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Social Indicators Research - Research on intergenerational social mobility and health-related behaviours yields mixed findings. Depending on the direction of mobility and the type of mechanisms...  相似文献   

Taking data from the ‘India Youth Survey: Situation and Needs’ the paper examines intergenerational educational mobility for young females (vis-à-vis their mothers) in India. The paper uses transition/mobility matrices and mobility measures widely used in the literature on intergenerational mobility for the examination. The overall intergenerational educational mobility among the young females in India is about 0.69 (the upper limit being 1). The upwards component of the overall intergenerational educational mobility is 0.55 (that is, nearly four-fifth of the overall). Also, the intergenerational educational mobility is slightly higher in the ‘Scheduled Castes and Tribes (SC/ST)’ compared to the ‘Other Backward Castes (OBC)’ as well as ‘Others’ castes. But the upward mobility is substantially higher in the ‘Others’ caste group compared to SC/STs. The upward mobility among the OBCs is higher than that of SC/STs but lower than that of the ‘Others’ category. Also, the overall mobility as well as upward mobility is higher in urban areas. Moreover, there are large inter-state variations with the economically and demographically poorer states having substantially lower overall as well as upward mobility than the economically and demographically advanced states.  相似文献   

城乡居民家庭代际收入流动的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴  王芳 《人口学刊》2014,(2):64-73
基于CGSS2006的数据,本文对我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性进行了比较分析,研究发现:我国城乡家庭的代际收入流动性偏弱,城镇家庭代际收入向上的流动性总体而言要高于农村家庭,代际收入流动性的差异客观上加剧城乡之间的收入差距;新生代城镇家庭子女收入向上流动的能力相对他们的前辈有所减弱,而新生代农村家庭子女收入向上流动的能力要超过他们的前辈,在与城镇同龄人的比较中也处于优势;人力资本是影响代际收入流动的主要因素,虽然在职业生涯的初期,教育并没有显著地提高代际收入向上流动的概率,但随着子女职业生涯的发展,教育对代际收入流动的影响逐渐增强。此外,家庭的经济地位和社会关系等家庭背景因素对代际收入流动也有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - The multidimensional poverty index (MPI) is generally credited for better capturing the various components of poverty. Where such indexes have a spatial component,...  相似文献   

We use a multigenerational perspective to investigate how families reproduce and pass their educational advantages to succeeding generations. Unlike traditional mobility studies that have typically focused on one-sex influences from fathers to sons, we rely on a two-sex approach that accounts for interactions between males and females—the process in which males and females mate and have children with those of similar educational statuses and jointly determine the educational status attainment of their offspring. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we approach this issue from both a short-term and a long-term perspective. For the short term, grandparents’ educational attainments have a direct association with grandchildren’s education as well as an indirect association that is mediated by parents’ education and demographic behaviors. For the long term, initial educational advantages of families may benefit as many as three subsequent generations, but such advantages are later offset by the lower fertility of highly educated persons. Yet, all families eventually achieve the same educational distribution of descendants because of intermarriages between families of high- and low-education origin.  相似文献   

穆光宗 《南方人口》2002,17(3):58-64
在21世纪,老龄问题正在日渐凸显出战略性问题的地位。本文以苏州为个案分析了苏州可持续发展面临的新挑战以及解决老龄问题的一些成功探索,并指出从可持续发展高度来定位老龄问题正是苏州宝贵的经验所在。最后的结论是:高扬起贡献——回报的理论和人道主义的旗帜,才是处理好人口老龄化和经济社会可持续发展关系以及改革、发展、稳定三者关系的基本前提。  相似文献   

