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An often-cited fact regarding mixing or mixture distributions is that their density functions are able to approximate the density function of any unknown distribution to arbitrary degrees of accuracy, provided that the mixing or mixture distribution is sufficiently complex. This fact is often not made concrete. We investigate and review theorems that provide approximation bounds for mixing distributions. Connections between the approximation bounds of mixing distributions and estimation bounds for the maximum likelihood estimator of finite mixtures of location-scale distributions are reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a nonparametric test of symmetry for ranked-set samples to test the asymmetry of the underlying distribution. The test statistic is constructed from the Cramér-von Mises distance function which measures the distance between two probability models. The null distribution of the test statistic is established by constructing symmetric bootstrap samples from a given ranked-set sample. It is shown that the type I error probabilities are stable across all practical symmetric distributions and the test has high power for asymmetric distributions.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple methodology for approximating the distribution of indefinite quadratic forms in normal random variables. It is shown that the density function of a positive definite quadratic form can be approximated in terms of the product of a gamma density function and a polynomial. An extension which makes use of a generalized gamma density function is also considered. Such representations are based on the moments of a quadratic form, which can be determined from its cumulants by means of a recursive formula. After expressing an indefinite quadratic form as the difference of two positive definite quadratic forms, one can obtain an approximation to its density function by means of the transformation of variable technique. An explicit representation of the resulting density approximant is given in terms of a degenerate hypergeometric function. An easily implementable algorithm is provided. The proposed approximants produce very accurate percentiles over the entire range of the distribution. Several numerical examples illustrate the results. In particular, the methodology is applied to the Durbin–Watson statistic which is expressible as the ratio of two quadratic forms in normal random variables. Quadratic forms being ubiquitous in statistics, the approximating technique introduced herewith has numerous potential applications. Some relevant computational considerations are also discussed.  相似文献   

A general saddlepoint/Monte Carlo method to approximate (conditional) multivariate probabilities is presented. This method requires a tractable joint moment generating function (m.g.f.), but does not require a tractable distribution or density. The method is easy to program and has a third-order accuracy with respect to increasing sample size in contrast to standard asymptotic approximations which are typically only accurate to the first order.

The method is most easily described in the context of a continuous regular exponential family. Here, inferences can be formulated as probabilities with respect to the joint density of the sufficient statistics or the conditional density of some sufficient statistics given the others. Analytical expressions for these densities are not generally available, and it is often not possible to simulate exactly from the conditional distributions to obtain a direct Monte Carlo approximation of the required integral. A solution to the first of these problems is to replace the intractable density by a highly accurate saddlepoint approximation. The second problem can be addressed via importance sampling, that is, an indirect Monte Carlo approximation involving simulation from a crude approximation to the true density. Asymptotic normality of the sufficient statistics suggests an obvious candidate for an importance distribution.

The more general problem considers the computation of a joint probability for a subvector of random T, given its complementary subvector, when its distribution is intractable, but its joint m.g.f. is computable. For such settings, the distribution may be tilted, maintaining T as the sufficient statistic. Within this tilted family, the computation of such multivariate probabilities proceeds as described for the exponential family setting.  相似文献   

The innovation random variable for a non-negative self-decomposable random variable can have a compound Poisson distribution. In this case, we provide the density function for the compounded variable. When it does not have a compound Poisson representation, there is a straightforward and easily available compound Poisson approximation for which the density function of the compounded variable is also available. These results can be used in the simulation of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type processes with given marginal distributions. Previously, simulation of such processes used the inverse of the corresponding tail Lévy measure. We show this approach corresponds to the use of an inverse cdf method of a certain distribution. With knowledge of this distribution and hence density function, the sampling procedure is open to direct sampling methods.  相似文献   

A new goodness-of-fit test for time series models is proposed. The test statistic is based on the distance between a kernel estimator of the ratio between the true and the hypothesized spectral density and the expected value of the estimator under the null. It provides a quantification of how well a parametric spectral density model fits the sample spectral density (periodogram). The asymptotic distribution of the statistic proposed is derived and its power properties are discussed. To improve upon the large sample (Gaussian) approximation of the distribution of the test statistic under the null, a bootstrap procedure is presented and justified theoretically. The finite sample performance of the test is investigated through a simulation experiment and applications to real data sets are given.  相似文献   

