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Sheltered Housing and Community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the role of sheltered housing following the introduction of new community care arrangements in 1993 and examines the continuing uncertainty about its exact role as community care continues to develop. It reports on a study conducted in Shropshire, using a postal survey and interviews with older people and service professionals. The study highlights the importance of sheltered housing for older people, particularly in relieving them of concerns about maintenance and repairs, social isolation and security. These factors were crucial for their overall peace of mind and quality of life. While only a small proportion of tenants received help under social services' community care arrangements, the additional support, monitoring and service coordination provided by wardens helped some of them to remain in sheltered housing when residential or nursing home care might otherwise have been necessary. Sheltered housing was overwhelmingly popular with older people — but their satisfaction was closely associated with the availability and quality of the warden service. Although sheltered housing is not currently in vogue in housing policy, the paper argues that it plays a vital role in local provision for older people and needs to be more closely integrated into community care policy, while at the same time preserving the characteristics that make it popular with its residents.  相似文献   

The community care reforms which followed the 1989 White Paper "Caring for People"were apparently focused on addressing the needs of people requiring long-term care, and on achieving improved outcomes and better quality of life.
The agenda set out by the White Paper was for community care in the next decade and beyond. Half way through this decade, we question the extent to which the objectives of promoting choice and independence for users and carers have been achieved. The paper draws particularly on a programme of monitoring conducted jointly by the Nuffield Institute for Health and the King's Fund, based on national and local focus groups meeting over a two-year period. It proposes a framework for evaluation which consists of four components: the definition of desired outcomes; specification of service systems necessary to deliver such outcomes; promotion of access to services; and the development of supporting operational policies and resource allocation mechanisms.
This framework offers a substantial step beyond much of the monitoring of the community care reforms which has taken place to date. This has assessed progress largely in terms of the establishment of new systems and processes. We conclude that such changes were essential building blocks for delivering better-quality community care services, and in the short term it may have been legitimate to view their establishment as proxies for progress towards delivering user-centred services. However, monitoring and evaluation should now be increasingly oriented towards ensuring that these changes are in fact producing the desired service outputs and urn outcomes. We propose that our framework offers one such way forward.  相似文献   

International literature on community care tends to focus on the national level of welfare institutions and policies. However, community care is largely a locally tailored service and this paper makes a case for local comparisons of community care policies. Using local case studies from Finland and Britain, the paper argues that focusing on the local level contributes to the comparative study of community care in two ways. First, local comparisons highlight the often distinctively local nature of community care policies and thereby add to our understanding of community care. Second, local comparisons extend existing cross‐country explanations of community care by showing that community care is largely shaped by local politics, together with indirect structuring by national contexts. As such, the local case studies highlight the importance of the relationship between policy and politics, which has often been neglected in comparative research.  相似文献   

This article suggests it is important to unpack the notion of "empowerment" in community care so that the position of those who provide "hands-on" care is scrutinised alongside the empowerment of "users" of care. The particular case of the forthcoming Direct Payments legislation, whereby disabled people will be able to opt for cash rather than services and become employers of personal assistants, is considered. It is argued that both employers and employees in these care relationships are likely to be on low incomes, that the work is likely to be insecure and possibly unregulated, that there might be a problem of labour supply, and that in the long run, this form of employment might generate hardship for the workers so employed. Other forms of reconciling the interests of both users and "carers" are considered.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of public services by harnessing the self‐interest of professionals in state agencies have been widely debated in the recent literature on welfare state reform. In the context of social services, one way in which British policy‐makers have sought to effect such changes has been through the “new community care” of the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. Key to this is the concept of care management, in which the identification of needs and the provision of services are separated, purportedly with a view to improving advocacy, choice and quality for service users. This paper uses data from a wide‐ranging qualitative study of access to social care for older people to examine the success of the policy in these terms, with specific reference to its attempts to harness the rational self‐interest of professionals. While care management removes one potential conflict of interests by separating commissioning and provision, the responsibility of social care professionals to comply with organizational priorities conflicts with their role of advocacy for their clients, a tension rendered all the more problematic by the perceived inadequacy of funding. Moreover, the bureaucracy of the care management process itself further negates the approach's supposedly client‐centred ethos.  相似文献   

