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徐浩 《日本研究》2011,(1):84-89
日本监事制度大致经历了四个阶段,1950年商法修改之前为第一阶段;1950年商法修改引进董事会制度为第二阶段;2002年商法修改,引进董事会下设委员会制度,公司可以自由选择该制度或传统的监事制度,为第三阶段。2005年日本公司法从商法典中独立出来,以创设会计参与制度和监事的任意设置为标志,此为第四阶段。监事的权限也经历了弱化、强化、再弱化、再强化的过程,现行公司法提供了包括会计参与制度在内的监事、监事会、独立董事,委员会等多种制度供企业选择。日本监事制度的演变对我国相关制度的立法具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

张雨 《社科纵横》2009,24(8):70-72
董事、监事、高级管理人员不仅熟悉、掌管公司的内部事务和业务秘密,而且在法律和公司章程的范围内被授予了广泛的决策权、管理权、监督权和业务执行权。在现实生活中,一些公司董事、监事和高级管理人员利用职务之便,侵占公司和股东利益,甚至将个人的经营风险转嫁至公司承担,职务犯罪呈现出大幅上升趋势。为了保护公司、股东及债权人的合法权益,有效约束董事、监事和高级管理人员的行为,《公司法》及相关法律规定了公司董事、监事和高级管理人员应承担的法律责任。  相似文献   

公司职工参与制度是现代企业制度的重要组成部分。由于职工参与有助于公司民主化管理的实现,各国公司法改革纷纷将其列为重点,在我国践行职工参与制度有着更多的现实需要。纵观我国现行公司法,却发现其在职工参与权的立法上存在着诸多不足。在公司中职工主要通过职工代表大会和职工董事、职工监事来行使参与权,因此,我国公司法应首先明确职工代表大会的法律地位、具体职权和与相关机构的关系,同时还应完善职工董事和职工监事的任免机制、权益保障机制等。  相似文献   

田富强  张丹 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):54-60
陕西农村劳动力流动的影响因素包括内部和外部两个方面。内部因素包括流动劳动力的自身素质、劳动力流动的组织形式及家庭因素,其中,劳动力的自身素质普遍偏低,组织形式以自发外出为主,劳动力平均年龄呈下降趋势。外部因素包括流动劳动力的权益保障、就业压力、子女教育等方面,内部和外部因素的交互作用必然影响农村劳动力的合理流动。  相似文献   

周昌发  陈红艳 《创新》2021,15(4):108-116
当前,全国农村信用合作社大多已经改制为农村商业银行,改制后其如何服务经济发展仍需持续探索.现实问题在于,乡村振兴战略下的涉农金融供给疲软,"三农"金融需求未得到充分满足.合作金融改革的原因众多,但长期主体地位及法律地位不明确、权利义务责任不对等是主要原因.改制后的农村商业银行应聚焦主业、回归本源,通过完善董事会和监事会制度、加快出台农村商业银行法、健全支农配套体系、差别化监管、落实股东大会法定职权、完善对董事、监事、高级管理人员的任用及议事规定、制定董事、监事、高级管理人员激励约束机制等方式加强公司治理,尤其注重发挥法律的引领及固化作用,努力实现农村商业银行商业盈利性及支农政策性的共生与共赢.  相似文献   

黑龙江省非国有经济发展优势及劣势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省非国有经济在全省经济发展中具有集体经济所占比重大,个体私营经济发展较快等特点。在可持续发展、政策环境及外部条件等方面有一定优势,但在观念、规模、科技含量以及知识产权的保护等方面仍存在一些问题。  相似文献   

唐海潇  黄莉 《探求》2005,(5):71-74
本文从内容、政治宗旨、经济衡量、外部保障体制社会功能等方面探讨官方语言廉洁文化的科学内涵。  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,逢"8"一个周期、每次间隔10年的外部冲击对我国就业产生了深刻的影响。首先,来自城镇登记失业率、就业总人口、三大产业就业人口等五个方面的分析得知:自改革开放以来,尤其是1989年经济封锁、1998年亚洲金融危机和2008年美国金融危机这三个重要事件对我国就业产生了周期性影响。其次,这三次外部冲击的周期性特点对我国经济和就业产生了具体影响。应对中美贸易战,我国就业政策应在扩大开放、优先就业、扩大内需、振兴乡村、加强培训等方面加大力度。  相似文献   

通过对全国高校辅导员年度人物先进事迹文本材料的分析,可以归纳总结出构成高校辅导员成长力的六大维度,构建高校辅导员成长力模型。其中自我驱动力、思政引领力、组织管理力、服务指导力和学习研究力为内部维度,外部支持力为外部维度。依据成长力模型,高校辅导员应在激发自我驱动、坚定职业理想,厚实工作基础、提升职业技能,强化学习研究、激发创新活力,完善机制保障、增强外部支持等方面精准施策,促进辅导员职业化、专业化、专家化发展。  相似文献   

建立适合黑龙江省特点的名牌战略,一方面要在加大科技投入、提升企业形象、提高企业维权意识等方面提高整体产品质量;另一方面要结合地区资源优势和外部资金、技术、经验优势,实现优势互补,综合各方力量来创造、发展和保护名牌,带动地区经济繁荣。  相似文献   

论代理权争夺与公司治理的完善   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
代理权争夺作为公司控制权市场上一种公司控制权转移方式 ,具有其独特的内涵与鲜明的特点。同时 ,它又是公司的一种外部治理机制 ,它通过增加公司的信息透明度、吸引广大中小股东积极参与公司治理和对管理者具有的惩罚与鞭策作用 ,有利于公司治理水平的提高。为充分发挥代理权争夺对我国上市公司治理的积极作用 ,必须优化上市公司股权结构和完善相关的法律法规。  相似文献   

