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In this article we focus on logistic regression models for binary responses. An existing result shows that the log-odds can be modelled depending on the log of the ratio between the conditional densities of the predictors given the response variable. This suggests that relevant statistical information could be extracted investigating the inverse problem. Thus, we present different methods for studying the log-density ratio through graphs, which allow us to select which predictors are needed, and how they should be included in a logistic regression model. We also discuss data analysis examples based on real datasets available in literature in order to provide further insights into the methodology proposed.  相似文献   

This paper develops alternatives to maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) for logistic regression models and compares the mean squared error (MSE) of the estimators. The MLE for the vector of underlying success probabilities has low MSE only when the true probabilities are extreme (i.e., near 0 or 1). Extreme probabilities correspond to logistic regression parameter vectors which are large in norm. A competing “restricted” MLE and an empirical version of it are suggested as estimators with better performance than the MLE for central probabilities. An approximate EM-algorithm for estimating the restriction is described. As in the case of normal theory ridge estimators, the proposed estimators are shown to be formally derivable by Bayes and empirical Bayes arguments. The small sample operating characteristics of the proposed estimators are compared to the MLE via a simulation study; both the estimation of individual probabilities and of logistic parameters are considered.  相似文献   

Much research has been performed in the area of multiple linear regression, with the resuit that the field is well-developed. This is not true of logistic regression, however. The latter presents special problems because the response is not continuous. Some of these problems are: the difficulty of developing a suitable R2 statistic, possibly poor results produced by the method of maximum likelihood, and the challenge to develop suitable graphical techniques. We describe recent work in some of these directions, and discuss the need for additional research.  相似文献   

A table of expected success rates under normally distributed success logit, used in conjunction with logistic regression analysis, enables easy calculation of expected win for betting on success of a future dichotomous trial.  相似文献   

Liang and Zeger (1986) introduced a class of estimating equations that gives consistent estimates of regression parameters and of their asymptotic variances in the class of generalized linear models for cluster correlated data. When the independent variables or covariates in such models are subject to measurement errors, the parameter estimates obtained from these estimating equations are no longer consistent. To correct for the effect of measurement errors, an estimator with smaller asymptotic bias is constructed along the lines of Stefanski (1985), assuming that the measurement error variance is either known or estimable. The asymptotic distribution of the bias-corrected estimator and a consistent estimator of its asymptotic variance are also given. The special case of a binary logistic regression model is studied in detail. For this case, methods based on conditional scores and quasilikelihood are also extended to cluster correlated data. Results of a small simulation study on the performance of the proposed estimators and associated tests of hypotheses are reported.  相似文献   

The problems of existence and uniqueness of maximum likelihood estimates for logistic regression were completely solved by Silvapulle in 1981 and Albert and Anderson in 1984. In this paper, we extend the well-known results by Silvapulle and by Albert and Anderson to weighted logistic regression. We analytically prove the equivalence between the overlap condition used by Albert and Anderson and that used by Silvapulle. We show that the maximum likelihood estimate of weighted logistic regression does not exist if there is a complete separation or a quasicomplete separation of the data points, and exists and is unique if there is an overlap of data points. Our proofs and results for weighted logistic apply to unweighted logistic regression.  相似文献   

The joint effect of the deletion of the ith and jih cases is given by Gray and Ling (1984), they discussed the influence measures for influential subsets in linear regression analysis. The present paper is concerned with multiple sets of deletion measures in the linear regression model. In particular we are interested in the effects of the jointly and conditional influence analysis for the detection of two influential subsets.  相似文献   

Interaction is very common in reality, but has received little attention in logistic regression literature. This is especially true for higher-order interactions. In conventional logistic regression, interactions are typically ignored. We propose a model selection procedure by implementing an association rules analysis. We do this by (1) exploring the combinations of input variables which have significant impacts to response (via association rules analysis); (2) selecting the potential (low- and high-order) interactions; (3) converting these potential interactions into new dummy variables; and (4) performing variable selections among all the input variables and the newly created dummy variables (interactions) to build up the optimal logistic regression model. Our model selection procedure establishes the optimal combination of main effects and potential interactions. The comparisons are made through thorough simulations. It is shown that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods in all cases. A real-life example is discussed in detail to demonstrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

