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企业如何在动荡的环境中获得持久的竞争优势,是当今战略管理研究的重点之一.随着外部环境动态性的不断增强,动态能力理论获得了管理学界和企业界愈来愈多的关注,许多学者对此进行了有益的探索.通过对吸收能力、整合能力、动态能力、社会资本及可持续竞争优势等领域国内外研究文献的梳理和分析,阐述了现有相关研究的进展及不足之处,以期为后续研究者在该领域进行深入的探讨提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

徐翔  海本禄 《管理学报》2013,10(4):566-574
提出联盟伙伴创新收益专有化管理的共同治理、程序公平和相互信任三维度构架,实证研究了联盟伙伴创新收益专有化通过网络能力、知识分享对联盟绩效的影响。研究表明,共同治理对知识分享和网络能力有正向显著影响;程序公平对知识分享和网络能力的影响不显著;相互信任对知识分享的影响不显著且负相关,对网络能力影响不显著;知识分享和网络能力两者对于联盟绩效都有显著正向影响;知识分享对网络能力有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

人力资源管理实践和企业绩效关系的中介机制研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资源管理和企业绩效之间的中介机制研究受到了越来越多的关注.本文从理论构建和实证研究两个方面讨论了近年来该领域取得的进展和存在的局限性,并对今后的研究提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

During the last decade, modularity has attracted the attention of numerous management scholars, and both theoretical and empirical studies on this topic have flourished. However, this broad‐based appeal has generated some controversies and ambiguities on how modularity should be defined, measured and used in managerially meaningful ways. This paper reviews the concept of modularity as a design principle of complex systems in management studies. Applying this criterion, 125 studies were selected and classified, grouped according to their prevalent unit of analysis: products, production systems and organizations. Although all these studies are based on Simon's seminal work on the hierarchical and nearly decomposable nature of complex systems ( Simon, H.A. (1962). The architecture of complexity. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 106, 467–482), this paper shows that they offer different definitions, measures and applications of the modularity concept. This review reveals the implicit structure of meanings underlying this literature and emphasizes that ambiguity in definitions and measures impedes rigorous empirical studies capable of understanding the relationship between modularity in product, in production and in organization design. Cautions and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文对参与式管理的相关研究文献进行回顾,首先分别从过程观和实践形式等角度界定参与式管理的概念,明确其操作性定义;基于四维结构模型分类,基于五维结构模型开发研究工具。其次,分别从个人和组织角度分析参与式管理的主要影响因素及可能的影响效应;最后,从管理效能、跨文化比较、作用机制、研究方法等角度对参与式管理的未来研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

安智宇  程金林 《管理工程学报》2009,23(3):135-138,141
本文从组织学习角度分析了人力资源管理对企业绩效的作用,并且检验了组织学习导向的人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之间的关系.对130家企业的数据分析表明,不同维度的人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之间存在显著的正相关关系,表明人力资源管理可以通过推动企业的组织学习而获得竞争优势.  相似文献   

网络组织的知识管理研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络组织作为应对全球化、消费者偏好改变、技术进步与产品更新速度加快等问题而产生界于市场与企业之间的中介组织得到了理论界与实践界的关注,随研究的深入众多研究者对网络组织的知识管理这一领域投入了前所未有的关注.本文对现有的研究成果进行了梳理,从"能力"、"动机"及"机会"的角度分析了这一领域的研究思路,探讨了有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

本研究基于Treacy和Wiersema的竞争战略分类框架,建立了银行内部聚焦的成本和效率导向竞争战略与银行外部聚焦的顾客满意导向的竞争战略两种银行竞争战略类型。通过问卷调查的方法获得107家中国银行的样本,以资源基础观和战略匹配为理论基础,从战略执行的视角,实证分析了银行的竞争战略类型与其战略能力的匹配对绩效的影响。结果显示,选择成本和效率导向的竞争战略的银行,其运营能力、技术能力和风险控制能力对绩效有显著正向的影响;而选择顾客满意导向竞争战略的银行,其营销能力和风险控制能力对绩效有显著正向的影响,最后我们根据实证结果提出针对中国银行业的管理建议。  相似文献   

As decision makers become more involved in implementing Total Quality Management, questions are raised about which management practices should be emphasized. In this exploratory investigation of the relationship of specific quality management practices to quality performance, a framework was constructed. It focuses on both core quality management practices and on the infrastructure that creates an environment supportive of their use. In addition, it incorporates two measures of quality performance and their role in establishing and sustaining a competitive advantage. Path analysis was used to test the proposed model, with multiple regression analysis determining the path coefficients, which were decomposed into their various effects. Weak linkages were eliminated. The trimmed model indicated that perceived quality market outcomes were primarily related to statistical control/feedback and the product design process, while the internal measure of percent that passed final inspection without requiring rework was strongly related to process flow management and to statistical control/feedback, to a lesser extent. Both measures of quality performance were related to competitive advantage. Important infrastructure components included top management support and workforce management. Supplier relationships and work attitudes were also related to some of the core quality practices and quality performance measures. The results were interpreted in light of Hill's concept of order winners and order qualifiers and Garvin's eight dimensions of quality. They indicate that different core quality management practices lead to success in different dimensions of quality, and that those dimensions function differently as order winners and order qualifiers.  相似文献   

