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We use data from the 2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation to estimate how four means-tested transfer programs respond to household earned-income increases. In general, the programs respond as we would expect based on the program laws and regulations, with some important exceptions, including that benefits received under some programs take much longer to fully adjust to earned-income increases than we would expect. We explore the reasons for these departures from our expectations and discuss the implications for policymakers’ efforts to balance the programs’ goals of poverty alleviation, cost effectiveness, and work promotion.  相似文献   

This article outlines the empirical findings of the first national longitudinal study of almost 1,000 recent immigrants who decided to move to non‐metropolitan Australia. The national survey (2008‐2010) identified that new international immigrants tend to move to rural areas because of the natural beauty, lifestyle and community spirit to be found there, as well as the idyllic image of peacefulness and a relaxing environment associated with these areas. Natural attractors, such as rurality and climate, were important features of the places which, according to the survey, were particularly liked. However, there is tension between the imagined Australian rural ideal and reality, with remoteness, isolation and parochialism being the key features in how the countryside may be misrepresented. The retention of new immigrants in rural places is very strongly related to constructed attractors – the availability and quality of infrastructure, as well as recreational, entertainment and cultural activities.  相似文献   

Near misses and losses disguised as wins have been of interest to gambling researchers and policymakers for many years (e.g., Griffiths in J Gambl Stud 9(2):101–120, 1993). This systematic literature review describes the behavioural, psychological, and psychobiological effects of near misses and losses disguised as wins (LDWs) in an effort to evaluate their precise influence on the player and to highlight areas requiring further investigation. A systematic search for relevant studies was conducted using Scopus, PubMed, PsycINFO, ProQuest Sociology databases, and the Gambling Research Exchange Ontario Knowledge Repository. A total of 51 (from an initial pool of 802) experimental peer-reviewed studies using human participants were found between 1991 and 2015. The systematic review revealed that near misses motivate continued play, but have varying effects on the emotional state or betting behaviour of the player. Near miss events were also shown to be associated with elevated skin conductance levels and diffuse activity across the brain, most consistently in areas processing reinforcement and reward. Re-examination of the studies of near misses events after classifying the type of game feedback suggested that the effectiveness of near misses is related to the phenomenology of a near miss itself rather than as a response to auditory or visual feedback provided by a slot machine. In contrast to near misses, the presence of LDWs was found to relate to an overestimation of how much a player is actually winning and was consistently viewed as an exciting event. The effect of LDWs appears to be driven by the presence of visuals and sounds most often associated with a true win. Practical implications and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many parents believe that spanking is an effective way to promote children's positive behavior, yet few studies have examined spanking and the development of social competence. Using information from 3,279 families with young children who participated in a longitudinal study of urban families, this study tested competing hypotheses regarding whether maternal spanking or maternal warmth predicted increased social competence and decreased child aggression over time and which parent behavior was a stronger predictor of these changes. The frequency of maternal spanking was unrelated to maternal warmth. Findings from cross‐lagged path models indicated that spanking was not associated with children's social competence, but spanking predicted increases in child aggression. Conversely, maternal warmth predicted children's greater social competence but was not associated with aggression. Warmth was a significantly stronger predictor of children's social competence than spanking, suggesting that warmth may be a more effective way to promote children's social competence than spanking.  相似文献   

张微  王桢桢 《城市观察》2011,12(2):23-32
界定公共利益,划清公共利益与私人利益的边界,是解决城市更新合法性问题的关键和基础。而目前公共利益的判定存在着无法明晰界定内涵与外延的困境。因此必须打破思维定势,将“什么是公共利益”转化为“由谁来界定公共利益”这样一个问题,以“公众受益性”和“受益人的不特定性和多数性”为标准,遵循法律保留、比例与正当程序原则;由人民代表大会及其常务委员会对“公共利益”的内涵与外延界定.并引入司法机构裁判.以听证、补偿、监督和救济程序为保障.  相似文献   

The need for increasingly widespread application of a policy or program, settlement, and multiculturalism is urgent in both Canada and Australia. For both countries there is a clear pattern of coalescence and divergence and the distinct growth of immigration as a federal function. While Australia has strengthened federal functions in a area of increasingly geo-political need, Canada is moving towards a looser model of federalism. By 1918 both countries were strengthening their federal functions in immigration as discussions within the British Empire on the recommendations of the 1917 Dominions Royal Commission took root. Both countries were interested in agricultural immigration and land settlement. The Great Depression caused a major reduction in population growth rates. From 1933-1948 Canada had a poor record of providing sanctuary for Jews. In Australia, however, Jewish voluntary agencies were aiding the reception of refugees by 1937. The 1st permanent embodiment of commonwealth jurisdiction over immigration was the establishment of an Immigration Branch within the Department of Interior around 1938. Australia needed extra population for defense. The major structural link between government and the immigrant communities was through the Good Neighbor Movement, which began on a nationwide basis in 1950. Both Canada and Australia are major receiving countries for refugees. In 1973 Australia reached the position of effective, practical nondiscrimination achieved by Canada in 1967. Prime Minister Trudeau's policy was multiculturalism within a framework of bilingualism. By 1978 Australia had a new federalism policy, which in all areas concerned with immigrants, refugees and ethnicity, rationalized resources allocation and imposed a political philosophy. The foci of multiculturalism in Australia are 1) community languages; 2) creation of a tolerant, non-discriminatory society; and 3) equity and participation. In 1978 Australia specified population replacement and increase as the major aim of immigration policy. In 1984 Australia showed a significant movement forward in understanding by many, but it confirmed a resistance to change on regional, gender, race, and age criteria with others. The fundamental problem for both countries will be to combine the core federal function in immigration, needed both for international and domestic politics, with an increasingly flexible response to regional factors.  相似文献   