Thor Berger 《Demography》2018,55(4):1547-1565
Intergenerational mobility has remained stable over recent decades in the United States but varies sharply across the country. In this article, I document that areas with more prevalent slavery by the outbreak of the Civil War exhibit substantially less upward mobility today. I find a negative link between prior slavery and contemporary mobility within states, when controlling for a wide range of historical and contemporary factors including income and inequality, focusing on the historical slave states, using a variety of mobility measures, and when exploiting geographical differences in the suitability for cultivating cotton as an instrument for the prevalence of slavery. As a first step to disentangle the underlying channels of persistence, I examine whether any of the five broad factors highlighted by Chetty et al. (2014a) as the most important correlates of upward mobility—family structure, income inequality, school quality, segregation, and social capital—can account for the link between earlier slavery and current mobility. More fragile family structures in areas where slavery was more prevalent, as reflected in lower marriage rates and a larger share of children living in single-parent households, is seemingly the most relevant to understand why it still shapes the geography of opportunity in the United States.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - The prospects for the next generation—whether young people, regardless of their backgrounds, have equal chances of social success—pose a momentous problem...  相似文献   

This case study illustrates how applied demographers operate in a politically charged context of competing interests—here, justifying the decision to locate a new public medical school in one medically underserved region rather than another. We show how to use demographic and other data to gauge the magnitude of future demand for physicians; formulate demographic assumptions about the future to serve decisionmakers’ needs; and frame information to help improve decision making through objective analysis. We detail the steps in projecting future physicians per capita using a method based on the economic concept of physician demand rather than the social concept of need. Our method is computationally simple, intuitive, and easily understood by policymakers. Our case study offers applied demographers a practical approach to physician workforce planning and can be used as an instructional exercise for students, assigned to replicate these projections elsewhere and distill their implications.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the effects of prenatal health on educational attainment and on the reproduction of family background inequalities in education. Using Finnish birth cohort data, we analyze several maternal and fetal health variables, many of which have not been featured in the literature on long-term socioeconomic effects of health despite the effects of these variables on birth and short-term health outcomes. We find strong negative effects of mother’s prenatal smoking on educational attainment, which are stronger if the mother smoked heavily but are not significant if she quit during the first trimester. Anemia during pregnancy is also associated with lower levels of attained education. Other indicators of prenatal health (pre-pregnancy obesity, mother’s antenatal depressed mood, hypertension and preeclampsia, early prenatal care visits, premature birth, and small size for gestational age) do not predict educational attainment. Our measures explain little of the educational inequalities by parents’ class or education. However, smoking explains 12%—and all health variables together, 19%—of the lower educational attainment of children born to unmarried mothers. Our findings point to the usefulness of proximate health measures in addition to general ones. They also point to the potentially important role played by early health in intergenerational processes.  相似文献   

社会转型期职业流动的性别分化——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈芳 《南方人口》2008,23(3):59-64
本文使用第二次中国妇女社会地位调查中涉及江苏省居民职业流动的数据材料,从性别的视角对社会转型期的江苏居民的代际职业流动和代内职业流动进行了分析,发现:社会转型期,职业流动加剧,两性的职业地位都得到了提升,但两性的职业层次差异也呈现出了扩大的趋势;代际流动方面,女性的代际职业世袭率高于男性,上升流动率低于男性;进一步对影响职业流动的内生变量进行因素相关分析的结果显示:社会转型期,人力资本和成就意识等“获致性”因素的影响力较强。  相似文献   

中国家庭代际关系的理论分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
中国家庭代际关系并非只有抚养-赡养一种关系形式.抚养行为发生在父母和未成年子女之间,赡养行为存在于壮年子女与老年父母之间.在成年子女和壮年父母之间还有另一种关系-交换关系.但抚养-赡养关系不能用交换关系去解释,因为它不是严格意义上行为主体之间的交换关系.完整的代际关系既有抚养-赡养关系,又有交换关系,两者具有并存特征.社会发展阶段不同,代际关系的层次和类型也有不同.  相似文献   

拉动经济增长的新兴消费产业研究——以老龄产业为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国三十年来的经济发展表明,在拉动中国经济增长的三种动力中对外出口会随国际形势的变化而呈现出不确定性与不可控性,政府投资仅仅是出口与消费受阻时所采取的权宜之计,具有波动性、滞后性特征,而基于消费需求尤其是老年消费需求基础上发展起来的老龄产业具有较高的稳定性和持久性,它能够促进生产力的持续发展,为国民经济的发展提供持久动力。所以,要从扩大消费内需入手,就必需大力发展以物质和服务消费为导向的老龄消费产业,使之成为推动中国经济发展的战略选择与重要增长极。  相似文献   

