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In this paper we propose a new robust technique for the analysis of spatial data through simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models, which extends the Forward Search approach of Cerioli and Riani (1999) and Atkinson and Riani (2000). Our algorithm starts from a subset of outlier-free observations and then selects additional observations according to their degree of agreement with the postulated model. A number of useful diagnostics which are monitored along the search help to identify masked spatial outliers and high leverage sites. In contrast to other robust techniques, our method is particularly suited for the analysis of complex multidimensional systems since each step is performed through statistically and computationally efficient procedures, such as maximum likelihood. The main contribution of this paper is the development of joint robust estimation of both trend and autocorrelation parameters in spatial linear models. For this purpose we suggest a novel definition of the elemental sets of the Forward Search, which relies on blocks of contiguous spatial locations.  相似文献   

The BCH procedure introduced by Billor, Chatterjee, and Hadi for fitting linear models was found to be inefficient for y-outliers in the presence of a high perturbation level. We propose to modify the first step of the BCH procedure, so that the robust distances are computed on the matrix Z = (y, X) of the basic subset. The performance of the present note procedure (PNP), as compared to the BCH procedure and the ordinary least-square (OLS) method, was studied by processing several datasets used in the literature for robust regression and by performing a Monte Carlo experiment. PNP performs better particularly with datasets having high perturbation.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the outliers in GARCH models. An iterative procedure is given for testing the presence of any type of the four common outliers. Since the distribution of test statistic cannot be obtained analytically, its distributional behavior is investigated via a simulation study. The simulation study is based on estimation of residuals standard deviation (σν), which are obtained using two methods, median absolute deviation method (MAD), and omit-one method. The proposed procedure is employed for testing the presence of outliers in weekly light oil price Indexes of Iran during 1997 to 2010.  相似文献   

Abstract. The zero‐inflated Poisson regression model is a special case of finite mixture models that is useful for count data containing many zeros. Typically, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is used for fitting such models. However, it is well known that the ML estimator is highly sensitive to the presence of outliers and can become unstable when mixture components are poorly separated. In this paper, we propose an alternative robust estimation approach, robust expectation‐solution (RES) estimation. We compare the RES approach with an existing robust approach, minimum Hellinger distance (MHD) estimation. Simulation results indicate that both methods improve on ML when outliers are present and/or when the mixture components are poorly separated. However, the RES approach is more efficient in all the scenarios we considered. In addition, the RES method is shown to yield consistent and asymptotically normal estimators and, in contrast to MHD, can be applied quite generally.  相似文献   

Data on twins are used to infer a genetic component of variance for various quantitative human characteristics. There are several statistical approaches available to analyze twin data. Here we compare three approaches for fitting variance components models to the relationship between height and bi-illiocristal diameter across ages in a sample of male and female Polish twins aged 8–17. Two of the approaches assume a multivariate normal model for the data, with one basing the likelihood on the raw data and the other using the distribution of the sample covariance matrix. The third approach uses a robust modification of the multivariate normal log-likelihood to downweight abnormal observations. The statistical theory underlying the methods is outlined, and the implementation of the methods is discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of outliers in the data sets affects the structure of multicollinearity which arises from a high degree of correlation between explanatory variables in a linear regression analysis. This affect could be seen as an increase or decrease in the diagnostics used to determine multicollinearity. Thus, the cases of outliers reduce the reliability of diagnostics such as variance inflation factors, condition numbers and variance decomposition proportions. In this study, we propose to use a robust estimation of the correlation matrix obtained by the minimum covariance determinant method to determine the diagnostics of multicollinearity in the presence of outliers. As a result, the present paper demonstrates that the diagnostics of multicollinearity obtained by the robust estimation of the correlation matrix are more reliable in the presence of outliers.  相似文献   


This article proposes a development of detecting patches of additive outliers in autoregressive time series models. The procedure improves the existing detection methods via Gibbs sampling. We combine the Bayesian method and the Kalman smoother to present some candidate models of outlier patches and the best model with the minimum Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is selected among them. We propose that this combined Bayesian and Kalman method (CBK) can reduce the masking and swamping effects about detecting patches of additive outliers. The correctness of the method is illustrated by simulated data and then by analyzing a real set of observations.  相似文献   

