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文艺复兴时期的文化巨人莎士比亚在其戏剧中所塑造的一系列丰富生动和光彩照人的女性群像,受到了不同国家,不同阶层读者的喜爱与赞扬.他笔下的女性形象丰富了世界文学的人物画廊.奥赛罗中,莎士比亚从三个女主角形象中,反映了父权社会中典型的男尊女卑模式,女性成为这一制度下的牺牲品.本文主要从女性主义的角度分析其笔下的女性人物形象.  相似文献   


It is important for social workers to use contextual understandings to guide their work with client systems, particularly those whose life experiences fall under the umbrella of diversity. Thus, integrating women's perspectives/voices directly into the study of their lives is one way to more accurately understand lesbians, whose experiences as women, as partners, and as mothers may be misinterpreted without their own perspectives to guide understanding. This paper presents a model for research that utilizes an eco-systemic perspective, including eco maps and genograms, to collect and organize data. This model is a natural extension of social work interview and assessment techniques, and can illuminate respondents' diverse experiences as well as the socio-cultural environments in which these experiences are embedded.  相似文献   

This article offers a feminist reflection written as a nocturnal stream of consciousness exposing the embodied, emotional and professional experience of living and working during a pandemic outbreak. Framed within a feminist approach, this personal narrative provides an example of the effects of such unexpected and unprecedented circumstances on personal and professional academic lives. Developed during the first stage of the (inter)national coronavirus pandemic, my reflections address issues of privilege; emotional labour; the virtual invasion of the home space within the current increasingly ambiguous space of ‘the workplace'; workload; and wellbeing. Further, I consider how the newly enforced flexible work measures based on online tools have turned current work–life dynamics into a ‘Never‐ending Shift'.  相似文献   

2008年国际形势发生的剧烈变化对中东安全局势造成重大冲击,中东地区紧张状况未发生根本变化。中东地区长期动荡,既有重要的外部背景,也有复杂的内部原因,2009年中东地区安全形势依然十分严峻,奥巴马对中东政策的调整不会改变美国在中东的基本目标,大国在中东的博弈呈现加剧的趋势。中东地区的热点问题将继续存在,宗教冲突可能成为地区动荡和不稳的新因素。中东地区的传统安全和非传统安全均十分突出,严重影响地区的安全与稳定。  相似文献   

This article examines second wave and post-second wave feminist writing about the possibilities of (contemporaneously) new information and communication technologies. A number of texts by key authors, including Shulamith Firestone, Valerie Solanas, Cynthia Cockburn, Donna Haraway and Sadie Plant, are examined in light of the social and political context of their time of writing as well as in relation to 'mainstream' information society theorists such as Daniel Bell and Manuel Castells. The main focus is on how these authors understand the transformative potential of technologies, and attention is drawn to the swings between optimism and pessimism about the role of technology for a feminist political agenda. The role and nature of manifestos are also explored, and the question of whether it is time for another feminist technology manifesto is raised. The article concludes by posing some methodological and theoretical challenges of developing an anti-essentialist (in relation to both gender and technology), politically engaged and relevant feminist research agenda that takes seriously both lived experience and structures of power. The footnotes are an experiment in autobiographical writing in which I make explicit my own connection to this literature and the politics of these debates.  相似文献   


Since the mid-1980s, Australian governments have focused on expanding community and home-based services for older people. This has led to increased levels of dependency, vulnerability, and complexity to be managed in the community. Consequently, aged care services have had to develop mechanisms for regulating and managing these increased risks, and risk management has become more central to the practices of professional workers in this field. This paper reports on some findings from a large-scale study that explores the way risk management policies have been translated into practice by community-based services in Victoria, Australia. Drawing on interviews with 18 frontline and management professionals employed in community aged care, we found that these workers were wrestling with a diverse and new range of institutional risks beyond those encountered in the actual delivery of frontline care. We found that these workers experienced “risk” in four different contexts, which often created demands for contradictory or conflicting responses. Here we examine these “contexts of risk practice”: professional workers' relationships with their clients, relationships with other service providers, the unregulated nature of the home as a work environment, and community expectations about the management of risk. Despite tensions that frequently arose, workers expressed strong professional commitments to their clients and were motivated to find positive resolutions amid competing interests. We conclude that tensions experienced by workers were embedded in the structural dimensions of institutional relationships and the systematic absence of shared understandings of “acceptable” risks in the community care of older people, rather than in the failure of professional agency.  相似文献   

中东现代化进程中,现代与传统间产生矛盾的重要原因在于民族主义和伊斯兰教两种意识形态的复杂关系。鉴于此,本文主要从中东民族主义对伊斯兰教的冲击、伊斯兰原教旨主义对民族主义挑战的回应、民族主义与伊斯兰教的矛盾对中东政治发展的影响及其前景等三个方面分析了二者间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

中东现代化进程中,现代与传统间产生矛盾的重要原因在于民族主义和伊斯兰教两种意识形态的复杂关系.鉴于此,本文主要从中东民族主义对伊斯兰教的冲击、伊斯兰原教旨主义对民族主义挑战的回应、民族主义与伊斯兰教的矛盾对中东政治发展的影响及其前景等三个方面分析了二者间的复杂关系.  相似文献   

作为上层建筑的转型,中东民主化受到了经济基础的制约,该地区依赖自然资源的经济模式、经济增长缓慢,既得利益集团的抗拒都对民主化形成阻障.只要这些阻碍民主化的经济因素不消除,中东民主化的前景仍不乐观.  相似文献   

作为上层建筑的转型,中东民主化受到了经济基础的制约。该地区依赖自然资源的经济模式、经济增长缓慢、既得利益集团的抗拒都对民主化形成阻障。只要这些阻碍民主化的经济因素不消除,中东民主化的前景仍不乐观。  相似文献   