将创业资源获取划分为运营资源获取与知识资源获取,分别研究其与创业绩效的关系,并引入资源管理这一调节变量,探讨资源管理对资源获取两个维度与创业绩效关系的不同调节作用。以165家创业企业为样本进行实证分析,研究表明,不同类型的资源获取对创业绩效的影响不同:运营资源获取与创业绩效呈倒U型关系;知识资源获取与创业绩效呈U型关系。资源管理在不同类型资源获取与创业绩效之间发挥不同的调节作用:资源管理强化了运营资源获取与创业绩效之间的倒U型关系,弱化了知识资源获取与创业绩效之间的U型关系。  相似文献   

国内外战略联盟理论研究评述   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
本文从战略联盟出现的理论阐释、形成、价值创造与分配、组织间关系、联盟管理障碍与联盟管理者等几个方面总结了目前国内外在战略联盟理论研究方面的现状,并进一步指出了其不足以及对今后有关研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

企业衍生研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马力  臧旭恒 《管理学报》2012,9(12):1869-1874
通过对企业衍生领域已有典型研究成果的回顾,从企业衍生的概念、分类、动因、衍生企业发展阶段、成功要素及其与母体组织和集群发展的关系等方面评述了已有研究的成就与不足,剖析了研究热点与主要观点,给出了完善相关研究的具体建议。  相似文献   

作为重要的战略决策者与实施者,管理者对企业战略变革的启动、过程及绩效都具有不可替代的关键作用,然而现有研究对于企业战略变革中管理者的作用机制依然存在诸多不解。通过回顾与梳理文献,分析了高层和中层管理者与战略变革的关系;探讨了高层管理者与中层管理者之间的互动对企业战略变革的影响;最后,构建了管理者视角企业战略变革的整合研究框架,并针对现有研究不足提出了未来研究展望。  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic review of 165 empirical studies on the antecedents of performance in international strategic alliances. It provides the most detailed display of definitions, rationales, measures and findings currently available. Hence, this state‐of‐the art literature review creates an accessible pool of knowledge that is highly relevant for future research on international strategic alliances. Further, it draws on this knowledge pool to build a model which highlights the quite different rationales advanced by researchers to explain associations between the antecedents and performance. The model makes the different rationales explicit and will aid researchers in identifying tests that can be performed to examine the links between antecedents and performance as well as the mechanisms through which such associations operate. Finally, the synthesized evidence is used to suggest that researchers should give increased attention to achieving congruence between measures of antecedents and performance.  相似文献   

During recent years, the literature on the international dimension of business has grown. In particular, the literature on headquarters–subsidiary relationships has expanded. This paper aims to review the literature on performance evaluation and elaborate an integrative contingency framework. This contingency framework helps to clarify the concept of performance evaluation and to classify existing contributions. Furthermore, the framework serves as a tool to identify potential influencing factors on performance evaluation at corporate and at subsidiary level. By reviewing existing studies, the paper analyses the impact of these influencing factors on performance evaluation and reveals mostly contradictory results or no significant impact at all. Based on the findings, more research outside the classical tradition of contingency approaches is suggested.  相似文献   

基于不同产品属性探讨顾客满意过程.首先通过深度访谈和预研究确定研究框架和研究对象,进而借助问卷调查共收集360个有效样本,利用回归和结构方程模型等方法对数据进行深入分析.研究发现,对于顾客强调功能性属性的产品,其功能性属性对顾客满意将产生更明显的影响;而对于顾客强调享受性属性产品,其享受性属性对顾客满意将会产生更明显的影响.同时研究同一产品的享受性和功能性属性,强调产品在享受性和功能性两方面高于或低于期望水平时时满意产生的影响.  相似文献   

龚小军  李随成 《管理学报》2011,8(5):775-783
介绍了管理理论缺乏实践相关性问题产生的历史背景以及其主要证据,并从管理理论传播过程、管理理论生产过程、管理研究方法论和管理理论框架、管理学者的价值观和管理学院追求的目标4个方面,对问题的原因进行了综述和分析,最后提出了需要进一步研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究企业资源与绩效之间的关系。我们把企业资源分为两种类型:主要资源和辅助资源。主要资源包括技术资产和配置能力,直接对企业的竞争优势产生影响;辅助资源包括内部人力资本、企业间合作和管理愿景,辅助资源对主要资源的形成产生影响。通过对548家中国新兴企业的实证研究,结果表明技术资产与配置能力都能显著地增强企业的绩效,而且技术资产多的企业倾向于拥有较高的配置能力。另外,绝大部分的辅助资源对技术资产和配置能力的形成产生显著的积极作用。  相似文献   

绩效考核作为一种有效的管理方法一直受到组织高度重视,但各种组织都不同程度的存在着因绩效考核引起的管理伦理问题,而且它们是相互影响的。国外对这方面的研究已有几十年的积累,而国内的相关研究才刚刚起步。本文首先回顾了国内外有关绩效考核对员工反伦理行为影响的相关研究,然后就未来的研究方向提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

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