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Based on the multiplier method of constrained minimization, an algorithm is developed to handle the constrained estimation problem in covariance structure analysis. In the context of a general model which has wide applicability in multivariate medical and behavioural researches, computer programs are implemented to produce the weighted least squares estimates and the maximum likelihood estimates. The multiplier method is compared with the penalty function method in terms of computer time, number of iterations and number of unconstrained minimizations. The indication is that the multiplier method is substantially better.  相似文献   

The effect of spatial autocorrelation on inferences made using ordinary least squares estimation is considered. It is found, in some cases, that ordinary least squares estimators provide a reasonable alternative to the estimated generalized least squares estimators recommended in the spatial statistics literature. One of the most serious problems in using ordinary least squares is that the usual variance estimators are severely biased when the errors are correlated. An alternative variance estimator that adjusts for any observed correlation is proposed. The need to take autocorrelation into account in variance estimation negates much of the advantage that ordinary least squares estimation has in terms of computational simplicity  相似文献   


Models with multiple discrete breaks in parameters are usually estimated via least squares. This paper, first, derives the asymptotic expectation of the residual sum of squares and shows that the number of estimated break points and the number of regression parameters affect the expectation differently. Second, we propose a statistic for testing the joint hypothesis that the breaks occur at specified points in the sample. Our analytical results cover models estimated by the ordinary, nonlinear, and two-stage least squares. An application to U.S. monetary policy rejects the assumption that breaks are associated with changes in the chair of the Fed.  相似文献   

The hazard function plays an important role in reliability or survival studies since it describes the instantaneous risk of failure of items at a time point, given that they have not failed before. In some real life applications, abrupt changes in the hazard function are observed due to overhauls, major operations or specific maintenance activities. In such situations it is of interest to detect the location where such a change occurs and estimate the size of the change. In this paper we consider the problem of estimating a single change point in a piecewise constant hazard function when the observed variables are subject to random censoring. We suggest an estimation procedure that is based on certain structural properties and on least squares ideas. A simulation study is carried out to compare the performance of this estimator with two estimators available in the literature: an estimator based on a functional of the Nelson-Aalen estimator and a maximum likelihood estimator. The proposed least squares estimator tums out to be less biased than the other two estimators, but has a larger variance. We illustrate the estimation method on some real data sets.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a framework of estimating patterned covariance of interest in the multivariate linear models. The main idea in it is to estimate a patterned covariance by minimizing a trace distance function between outer product of residuals and its expected value. The proposed framework can provide us explicit estimators, called outer product least-squares estimators, for parameters in the patterned covariance of the multivariate linear model without or with restrictions on regression coefficients. The outer product least-squares estimators enjoy the desired properties in finite and large samples, including unbiasedness, invariance, consistency and asymptotic normality. We still apply the framework to three special situations where their patterned covariances are the uniform correlation, a generalized uniform correlation and a general q-dependence structure, respectively. Simulation studies for three special cases illustrate that the proposed method is a competent alternative of the maximum likelihood method in finite size samples.  相似文献   

The Cornish-Fisher expansion of the Pearson type VI distribution is known to be reasonably accurate when both degrees of freedom are relatively large (say greater than or equal to 5). However, when either or both degrees of freedom are less than 5, the accuracy of the computed percentage point begins to suffer; in some cases severely. To correct for this, the error surface in the degrees of freedom plane is modeled by least squares curve fitting for selected levels of tail probability (.025, .05, and .10) which can be used to adjust the percentage point obtained from the usual Cornish-Fisher expansion. This adjustment procedure produces a computing algorithm that computes percentage points of the Pearson type VI distribution at the above probability levels, accurate to at least + 1 in 3 digits in approximately 11 milliseconds per subroutine call on an IBM 370/145. This adjusted routine is valid for both degrees of freedom greater than or equal to 1.  相似文献   

Elevation in C-reactive protein (CRP) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease progression and levels are reduced by treatment with statins. However, on-treatment CRP, given baseline CRP and treatment, is not normally distributed and outliers exist even when transformations are applied. Although classical non-parametric tests address some of these issues, they do not enable straightforward inclusion of covariate information. The aims of this study were to produce a model that improved efficiency and accuracy of analysis of CRP data. Estimation of treatment effects and identification of outliers were addressed using controlled trials of rosuvastatin. The robust statistical technique of MM-estimation was used to fit models to data in the presence of outliers and was compared with least-squares estimation. To develop the model, appropriate transformations of the response and baseline variables were selected. The model was used to investigate how on-treatment CRP related to baseline CRP and estimated treatment effects with rosuvastatin. On comparing least-squares and MM-estimation, MM-estimation was superior to least-squares estimation in that parameter estimates were more efficient and outliers were clearly identified. Relative reductions in CRP were higher at higher baseline CRP levels. There was also evidence of a dose-response relationship between CRP reductions from baseline and rosuvastatin. Several large outliers were identified, although there did not appear to be any relationships between the incidence of outliers and treatments. In conclusion, using robust estimation to model CRP data is superior to least-squares estimation and non-parametric tests in terms of efficiency, outlier identification and the ability to include covariate information.  相似文献   

The Duckworth–Lewis method is steadily becoming the standard approach for resetting targets in interrupted one-day cricket matches. In this paper we show that a modification of the Duckworth–Lewis resource table can be used to quantify the magnitude of a victory in one-day matches. This simple and direct application is particularly useful in breaking ties in tournament standings and in quantifying team strength.  相似文献   

A simple segmented regression model in which the independent variable is measured with error is considered. The method of moments is used to obtain parameter estimates and the joint asymptotic distribution of the estimators is presented. The small sample properties of the inference procedures based on the asymptotic distribution of the estimators are studied numerically.  相似文献   

