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王涛  苗润雨 《城市》2015,(4):50-55
东京都市圈是世界上最大的都市圈,为应对都市圈日益增加的人口,控制大城市病的产生,东京经过不断探索形成了“多核多圈层”的多中心城市结构,以快速交通体系连接都心与周边城市.通过对东京都市圈规划演变及典型新城的建设历程可以看到东京都市圈规划思想的演变,并对我国都市圈规划与建设提供很多启示.  相似文献   

王涛 《城市》2013,(11):12-16
随着全球经济一体化和国际分工日益加深,单一的城市已经日益扩大为大都市圈与都市带,成为城市现代化进程的重要特征。大都市圈的形成与发展使城市地域空间形态发生了重构,资本、产业、劳动力等要素出现了新的流动与空间配置方式,对城市管理、产业发展、地域均衡等都构成了重大挑战。东京都市圈是世界上四大都市圈之一,二战后迅速形成与发展,其间又经历了逆城市化与再城市化,显然,东京都市圈的形成与发展过程中经历了诸多挑战。  相似文献   

周建高 《城市》2015,(3):66-71
我国近20年来经济高速发展,城市化水平不断提高。当前城市化面临的突出问题,是我国刚刚进入汽车社会就出现了严重的交通拥堵现象。多个大城市因不堪拥堵而无奈实行汽车限购限行政策,大力发展公共交通成为解决城市交通问题的共识。相对我国而言,日本的平均人口密度、私家车普及率高得多,有着发达的经济却没有控制城市人口、限制汽车购买和通行,其重要经验就是在汽车社会来临之前就建设了发达的全国铁路网,轨道交通在促进城市化过程中发挥了重要作用。由东京都及神奈川县、埼玉县、千叶县和茨城县南部地区组成的东京都市圈,以铁路东京站为圆心、以50公里~100公里为半径,面积1.6382万平方公里,人口3760.2万。无论人口规模还是经济规模,东京都市圈都是当今世界最大的都市圈。研究轨道交通在东京都市圈发展中的作用,对于我国方兴未艾的城市化、城市圈发展具有重要的启发价值。本文将对轨道交通与城市发展、都市圈形成的关系进行分析、研究。  相似文献   

大都市圈域交通走廊建设的新思维   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、都市圈的概念及形成机理 (一)都市圈的概念 都市圈是国际上对现代城镇群体发展地区空间组织的基本模式的称谓,日本《地理学词典》中论述到:“城市通过对其周边地域辐射中心职能而发展,以城市为中心形成的职能地域、结节地域称为都市圈。”其地理含义是指在现代交通技木条件下,具有相当直径的类似圆形的面积,人们可以一天内乘汽车到达并进行面对面交流的特定经济区域。值得指出的是,目前,学术界没有形成“都市圈”的一致性定义。  相似文献   

沈宏婷 《城市观察》2018,(1):100-106
在2016年国家发改委公布的《长江三角洲城市群发展规划》中,南京被定位为长三角唯一的特大城市,赋予了南京独特的地位。从规划内容来看,南京被赋予了带动南京都市圈的同城化发展、辐射带动淮安等苏北地区的发展、促进南京都市圈与合肥都市圈的融合发展等多重含义。但从南京自身来看,其发展中存在经济集聚效应不显著、空间辐射能力不足、国际化功能不全、管理服务水平有待提高、生态保护压力较大等问题阻碍了南京城市功能的提升。南京必须在原有的城市功能基础上,不断强化其创新型、枢纽型、开放型、服务型、生态型的新功能,从而真正肩负起国家所赋予的东部重要中心城市、长三角城市群中唯一的"特大城市"的功能定位。  相似文献   

目前世界上人口最多的城市是日本首都东京。东京位于日本本本州岛东部,所含扩张相连的城区是目前全球规模最大的巨型都会区,下辖23个特别区、27个市、5个町、8个村以及伊豆群岛和小笠原群岛,总面积2155平方公里,人口约3530万(截至2005年),是世界上人口最多的城市之一。按市区人口计算,2004年度东京市的GDP为7848亿美元。  相似文献   

广州与若干国际中心城市的竞争力比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市竞争力是指一个城市在全球经济活动中集聚资源、创造财富和发挥辐射影响的能力。本文从经济实力、产业结构、基础设施、创新能力、社会发展、国际化水平、生态环境、政府管理、文化软实力、区域依托力等十个方面,将广州与伦敦、纽约、东京、大阪、首尔、新加坡、香港等七个国际中心城市的竞争力进行了比较。  相似文献   