Social care policy for older people in England continues to generate extensive discussion around the need to break with the past and to deliver a personalized response to need. This article explores the extent to which this represents a complete break with the past by looking at four key reports from the past, namely the Rucker Report (1946 ) on the break up of the Poor Law, the Seebohm Report (1968 ) on the personal social services, the Griffiths Report (1988 ) on community care and The Royal Commission on Long Term Care ( Sutherland Report, 1999 ). Each is interrogated in terms of how social care is defined, how services are to be delivered, how quality is understood and the assumptions made about who will be able to access services. This analysis is used to draw out key continuities in policy assumptions such as the primacy of family and the ongoing debate about ‘What is social care?’ and how it can be distinguished from health care. The article also argues that the voluntary sector has always been seen as a ‘key player’ in social care. Finally, the analysis of the four reports is used to trace the ever changing role of local authorities in the planning, purchase and provision of social care services for older people.  相似文献   

Integrating volunteers into social care is widely expected but rarely successful in practice. This paper discusses how the Community Care Centre Plan organising community volunteers to provide services to the elderly in Taiwan. This plan successfully integrated social workers and volunteers in a national system to offer service in local communities, showing a systemic practice of community care and a unique case of community-based and volunteer-based service. The purposes of this paper are to introduce the programme design and to understand how to integrate the mission of social workers and volunteers’ performance. The governmental policy and requirements, the role of social workers and the provision of voluntary community service which contributed to form the system were examined in this paper.  相似文献   

New Labour’s project of modernization has involved thepromotion of interlocking ideas about active citizenship andnew modes of democratic engagement combining to produce whathas described as ‘participative governance’. Concernsabout legitimacy, a ‘democratic deficit’ and theneed to shift power and responsibility to the ‘citizen’have led to the emergence of a range of new deliberative foraand democratic processes. This has led to debates about howto ensure that social diversity can be represented in the decision-makingprocess. A challenge has been how to engage with the issuesof an ageing population and represent older people in all theirdiversity. In recent years, there have been growing calls toextend advocacy rights to older people living in residentialcare. Mostly, this has been to ensure that as consumers, theyhave a fuller say in how their service is run. Older care homeresidents are service users but, as persons, should not be reducedto this role only; they are also citizens in the broadest senseand should not be cut adrift from debates at the national, localand community levels on issues that concern them. This paperexamines how the moves to bring older people into deliberativedemocratic processes have tended to focus on those in their‘Third Age’. Those in institutional settings, beingin the ‘Fourth Age’, occupy a much more marginalposition. This effective disenfranchisement is yet another reasonwhy, for many, the move into residential care—a difficulttransition for a variety of reasons—becomes regarded asthe ‘last refuge’. It contributes to the sense ofloss of identity, lowering of self-esteem and a reduced senseof personhood. This article accepts that there should be moreeffective involvement of care home residents in decision makingabout their personal care. However, there are dangers in adoptinga too narrowly consumerist approach. This can reinforce a reductionistview of care home residents simply as ‘service users’—aform of ‘othering’ in itself. As citizens and membersof a wider community, they should be included in consultationsabout any community and wider political debates that affectthem. Such a proposal implies a widening and deepening of advocacyservices available to this group. As most older people in residentialcare are there following the intervention of a social care professional,then ensuring that they have access to advocacy must surelybe a key task. This paper argues that this is frustrated bythe lack of suitable services. Without a significant investmentby the Government in independent advocacy services, not onlyis the social work task with one of social care’s coreclient groups rendered impossible, but the Government cannotdeliver on its own agenda of empowerment, active citizenshipand inclusion.  相似文献   

Facing Up to Underfunding: Equity and Retrenchment in Community Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Local social services departments in the UK are expected to distribute their cash-limited budgets for community care in ways that achieve an equitable allocation of resources in situations where, with present levels of funding, they cannot meet all the needs with which they are presented. This paper discusses a case study of the introduction of a "needs-based" formula to allocate a local authority's budget for home care services and a follow-up survey to investigate whether services reached the people intended to benefit. The article argues that the "gatekeeping" role of community care assessments is important to safeguard equity without the inflexibility of highly standardized tests of eligibility. However, with the new Labour government seeking to reduce dependency on public expenditure, and a growing lobby for national standards of social care, it will be increasingly important that local authorities justifiy their different practices with evidence about how they relate to local needs.  相似文献   

