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叙事治疗作为社会工作实践的一种新范式,为社会工作在中国本土情境下的临床实务提供了一种新兴的心理治疗取向。叙事治疗摆脱了传统心理治疗模式重视诊断案主问题、以问题为导向的治疗观念,通过解构和建构案主的偏差叙事,寻找例外等治疗技巧,增强了案主在治疗过程中的内在动力和治疗成效。本文重点探讨的就是在中国社会工作情境下,叙事治疗在微观层面上如何实现理论技术的本土化操作,以及在宏观层面上的推广可能性分析。  相似文献   

韦耀阳  刘鹏 《社会工作》2008,(22):22-24
叙事心理学是在后现代心理学思潮影响下兴起的一种新的研究取向。叙事心理治疗在社会工作运用,需要社会工作者能够建立良好的关系,耐心倾听故事叙说,在咨询中将问题外化,形成积极有力的自己观念。  相似文献   

叙事心理学是在后现代心理学思潮影响下兴起的一种新的研究取向。叙事心理治疗在社会工作运用,需要社会工作者能够建立良好的关系,耐心倾听故事叙说,在咨询中将问题外化,形成积极有力的自己观念。  相似文献   

祝平燕  万莉莉 《社会工作》2013,(1):98-104,154
社会工作在当今社会里已经成为众所周知的专业和行业,但是医务社会工作却仍处于起步发展阶段,传统干预方法已不足以应对复杂的临床案例。本文通过个案研究的方法,运用标签理论、符号互动论、自我效能理论指导叙事疗法进行医务社会工作实务,对在医院实习中遇到的案主进行介入,总结出叙事疗法在此类介入中的通用模式,并通过实地研究发现叙事疗法在医务社会工作中介入的优势及不足。笔者希望通过这一探索性研究,尝试将叙事疗法应用到医务社会工作中,以期推动社会工作实务更快的发展。  相似文献   

黄锐 《社会工作》2009,(8):27-29
叙事治疗模式一经提出在家庭治疗、青少年社会工作、学校社会工作等领域得到广泛运用,逐渐成为当今社会工作实践的新范式。本文在简要介绍该模式的兴起与发展之后,总结其叙事隐喻与社会建构理论两大理论脉络,分析其四大基本假设,进而构建出一个对案例进行实际操作的分析框架,并依此分析这样的个案。  相似文献   

叙事治疗模式一经提出在家庭治疗、青少年社会工作、学校社会工作等领域得到广泛运用,逐渐成为当今社会工作实践的新范式。本文在简要介绍该模式的兴起与发展之后,总结其叙事隐喻与社会建构理论两大理论脉络,分析其四大基本假设,进而构建出一个对案例进行实际操作的分析框架,并依此分析这样的个案。  相似文献   

叙事治疗已成为当下比较流行的社会工作实践新范式,其主要理论基础是后现代主义的社会建构主义。社会建构主义认为人们的周围存在着多重的现实,视乎人们以怎样的方式进行建构。叙事疗法则在这种理论的指导下,使人们解构他们生活现实和关系的意义,并指出现实和内化的自我故事之间的差异,从而帮助人们解决问题。本文首先回顾了叙事治疗的理论渊源,总结叙事治疗理论的主要观点,并介绍了其在青少年社会工作和家庭社会工作中的运用,在此基础上提出相应评析。  相似文献   

姚丽 《社会福利》2010,(4):33-34
家庭治疗是家庭社会工作中非常有特色的一种工作手法。作为一种治疗模式,它以整个家庭作为治疗的单位,着重的焦点在家庭成员间的互动关系和沟通的问题,是处理人际关系系统的一种方法。家庭治疗模式在20世纪50年代获得社会工作和心理治疗界的认可,并被广泛运用到家庭社会工作服务之中。  相似文献   

史天琪 《社会工作》2023,(2):96-105+111
专业化社区工作者是创新社区治理的重要参与主体。本文以持证社区工作者社会工作技术实践的个体叙事为研究对象,探析专业技术在社区治理体系中“生根易扎根难”问题的微观解释路径。研究发现,社区治理体系中的社会工作存在培训仪式化、专业表象化、成效感知化等技术使用特征,当事者视角的个体叙事呈现出“时间体验——技术悖论”的解释脉络。即由于社区治理场域中多重时间观(个体时间、组织时间、技术时间)的冲突和多种技术治理策略的内部矛盾,与不充分的专业身份共同构建了技术悬浮的时空处境。归纳之,实践者的个体行动选择是对工作情境要求的自反性实践,有助于专业共同体省思在社区治理和社会工作融合发展的宏大叙事中,本土社会工作的技术路径应扎根生活,以有效解决技术悬浮问题,提高社区治理的专业效能。  相似文献   