In order to describe or generate so-called outliers in univariate statistical data, contamination models are often used. These models assume that k out of n independent random variables are shifted or multiplicated by some constant, whereas the other observations still come i.i.d. from some common target distribution. Of course, these contaminants do not necessarily stick out as the extremes in the sample. Moreover, it is the amount and magnitude of ‘contamination” which determines the number of obvious outliers. Using the concept of Davies and Gather (1993) to formalize the outlier notion we quantify the amount of contamination needed to produce a prespecified expected number of ‘genuine’ outliers. In particular, we demonstrate that for sample of moderate size from a normal target distribution a rather large shift of the contaminants is necessary to yield a certain expected number of outliers. Such an insight is of interest when designing simulation studies where outliers shoulod occur as well as in theoretical investigations on outliers.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new robust Bayes factor for comparing two linear models. The factor is based on a pseudo‐model for outliers and is more robust to outliers than the Bayes factor based on the variance‐inflation model for outliers. If an observation is considered an outlier for both models this new robust Bayes factor equals the Bayes factor calculated after removing the outlier. If an observation is considered an outlier for one model but not the other then this new robust Bayes factor equals the Bayes factor calculated without the observation, but a penalty is applied to the model considering the observation as an outlier. For moderate outliers where the variance‐inflation model is suitable, the two Bayes factors are similar. The new Bayes factor uses a single robustness parameter to describe a priori belief in the likelihood of outliers. Real and synthetic data illustrate the properties of the new robust Bayes factor and highlight the inferior properties of Bayes factors based on the variance‐inflation model for outliers.  相似文献   

空间自回归模型的局部影响分析和运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于空间数据的相依特性,使得通常的删除点诊断异常值的方法不适合采用。为了寻找数据中的异常点和影响点,采用局部影响分析技术,通过引入扰动的方法来发现影响点,最后通过实例说明局部影响分析技术能够有效地发现模型中可能的影响点,并且能够揭示更多的细节信息。  相似文献   

The inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution is often applied in statistical modelling, especially with lifetime data. We present tests for outlying values of the parameters (μ, λ) of this distribution when data are available from a sample of independent units and possibly with more than one event per unit. Outlier tests are constructed from likelihood ratio tests for equality of parameters. The test for an outlying value of λ is based on an F-distributed statistic that is transformed to an approximate normal statistic when there are unequal numbers of events per unit. Simulation studies are used to confirm that Bonferroni tests have accurate size and to examine the powers of the tests. The application to first hitting time models, where the IG distribution is derived from an underlying Wiener process, is described. The tests are illustrated on data concerning the strength of different lots of insulating material.  相似文献   

We propose two preprocessing algorithms suitable for climate time series. The first algorithm detects outliers based on an autoregressive cost update mechanism. The second one is based on the wavelet transform, a method from pattern recognition. In order to benchmark the algorithms'' performance we compare them to existing methods based on a synthetic data set. Eventually, for exemplary purposes, the proposed methods are applied to a data set of high-frequent temperature measurements from Novi Sad, Serbia. The results show that both methods together form a powerful tool for signal preprocessing: In case of solitary outliers the autoregressive cost update mechanism prevails, whereas the wavelet-based mechanism is the method of choice in the presence of multiple consecutive outliers.  相似文献   

A method for robustness in linear models is to assume that there is a mixture of standard and outlier observations with a different error variance for each class. For generalised linear models (GLMs) the mixture model approach is more difficult as the error variance for many distributions has a fixed relationship to the mean. This model is extended to GLMs by changing the classes to one where the standard class is a standard GLM and the outlier class which is an overdispersed GLM achieved by including a random effect term in the linear predictor. The advantages of this method are it can be extended to any model with a linear predictor, and outlier observations can be easily identified. Using simulation the model is compared to an M-estimator, and found to have improved bias and coverage. The method is demonstrated on three examples.  相似文献   

Zero adjusted regression models are used to fit variables that are discrete at zero and continuous at some interval of the positive real numbers. Diagnostic analysis in these models is usually performed using the randomized quantile residual, which is useful for checking the overall adequacy of a zero adjusted regression model. However, it may fail to identify some outliers. In this work, we introduce a class of residuals for outlier identification in zero adjusted regression models. Monte Carlo simulation studies and two applications suggest that one of the residuals of the class introduced here has good properties and detects outliers that are not identified by the randomized quantile residual.  相似文献   

