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Scroll of "On Goddess of the Luo River" was painted by Gu Kaizhi, a master during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He took the poem "On Goddess of the Luo River" by Cao Zhi, a great literary work from the Three Kingdoms period (220-265), as its chief subject. This poem illustrates the theme that true love between men and women is repressed and destroyed by the feudal ethical code and the feudal forces in feudal society. It depicts the poet's love for a goddess of the Luo River, Mi Fei, who is actually the reincarnation of the poet's favorite concubine, Zhen Fei, who had passed away.  相似文献   

Since Shanghai opened to the outside, a large number of foreign wives have lived there. They have organized a charitable association which has attracted people's attention. They donate money and material goods to the Shanghai Children's Welfare House, as well as contributing their maternal love to the Chinese orphans. Every week, no matter whether it is raining or windy, they visit, holding the children in their arms and feeding them. Some of them  相似文献   

During the War of Liberation before China was liberated in 1949. the exemplary deeds of the legendary six sisters from Shandong Province's Mengyin County who supported the front by sewing army shoes spread all over the Yimeng area. Army shoes embodied the boundless feelings, of the  相似文献   

"THE east is red, the sun rises. China brought up Mao Zedong. He fights for the happiness of the people, he is a great liberator of the people." All Chinese know this song, but few know the origin of it. Composer Liu Zhi recalled, "I was a young actor in the Yangge Team under the Lu Xun Arts Institute of the Red Army 60 years ago. One folk performer in our troupe called Fang Xianzhang used to make a living by performing on both banks of the Yellow River. He knew a lot of Shanxi folk songs and once taught me a love song called Sesame Oil. It turned out to be the same tune with The East Is Red.  相似文献   

IN the summer of 1997, during the opening ceremony of China's Eighth National Games, a thousand women performed an elegant demonstration of Mulan Fist to the accompaniment of sweet-sounding folk music and thunderous applause from the audience. They were led by Ying Meifeng, the creator of Mulan Fist.  相似文献   

The law maintains that the choice of competent adult Witnesses not to receive blood products must be respected. Yet many care providers believe that Witnesses, when actually faced with a life-threatening emergency, want their stated choice to be overriden--which permits them to evade the spiritual consequences of their unstated preference.  相似文献   

ZHANG Suwo is the eldest daughter of Zhang Zhizhong, a patriotic general of the Kuomintang army. In 1949, as the chief representative of the Kuomintang government, General Zhang Zhizhong negotiated peace with the representatives of the Chinese Communist Party. Unfortunately, the civil peace agreement drawn up by the representatives of the two sides was refused by the  相似文献   

AS one of the earliest women pilots in China, Quan Jiyu has earned honors and has had unique experiences. She has held an important position in the history of aviation in China and the Republic of Korea. Quan Jiyu was born in Pyongyang, Korea in 1901. When she was nine years old, the Japanese invaded her country. The struggles against Japanese aggression were ongoing everywhere which significantly influenced young Quan Jiyu. In 1919 in Korea, the March lst Independence Movement occurred and Quan Jiyu, just 18, became involved  相似文献   

In 1992, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), an advocacy organization for people claiming to be falsely accused of sexual abuse, announced the discovery of a new syndrome involving iatrogenically created false memories of childhood sexual abuse. This article critically examines the assumptions underlying “False Memory Syndrome” to determine whether there is sufficient empirical evidence to support it as a valid diagnostic construct. Epidemiological evidence is also examined to determine whether there is data to support its advocates' claim of a public health crisis or epidemic. A review of the relevant literature demonstrates that the existence of such a syndrome lacks general acceptance in the mental health field, and that the construct is based on a series of faulty assumptions, many of which have been scientifically disproven. There is a similar lack of empirical validation for claims of a “false memory” epidemic. It is concluded that in the absence of any substantive scientific support, “False Memory Syndrome” is best characterized as a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed to defend against claims of child abuse.  相似文献   

THE level of women's development is an important mark of overall social development, and a measure of the degree of social progress. In order to promote women's progress and development, the State Council promulgated "The Program for the Development of Chinese Women 1995- 2000" on July 27 of this year. On August 10 the State Council Work Committee on Women and Children held a seminar on  相似文献   

Ethicists, policy makers, and care providers are increasingly concerned with helping the dying elderly to experience a "good death." A "good death" is characterized by physical comfort, social support, acceptance, and appropriate medical care, and it should minimize psychological distress for the dying and their families. I identify the predictors of death quality and evaluate how the quality of an older adult's death affects the surviving spouse's psychological adjustment six months after the loss. Analyses use Changing Lives of Older Couples (CLOC) data, a prospective study of married persons ages 65 and older. Positive spousal relationships during the final days increase survivors' yearning yet reduce their anger. Having a spouse die a painful death is associated with elevated anxiety, yearning, and intrusive thoughts. The perception of physician negligence is associated with elevated anger. These findings suggest that improved end-of-life care and pain management will benefit both the dying and their bereaved spouses.  相似文献   

赵海燕 《职业》2017,(7):107-108
一、时代背景 身处21世纪,世界的方方面面都在发生着翻天覆地、日新月异的变化.课堂也不例外,互联网、微博、QQ、微信、多媒体、慕课、微课、翻转课堂、未来教室、电子书包、可穿戴设备等新词汇、新概念、新手段,频频出现于媒体,在改变着知识和信息的传播方式,延展了学习的形态,影响着教育者和受教育者之间的关系,没有人能够置身事外.其中"翻转课堂"作为颠覆传统教学形态的代表,如同一股旋风,迅速风靡国内外.  相似文献   

在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀和大力支持下,自1996年中央确定上海市与云南省开展对口帮扶合作以来,上海市委、市政府高度重视,真金白银、真抓实干、真情实意推进沪滇对口帮扶合作,有力地促进了云南省扶贫攻坚进程.  相似文献   

2015年11月初,笔者受单位派遣,到四川省自贡市沿滩区瓦市镇沙溪村任第一书记.那是一个只有1800亩耕地和707户人家(共2631人)的贫困村,地处偏远,贫困人口占18%.通过近两个月的思考和深入调查,我深感作为第一书记、特别是贫困村第一书记的压力之大. 那么,怎样当好一名贫困村第一书记呢?笔者谨以个人十多年的基层工作经历,将自己的几点体会,整理成文,共勉之.  相似文献   

莫莫 《职业》2005,(1):5-7
据说他是一个让人疯狂的人.他每年会在全球10所大学演讲,他曾在哈佛讲台上与诺基亚总裁激烈辩论,最终赢得了台下1000多名听众长时间的起立鼓掌.  相似文献   

刘明友 《职业》2008,(15):81
课堂教学是教学工作的核心部分,教研工作主要围绕这个核心来开展,如评课、考评教师等.本文从教研活动中的一个方面--"说课",阐述其与讲课的关系.  相似文献   

近几年,全国各地不同程度地出现了就业难、招工难的问题:一方面求职者难以觅到合适的岗位,另一方面企业难以招到合适的员工.出现这种局面的原因何在,又如何走出这一窘境?下面,笔者就此问题谈几点粗浅的看法.  相似文献   

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