, I. D. Stimulus control over family problem-solving behavior: The family contract game.
Butler, J. F. The toilet training success of parents after reading "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day."
Dell, P. F., & Appelbaum, A. S. Trigenerational enmeshment: Unresolved ties of single-parents to family of origin.
Kalter, N. Children of divorce in an outpatient psychiatric population.
Kelly, J. B., & Wallerstein, J. S. Divorce counseling: A community service for families in the midst of divorce.
Kelly, J. B., & Wallerstein, J. S. Brief interventions with children in divorcing families.
Klein, M. H. Feminist concepts of therapy outcome.
Krell, R., & Miles, J. E. Marital therapy of couples in which the husband is a physician.
Leiber, L., Plumb, M. M., Gerstenzang, M. L., & Holland, J. The communication of affection between cancer patients and their spouses.
Rubenstein, R. Briefing on inner space.
Strean, H. S. The extramarital affair: A psychoanalytic view.
Turkel, A. R. The impact of feminism on the practice of a woman analyst.
Wincze, J. P., Caird, W. K. The effects of systematic desensitization and video desensitization in the treatment of essential sexual dysfunction.
Wyatt, G. E., Strayer, R. G., & Lobitz, W. C. The treatment of sexually dysfunctioning couples of Afro-American descent.  相似文献   

Davenport, Y. B., Ebert, M. H., Adland, M. L. & Goodwin, F. K. Couples group therapy as an adjunct to Lithium maintenance of the manic patient.
Erickson, M. H. & Rossi, E. L. Autohypnotic experiences of Milton H. Erickson.
Goldman, J. & Coane, J. Family therapy after the divorce: Developing a strategy.
Kinney, J. McC, Masden, B., Fleming, T. & Haapala, D. A. Homebuilders: Keeping families together.
Power, P. W. The adolescent's reaction to chronic illness of a parent: Some implications for family counseling.
Ro-trock, G. K., Wellisch, D. K. & Schoolar, J. C. A family therapy outcome study in an inpatient setting.
Sager, C. J. A typology of intimate relationships.
Schuman, S. H., Jabaily, G. C. & Samuelson, D. C. Life events in a family with life threatening illness.
Soper, P. H. & L'Abate, L. Paradox as a therapeutic technique: A review.
Weisfeld, D. & Laser, M. S. Divorced parents in family therapy in a residential treatment setting.  相似文献   

Noller, P., Feeney, J.A. (Eds.). Understanding marriage: Delopment in the study of couple interaction.
McCarthy, B., & McCarthy, E. (2003). Rekindling desire: A step-by-step program to help low-sex and no-sex marriages.
Lipehik, E. (2002). Beyond Technique in Solution-Focused Therapy.
Kaslow, F. W., & Magnavita, J. J. (Eds.). (2002). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy: Vol. 1. Psychodynamic/object relations.
Kaslow, F. W., & Patterson T. (Eds.). (2002). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy: Vol. 2. Cognitive-behavioral approaches.
Feindler, E. L., Rathus, J. H., & Silver, L. B. (2003). Assessment of family violence:Ahandbook for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Carl, D. (1990). Counseling same-sex couple.
Walker, G. (1991). In the midst of winter: Systemic therapy with families, couple, and individuals with AIDS infection.
Mirkin M. (Ed.). (1990). The social and political contexts of family therapy.
Schaefer, C., & Briemeister, J. (Eds.). (1989). The handbook of parent training.
Perelberg, R.J., & Miller, A.C. (Eds.). (1990). Gender and power in families.
Kaslow, F. W. (1990). Voices in family psychology (Vol.1).
Kaslow, F. W.(1990). Voices in family psychology (Vol.1).
Brown, E. (1991). Patterns of infidelity and their treatment.
Moultrup, D.J. (1990). Husbands, wives, and lovers: The emotional system of the extramarital affair.
Williams, J.M., & Kay, T. (Eds.). (1991). Head injury: A family matter.
Furstenberg, F., Jr., & Cherlin, A.(1991). Divided families: What happens to children when parents part.
Besharov, D. (1990). Recognizing child abuse: A guide for the concerned. Burt, M. (Ed.). (1989). Stepfamilies stepping ahead: An eight-step program for successful family living.
Divorce Support Services, Inc. (1991). Answers:A divorce/separation survival handbook.
Wettheimer, A. (1991). A special scar: The experiences of people bereaved by suicide.
Jesse, R.C. (1990). Healing the hurt: Rebuilding relatinships with your children; a selfhelp guide for parents in recovery.  相似文献   

