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我国主要城市的城市病综合评价和特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在通过城市病的主要表现来对我国的九座主要城市的城市病情况进行综合评价,首次将城市病的情况以量化的形式表现出来。根据已有的研究成果选定了城市病综合评价体系的构成指标将城市病分为五个等级,并确定其相应的标志值;运用层次分析法确定了各个指标的权重,采用这九座城市统计年鉴中的数据测算出各城市相应的城市病情况。结论是:在这九座城市中,北京市的城市病综合情况最为严重,其后依次是南京、上海、武汉、天津、石家庄、广州、重庆及杭州;通过综合评价的结果,可以发现各个城市的城市病特征不尽相同,所以在治理城市病时切忌"一刀切"。  相似文献   

Objective. New Jersey's state land‐use plan, designed to preserve open space by directing growth to urban centers, rests on the assumption that nature (the “environment”) and the urban constitute separate objective spheres, such that nature can be preserved as an end in itself. Through a spatial transformation that de‐populated the cities and suburbanized the countryside, however, the urban and the environmental have become overlapping discursive categories, each expressing the absence of the other, and raising serious dilemmas for environmental planning. Methods. This article uses Census data to document the extent of New Jersey's urban and racial transformation over more than half a century, and examines county and municipal reviews of the state's proposed land‐use plan to document the resulting contradictory interpretations of nature articulated in political debate over state‐plan implementation. Results. The attempt to forge a statewide consensus on environmental and open‐space preservation has been stymied by the contradictory perspectives of urban and suburban constituencies, whose responses focus on the urban rather than the environmental implications of proposed land‐use controls. State planners seeking political support for environmental protection find themselves embroiled in often vitriolic debates about urban and suburban lifestyles, with implicit racial subtexts, and about the legitimacy of state intervention perceived as supporting antithetical values. Conclusions. Contrary to the state's attempt to separate the urban and the environmental, the route to environmental protection in New Jersey may lie through urban revitalization.  相似文献   

计划经济时代中国城市建立了与单位制相适应的传统社区福利模式,该模式以单位福利制为主体、民政福利和社区福利服务为补充,满足了当时城市居民的基本生活需求。随着中国进入体制转轨和社会转型期,传统社区福利模式面临着严峻的挑战。中国将要建立的社区福利模式是一个社会化、开放型的福利体系,它以社会化福利机构和项目为主体、以经过改造的国家福利和职业福利为补充。  相似文献   

Objectives. This article examines the effects of economic globalization on gender inequalities in urban China. It argues that the significance of economic globalization on gender inequality depends on its impact on job queues in the labor market of a country. Methods. Using both individual‐ and city‐level data, and a series of multilevel linear and logistic models, we analyze the effects of three city‐level variables on the gender gap in income: foreign direct investment (FDI) per capita, growth rate of FDI, and opening up to overseas investment early on. We also examine gender differences in employment in high‐paying foreign‐invested firms, and in lower‐paying export‐oriented manufacturing. Results. We find no variation in gender gap in income among cities of varying levels of FDI, growth rates of FDI, or whether they were among the earliest to open up to international investment. Women are more likely to be employed in export‐oriented manufacturing industries that offer lower wages and are less likely to work in high‐paying foreign firms and joint ventures. Conclusions. These results suggest that economic globalization profoundly influences gender inequalities by changing the nature of job queues, and men and women are sorted and matched into jobs accordingly. Economic globalization contributed to and perpetuated a gendered distribution of male and female workers in the Chinese urban labor market in the late 1990s.  相似文献   

The Australian Government's attempts at national urban policy have been sporadic and inconsistent, under the constraints of constitutional, financial, ideological and political factors. This paper concerns the recent resurgence of national urban policy under the rubric of “smart cities” adopted by the Turnbull Government and carried on by the incumbent Morrison Government. It investigates how this round of smart cities agenda articulates with Australia's political tradition of national urban policy to seek continuity and change, through comparing historical policies, unpacking major smart cities programmes, identifying explanatory factors and critically commenting on its innovation and legacy. Drawing upon these analyses, this paper argues that understanding the smart cities agenda needs to move beyond the political, ideological “to-and-fro” pendulum to national urban policy observed in history. Rather, it resonates with a globalised policy norm established upon the city-based global integration and competition, driven by an imperative of transitioning to a knowledge economy and pursuing innovation capacity. It is too early to judge whether the smart cities agenda will bring changes to Australian cities in the way it wishes, since it involves long-term infrastructure investment and urban development projects. However, a comprehensive and consistent national urban policy to govern the Australian system of cities and towns has not been established yet.  相似文献   

张书端 《唐都学刊》2011,27(4):55-58
在新时期以来的中国都市电影中,都市在电影中的地位和作用经历过一些明显的转变。在改革开放之初的都市电影中,都市仅仅作为故事发生的背景地而存在,并没有成为影响影片叙事进程的力量;而在20世纪80年代中后期之后的影片中,都市成为影片重要的叙事动力,它在较深层面上影响着人物性格和故事情节的发展;进入新世纪,都市本身则成了影片最重要的表现对象。这是由于中国都市化水平的不断发展,同时这也反映了人们在不同历史时期对都市和都市性的不同想象。  相似文献   

李江 《创新》2008,2(5):58-60
城市住房供给问题将由于城市人口数量的不断增加而长期存在,这将会导致城市规模的进一步扩大以及城市交通问题日趋严峻。轨道交通将是大中型城市公共交通今后主要的发展方向,当前应重视城郊铁路在城市客运中的作用,可以利用现有环城铁路线建设城郊铁路,这对于节能减排、建设生态文明城市具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