This paper challenges prevailing notions of community and community care. It exposes some of the confusions associated with current thinking and offers a more realistic interpretation, drawing upon the roots of the idea of community. By this standard, genuine community care is to be regarded as an alternative to state welfare, which it might serve to replace or complement.  相似文献   

政府在社区服务中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文立足于中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第六次全体会议作出的《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》中关于社会管理的论述,阐述了社区服务的基本概念,认为社区服务是社区社会工作和公共服务的集合体,它兼有社区社会工作和公共服务的双重属性。在界定概念的同时,论述了社区服务具有福利性、系统性、民本性、互助性、互补性和多样性的特点,并具备排忧解难、协调整合、调解预防、社区稳定的功能。因此,提出政府在社区服务中的作用是:制定社区服务政策、制定社区服务目标、拉动公民参与社区服务、建立社区服务的合作关系、作为社区服务责任的主体。  相似文献   


This article illustrates the concept of reciprocity in the context of immigrant families. It recommends that definition of reciprocity account for exchanges beyond the immediate family, and render visible the simultaneous location of older people as care recipients and providers, and care arrangements across generations, borders, community, and time. Adopting a critical ethnographic study on the aging and care experiences of older Filipinos in Canada, this article analyzes data from extended observations and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 18 older people, 6 adult children, and 13 community stakeholders. Findings highlight the unique configurations of care among the Filipino community whereby older people engage in care exchange as active participants across intergenerational, transnational, and fictive kin networks.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research funded by the Nuffield Foundationexploring the role of lay assessors in the care home inspectionprocess in England and Wales. Lay people have been includedin many care home inspections for the past decade. Similar layinvolvement is included in other public service inspectionssuch as the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspectionsof schools. The Board of the short-lived National Care StandardsCommission (NCSC) controversially decided to dispense with suchlay involvement in the inspection process. The replacement body,the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), intends toinclude lay people in the inspections of support services inthe community but is hesitating about reintroducing them intocare home inspections. This research project was able to explorethe role taken by lay assessors in thirteen inspections of carehomes for older people and for adults with learning disabilities.The research concluded that lay assessors had a significantrole in communicating with residents and staff and observingcare home life. Their role was particularly important, as inspectorswere often so involved in paperwork and checking policy compliancewith the national minimum standards that they were often ableto spend little, if any, time talking to residents or staff.It is argued that there is considerable potential for a strengthenedrole of lay people in the care home inspection process.  相似文献   

This article presents findings on 4 themes associated with the personalization of social care for older people: integration of health and social care services; initiatives that prevent the need for more costly interventions; services to maintain people at home; and systems that promote choice, control, and flexibility. The quantitative study utilized data from a national postal survey conducted in England. Findings suggest variable progress regarding the range and style of support available to older people. These are discussed in the context of service integration, community-based services, and consumer-directed care. Implications for service development and future research are highlighted.  相似文献   

South Africa's approach to care provision in the era of HIV/AIDS is home‐ and community‐based care, but in reality care for ill people in the home is provided on an unpaid basis, predominantly by women. But how much do they spend on this care work, in time and money? And what economic consequences does this policy have, particularly for poorer women? This article is based on findings from a study that focuses on unpaid care provision within the home for those in late‐stage HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa, and specifically on the costs of such provision. The findings show that female caregivers are bearing the bulk of the costs of care provision for ill people within the home on an unpaid basis. Home‐based care is cost‐effective for the provincial government but not for unpaid caregivers who are subsidizing the provincial economy. While hospital care for people with HIV/AIDS has been capped, home‐based care services have not been increased to a commensurate level. Unpaid caregivers and ill people within the home are largely disconnected from the health system. The analysis clearly shows that the home‐based care policy is not resulting in appropriate or sufficient support for these individuals in need and needs to be revised.  相似文献   

纪茜  尹保华 《社会工作》2011,(18):34-36
社区公共服务是社区服务主体,在以人为本理念指导下,为了满足社区的公共需求,为全体社区居民提供的社会公共服务。对社区公共服务的含义进行探讨,不仅有利于社区公共服务实践的发展,也能够在一定意义上推动社区公共服务理论的发展;同时,社区公共服务概念的提出及其理论研究的发展,是在社会学、社会政策、社会工作、社区发展、公共管理等学科或理论界域内的本土化理论成果的具体体现。  相似文献   