Freedman, B. J. & Rice, D. G. Marital therapy in prison: One-partner "couple therapy."
Gutheil, T. G. & Avery, N. C. Multiple overt incest as family defense against loss.
Hanks, S. E. & Rosenbaum, C. P. Battered women: A study of women who live with violent alcohol-abusing men.
Hooper, D., Roberts, F. J., Hinchliffe, M. K., & Vaughan, P. W. The melancholy marriage: An inquiry into the interaction of depression, I. Introduction.
Hinchliffe, M. K., Vaughan, P. W., Hooper, D., & Roberts, F. J. The melancholy marriage: An inquiry into the interaction of depression, II. Expressiveness.
Lennard, S. H. C. & Lennard, H. L. Architecture: Effect of territory, boundary, and orientation on family functioning.
Mendelbaum, A. A family centered approach to residential treatment.
Rudestam, K. E. Physical and psychological responses to suicide in the family.
Sigal, J. J., Lasry, J. C., Guttman, H., Chagoya, L., & Pilon, R. Some stable characteristics of family therapists' interventions in real and simulated therapy sessions.
Johnson, C. L. & Johnson, F. A. Attitudes toward parenting in dual-career families.
Rhodes, S. L. A developmental approach to the life cycle of the family.
Schwartzman, J. Systemic aspects of abstinence and addiction.
Walker, K. N., Rogers, J., & Messinger, L. Remarriage after divorce: a review.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Boyd-Franklin, Nancy. Black families in therapy: A multisystems approach.
Ho, Man Keung, Intermarried couples in therapy.
Treadway, David C. Before it's too late: Working with substance abuse in the family.
Szapocznik, J.& Kurtines, w. Breakthroughs in family therapy with drug-abusing and problem youth.
Kantor, D. & Okun, B.F. (Eds.). Intimate envrionments: Sex, intimacy and gender in families.
Draper, T.W., & Marcos, A.C. Family variables: Conceptualization, measurement, and use.
Touliatos, J., Perlmutter, B.F., & Straus, M.A. (Eds.). Handbook of family measurement techniques.
Compher, J.V. Family-centered practice: The interactional dance beyond the family system.
Tolan, P.H. (Ed.). Multi-systemic structural-strategic interventions for child and adolescent behavior problems.
Clark, L. The time out solutin.
Mayor, A. How to stay lovers while raising your children: A burned-out parents' guide to sex.
Caplan, P. J. Don't blame mother–mending the mother-daughter relationship.
Presser, J. Inspiring parenthood.
Yablonsky, L. Fathers and sons: The most challenging of all family relationships.
Delis D. & Phillips, C. The passion paradox: Patterns of love and power in intimate relationships.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Todd, T. C., & Selekman, M. D. (Eds.). (1991). Family therapy approaches with adolescent substance abusers .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Edwards, J. T. (1990). Treating Chemically dependent families: A practical systems approach for professionals .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Scharff, D. E., & Scharff, J. S. (1991). Object relations couple therapy .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Brendler, J., Silver, M., Haber, M., & Sargent, J. (1991). Madness, chaos, and violence: Therapy with families at the brink .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Sperry, L., & Carlson, J. (1991). Marital therpay: Intergrating theroy and practice .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Kaslow, F. W. (Ed.). (1990). Voices in family psychology .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Wiseman, J. M. (1990). Mediation therapy: Short-term decision making for couples and families in crisis .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Gale, J. E. (1991). Conversation analysis of therapeutic discourse: The pursuit of a therapeutic agenda .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Geffen, M. S. (1989). Guide to Computerized patient account systems .
SELF-HELP: Napier, A. Y. (1990). The fragile bond .  相似文献   

