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"The Beijing Area Study" (BAS) is a large-scale social investigation and research project planned and implemented by the Beijing University Research Centre for Contemporary China together with the Beijing Municipal Government Policy Research Office. The purpose of the survey is to understand the attitudes of Beijing residents towards the changing social atmosphere under a market economy. It also includes some questions related to women's issues.This BAS survey questions people between the ages of 18 and 70, and is carried out once a year, in order to keep a current database.  相似文献   

TIMES have changed. Now rather than seeking a good husband, women find solace in good careers and self-reliance, according to a recent Beijing University survey. A 1995 questionnaire of women graduates of Beijing University indicated that more than half the graduates believe women work in order to gain self-reliance in person and economy; 36 percent of these students agreed that women work in order to show their power, make a contribution to society and realize their own value. The survey of 1,254 people was conducted by Beijing University's "Women's Issues Research Center."  相似文献   

NERVIDUCT malformation caught the attention of the Chinese government in 1983 when professor Yan Renying, now director of the China Maternal and Infant Health Care Center, conducted an epidemiological survey of new-borns in Shunyi County, Beijing, and discovered that one-third of infant mortality in the area was caused by  相似文献   

Forty percent of Shanghai's divorced men and women say their ex-spouses' extramarital affairs caused the breakup of their marriages, a recent survey by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences has found. The second major rea-  相似文献   

The Chinese University of Science and Technology, Management and Administration, run by the local people, has achieved great success in adult edu cation. Jiang Shuyun (3rd L), head of the university, won the title of advanced industrialist from the State Science and Technology Commission.  相似文献   

53 Percent and 44 Percent of Women Fans During a recent survey by Visa(the US-based global financialservice provider that operates the world's largest retail electronicpayment network),some 4,556 respondents from the Asia-Pacific region were asked which Olympic sporting events were of greatest interest to them.The results indicated that men and women were interested in different sports.Fifty-three percent of women  相似文献   

OVER the last few years more and more people have shown a strong interest in Chinese women's issues. At the University of Oriental Studies of Naples, Italy, where I come from, many students and teachers are researching and writing about the transformations of women's position in Chinese society. The policy of reform and opening to the outside world sponsored by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 has brought many changes to the country, not only in the  相似文献   

GIVING birth to a child was a life-or-death struggle forthe mother and baby as late as the early half of thiscentury;an estimate survey revealed a mortality rate amongmothers as high as 15 per thousand and infant mortality as highas 200 per tnousand at that time.Midwifery was oftenpracticed by the mother-in-law,the mother herself,or morepopularly,by an elderly woman in the village who practiced  相似文献   

The 2006 "Special Forum on Women's Leadership," was hosted by the Guanghua Administration Institute of Beijing University. Here, several women who attended the forum give their perspectives on the highlights and challenges of being a woman leader. 在北京大学光华管理学院2006新年论坛“女性领导力专场”上,与会者对中国现代女性高级管理者的现状和所面临的挑战各抒己见。 Organizer: 'The Term Iron Lady Generated Heated Debate.' 活动组织者:“‘女强人’含义惹争议。” Lin Lanjuan, one of the forum's organizers, said, "Through the survey, we have discovered that many senior women administrators oppose the term 'Iron Lady,' as they believe that, in addition to the acknowledgement of their career success, it hints that their family relations lack harmony. It also implies social discrimination against them. However, most of the women leaders feel society is becoming more tolerant, and they have a neutral position on the term."  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the National Bureau of Statistics on September 26 launched tile Third Survey on Chinese Women's Sccial Status. The survey was launched in Beijing. The 120 people who attended the news con ference to launch the survey included experts, liaison officers and heads of provincial-level women's federations. They discussed the planning for the survey, the design of the questionnaire and quality
control issues.  相似文献   

Gender Discrimination Still Exists Despite Progress 性别歧视依然存在 Chinese women's social status is still lower than that of men, despite the progress made in the last decade, according to the second survey conducted jointly by the All-China Women's Federation and National Bureau of Statistics among 48,192 people nationwide. Women have a lower employment rate compared to males and tend to have more difficulties finding another job once  相似文献   

WUHAN University, at the foot of the Luojia Hill by the East Lake, is a key comprehensive university in China with a picturesque landscape and a history of 103 years. The university is strong in both teaching and scientific research. It has about 400 professors, 138 doctoral student instructors, five stations for flow of post-doctoral  相似文献   

KILLED by the NATO missile thatattacked the Chinese Embassy inYugoslavia on May 8, 1999, ShaoYunhuan, correspondent with the BelgradeBranch of Xinhua News Agency, hasbecome the first woman war reporter to dieat her post since the founding of the PRC.The news shocked the whole nation.University students, masses of women and  相似文献   

Lawyers' Network Formed中国妇女权益公益律师网络启动A network of lawyers,focusing on Chinese women's rights and interests and public interests,was formed in Beijing in June 2007.The network was launched by the Center for Women's Law and Legal Services of Peking University to promote the use of lawsuits to protect women's rights and interests,improve lawyers' awareness  相似文献   

Discoverer of the Origin of Life The origin of life on earth has long been a subject explored by scientists around the world. At the 11th International Conference on the Origin of Life held at Orleans University in France on July 9th, 1996, Chinese scientist Zhao Yufen and her partner Cao Peisheng announced the contents of the origin of the seed of life.  相似文献   

China Issues Its First Blue Paper on Mass Media, with the Subject Term of 'Systematic Transformation' 我国首部传媒蓝皮书发布,“改制”成为2005年传媒业主题词Recently China issued its first blue paper on mass media entitled "Report on the Development of China's Mass Media during 2004-2005," which was jointly compiled by the Media Management and Research Center of the News Media Academy of Tsinghua University and many academic experts, published by the Publishing House of China's Social Sciences. The Report points out that China's mass media, especially newspapers and magazines, audio and video products as well as on-line  相似文献   

XU Guangxian and Gao Xiaoxia live in the Langrunyuan residential area by the Weiming Lake on the grounds of Beijing University. When the Chinese Academy of Sciences had only 14 female academicians in 1980, Gao was one of them. Xu and Gao married in 1946 in Shanghai. Their 40 years together have produced ten admirable episodes. ·In 1940 both of them were admitted to the Chemistry Department of Shanghai Communications  相似文献   

Born in Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, and cultivated by the beautiful natural landscape, water coforist Li Penglin has indulged in painting since childhood In the 1960s, he enrolled in the Art Department of the Hunan Institute for Fine Art. Now, he is an assistant professor of the School of Fine Art at Hunan Normal University  相似文献   

IN July, 1993, an international seminar titled "Chinese Women and Development—Status, Health and Employment" was sponsored by the Women's Studies Center at Tianjin Normal University. More than 100 international and domestic specialists and workers who deal with women's issues attended. At the conference, the Women's Research Institute of the All-China Women's Federation disclosed the results of an investigation about the status of women in China, which was launched in the early 1990s on a nationwide scale. The results showed that China's economic reform has greatly affected women. As a result, many researchers who began their research by considering China's present economic situation, tried to determine the influences the state's  相似文献   

Recently five students of Shanghai Fudan University conducted a survey among morethan 2,000 students of over 10 institutes of higher learning in Shanghai and Tianjin.The results indicated that more than 80 percent of the respondents would take a wait-and-see attitude even though they were allowed to get married while studying inuniversities or colleges. Nearly 70 percent of them believed "it would be best for universitystudents to get married after they have stable sources of income." Some 5…  相似文献   

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