当前我国城镇化已经进入以城市群带动区域经济发展的阶段,城市群成为中国经济发展的主力军,而都市圈是城市群综合承载能力的重要空间载体。在都市圈中,中心城市自然能够得到有效发展,但都市圈非中心城市的资源要素容易在"虹吸效应"影响下向中心城市集聚,从而失去发展机会。如何保存非中心城市的实力,实现区域均衡发展,是中国城镇化目前阶段值得深思的问题。以东京都市圈中非中心城市埼玉县为例,分析在东京都市圈发展过程中,埼玉县如何从中获得机遇,进而通过调整自身发展战略以取得长久稳定发展,实现非中心城市地位逆袭,最终为国内都市圈非中心城市的发展提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

郭小鹏 《城市观察》2021,74(4):136-144
日本在经济高速增长期坚持生产第一主义,导致公害集中爆发.东京都市圈被称为"公害样本城市",具有种类齐全、不断变异、广域扩散等特征.围绕公害问题受害者、发生源和监管者形成复杂的角力,治理陷入僵局,导致社会对抗.在公害反对运动背景下,东京都市圈的革新自治体率先破局,横滨市与企业缔结公害防止协定,东京都颁布了公害防止条例,设立环境基准,规制公害发生源,救济受害者,倡导广域治理.革新自治体促使日本政府调整发展战略,转向生活环境优先,为公害治理提供了政策依据,形成多元共治的局面.  相似文献   

欧阳杰  赵岩 《城市》2014,(2):11-16
正以航空运输方式为主体的交通基础设施之间的客运联系是纽约、伦敦和东京等世界城市行使全球控制力与影响力以及拓展国家软实力的主要路径之一。从经济要素的组织、融合和再辐射角度来看,航空运输业是世界城市发展流量经济的主要载体,发达的国际航空运输业也是世界城市形成的必要条件之一。北京在建设世界城市的过程中,建立健  相似文献   

Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, has always been a center of national economic growth, and hence a focal point of political struggle between local and national government. There exist two kinds of political forces; the former desires strong concentration of economic activities in Tokyo based on market rationality and economic efficiency, and the latter counters the former claiming more decentralization based on the balanced national economic structure. This paper reviews the development of urban and regional policy in Japan over the last 20 years and examines how such political forces have played out. After the decade‐long sluggish economic performance and the challenge of inter‐urban competition by Asian mega‐cities, Tokyo Metropolitan Government formulated an aggressive promotional policy under the leadership of the then Governor Ishihara. He tactically created a political consensus to give locational favor to the central part of Tokyo at the expense of other regions. It was partially challenged by the election of the then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who insisted the need to revitalize the regions that were economically lagging. Despite his words, however, the centralization of Tokyo continued. This paper argues that the regional revitalization policy under the Abe administration was political rhetoric rather than reality, and Japan's economic fortune may still depend on the performance of Tokyo in the global economy under the neoliberal policy orientation.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the vision of Japanese society expressed in the idea of a legacy for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games primarily for an internal, domestic audience. This legacy is consistent with the national reconstruction policy adopted after the Great East Japan earthquake of 11 March 2011. The specific issue I focus on here is the centrality of the term “creative reconstruction” to the legacy discourse on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. By interweaving discussions about three places—the Tohoku disaster area, the Tokyo Olympic venue, and Japanese society—this discourse creates an apparently mutual interdependence between the three. Here I assess the idea of this ideological Olympic legacy where these relationships of interdependence are represented as a blueprint for restructuring the system of capital accumulation in Japan. The structure of the article is as follows. First, I provide an overview of creative reconstruction in Japan in comparison with other terms recently used to assess sports mega‐events such as the Olympics. Next, I briefly outline the political transformation of the social integration system from the mid‐1990s, when the phrase creative reconstruction was first used to the present. In the following three sections I discuss the way that each of the key terms in the discourse—Tohoku, Tokyo, and Japan—has been deployed. This article concludes with reflections on the social and political implications of this discourse for Japanese society in the build up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.  相似文献   