McDaniel, S. H., Hepworth, J., & Doherty, W. J. (1992) Medical family therapy: A biposychosocial apprach to familees with health problems .
Walsh, F.,& McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (1991). Living beyond loss: Death in the family.
Edelwich, J., & Brodsky, A.(1991). Saexual dilemmas for the helping professional(2nd ed.).
Skynner, R. (Ed.). (1990). Explorations with families: group analysis and family therapy.
Weiner-Davis, M.(1992). Divorce busting: a revolutionary and rapid program for stayin together.
Powell, E.(1991). Talking back to sexual pressure: What to say to resist persuasion, avoid disease, stop harassment, and avoid acquaintance rape.
Albert, G., & Michael, S.(1991). No-fault living.
Emmons, M.L. & Alberti, R.E (1991). Accepting each other: Individuality and intimacy in your loving relationship.
Misflwy, J., & Midgley, S.V. (1990). Partners on a journey: A support structure for the newly married.
Bilofsky, P., & Sacharow, F. (1991). In laws/outlaws: How to make lpeace with his family and yours.
Disabilty in the Family and Disability in the Family Part II: Assessment.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Becvar, Dorothy S. & Becvar, Raphael J. Family therapy: A systemic integration .
Clarkin, John F., Haas, Gretchen L., Glick, Ira (Eds.). Affective disorders and the family: Assessment and treatment .
Robin, A. L. & Foster, S. L. Negotiating parent-adolescent conflict: A behavioral family systems approach .
Scharff, Jill Savege (Ed.). Foundations of object relations family therapy .  相似文献   

Professional Books: Minuchin, S., & Nichols, M. P. (1993). Family healing: Tales of hope and renewal from family therapy.
Professional Books: Small, R. F. (1990). Maximizing third-party reimbursement in your mental health practice.
Professional Books: Shenson, H. L. (1990). The contract and fee-setting guide for consultants and professionals.
Professional Books: Lachkar, J. (1992). The narcissistic/borderling couple: A psychoanalytic perspective on marital treatment.
Professional Books: Charny, I. (1992). Existential/dialectical marital therapy: Breaking the secret code of marriage.
Professional Books: Brothers, B. J. (Ed.). (1991). Virginia Satir: Foundational ideas.
Professional Books: Kaufman, E., & Kaufmann, P. (1992). Family therapy of drug and alcohol abuse (2nd ed.).
Professional Books: O'Hanlon, W. H., & Martin, M. (1992). Solution-oriented hypnosis.
Professional Books: Bryant, D., Kessler, J., & Shirar, L. (1992). The family inside: Working with the multiple.
General Interest Books: Wolin, S. J., & Wolin, S. (1993). The resilient self: How survivors of troubled families rise above adversity.
General Interest Books: Baber, K. M., & Allen, K. R. (1992). Women and families: Feminist reconstructions.
General Interest Books: Thorne, B., with Yalom, M. (1992). Rethinking the family: Some faminist questions (rev. ed.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Hoffman, L. (1993). Exchanging voices: A Collaborative approach to family therapy.
Durrant, M. (1993). Residential treatment: A cooperative competency-based approach to therapy and program design.
Neidhardt, E., & Allen, J. (1993). Family therapy with the elderly.
Waters, D. B., & Lawrence, E. C. (1993). Competence, courage, and change: An approach to family therapy.
Browning, B. J., & Browning, C. H. (1993). How to partner with managed care.
Fincham, F.D., Fernandes, L. O., & Humphreys, K. (1993). Communicating in relationships: A guide for couples and professionas.
Hiebert, W., Gillespie, J., & Stahmann, R. (1993). Dynamic assessment in couple therapy.
Friedman, S. (Ed.) (1993). The new language of change: Constructive collaboration in therapy.
Dym, B., & Glenn, M. (1993). Couples: Exploring and understanding the cycles of intimate relationships.
Moore, T. (1994). Soul mates: Honoring the mysteries of love and relationship.
Craig, J. (1993). Little kids, big questions: Practical answers to the difficult questions children ask about life.
Blau, M. (1993). Families apart: Ten keys to successful co-parenting.
The Lover's Guide: Advanced Sexual Techniques and The Lover's Guide: Better Orgasms . (1993).  相似文献   