In the frame of corporate social responsibility, corporate volunteering is almost exclusively studied from the point of view of companies, while the perspectives of nonprofit organizations are neglected. Hence, this article focuses on the perspective of managers of nonprofit organizations on volunteer partnership projects with for‐profit companies. In the center of this article lie nonprofit managers' strategy and motivation for participating in corporate volunteering, conception of corporate volunteer activities, and the often‐cited win‐win‐win aspect. Key findings suggest that a majority of the questioned nonprofits lack strategic behavior and management tools for undertaking volunteer partnership projects with companies. Nevertheless, corporate volunteering is widely perceived as an opportunity and a promising method of raising donations for nonprofit organizations. This article suggests that the key to successful future cooperation between nonprofits and profit‐oriented organizations lies in the processes of internal evaluation and subsequent strategy development.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Since World War II, Australia has experienced large-scale immigration, both refugee and other, averaging nearly 1% of the total population a year and totalling from 1947-1985 nearly 4.3 million persons. Despite a remigration loss of 23%, the net gain has totalled some 3.3 million. Refugees have been appreciable, totalling well over 500,000 and with a relatively low rate of remigration (about 7%), have comprised nearly 15% of total net migration. These refugees, however, have not come in a steady stream. From 1947-1951 and with the Indochinese refugees of 1976-1985, they contain a large number of unskilled workers who may have difficulty finding jobs, especially in their early months when they are still learning survival English. The refugees have not been homogenous in terms of culture, language, religion, or race. The 200,000 Eastern European refugees of 1947-1952 were mainly Slavic and Christian in origin; the Armenian, Assyrian, and Lebanese of the 1960s and 1970s were more oriental in language and religion; the Indochinese of recent years, although mainly Buddhist, are mixed in terms of language and ethnic origin. Refugee intake is now an important element in total immigration while special measures are taken to help refugees successfully resettle. After comparatively short time these refugees start to resemble other immigrants, and tend to become naturalized in relatively large numbers.  相似文献   

Dental caries in children is now recognized as a preventable disease. The use of fluoride and sealants has produced a major reduction in caries prevalence among school aged children in the United States and other countries. A portion of the child population who are educationally and socioeconomically disadvantaged are not fully receiving these benefits. Public policy, insurance and medicaid groups must be made aware of these preventative measures and strategies developed to implement them.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to familiarize health professionals with the clinical manifestations of illness encountered by healthy subjects upon acute exposure to high altitude. Acute mountain sickness (AMS) consists of mild (headache, lethargy, anorexia) and severe (pulmonary and cerebral edema) forms which are probably a continuum of the adverse effects of hypoxia. The former occurs usually at more than 6000 feet, and is self-limited with rest and analgesia; the latter occurs at more than 12,000 feet, can be rapidly fatal, and must be treated with descent and/or oxygen. Acetazolamide may provide prophylaxis for mild symptoms; Lasix and morphine should not be used for severe AMS unless close monitoring is available. The etiology of AMS is not clear but may be related to one's ventilatory response or the response of the pulmonary and cerebral vasculature to hypoxia.  相似文献   

The idea of fraternity, and how to organise it, was one of nineteenth-century Europe's invisible exports to the New World. This paper explores the international diffusion of the Loyal Orange Institution, with comparative reference to Freemasonry, its main model. Three alternative explanations are discussed for its appeal outside Ireland (that it facilitated the assimilation of emigrants, transmitted ‘tribal’ Irish animosities to fresh contexts, or adapted itself to pre-existing sectarian rivalries abroad). These hypotheses are tested used evidence from South Australia, where Orangeism flourished in the absence of heavy Ulster immigration. A collective profile of Orange South Australia is derived from Lodge records showing age, religious denomination and occupation, and the appeal of Orangeism is related to local political and religious contexts. In this case at least, Orangeism was primarily an export of organisational techniques rather than of Irish personnel or Irish bigotry.  相似文献   

The idea of fraternity, and how to organise it, was one of nineteenth-century Europe's invisible exports to the New World. This paper explores the international diffusion of the Loyal Orange Institution, with comparative reference to Freemasonry, its main model. Three alternative explanations are discussed for its appeal outside Ireland (that it facilitated the assimilation of emigrants, transmitted 'tribal' Irish animosities to fresh contexts, or adapted itself to pre-existing sectarian rivalries abroad). These hypotheses are tested used evidence from South Australia, where Orangeism flourished in the absence of heavy Ulster immigration. A collective profile of Orange South Australia is derived from Lodge records showing age, religious denomination and occupation, and the appeal of Orangeism is related to local political and religious contexts. In this case at least, Orangeism was primarily an export of organisational techniques rather than of Irish personnel or Irish bigotry.  相似文献   

"Wide diversity exists in the mortality experience of different birthplace groups in Australia, and this also occurs with respect to their cause of death profiles. Most migrant groups experience lower mortality in Australia than in their country of origin, and most experience lower mortality than the Australian-born population. In the latter case the main [groups] are the Scots, Irish, Poles, South Pacific Islanders, Scandinavian men and North American women. Exceptionally high levels of survival occur among Greeks and Italians in Australia. The lower risk of mortality from heart disease is a principal reason for the deficit between observed and expected deaths of most migrant groups in Australia." The analysis is based on deaths of those aged 15-74 by birthplace, as recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the years 1980, 1981, and 1982.  相似文献   

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