Popular culture representations and negotiations of HIV/AIDS have fluctuated over the last several decades, and awareness of the illness and its causes has grown due to better education and extensive cultural dialogue. The following examines two contemporary HIV/AIDS public health campaigns in the New York City area. Although there have been limited improvements in the portrayals of HIV-positive individuals, advertising focused on HIV awareness still does not directly address prevention. These two campaigns encourage two distinct messages; one that reinforces the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS and one that promises salvation.  相似文献   

I employ high quality register data to present new facts about income mobility in Sweden. The focus of the paper is on regional differences in mobility, using a novel approach based on a multilevel model. This method is well suited when regions differ greatly in population size, as is the case in Sweden. The maximum likelihood estimates are substantially more precise than those obtained by running separate OLS regressions. I find that few regions are statistically significantly different from the Swedish average when measuring mobility in relative terms, while a greater number of regional differences emerge when focusing on absolute outcomes. Compared to growing up in the least favorable region, children from the most favorable region with parents located at the 25th percentile in the income distribution reach higher income ranks corresponding to approximately one monthly salary for an average Swedish worker per year.  相似文献   

Housing is almost entirely overlooked in mobility studies. Yet mobility is intrinsically linked to housing, not only for the cybernetic elite or global nomads, but also for the middle class. Through a comparative case study of two extreme cases of housing, the Markeliushus from 1935 and Victoria Park from 2009, this study found that mobility has been continuously linked to discourses and practices of housing the modern Swede. Furthermore the findings suggest that two contrasting housing forms have evolved: dwelling-in-place and dwelling-on-the-move. I argue that these two housing forms are part of an evolving stratification of housing based on mobility. The article concludes that mobility has become an entry point for disaffiliation by privileged groups, accessible through housing.  相似文献   

代际双重绑定时间银行:农村养老服务新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种互助养老形式,时间银行具有激励志愿者积极参加为老服务作用的一面.一些城市社区已经开展了时间银行试点,但发展举步维艰,这暴露出现有模式下存在公信力不足、未能考虑不同服务的价值差异等种种缺陷.当前,我国落后农村地区对养老服务存在巨大需求,但投入不足制约了其发展.相反,落后农村在发展时间银行上因人际关系、农业生产、土地经营规模、产业结构、劳动力转移方面的特点而具有优势.因此,对落后农村而言,有必要充分发挥时间银行的作用并克服现行时间银行模式的不足,“代际双重绑定时间银行”这一新模式的提出及初步制度设计有利于同时实现这两个目标.  相似文献   

Procedural justice is regarded as a focus in understanding job-related attitudes and behaviors of employees. Researchers concerned have shown that procedural justice is positively associated with employees work outcomes. However, less attention has been focused on the impact of job security, such impacts one’s expectations about continuity in a job situation, as a potential influence on procedural justice and work outcomes. Drawing on a sample of 212 supervisor-subordinate dyads from an air transportation group in the People‘s Republic of China we examined whether job security mediates the effect of procedural justice on work outcomes (in the aspects of extra-role behavior and turnover intentions). The study from using structural equation showed that job security fully mediates the relationship not only between procedural justice and extra-role behavior but also between procedural justice and turnover intention. Implications for future research and limitations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores new methods for gathering and analyzing spatially rich demographic data using mobile phones. It describes a pilot study (the Human Mobility Project) in which volunteers around the world were successfully recruited to share GPS and cellular tower information on their trajectories and respond to dynamic, location-based surveys using an open-source Android application. The pilot study illustrates the great potential of mobile phone methodology for moving spatial measures beyond residential census units and investigating a range of important social phenomena, including the heterogeneity of activity spaces, the dynamic nature of spatial segregation, and the contextual dependence of subjective well-being.  相似文献   

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