Economic disparity in Japan has been increasing since approximately 1980. This change has been particularly significant in one of its global cities, the Tokyo metropolitan area, resulting in a dramatic transformation of its socio‐spatial structure. Until the 1980s, economic disparity in Tokyo was not as large as that in the whole of Japan. Moreover, the concentration of high‐income households in the center of Tokyo was not significant. However, the old middle class, which consist of self‐employed individuals, and small capitalist class began to dissolve in the 1980s and 1990s, respectively, resulting in a decline in the population in the center of the city and its surrounding areas. In the 2000s the new middle class began to move into these areas. This was gentrification; however, because of the time difference between the dissolution of the old middle class and small capitalists and the influx of the new middle class, it was not violent but proceeded in a relatively peaceful manner. Until 1990, in areas 20‐40 km from the center of Tokyo, income levels and the proportion of the new middle class were high, however by 2010 the proportion of the working class had increased, and income levels had fallen significantly. Thus, in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the old middle class and the small capitalists in and around the center of Tokyo were replaced by the new middle class, and a hierarchical socio‐spatial structure culminationg in the center of Tokyo developed.  相似文献   

本文探讨了1990年以来东京大城市圈空间扩展与变迁以及全球化对东京的影响。全球化对城市空间的重构有很大影响,经济全球化背景下,资本流动、劳动力转移、产业结构变化等因素是影响城市空间重构的主要要素。因此,需要从全球化的视角审视城市发展。  相似文献   

王丹 《科学发展》2014,(6):108-112
未来30年,全球化进程仍将深化,并表现出"平衡化"和"区域化"的趋势;世界权力重心必将东移,并更多地向城市或城市群层面扩散;城市生态问题将更加突出,城市间共同治理环境的需求将进一步增强。在全球战略环境发展大势下,上海大都市圈在中国的地位和作用将更加突出。这就要求上海在未来城市发展中紧密结合全国发展大局,强化与周边区域发展的协同性,依靠率先改革的驱动力,形成互动式的城市治理模式、独特性的产业发展战略、符合全球化规律的开放格局。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,上海城市建设的重心一直在中心城区。世博会后,城市建设的重心必将逐步转移至城郊地区。同时,上海已进入工业化后期阶段,只有统筹城郊发展,加快郊区建设步伐,才能在新起点上实现新飞跃。“十二五”时期上海城市建设方针应是“郊区为主,聚焦新城;生态优先,宜居为重;城乡统筹,协调发展”,聚焦综合性新城、农村基础设施等重点领域的投资建设。  相似文献   

日本自1995年颁布《科学技术基本法》之后,正式将科技创新作为立国之策,开始实施5年一期的《科学技术基本计划》。日本各县也推出了相应的科技振兴指南。其中,东京都作为日本的首都地区和经济中心,10年来发布了3期《产业科学技术振兴指南》。东京都指南与上海5年科技规划有诸多相似之处,研究解读东京都第3期《指南》,对上海编制"十三五"科技规划具有借鉴意义:即政府在促进科技创新中的角色定位要进一步明确,科技规划要着眼于城市发展重点需求,科技规划要注重体系化的设计。  相似文献   

In this article, we first review current Japanese urban and regional sociological literature on the COVID-19 pandemic. Some empirical studies of the current conditions, challenges, and difficulties faced by urban communities with the pandemic have loomed large. Although urban governance of infectious disease control has been generally an important research topic in urban studies, there is limited research on this aspect, particularly in Japan. Then, we briefly examine the urban governance of the pandemic in Japan, with a focus on the case of Osaka. Specifically, by analyzing the meeting minutes of Osaka Prefectural Government's countermeasure headquarters, we shed light on what issues were mainly dealt with and what main organizational actors were involved. The results indicate that, in addition to the administrative and political collaboration between central, prefectural, and municipal governments, the involvement of industrial and professional organizations (e.g., medical and economic associations) is particularly salient. This is because the governmental sector in Japan lacks a strong legal framework and a policy implementation capacity for infectious disease control. Consequently, it has requested (through intermediary associations) that residents, businesses, and hospitals cooperate with the government to control the spread of the virus. With regard to the characteristics of the Japanese urban governance of the pandemic, more comparative research between cities and regions in the country and those in other countries will be one of the important issues for future Japanese urban and regional sociology.  相似文献   

骆金龙 《科学发展》2014,(8):104-112
随着全球化、信息化、网络化深入发展,城市发展也面临新的机遇和挑战,城市(包括城市圈区域)在国家和地区发展中的地位进一步凸显,国际大都市竞合格局发生了深刻变化.面对新的发展形势,处于不同发展阶段、具备不同要素条件的国际大都市纷纷开展中长期发展战略规划研究,对城市未来20~30年的发展愿景、目标、定位、思路、任务、举措等进行再思考和新规划.伦敦、东京、纽约等国际大都市战略规划的编制背景、规划宗旨、愿景目标、战略思路、主要议题、战略任务和规划内容框架、流程方法等,为上海更好地谋划转型发展提供了有价值的国际范例参考.  相似文献   

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