For defining a Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the scale parameter of Rayleigh distribution, a hyperbolic approximation is used instead of linear approximation for a function which appears in the Maximum Likelihood equation. This estimate is shown to perform better, in the sense of accuracy and simplicity of calculation, than the one based on linear approximation for the same function. Also the estimate of the scale parameter obtained is shown to be asymptotically unbiased. Numerical computation for random samples of different sizes from Rayleigh distribution, using type I1 censoring is done and is shown to be better than that obtained by Lee et al. (1980)  相似文献   

Bayesian analysis often requires the researcher to employ Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to draw samples from a posterior distribution which in turn is used to make inferences. Currently, several approaches to determine convergence of the chain as well as sensitivities of the resulting inferences have been developed. This work develops a Hellinger distance approach to MCMC diagnostics. An approximation to the Hellinger distance between two distributions f and g based on sampling is introduced. This approximation is studied via simulation to determine the accuracy. A criterion for using this Hellinger distance for determining chain convergence is proposed as well as a criterion for sensitivity studies. These criteria are illustrated using a dataset concerning the Anguilla australis, an eel native to New Zealand.  相似文献   

The generalized gamma distribution includes the exponential distribution, the gamma distribution, and the Weibull distribution as special cases. It also includes the log-normal distribution in the limit as one of its parameters goes to infinity. Prentice (1974) developed an estimation method that is effective even when the underlying distribution is nearly log-normal. He reparameterized the density function so that it achieved the limiting case in a smooth fashion relative to the new parameters. He also gave formulas for the second partial derivatives of the log-density function to be used in the nearly log-normal case. His formulas included infinite summations, and he did not estimate the error in approximating these summations.

We derive approximations for the log-density function and moments of the generalized gamma distribution that are smooth in the nearly log-normal case and involve only finite summations. Absolute error bounds for these approximations are included. The approximation for the first moment is applied to the problem of estimating the parameters of a generalized gamma distribution under the constraint that the distribution have mean one. This enables the development of a correspondence between the parameters in a mean one generalized gamma distribution and certain parameters in acoustic scattering theory.  相似文献   

Any order-invariant function of a sequence of sample values may be expressed as a functional of the sample's empiric distribution function. This suggests that a very general approach to the theory of functions of sample values can be based on the empiric distribution function. The Komlós-Major-Tusnhdy (KMT) approximation provides a remarkable, mathematically tractable representation for the empiric distribution function of a random sample. Our aim in this paper is to describe the KMT approximation, particularly as it relates to other forms of approximation, and to survey some of its many applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effects of correlation among observations on the accuracy of approximating the distribution of sample mean by its asymptotic distribution. The accuracy is investigated by the Berry-Esseen bound (BEB), which gives an upper bound on the error of approximation of the distribution function of the sample mean from its asymptotic distribution for independent observations. For a given sample size (n0) the BEB is obtained when the observations are independent. Let this be BEB. We then find the sample size (n*) required to have BEB below BEB0, when the observations are dependent. Comparison of n* with n0 reveals the effects of correlation among observations on the accuracy of the asymptotic distribution as an approximation. It is shown that the effects of correlation among observations are not appreciable if the correlation is moderate to small but it can be severe for extreme correlations.  相似文献   

Calculating exact values of the Prokhorov metric for the set of probability distributions on a metric space is a challenging problem. In this paper probability distributions are approximated by finite-support distributions through optimal or quasi-optimal quantization, in such a way that exact calculation of the Prokhorov distance between a distribution and a quantizer can be performed. The exact value of the Prokhorov distance between two quantizers is obtained by solving an optimization problem through the Simplex method. This last value is used to approximate the Prokhorov distance between the two initial distributions, and the accuracy of the approximation is measured. We illustrate the method on various univariate and bivariate probability distributions. Approximation of bivariate standard normal distributions by quasi-optimal quantizers is also considered.  相似文献   