This paper examines policy and practice regarding the purchase of alcohol for older clients of home carers in three local authorities in the Greater London area. Data were gathered from interviews with home carers and their managers, focus group discussions, and a postal survey. None of the local authorities had a written policy or written guidance on alcohol purchase or on appropriate responses to the identification of problematic drinking in older clients. The findings illustrate the problem of balancing "rights" and "risks" within a philosophy of community care which emphasizes client choice and autonomy, and show how policy and practice are "tailored" by local contexts. It is suggested that both home carers and other domiciliary workers, as well as their older clients, could benefit from a clear code of practice regarding responses to alcohol consumption and problematic drinking by older people.  相似文献   

Social services authorities in the UK are increasingly involved in charging and fee collection activities with clients in receipt of community care services. This article explores the implications of these developments for elderly people with dementia. The starting point of the article is a critique of existing legal and administrative options for handling other people's money, including the difficulties and dilemmas raised for both paid and unpaid carers by the existing arrangements. This is then related to the failure of charging and fee collection systems which have developed as a result of the community care reforms to address the particular needs of elderly people with dementia. A case study of policies in one local authority is outlined and this is followed by the presentation of the view of 37 fieldlevel professionals who were interviewed in focus groups. The concerns of these respondents included the complexity of the assessment task, conflicts between care managers and finance/revenue staff, the difficulty of defining and responding to financial abuse, and dilemmas over the extent to which relatives and carers should be trusted. The final section of the article considers the implications of a move to quasi-markets in social care for elderly people with dementia, particularly in terms of their vulnerability to financial exploitation.  相似文献   

The role of financial counsellors as providers of information, support and advocacy for those in financial difficulty is a well established mechanism in the mainstream welfare landscape in Australia. In general, the role of financial counsellors is in helping people alleviate or resolve their financial difficulties through improvement of their financial literacy. It is recognised as an important component of policy responses to assist low‐income households and individuals in financial stress. The use of financial counsellors for older persons (i.e., those aged 65+ years), however, appears to be underutilised. Financial hardship and abuse of older persons within our community are becoming key issues as the population of Australia “ages”. Existing evidence also suggests that service providers alone do not have adequate skills to address these issues. This paper firstly examines the development of financial counselling in Australia. It then examines the newly emerging role of financial counselling in supporting older persons in addressing barriers to financial literacy and then in navigating the complex landscape of aged care service provision. The current financialisation, marketisation and complexities of consumer‐directed care are identified as key contextual factors. The paper will then discuss an evaluation study of the provision of financial counselling to the older person population designed to support financial hardship and navigation of the complex aged care services system. The findings of the paper are based on an evaluation of the Financial Consumer Rights Council (FCRC), Victoria: Dignity and Debt Financial Difficulty and Getting Older initiative. This pilot initiative included older persons from both community‐based and aged care residential facilities in one regional area of Victoria. The initiative, conducted over 2016, was designed to assess the effectiveness of one‐on‐one financial counselling sessions with older persons that provided consumer advocacy and information about support services and entitlements (including hardship protections) associated with ageing. The evaluation found that the provision of financial counselling to the older person population could be a key mechanism in improving overall financial literacy, avoiding periods of financial hardship and in maintaining financial well‐being, quality of life and positive ageing. Findings also demonstrated a need for an expanded outreach financial counselling model to better service older persons in more isolated living environments and/or with mobility impairments living in the community, and the potential to situate offices of financial counsellors within medical centres (a space often visited by the ageing population), to co‐situate financial health check‐ups as an overall element of health and well‐being. As such, financial counselling was viewed as well placed to support older persons in improvement of financial literacy and in supporting navigation of the increasingly complex marketised and consumer‐directed care (CDC) landscape of aged care service provision in Australia.  相似文献   

社区是老年人生活和活动的主要场所,在提供养老服务方面具有很大优势。由于政府投入社区养老的资源有限和人们观念认识等方面的问题,使得社区养老没有达到预期的效果,即没有满足老年人的有效需求,特别是老年人的医疗需求,使得老年养老问题再次陷入困境。医务社工的介入,是解决当前社区养老中追切需要解决的问题的有效元素,也是使得社区养老资源发挥更大效用的关键因素。  相似文献   

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