The paper provides a novel application of the probabilistic reduction (PR) approach to the analysis of multi-categorical outcomes. The PR approach, which systematically takes account of heterogeneity and functional form concerns, can improve the specification of binary regression models. However, its utility for systematically enriching the specification of and inference from models of multi-categorical outcomes has not been examined, while multinomial logistic regression models are commonly used for inference and, increasingly, prediction. Following a theoretical derivation of the PR-based multinomial logistic model (MLM), we compare functional specification and marginal effects from a traditional specification and a PR-based specification in a model of post-stroke hospital discharge disposition and find that the traditional MLM is misspecified. Results suggest that the impact on the reliability of substantive inferences from a misspecified model may be significant, even when model fit statistics do not suggest a strong lack of fit compared with a properly specified model using the PR approach. We identify situations under which a PR-based MLM specification can be advantageous to the applied researcher.  相似文献   

Model selection methods are important to identify the best approximating model. To identify the best meaningful model, purpose of the model should be clearly pre-stated. The focus of this paper is model selection when the modelling purpose is classification. We propose a new model selection approach designed for logistic regression model selection where main modelling purpose is classification. The method is based on the distance between the two clustering trees. We also question and evaluate the performances of conventional model selection methods based on information theory concepts in determining best logistic regression classifier. An extensive simulation study is used to assess the finite sample performances of the cluster tree based and the information theoretic model selection methods. Simulations are adjusted for whether the true model is in the candidate set or not. Results show that the new approach is highly promising. Finally, they are applied to a real data set to select a binary model as a means of classifying the subjects with respect to their risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Measurement error is a commonly addressed problem in psychometrics and the behavioral sciences, particularly where gold standard data either does not exist or are too expensive. The Bayesian approach can be utilized to adjust for the bias that results from measurement error in tests. Bayesian methods offer other practical advantages for the analysis of epidemiological data including the possibility of incorporating relevant prior scientific information and the ability to make inferences that do not rely on large sample assumptions. In this paper we consider a logistic regression model where both the response and a binary covariate are subject to misclassification. We assume both a continuous measure and a binary diagnostic test are available for the response variable but no gold standard test is assumed available. We consider a fully Bayesian analysis that affords such adjustments, accounting for the sources of error and correcting estimates of the regression parameters. Based on the results from our example and simulations, the models that account for misclassification produce more statistically significant results, than the models that ignore misclassification. A real data example on math disorders is considered.  相似文献   


Presence of detection limit (DL) in covariates causes inflated bias and inaccurate mean squared error to the estimators of the regression parameters. This paper suggests a response-driven multiple imputation method to correct the deleterious impact introduced by the covariate DL in the estimators of the parameters of simple logistic regression model. The performance of the method has been thoroughly investigated, and found to outperform the existing competing methods. The proposed method is computationally simple and easily implementable by using three existing R libraries. The method is robust to the violation of distributional assumption for the covariate of interest.  相似文献   

We develop Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for exact conditional inference, including goodness-of-fit tests, confidence intervals and residual analysis, for binomial and multinomial logistic regression models. We present examples where the exact results, obtained by enumeration, are available for comparison. We also present examples where Monte Carlo methods provide the only feasible approach for exact inference.  相似文献   

Candidate locally D-optimal designs for the binary two-variable logistic model with no interaction, which comprise 3 and 4 support points lying in the first quadrant of the two-dimensional Euclidean space, were introduced by Haines et al. (D-optimal designs for logistic regression in two variables. In: Lopez-Fidalgo J, Rodrigez-Diaz JM, Torsney B, editors. MODA8 – advances in model-oriented designs and analysis. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag; 2007. p. 91–98). The authors proved algebraically the global D-optimality of the 3-point design for the special case in which the intercept parameter is equal to?1.5434. However for other selected values of the intercept parameter, the global D-optimality of the proposed 3- and 4-point designs was only demonstrated numerically. In this paper, we provide analytical proofs of the D-optimality of these 3- and 4-point designs for all negative and zero intercept parameters of the binary two-variable logistic model with no interaction. The results are extended to the construction of D-optimal designs on a rectangular design space and illustrated by means of two examples of which one is a real example taken from the literature.  相似文献   

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