Cook距离公式常用于回归模型的异常值诊断,但由于公式中的样本方差■对异常值敏感,导致公式缺乏稳健性,使得诊断效果不理想。基于以上问题,文章选取绝对离差中位数作为样本标准差的稳健估计量,得到了样本方差■的稳健估计量,进而构造出稳健Cook距离公式;借鉴传统Cook距离的回归模型异常值诊断理论,将稳健Cook距离公式应用于时间序列异常值诊断,拓展了传统Cook距离公式的异常值诊断领域。通过选取模拟样本量分别为50、100、200,污染率分别为0、1%、5%、10%的ARMA(1,1)序列及金融时间序列进行实例分析,结果发现:(1)在无污染时,稳健Cook距离法与常规Cook距离法的诊断正确率均为100%,两者没有出现"误诊"现象;(2)在样本量、污染率同时增大时,常规Cook距离诊断正确率急剧下降,当污染率达到5%及以上时,已基本无诊断力,而稳健Cook距离法依然能保持较高的诊断力。稳健Cook距离法不仅能应用于时间序列异常值诊断,也能应用于回归分析的异常值诊断。  相似文献   


Many financial decisions such as portfolio allocation, risk management, option pricing and hedge strategies are based on the forecast of the conditional variances, covariances and correlations of financial returns. Although the decisions depend on the forecasts covariance matrix little is known about effects of outliers on the uncertainty associated with these forecasts. In this paper we analyse these effects on the context of dynamic conditional correlation models when the uncertainty is measured using bootstrap methods. We also propose a bootstrap procedure to obtain forecast densities for return, volatilities, conditional correlation and Value-at-Risk that is robust to outliers. The results are illustrated with simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Outliers are commonly observed in psychosocial research, generally resulting in biased estimates when comparing group differences using popular mean-based models such as the analysis of variance model. Rank-based methods such as the popular Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon (MWW) rank sum test are more effective to address such outliers. However, available methods for inference are limited to cross-sectional data and cannot be applied to longitudinal studies under missing data. In this paper, we propose a generalized MWW test for comparing multiple groups with covariates within a longitudinal data setting, by utilizing the functional response models. Inference is based on a class of U-statistics-based weighted generalized estimating equations, providing consistent and asymptotically normal estimates not only under complete but missing data as well. The proposed approach is illustrated with both real and simulated study data.  相似文献   

The income or expenditure-related data sets are often nonlinear, heteroscedastic, skewed even after the transformation, and contain numerous outliers. We propose a class of robust nonlinear models that treat outlying observations effectively without removing them. For this purpose, case-specific parameters and a related penalty are employed to detect and modify the outliers systematically. We show how the existing nonlinear models such as smoothing splines and generalized additive models can be robustified by the case-specific parameters. Next, we extend the proposed methods to the heterogeneous models by incorporating unequal weights. The details of estimating the weights are provided. Two real data sets and simulated data sets show the potential of the proposed methods when the nature of the data is nonlinear with outlying observations.  相似文献   

Bootstrap procedures are useful to obtain forecast densities for both returns and volatilities in the context of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models. In this paper, we analyse the effect of additive outliers on the finite sample properties of these bootstrap densities and show that, when obtained using maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters and standard filters for the volatilities, they are badly affected with dramatic consequences on the estimation of Value-at-Risk. We propose constructing bootstrap densities for returns and volatilities using a robust parameter estimator based on variance targeting implemented together with an adequate modification of the volatility filter. We show that the performance of the proposed procedure is adequate when compared with available robust alternatives. The results are illustrated with both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Unreplicated factorial designs pose a difficult problem in analysis because there are no degrees of freedom left to estimate the error. Daniel [Technometrics 1 (1959), pp. 311-341] proposed an ingenious graphical method that does not require σ to be estimated. Here we try to put Daniel's method into a formal framework and lift the subjectiveness that carries. A simulation study has been conducted that shows that the proposed method behaves better than Lenth's [Technometrics 31 (1989), pp. 469-473] popular method.  相似文献   

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