刘战旗 《社会工作》2014,(3):110-119
本文采用叙事研究和实证研究的方法,以实践经验和深度访谈为基础,从机构目标制定、服务领域选择、人才队伍建设、评价认可标准等4方面,直观地呈现了内地社会工作发展的特定处境与实务经验;探讨内地社会工作机构在当前实务处境下的抉择考量与经验启示。研究发现内地政府多从创新社会管理的角度期待社会工作有所作为,而社会工作机构则面临着内部实务经验不足和外部支持协同不够的压力,学界在内地社会工作机构发展中发挥了重要的枢纽作用。研究认为内地迫切需要建立政府、学界、机构的良性协作机制,并大力发展社会变革取向的宏观社会工作模式。  相似文献   


This paper mainly focuses on the development of disaster social work in Mainland China and the intervention of social work in disaster relief. Before the Wenchuan earthquake and in the initial stage of post-earthquake, disaster social work was mainly based on individual psychotherapy; from the earthquake to the year of 2012 in which post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction was completed, the disaster relief began to emphasise community building and integration, while the basic framework for disaster social work was also established. Social workers begin to explore the new mode of developmental and localised disaster social work. By combining with the practical experiences from disaster social work, this paper tries to highlight the dilemmas confronting disaster relief in Mainland China and put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, which could improve the future disaster relief system in Mainland China.  相似文献   

Due to increasing evidence that supports the efficacy of combined pharmacology and psychotherapy in the treatment of multiple psychiatric disorders, an educational focus on integrated approaches is growing in social work and related fields. However, there are few guiding clinical theoretical models that can help students integrate pharmacology and clinical issues. The authors propose that ego psychology can advance clinical knowledge by helping students understand pharmacological issues and integrate pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy. Assessing ego functions in response to medication referral and use contributes to enhanced assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

Acknowledging the limitations of adhering to one particular theoretical orientation in helping clients with multiple issues, psychotherapy integration in treatment becomes a prominent trend in clinical practice. However, we have few guidelines for an integrated case formulation. Also, there have been some concerns that available treatment options limit and even pre-determine how clinicians understand and formulate cases. In order to address these concerns, this article first critically reviews the psychotherapy integration movement and highlights social work contributions to this movement. Next, using a clinical case example, we illustrate an integrated case formulation in clinical social work practice, which comprehensively assesses a client-in-context from psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive approaches. We also delineate how social workers can directly link this integrated assessment to selecting the integrated treatment options to custom-fit with the idiosyncratic needs of the client. This formulation is then truly client-centered. Thus, formulating a case is developing a theory of a client.  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses the intersection between psychotherapy and social activism. She argues that activism is a form of empathy in action and is a natural extension of her work as a therapist. The author reviews the history of psychoanalysis and social activism, demonstrating that the roots of psychoanalysis were embedded in the work of social activism. She discusses some of the recent history of events in her state that led her to engage in activism and some issues this presents for clinical practice.  相似文献   

Most of the published literature on disability determination focuses on prevalence, applying for benefits, or sociodemographics. There is a paucity of literature that addresses the impact on treatment when a clinician is asked to contribute to a disability determination in the midst of an ongoing psychotherapy. In addition, the clinical literature is primarily written by and for psychiatrists. Yet a disability determination during psychotherapy is at the heart of clinical social work practice when it attends to the patient’s environment by offering help with material needs, while simultaneously providing relationally based treatment.  相似文献   

The complex and changing relationship between theory and practicein social work has received increasing attention in recent years.Parton (2000) has advocated a constructionist approach thatunderlines the similarity between the roles of the researcherand the practitioner. Personal construct theory (Kelly, 1955)is one member of the constructionist family that has particularimplications for social work practice. It evolved as a pragmaticapproach to psychotherapy, advocating a research supervisor/studentmodel of the practitioner/client relationship. In this article,we elaborate its application to social work practice, drawingon contemporary work in the fields of trauma and loss to illustrateits value.  相似文献   

In this study, the author researched his clinical practice in a community mental health center with six parental couples whose latency-aged children suffered from prevalent separation anxiety disorder symptoms. Through thematic analysis of the anamnestic process recordings of 53 parent sessions, the author's speculation on the effectiveness of the supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy techniques to psychodynamic clinical social work practice with parents was confirmed. Nine of thirteen supportive psychodynamically grounded therapy techniques were highlighted, whereas the clinical practice produced three more. The techniques permeated and shaped the author's clinical social work intervention, and a follow-up confirmed the reduction in mental health symptoms for the children and also increased parental satisfaction in response to the interventions.  相似文献   

As social beings, we experience ourselves through interactions with others in daily routines that participate in the cultural practices and power relations of broader social structures. Social workers, and social scientists in general, however, have had difficulty conceptualizing and synthesizing this way of being in the world. This paper attempts to respond to that gap by discussing how clinical social workers can use the concept of working models as a tool for listening and understanding in psychotherapy. Utilizing a case example, the paper will discuss three working models, the enactment of power relations, cultural practices, and psychological processes, which provide an integrative framework to inform clinical work.  相似文献   

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