McGoldrick, M., (Ed.). (1998). Re-visioning family therapy: Race, culture, and gender in clinical practice .
Minuchin, P., Colapinto, J., & Minuchin, S. (1998). Working with families of the poor .
Tasker. F. L., & Golombok, S. (1997). Grouping up in a lesbian family: Effects on child developement .
Marsh, D., & Magee, R. (1998). Etbical and legal issues in professional practice with families .
Freeman, J., Epston, D., & Lobovitz, D. (1997). Playful approaches to serious problems .  相似文献   

Gustafson, J.P., & Cooper, L. W. The modern contest: A systemic guide to the pattern that connects individual psychotherapy, family therapy, group work, teaching, organizational life, and large-scale social problesms.
Henggeler, S.W.& Borduin, C.M. Family therapy and beyond: A multisystemic approach to treating the behavior problems of children and adolescents.
Elizur, J., & Minuchin, S. Institutionalizing madness: families, therapy and society.
George, K. The adoption option: A practical handbook for prospective adoptive parents.
Landgraf, J.R.Singling: A new way to live the single life.
McCarthy, B. & McCarthy E. Couple sexual awareness.
Marlin, E. Relationships in recovery: Healing strategies for couples and families.
Miller, S., Wackman, D., Nunnally, E., & Miller, P.(1988). Connecting instrucdtor manual.
Miller, S., Wackman, D., Nunnally, E., & Miller, P.(1988). Connecting skills workbook.
Miller, S., Wackman, D., Nunnally, E., & Miller, P.(1988). Connecting with self and others.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Conway, Flo & Siegelman, Jim. Snapping: America's epidemic of sudden personality change,
Davitz, J., and Davitz, L. Making it: 40 and beyond.
Hinchcliff, Mary K., Hooper, Douglas, and Roberts, F. John. The Melancholy Marriage — Depression in Marriage and Psychosocial Approaches to Therapy.  相似文献   

REVIEWS:Kasser, T., & Kanner, A. D. (Eds.). (2004). Psychology and Consumer culutre: The struggle for a good life in a materialistic world.
REVIEWS:Hargragve, D., & Pifitzer, F. (2003). The new contextual therapy: guiding the Power of give and take.
REVIEWS:Silverstiein, L. B., & Goodrich, T. J. (Eds.). (2003). Feminist family therapy: Empowerment in social context.
CLARIFICATION:The review of Kaethe Weingarten's book Common Shock-Witnessing Violence Every Day: How We are Harmed, How We Can Heal, by Charette Dersch (Journal of marital and Family Therapy,  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Professional Books: Akamatsu, T. J., Stephens, M. A. P., Hobfoll, S. E., & Crowther, J. H. (Eds.). (1992). Family health psychology.
Professional Books:Macy, J. (1991). Mutual causality in Buddhism and general systems theory .
Professional Books:McNamee, S., & Gergen, K. J. (Eds.). (1993). Therapy as social construction .
Professional Books:Grove, D. R., & Haley, J. (1993). Conversations of therapy: Popular problems and uncommon solutions .
Self-Help Books:Barth, J. (1993). It runs in my family: Overcoming the legacy of family illness .
Self-Help Books:Sachs, B. E. (1992). Things just haven't been the same: Making the transition from marriage to parenthood .
Self-Help Books:Becker, M. R. (1992). Lost touch: Preparing for a parent's death .
VedioTaps: Conversation with a Blended Family: A Burning Qestion; An Interview with Harry Goolishian . (1993).
VedioTaps: Sex, Love, and Babies . (1993). (Videotape of how having a baby changes the relationship between parents).
VedioTaps: Learning Disabilities: A Parent's Guide . (1993). (Videotape of information for parents, mental health professionals, and educators regarding the process of diagnosing a learning disability and establishing an individual education program).  相似文献   