For many continuous distributions, a closed-form expression for their quantiles does not exist. Numerical approximations for their quantiles are developed on a distribution-by-distribution basis. This work develops a general approximation for quantiles using the Taylor expansion. Our method only requires that the distribution has a continuous probability density function and its derivatives can be derived to a certain order (usually 3 or 4). We demonstrate our unified approach by approximating the quantiles of the normal, exponential, and chi-square distributions. The approximation works well for these distributions.  相似文献   


In practice, it is often not possible to find an appropriate family of distributions which can be used for fitting the sample distribution with high precision. In these cases, it seems to be opportune to search for the best approximation by a family of distributions instead of an exact fit. In this paper, we consider the Anderson–Darling statistic with plugged-in minimum distance estimator for the parameter vector. We prove asymptotic normality of the Anderson–Darling statistic which is used for a test of goodness of approximation. Moreover, we introduce a measure of discrepancy between the sample distribution and the model class.  相似文献   

It is shown in this article that, given the moments of a distribution, any percentage point can be accurately determined from an approximation of the corresponding density function in terms of the product of an appropriate baseline density and a polynomial adjustment. This approach, which is based on a moment-matching technique, is not only conceptually simple but easy to implement. As illustrated by several applications, the percentiles so obtained are in excellent agreement with the tabulated values. Whereas statistical tables, if at all available or accessible, can hardly ever cover all the potentially useful combinations of the parameters associated with a random quantity of interest, the proposed methodology has no such limitation.  相似文献   

In many settings it is useful to have bounds on the total variation distance between some random variable Z and its shifted version Z+1. For example, such quantities are often needed when applying Stein's method for probability approximation. This note considers one way in which such bounds can be derived, in cases where Z is either the equilibrium distribution of some birth-death process or the mixture of such a distribution. Applications of these bounds are given to translated Poisson and compound Poisson approximations for Poisson mixtures and the Pólya distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe two computational methods for calculating the cumulative distribution function and the upper quantiles of the maximal difference between a Brownian bridge and its concave majorant. The first method has two different variants that are both based on a Monte Carlo approach, whereas the second uses the Gaver–Stehfest (GS) algorithm for the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform. If the former method is straightforward to implement, it is very much outperformed by the GS algorithm, which provides a very accurate approximation of the cumulative distribution as well as its upper quantiles. Our numerical work has a direct application in statistics: the maximal difference between a Brownian bridge and its concave majorant arises in connection with a nonparametric test for monotonicity of a density or regression curve on [0,1]. Our results can be used to construct very accurate rejection region for this test at a given asymptotic level.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional renewal functions, which are naturally extensions of one-dimensional renewal functions, have wide applicability in areas where two random variables are needed to characterize the underlying process. These functions satisfy the renewal equation, which is not amenable for analytical solutions. This paper proposes a simple approximation for the computation of the two- dimensional renewal function based only on the first two moments and the correlation coefficient of the variables. The approximation yields exact values of renewal function for bivariate exponential distribution function. Illustrations are presented to compare our approximation with that of Iskandar (1991) who provided a computational procedure which requires the use of the bivariate distribution function of the two variables. A two-dimensional warranty model is used to illustrate the approximation.  相似文献   


A two parameter extended form of standard gamma function is suggested which provide extra flexibility to the density function over positive range. A finite mixture of beta distribution is defined by using the suggested extended form. The shape of density function of extended gamma distribution and also that of finite mixture of beta distribution for various values of the parameters are shown. Inverted distribution of extended gamma and that of finite mixture of beta distribution are given.  相似文献   

A simple normal approximation is given for the joint probability density function of the polar co-ordinates (θ, ψ) of a random vector following the Fisher distribution with arbitrary mean direction (θ0, ψ0). The approximation leads to simple inference procedures which are particularly useful in regression models. Conditions for the adequacy of the approximation are investigated and summarized in tabular form.  相似文献   

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