论我国上市公司的制度性缺陷   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶祥松 《求是学刊》2002,29(4):57-60
文章所述上市公司制度性缺陷主要是指公司治理的缺陷 ,它包括内部治理和外部治理两个方面 :从内部治理来看 ,主要是 :行政权力和行政机制几乎控制了从企业股票发行到上市直至公司运作的全过程 ;股权结构的畸形和单一 ;内部人控制 ;上市公司目标的扭曲 ;公司治理组织架构的矛盾和冲突等。从外部治理来看 ,主要是 :市场治理机制的不完善或治理力度不够 ;有关监管机构的监管不力和市场中介机构的不健全等  相似文献   

The Russian state has over the last five years gradually increased its ability to control the Internet. Russian Internet companies recognize that in order to continue to work in Russia they have to be willing to help state security and to exert pressure on foreign IT companies. The ability of the Russian government to secure the Internet is limited by the openness of Russian society and of the Russian Internet itself. While the government has so far not succeeded in countering this openness, it is likely to continue to try, as the priority is now on securing the regime against external and internal threats rather than ensuring the personal security of Russians.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in order to evaluate the responses of biotechnology executives concerning their perceptions of the frequency of questionable R & D studies performed in their companies and to assess the extent to which their companies voluntarily conducted data audits. Data audit was found to be commonly practiced on a voluntary basis by biotechnology companies, in contrast to its almost lack of practice by universities. However, public companies were more likely to practice data auditing than privately held companies. Moreover, the likelihood that managers suspected or detected questionable studies in their companies was significantly increased if the company practiced data auditing.  相似文献   

我国国内快递市场的竞争分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
自2005年12月我国快递市场全面开放以来,国有及民营快递企业面临着联邦快递等跨国快递公司的强劲冲击,市场份额持续下降。本文分析了我国国内快递市场的发展及状况,针对国内快递市场的竞争、现有的竞争者以及影响快递企业竞争力的因素,提出政府部门的支持、国有及民营企业自身体制改革和品牌建设才是提高我国快递企业竞争力的关键途径。  相似文献   

服务创新已成为维系企业竞争优势的重要因素。由于创新需要许多复杂的知识与资源,加之服务企业多为中小企业,就使得服务创新所需的资源不能完全由企业控制。如何与外部伙伴建立并维持关系来使用这些资源,就成为服务创新成功的重要保障。企业与外部伙伴的关系镶嵌强度不同,从而形成不同的构形,而这些构形又会对不同创新类型产生不同影响。在服务产品创新、多单元组织、顾客共创等服务创新类型中,企业与供应商、客户、竞争对手及第三方机构的关系镶嵌均发挥重要作用,其中尤以客户关系镶嵌最为重要。  相似文献   

Based on data for 2005 to 2012, an analysis of the compensation gap between top executives at different Chinese listed companies reveals the following conclusions. (1) The large compensation gap existing among executives at listed Chinese companies—in some years even larger than that between rank-and-file employees—is mainly caused by the exorbitant executive compensation at a minority of companies. (2) Between 2005 and 2012, the compensation gap first widened dramatically and then diminished gradually. The leading factor in this fluctuation was the drastic rise and fall in the level of executive compensation at a handful of financial enterprises. The main reason for the narrowing of the compensation gap is central government regulation, which has helped to curb the excessive growth of executive compensation in society as a whole. (3) Even in the same round of fluctuation, state-owned listed companies differ markedly from non-state-owned listed companies in the way their executive compensation is decided. (4) State-owned listed companies’ executive compensation strategies and their internal governance structure have not played their due role in moderating the overly rapid growth of their executives’ compensation or in reducing the compensation gap.  相似文献   

胡文 《创新》2009,3(5):49-52
我国国有企业按照建立现代企业制度的要求,取得了长足的发展,但也出现了一些亟待解决的问题。针对企业集团在发展过程中出现的财务控制问题,借鉴世界跨国公司的成功经验,我国国有企业应采取积极措施对财务实施集中控制。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between corporate performance and innovative effort for a set of Spanish companies during the 2007–2013 period. For this purpose, we use a panel data model. We find evidence that the return on equity (ROE) and, in particular, sales revenues are positively influenced by corporate innovation. Moreover, we also find evidence that this positive relationship is stronger in large companies. The analysis regarding the age of the company indicates that, in start-ups or younger companies, innovation effort has a greater effect on corporate performance than in older companies.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to discuss the trends in and determinants of technical efficiency of software companies in India during 1999–2008 by applying input-oriented DEA model. Based upon the PROWESS Database of CMIE, the efficiencies were estimated for the old and new companies and also for Indian, multinational and group companies. The estimations were made for a sample of 72 software companies, under VRS assumption, as dataset manifested large magnitude of differences owing to the presence of big and small companies in the sample. The sales revenue is taken as output variable, and employment, expenditure on computers and electronics equipments, operating expenditure, power, fuel, and water charges as the input variables. The results and analyses demonstrate that the mean overall technical efficiency of the software industry in India during 1999–2008 was low suggesting that software firms, on an average, were wasting 35% of their inputs. It was found that the number of companies operating on most productive scale size has declined during the period under reference. The results also suggest that Indian-owned companies were more efficient than the foreign-owned and group-owned companies. Contrary to the expectations, exports were not found to have exercised significant impact on the efficiency of Indian software industry.  相似文献   

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