Schwartzberg, N., Berliner, K., & Jacob, D. (1994). Single in a married world. Krasner, B.R., & Joyce, A.J.(1995). Truth, trust relationships: Healing interven-tions in contextual therapy. Glandding, S.T. (1995). Family therapy: History, theory, and Practice. Caplan, S., & Lang. G.(1995). Grief's Courageous joueney: A workbook. Araoz, D. L., & Carrese, M.A. (1996). Solution-oriented brief therapy for adjustment disorder. Murphy, M.J., illustrated by S. H. Kravitz. (1996). Popsicle fish. Atkins, D., & Powell, M. (Eds.). (1994). From the heart:Men and women write their private thoughts about their married lives. Levant, R.F., with Kopecky, G. (1995). Masculinity reconstructed:Changing the rules of manhood-at work, in relationships, and in family life. Lewis, J.M. (1996). The monkey-rope: A Psychotherapist's refections on relationships. Van-si, L., & Powers, L. (1994). Helping children heal from loss-A keepsake book of special memories. Levin, L., & Bellotti, L. (1992). You can't hurry love:An institute look at first marriages after 40. Who's in the Kitchen: Helping Men Move Towards the Center of Family Life. Good Mother? Bad Mother?: A Dissolving Dilemma. (1994).  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Dreunlin, D., Schwartz, R., & MacKune-Karrer, B. (1992). Metaframeworkds: Transcending the models of family therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ammerman, R. T., & Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1992). Assessment of family violence: A clinical and legal sourcebook.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Potter-Efron, R., & Potter-Efron, P. (1991). Anger, alcoholism, and addiction: Treating individuals, couples, and families.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Duncan, B., L., & Rock, J. W. (1991). Overcoming relationship impasses: Ways to initiate change when when your partner won't help.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hoorwitz, A. N. (1992) The clinical detective: Techniques in the evaluation of sexual abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Snider, M. (1992). Process family therapy. Needham Heights
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Campell, D., Draper, R., & Huffington, C. J. (1991). A systemic approach to consultation.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Colby, A., & Damon, W. (1992). Some do care: Contemporary lives of moral commitment.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Pasick, R. (1992). Awakening from the deep sleep: A powerful guide for courageous men.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Couples: The Relationship Game. (1992). (A series of weekly contents designed to be played by partners in a relationshp over a period of one year).
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Ziegler, R. G. (1992). Homemade books to help kids cope.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Margulies, S. (1992). Getting divorced without ruining your life.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Packer, A. J. (1992). Bringing up parents: The teenager's handbook.  相似文献   

Gerson, M. J. & Barsky, M. For the new family therapist: A glossary of terms. American Journal of Family Therapy .
Gunderson, J. G., Kerr, J. & Englund, D. W. The families of borderlines. Archives of General Psychiatry .
Mandelbaum, A. Family characteristics of patients with borderline and narcissistic disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic .
Liddle, H. H. On teaching a contextual or systemic therapy: Training content, goals and methods. American Journal of Family Therapy .
Pope, K. S., Schover, L. R. & Levenson, H. Sexual behavior between clinical supervisors and trainees: Implications for professional standards. Professional Psychology .
Robinson, B. & Thurnher, M. Taking care of aged parents: A family cycle transition. The Gerontologist .
Watzlawick, P. & Coyne, J. C. Depression following stroke: Brief, problem-focused family treatment. Family Process .  相似文献   

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