In cancer research, study of the hazard function provides useful insights into disease dynamics, as it describes the way in which the (conditional) probability of death changes with time. The widely utilized Cox proportional hazard model uses a stepwise nonparametric estimator for the baseline hazard function, and therefore has a limited utility. The use of parametric models and/or other approaches that enables direct estimation of the hazard function is often invoked. A recent work by Cox et al. [6 Cox, C., Chu, H., Schneider, M. F. and Munoz, A. 2007. Parametric survival analysis and taxonomy of hazard functions for the generalized gamma distribution. Stat. Med., 26: 43524374. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] has stimulated the use of the flexible parametric model based on the Generalized Gamma (GG) distribution, supported by the development of optimization software. The GG distribution allows estimation of different hazard shapes in a single framework. We use the GG model to investigate the shape of the hazard function in early breast cancer patients. The flexible approach based on a piecewise exponential model and the nonparametric additive hazards model are also considered.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging techniques can be used to measure some biophysical properties of tissue. In this context, the T2 relaxation time is an important parameter for soft‐tissue contrast. The authors develop a new technique to estimate the integral of the distribution of T2 relaxation time without imposing any constraint other than the monotonicity of the underlying cumulative relaxation time distribution. They explore the properties of the estimation and its applications for the analysis of breast tissue data. As they show, an extension of linear discriminant analysis is found to distinguish well between two classes of breast tissue.  相似文献   

The least squares estimates of the parameters in the multistage dose-response model are unduly affected by outliers in a data set whereas the minimum sum of absolute errors, MSAE estimates are more resistant to outliers. Algorithms to compute the MSAE estimates can be tedious and computationally burdensome. We propose a linear approximation for the dose-response model that can be used to find the MSAE estimates by a simple and computationally less intensive algorithm. A few illustrative ex-amples and a Monte Carlo study show that we get comparable values of the MSAE estimates of the parameters in a dose-response model using the exact model and the linear approximation.  相似文献   

In a regression model with univariate response, the quantities derived from the least-absolute-deviations method need not be unique. In this note, we show that, contrary to the univariate case, in a regression model with multivariate response, the least-distances method typically yields quantities that exhibit uniqueness properties that are similar to those obtained by the least-squares method.  相似文献   

Summary.  Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) measures the physiological response of the human brain to experimentally controlled stimulation. In a periodically designed experiment it is of interest to test for a difference in the timing (phase shift) of the response between two anatomically distinct brain regions. We suggest two tests for an interregional difference in phase shift: one based on asymptotic theory and one based on bootstrapping. Whilst the two procedures differ in some of their assumptions, both tests rely on employing the large number of voxels (three-dimensional pixels) in non-activated brain regions to take account of spatial autocorrelation between voxelwise phase shift observations within the activated regions of interest. As an example we apply both tests, and their counterparts assuming spatial independence, to FMRI phase shift data that were acquired from a normal young woman during performance of a periodically designed covert verbal fluency task. We conclude that it is necessary to take account of spatial autocovariance between voxelwise FMRI time series parameter estimates such as the phase shift, and that the most promising way of achieving this is by modelling the spatial autocorrelation structure from a suitably defined base region of the image slice.  相似文献   

The necessary and sufficient conditions for the inadmissibility of the ridge regression is discussed under two different criteria, namely, average loss and Pitman nearness. Although the two criteria are very different, same conclusions are obtained. The loss functions considered in this article are th likelihood loss function and the Mahalanobis loss function. The two loss functions are motivated from the point of view of classification of two normal populations. Under the Mahalanobis loss it is demonstrated that the ridge regression is always inadmissible as long as the errors are assumed to be symmetrically distributed about the origin.  相似文献   

The bias of maximum likelihood estimators of the standard deviation of the response in location/scale regression models is considered. Results are obtained for a very wide family of densities for the response variable. These are used to propose point estimators with improved mean square error properties and to demonstrate the importance of bias correction in statistical inference when samples are moderately small.  相似文献   

The nonlinear responses of species to environmental variability can play an important role in the maintenance of ecological diversity. Nonetheless, many models use parametric nonlinear terms which pre-determine the ecological conclusions. Motivated by this concern, we study the estimate of the second derivative (curvature) of the link function in a functional single index model. Since the coefficient function and the link function are both unknown, the estimate is expressed as a nested optimization. We first estimate the coefficient function by minimizing squared error where the link function is estimated with a Nadaraya-Watson estimator for each candidate coefficient function. The first and second derivatives of the link function are then estimated via local-quadratic regression using the estimated coefficient function. In this paper, we derive a convergence rate for the curvature of the nonlinear response. In addition, we prove that the argument of the linear predictor can be estimated root-n consistently. However, practical implementation of the method requires solving a nonlinear optimization problem, and our results show that the estimates of the link function and the coefficient function are quite sensitive to the choices of starting values.  相似文献   

A penalized likelihood approach to the estimation of calibration factors in positron emission tomography (PET) is considered, in particular the problem of estimating the efficiency of PET detectors. Varying efficiencies among the detectors create a non-uniform performance and failure to account for the non-uniformities would lead to streaks in the image, so efficient estimation of the non-uniformities is desirable to reduce the propagation of noise to the final image. The relevant data set is provided by a blank scan, where a model may be derived that depends only on the sources affecting non-uniformities: inherent variation among the detector crystals and geometric effects. Physical considerations suggest a novel mixed inverse model with random crystal effects and smooth geometric effects. Using appropriate penalty terms, the penalized maximum likelihood estimates are derived and an efficient computational algorithm utilizing the fast Fourier transform is developed. Data-driven shrinkage and smoothing parameters are chosen to minimize an estimate of the predictive loss function. Various examples indicate that the approach proposed works well computationally and compares well with the standard method.  相似文献   

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