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自梳女的"婚嫁"象征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文献记载古代广东地区盛行女子“临嫁始髻”、男子“临娶始冠”的风俗 ,因此“盘头梳髻”成为婚嫁的必经仪式。 19世纪中期以后 ,在珠江三角洲地区出现了一个特殊的抗婚拒嫁的女性群体。该群体成员通过特别的盘髻仪式以宣誓独身终老 ,这种仪式被称为“自梳”或“梳起” ,经过这种仪式的独身女性被称为“自梳女”。本文运用象征人类学有关理论 ,分析自梳女文化符号的婚嫁象征。这种婚嫁象征对内部成员具有约束、警示的作用 ,对外部群体具有告知其“已婚”身份的效用 ,一方面使她们避免与主流文化之间的矛盾和冲突 ,以求得协调发展 ;另一方面 ,可以满足自身心理和生理的需求 ,有助于保持自身文化的独立性、完整性  相似文献   

本文以广东珠三角地区的独特女性群体"自梳女"的居所"冰玉堂"为线索,从"自梳女"的住所着手,侧面剖析自梳女文化,从另一个角度探讨自梳女文化对社会的影响.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲“自梳女”风俗初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
“自梳女”是珠江三角洲地区一种独特的风俗。本文以实地调查为基础,结合文献资料,揭示了“自梳女”产生的原因、组织形式与生活方式等,并分析其在女性解放运动中的意义。  相似文献   

在中国传统社会中,女性价值在于照顾公婆、生儿育女,女性角色是贤妻(媳)良母。然而,近代广东珠江三角洲的妇女有的采用“自梳”方式,终生不婚;有的出嫁后“不落夫家”,拒绝与丈夫同居,从而向儒家正统的女性观提出挑战。  相似文献   

大通土族在社会发展过程中受周边汉族文化的影响而形成的独特的婚姻习俗,其鲜明的民族特色和浓郁的乡土气息,体现了大通土族婚姻习俗的文化意蕴。  相似文献   

方言与民俗的关系,也就是地域语言与地域文化的关系,其实就是语言与文化的关系。方言映射民俗,民俗渗透于方言之中。本文透过方言词语,具体研究绥宁苗族独特的婚嫁习俗以及这些习俗所反映的独特的地域文化——"熟苗"文化。  相似文献   

在西方人类学史上,一些非象征人类学家在论述各自的理论学说时也或多或少地涉及到象征符号的各种表现形式和意义,并形成了与此相关的诸多重要研究成果.本文对泰勒、博厄斯、莫斯、拉德克利夫-布朗等四位不同理论学派的著名人类学家在象征研究方面的建树做了一番梳理和解读,以便人们对象征人类学的来龙去脉有更为清晰的认识.  相似文献   

南涧彝族"跳菜"礼仪的象征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"跳菜"是彝族在宴请宾客时跳着舞上菜的最高待客礼仪,它是舞蹈和饮食合二为一的典型。本文在明确跳菜礼仪及其特点的基础上,通过对跳菜舞蹈象征符号和饮食象征符号的意义解析,揭示了彝族传统的认知体系和乐观豁达的民族心理,以及跳菜对彝族族群认同、民族和睦相处的积极作用。  相似文献   

"家西番"地区祭灶神习俗的象征符号思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"家西番"人的民间灶神信仰呈现了藏民族传统习俗与汉式灶神观念融合为一体的特色.本文拟从"家西番"人祭灶神习俗的象征符号意义入手,探索在民俗文化现代化进程中"家西番"民俗变异融合的规律,思考"家西番"人作为一个特殊的族群,如何实现族群的认同和加强自我主体性的意识.  相似文献   

Migration scholars have noted the growing role of the courts in expanding migrants’ rights. Drawing from naturalisation litigation in South Korea for case studies, this article investigates the role of the court in determining national membership. Three main findings are presented based upon an analysis of 105 marriage-based and 36 kinship-based litigations filed against the Ministry of Justice in the Seoul Administrative Court. First, the Court adopts a more liberal interpretation of ‘true intention to marry’ than the Ministry, granting citizenship to those who convincingly perform their roles as dutiful wives. Second, the Court plays a more active role in kinship-based than marriage-based naturalisation, challenging the Ministry's too-narrow interpretation of the requirements. Overall, however, the Court shows strong judicial deference to the Ministry and plays a passive role in advocating for the rights of migrants. The Korean case highlights the need to revisit the tendency to view immigration and citizenship as special classes of public laws, over which administrative and legislative bodies of a government can exercise a significant degree of discretion. As citizenship is becoming an important dimension of social stratification, the judicial branch should serve as a check on the executive branch in issuing visas and granting citizenship.  相似文献   

