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Ralph Ellison's novel,Invisible Man,has won high praise ever since its publication in 1952. A poll of literary critics in 1965 selected his book as the most distinguished novel of the previous twenty years. It tells about a Southern Negro who leaves the South,sickencd by racial prejudice and the hypocritical attitude towards whites of his Negro  相似文献   

In our daily life, we come across many things, a flower, a bird, a vase, or a picture, for example, without seeing them, or to be exact, without paying them any special attention. To ordinary eyes, they are what they are. But to the sharp, sensitive eyes of a poet, every object has its own beauty, and carries a message deeper than what it seems to do. Through his artistic work, the poet reveals to us the beauty and truth that are hidden from our mediocre eyes, and enables us to enjoy the beauty and see the truth that nature endows to its creations. An American critic once said,"All art is  相似文献   

Sterilizing and drving Chinese traditional honey pills (diameter 20mm) and their packages with a Radio-Frepuency electronic field' The output of the Radio-Frequency source is 500 watt,the frequency is 35MHz,the process time is from 3 to 12 minutes. After a once-through treat ment, total of germs decreases from 13000 Per gram,sterilizing rate is 90% ; total of fungus de creases from 160 per gram to 20 per gram,sterilizing rate is 87. 5%,moisture content of honey pills decreases to below 15%,and the treated packages will not mould.Using Radio-Frequency electric field and Radio-Frequency magnetic field in the organic syn thesis, there are features such as temperature rising quickly & evenly,no sudden ebullition .reacting peacefully, utilizing reactants adequately,and no pollution to the environment,etc, it may be ex panded to be used in industrial manufactuing Make experiments as following:①Use parallel-piate capacitor to couple a Radio-Frequency electric field,its output power of Radio-Frequency is 500 watt and its frequency is 35MHz (megacycle),synthesizing PhNHCOCH3 with it, the productivity is 57. 2%,close to the that of the regular synthesis, 63. 3%,The produc tivity can be greatly improved if reaction container of better function is manufactured.②Use inductance to couple a Radio-Frequency magnetic field,its output power of Radio-Fre-quency is 500 watt,and its frequency is 34MHz(mega hertz),Adopt the Skraup reaction,to synthe size o-aminophenol (C5H7NO) and glycerol (C3H3O3 ) etc. into 8-hydroxynuinoline (C9H7NO), its productivity is 84. 6% .superior to that of the regular synthesis,68. 2%.  相似文献   

介绍俄罗斯作家伊凡*阿列克谢叶维奇*蒲宁的生平及其主要作品,展示作家当时较为复杂的创作思想和作品的独特风格,概括和总结蒲宁小说的艺术特点。,This essay tells us about the Russian aut hor, Ivan. Alexselvich. Bulin, his life and his main works. It also shows the a uthors complicated creative ideas and the special styles of his works. And it summarizes the artistic characteristics of Bulin's novels.  相似文献   

Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) won his international fame with hisThe Great Gatsby,which was published in 1925 but has always been somethingnew and exciting to literary critics and readers of many countries.His successfulportrayal of Jay Gatsby has made the fictional character a household name,alegendary figure,a symbol,and a modern American Don Quixote.The story takes place in the early 20’s.America was then booming in thereestablished international order after World War I,yet it could hardly afford to  相似文献   

Little Jack asks his mother to tell him a very very long story,or he is notgoing to bed.So his mother begins to tell him like this.There is a very big old house,and thers is some rice in it.One day abird goes into the house and comes out with apiece of rice.Then another birdgoes into the house and comes out with a piece of rice.Then a third bird goesinto the house and comes out with a piece of rice.Then a fourth bird…Thena fifth bird…“Stop,stop!I want to go to bed.”Jack says.阅读自评译…  相似文献   

Generally, Coleridge's poems are mainly divided into two groups:one is to use common Language to depict commom things and common people; the other is to use unique imagination to describe supernatural things. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"belongs to the second group. Some critics blame Coleridge for his lack of morals in this poem, but in fact,this poem contains lots of morals, as Coleridge himself said.Coleridge succeeds in exploring the theme of sin and punishment by his rich imagination and by the depicting of supernatural things. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge intentionally built a symbolic world of the supernatural wind, the bird, the sun, the moon ,the ship and the sea. All these symbols serve to develop the theme of Fall and Redemption, and play so important a part in the poem that we even can take it as a symbolic poem. In the following pages, I am going to devote to the functions of the supernatural wind in particular. Coleridge bestows the wind with a great deal of supernat  相似文献   

The tagmemic linguistic theo ry is one of the most influential schools of the present-day linguistic disciplines,With its emphasis on tagmemes as the basic grammatical unit.Developed out of the tradition of American Structuralism,it differs,however,considerably from its predecessor in a number of important ways.This article aims to explore the fundamental,yet important notions essential to tagmemic analysis relative to its past and present,and attempts to bring to light Some of the major points that are often difficult to come to grips with for beginners.  相似文献   