全球治理中的中东难民问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
难民问题是长期困扰中东地区的一大难题。中东难民问题的严峻现状已经引起国际社会的广泛关注。在难民问题逐步被纳入全球治理框架的趋势下,国际社会采取了多层次、多领域的合作,取得了较为明显的成效。然而一些障碍性因素的存在阻碍了全球治理的有效实施,使得这一问题难以从根本上得到解决。  相似文献   

张熠 《阿拉伯世界》2004,(5):19-21,18
第三次中东战争的爆发使得人们对约翰逊上台之后美国中东政策的调整有了更加强烈的感性认识。这种调整是历史、现实等多种因素交织在一起的结果,表现在政治、经济、军事各个方面。随着美国中东政策的调整,中东局势乃至美苏争夺态势都产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

中国的阿拉伯语学科建设经过30年的发展,取得了前所未有的进步。本文结合作者多年来从事阿拉伯语和中东研究领域教学科研工作的经历和体会,对阿拉伯语学科建设、团队建设和未来的挑战与机遇提出了一些看法,只有坚持走学科内涵发展的道路,重视学术团队的建设,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,才能更上一个新台阶,迎来欣欣向荣的局面。  相似文献   

Reflecting on the global nature of third-party offshore call center and its implications on the agent, this piece is an account of the researcher's own experience, observations, and interactions as a call center worker. Using the theoretical frame Global economy of signs and selves, weaving ideas from Scott Lash and John Urry, Pierre Bourdieu and Erving Goffman, the study looks at some dimensions and conditions of global service work experienced by Filipino agents. With the relocation of accounts offshore, call centers in the Philippines have given rise to a growing section of society required by the imperatives of their work to “defy” time and space, synchronizing their cycles and routines according to the rhythms and cycles of a distant social dimension and the imperatives of globalized production. Although relocation has allowed firms to reduce costs and make use of cheaper labor, the distance traversed by this new call center platform comes with some hidden costs, borne by workers, who may themselves take these other forms of work they deliver for granted. Highlighting under-emphasized, undervalued and misrecognized aspects of call center work, the study attempts to link the global, the local and the personal, while emphasizing the social and symbolic work involved in call center production.  相似文献   

阿以冲突是二战结束以来中东地区的主要矛盾之一,对当今国际局势产生重要影响。从建构主义视角来看,阿以冲突的根源在于阿以双方都建构了自己是巴勒斯坦主人的身份认同,都要求独占圣城耶路撒冷。阿以冲突的历史起源和直接原因则是犹太复国主义运动。历史形成的敌对性文化观念的不断自我实现和自我加强导致阿以双方的敌对身份不断强化,致使阿以冲突陷入困境。本文从建构主义视角对这一问题进行分析,认为阿以双方若要改变互为敌人的身份关系,首先应建构积极的和新的共有观念,努力增加互信,实现和平共处。  相似文献   

2010年5月13日,在天津举行的"中阿合作论坛"第四届部长级会议通过了《天津宣言》,宣示着在中国—阿拉伯国家合作论坛框架内建立全面合作、共同发展的中阿战略合作关系。此次会议回顾和总结了过去6年来中阿合作的发展历程和宝贵经验,并在此基础上,探讨了提升双方合作水平的渠道,标志着中阿合作关系进入一个新的历史阶段,无愧为中阿合作历程中的一座新的里程碑。  相似文献   

法国季节性人口迁移由来已久,且迁移的地域遍及欧洲。欧洲国家对人口迁徙情况进行清查和评估始于1805年法兰西第一帝国时期,当时实行以"血统主义"为原则的国籍制度,其用意在于保证拿破仑军队充足的兵源,这与后来共和政体实行的"属地主义"原则相对立。21世纪初,移民问题成为法国对内政策面临的一大挑战,它与公共安全、国民身份认同、就业市场、欧盟公共事务政策的制订以及在第二代移民中实现法国模式的"共和"与"非宗教化"的融合等重大问题息息相关。欧洲国家之间与欧洲国家之外的人口迁移引发以下问题:欧洲居民的原国籍问题、法国国籍问题、法国公民权的行使问题以及在重组后的家庭种族构成愈加复杂的条件下个人身份的构建问题等。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assist the understanding of social workers in Europe of marriage and family dynamics among women from Middle East and North African countries who have moved to Europe. The focus of this article is on husband selection processes and family dynamics after marriage in Egypt, which is used as a case study reflecting culture and norms surrounding marriage in this region. This article reports on the findings of doctoral studies which examined marriage patterns and family dynamics in North Africa and in particular in Egypt where more in-depth data were available. The authors reflect issues surrounding values and process of marriage not only in terms of the implications for practice with social work clients or service users, but also in relation to the potential of women from this region who may join the social care workforce.  相似文献   

法国季节性人口迁移由来已久,且迁移的地域遍及欧洲。欧洲国家对人口迁徙情况进行清查和评估始于1805年法兰西第一帝国时期,当时实行以“血统主义”为原则的国籍制度,其用意在于保证拿破仑军队充足的兵源,这与后来共和政体实行的“属地主义”原则相对立。21世纪初,移民问题成为法国对内政策面临的一大挑战,它与公共安全、国民身份认同、就业市场、欧盟公共事务政策的制订以及在第二代移民中实现法国模式的“共和”与“非宗教化”的融合等重大问题息息相关。欧洲国家之间与欧洲国家之外的人口迁移5I发以下问题:欧洲居民的原国籍问题、法国国籍问题、法国公民权的行使问题以及在重组后的家庭种族构成愈加复杂的条件下个人身份的构建问题等。  相似文献   

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