从《董西厢》看女真婚俗对金代婚姻观念的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着女真族入主中原,淮河以北的广大地域内开始了规模巨大的民族迁徙,与此同时,各民族文化之间出现了广泛的交流与融合.在民族文化的交流与融合中,北方少数民族婚俗对中原汉族发生了极大的影响.从<西厢记诸宫调>可以看到,中原汉族的婚姻观念出现了明显的变化.在婚恋活动中,女性主体意识开始出现,主动性有所增强,贞节观念明显淡化.  相似文献   

跨省婚姻与粤北农村文化变迁调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭是社会的细胞 ,也是现实社会系统的一个有机组成部分。在这个意义上 ,我们可以把家庭、婚姻作为了解社会的一个窗口 ,观察研究它们和社会的相互作用。本文试以粤北南雄两个村子近十年因青年外出务工而出现大量的跨省婚姻为例 ,在人类学的框架内讨论其特点 ,成因及对当地乡土社会的影响。  相似文献   

"雍仲"符号文化现象散论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近来,学界对“雍仲”符号的叙述有不少文章论著可资参考。根据笔者所掌握资料,国内对这一符号进行较全面研究、罗列资料较齐的论著当推王克林先生发表于《文博》杂志1995年第3期上的《“”图像符号源流考》一文。除王先生的这篇文章外,笔者在其他书刊杂志上也翻阅过一些材料,但都没有像王先生这篇文章内容全面,论证严谨。本文结合上述有关材料,尤其是结合反映于藏族文化中的有关这一符号的材料,拟对雍仲符号在藏族文化中所扮演的角色进行一次尝试性的探索。其目的在于抛砖引玉,求得今后对这一符号较为客观真实的探讨与解读。…  相似文献   

张腾 《回族研究》2012,(1):125-128
以《古兰经》和"圣训"为基本精神的伊斯兰教的婚姻伦理观,是指导穆斯林婚姻的行为准则和规范,在伊斯兰教的日常生活和实践中占有重要地位。回族的婚姻伦理观受伊斯兰教的直接影响和中国儒教的间接融合,呈现丰富多彩的内容和价值。尤其是近代以来,随着社会的变革,回族的婚姻伦理观也在发生着变迁,逐渐趋于成熟和理性。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了华热地区的藏族在长期的社会发展过程中形成的独特的婚姻习俗 ,其鲜明的民族特色和浓郁的乡土气息 ,体现了华热地区藏族婚姻习俗中蕴含着的区域风土、社会特点、生活情趣、道德意识和民俗特征  相似文献   


Weddings can be seen as ‘rites of passage’ and also as ‘symbolic struggles’ since their glamour appears to be a new indicator of status for many families, especially migrant ones. A mixture of traditional as well as reinvented wedding customs serves a community searching for ethnic identity markers that can help it to embrace all of its descendants. This article presents a case study of how Assyrian/Syriac wedding rituals and marriage traditions that are being performed and transformed in the migratory context of Sweden over the last 50 years. Among the Middle Eastern Christians, who have been emigrating from Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq since the 1960s, and which today numbers 120,000 individuals, marriage is a very serious business – a permanent union between spouses and their respective families. The purpose of the article is to analyse Assyrian/Syriac wedding rituals and to discuss how they have shaped the modern Assyrian/Syriac identity. It also explores how local marriages connect and reconnect migrants of this ethno-religious group(s) and how it differentiates them from their peers in the surrounding Swedish society – religiously, socially and even aesthetically.  相似文献   

Employing Dutch longitudinal information on 1250 second-generation Moroccan and Turkish migrants we investigate cultural assimilation using attitude questions on marriage and sexuality (including measures of homophobia). Two theoretical approaches guide our analyses. First, it is expected that the family of origin may push migrants in a more conservative direction. Second, it is expected that aspects of individual achievement in social, cultural and socioeconomic domains may pull migrants in more liberal directions. We find that Moroccan and Turkish migrants have considerably more conservative values about marriage and sexuality than natives, but there is also variation within the second generation. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses for migrants indicate that the role of parents is particularly important: migrant children of religiously more orthodox parents and children of parents who were poorly integrated socially and culturally in their youth, currently have more conservative values about marriage and sexuality, even when individual characteristics are controlled for. Of the various aspects of individual achievement, we find that especially social integration of the second generation is a relevant predictor of liberal values, and not socioeconomic indicators of integration. These results remain significant in a stringent longitudinal test which minimises the bias due to reverse causation.  相似文献   

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