The metaphysical poetry,as a rather influential literary school,plays a momentous andpredominant part in eariy seventeenth century English literature.The marked quality ofmetaphysical poetry,as practiced by Donne and his successors,is their philosophical subtlety orintellectual rigor,while the quintessence of which consists in its peculiar blend of thought andpassion of realistic violence and meditative refinements.Doctor Johnson accused the metaphysical  相似文献   

The job of teaching is one of the most important careers that exist in this modern day in which we live. It is much more than a job. It is a vocation with it the connotation of a call upon an individual's life to sacrifice all that he has, and is in order to shape the lives of those who have been entrusted to his care. The teacher, though highly regarded and respected, is still one of the lowest paid professionals anywhere in the world. This is sad, but true. An individual seeking to amass a  相似文献   

Issues caused by different social cultures A clulture has a close connection with a particular language and plays an improtant role in the learn-ing and teaching of it.As we know,every nation has its own culture and the cultures of nations of theworld,generally,are different from each other.Owing to the disparities in culture,to people whospeak different languages,a word or phrase used to express good intention may surprise or irritate peo-ple;a common sentence can sometimes amuse one person greatly and cause laughter,but‘strange e-nough',it can be too,dull enough in the eyes of another person with different culture background.  相似文献   

hysical Education,Quanzhou Normal Institute,Quanzhou 362000,China)It has been found that the winner in a Sanshou Competition conquers his opponent by reasonably using his fists-and-feet combination technique instead of merely using a single action.It needs a long period of training time to cultivate this kind of technique,with which the implementing a  相似文献   

One of the literary aspects of Russian Formalism is the concept of defami-liarization.It can be defined as:a renewed awareness of reality achievedthrough new word combinations,images, symbols, metaphors, and word struc-tures. Language is made strange or unfamiliar through this process. Whatmakes literary works powerful and everlasting is its differences from full reality.As Victor Shklovsky puts it, art defamiliarizes things that have become habitualor automatic. Though Russian Formalism stresses too much the importance ofform, it has laid a foundation for modern structuralism and helps develop semio-tics. The concept of defamiliarization is well appreciated and successfully used  相似文献   

李先生在自己的院子里挖了一个洞,放了三百元钱在里面。然后他写了一张字条留在那儿:此地无银三百两。王二是李先生的邻居。他看到了字条,知道那儿有三百元钱。所以他把钱偷走了。他也写了张字条,上面写着“隔壁王二不曾偷”。Mr Li digs a hole in his yard and puts 300 yuan in it. Then he writes a note and leaves it there. There isn't 300 yuan here.W ang Er is M r Li’s neighbour.H e sees the note and heknow s there is300yuan there.So he steals the m oney.H e w ritesa note,too.It reads,W ang Er,the neighbour…  相似文献   

Short as it is,Silas Marner is regarded as one of George Eliot’s most popularnovels.This novel,with its c1ear stream of thought,compact structure and deepphilosophical and moral insight into human life,does great credit to its authoras a gifted novelist in 19th-century English literature.Like most of Eliot’s other works,Silas Marner is highly didactic,written witha method characterized by an overt presence of the author as a narrator andcommentator to express her own outlook on life and on the world.But the teach-  相似文献   

System dynamics, founded by professor Forrester at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1956, is a discipline which analyzes and studies the system of information feedback. Basic views of theories of system dynamics distinctively show its dialectical characteristics. More attention should be paid to the features of complicated nonlinear systems. The model simulation of system dynamics is a kind of structure-function simulation. One of the remarkable advantages of system dynamics is that it can handle problems of high order, nonlinear and multiplefeedback system.  相似文献   

Matt returned to the table with fresh coffees,Joe tore the top page from his notepad and handed it to him.Matt saw a few simple notes arranged in two"Let's start with what Action Selling says about the first decision you have to make:what to sell,"Joe said.He tapped his pen on the chart's right-hand column.  相似文献   

唐朝浪漫主义诗人李白对月情有独钟,一生写了三百多首与月有关的诗作。本文以其中的三首咏月诗为基点,探讨了李白的艺术技巧,从而得出结论:李白咏月诗的美学价值在于感情的真实深沉与艺术表现手法的自然清新。,The great poet romantic Libai is very fond of the moon, he wrote more than 300 poems about it. Starting with the analysis of his three lyrics about the moon, the author makes a brief exploration into his artistic techniques. From the discussion about the three poems and several others, the author draws a conclusion that the artistic value of Libai's poems lies in their honesty and depth in emotion, and naturality and freshness in artistic form.  相似文献   

英语及物动词(Transitive verb)后面跟有宾语。宾语(object)通常是以名词、名词词组或相当于名词的结构表示的。传统语法学家认为:从意义上讲.宾语是动词动作的承受者。如:He bought abook last week.在这里 a book 承受动词 bought的动作。但是,还有大量的宾语,它们并不是动词动作的承受者,有的甚至是动词动作导致的一种结果。如:He made a hole on the ground.有的是动词使用的工具或手段,例如:He struck his hand upon  相似文献   

(Test Book)SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A:Spot DictationDirections:In this part of the test,you will hear a passage and read the same passage withblanks in it.Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape.Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember youwill hear the passage ONLY ONCE.  相似文献   

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