李占乐 《社会工作》2008,(22):25-28
计划经济时代中国城市建立了与单位制相适应的传统社区福利模式,该模式以单位福利制为主体、民政福利和社区福利服务为补充,满足了当时城市居民的基本生活需求。随着中国进入体制转轨和社会转型期,传统社区福利模式面临着严峻的挑战。中国将要建立的社区福利模式是一个社会化、开放型的福利体系,它以社会化福利机构和项目为主体、以经过改造的国家福利和职业福利为补充。  相似文献   

In Chinese cities, about 1.45 million migrant workers stay away from their home villages for longer than six months. The total will reach 230 million if those who work less than six months outside their home villages are also included ( National Bureau of Statistics PRC 2010 ). The scale of migration has put huge pressure on urban housing. Apart from a few local exceptions, little state effort has been dedicated to improve migrant housing for a long time. Existing studies of migrant housing in Chinese cities have focused on the necessity for the state to remove discriminatory policies and offer equal access to urban housing benefits. However, few studies have examined carefully who are the most vulnerable and what are the causes of some of the problems. The authors of this article argue that without proper understanding of the interaction between the state and the private providers, equal access to urban housing benefits may not lead to improved housing conditions for migrant workers. We use three surveys in three cities, Tianjin, Taiyuan and Lanzhou in China to support our argument.  相似文献   

曹艳英  王丽丽 《学术交流》2007,(12):137-140
旅游竞争力的强弱是城市旅游业能否持续保持良好发展势头的关键。山东省胶东半岛沿海城市群旅游资源丰富,但是该地区内各城市间的旅游竞争力却良莠不齐。如何缩小胶东半岛各沿海城市间旅游业发展的差距,已成为一个重大的现实问题。山东省胶东半岛沿海城市的特点,构建了沿海城市旅游竞争力评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,定量评价该地区各城市的旅游竞争力状况,以便更好地分析了各城市间旅游竞争力存在的差异。  相似文献   

印度独立后,总体上对外资持欢迎态度,1991年实行自由化改革以来尤其如此。印度的政治制度、法律制度和经济制度有助于避免大规模政治风险的发生,但国有化和征收风险、汇兑风险、政府违约风险、战争和内乱风险在一定范围内仍然存在。外国投资者对印度投资,有必要采取适当的法律应对措施,以防止和消除政治风险,进而确保投资利润和目标的实现。  相似文献   

城市与生活的关系构成城市意义研究的基本问题域,让生活更美好则为批判与建构城市意义的核心价值场。历经30年改革开放,中国对“怎么发展城市”已在技战术上有了一系列实践典范和成功经验,但城市化进程中所滋生出来的、让生活变得更糟糕的城市问题需要我们反思和澄明人类究竟“为了什么发展城市”的世界性的意义难题。以生活的名义叩问城市意义,“去生活化”的城市空间批判,倡导一种以“美好生活”为理念、规范和引领城市空间变迁的新型城市文明形态将构成本文研究的学术思路和未来憧憬。  相似文献   

纽约、伦敦、东京和巴黎是当今的四座世界城市,除城市规模效应外,其明确的角色功能和丰富的文化构成,是它们担当世界城市角色的重要支撑。如今,世界城市战略既应是一个明确的城市发展定位和方向,也必然是城市发展的一种动力源泉。在中国的特大型城市中,北京明确提出要建设“世界城市”,这是一个宏大的战略目标,需要无数的优质化细节来支撑。在这一目标的导引下,北京的城市发展既要有好的中长期发展规划,更要有与重大战略目标相对应的序列化的城市“内容战略”。内容战略的核心,即要确立城市文化角色功能的宏观、整体定位以及行为、影响、辐射的定位。  相似文献   

刘曙华  沈玉芳 《创新》2012,6(3):63-67,127
随着区域经济合作及其一体化的加快推进,各类资源的集聚集群发展成为一个地区参与国际竞争的重要手段,其中一个明显的特征是产业、城市和港口的群体发展逐步显现。在群体内部,产业间、城市间和港口间的互动发展是增强群体竞争优势的推动力;在群体之间,产业群、城市群和港口群的协同发展是增强区域竞争力的有效方式。国外比较成熟的沿海都市带在推动产业群、城市群和港口群协同发展方面积累了许多有益经验,而这些是我国正处于成型阶段的都市带需要学习和借鉴的。  相似文献   

朱冬梅 《创新》2013,7(1):83-86,127,128
城中村是城市化发展过程中的产物,曾在城市化进程中发挥了重要作用。然而,随着城市现代化的推进,城中村成为制约城市继续发展的瓶颈。城中村改造的终极目标是融入城市。在城中村融入城市过程中面临着资产处置及利益纠结、管理体制滞后、居民路径依赖及对未来生活保障担忧等突出问题。要顺利实现城中村融入城市的目标,必须遵循"资产改制—村居改制—社保衔接—拆迁安置"四个环节有序推进、分步实施的路径。  相似文献   

银平均 《社会工作》2011,(18):10-17
新生代农民工是我国新兴产业工人的主力军,他们有着日益强烈的市民化和城市化倾向,而且已经成为"事实移民",并出现"常住化"、"家庭化"趋势,但他们属于城乡二元结构中的"边缘人"、无归属群体。其中主要原因除了政策体制性因素外,新生代农民工的人力资本状况是影响他们能否适应城市,能否实现在城市发展的关键性因素。实施选择性教育福利政策,强化对新生代农民工的教育投资,促使新生代农民工教育培训政策的转型,既可以提升他们的人力资本、城市适应能力、自我发展能力,也能重塑新生代农民工主体性,改变其身份认同的模糊感,形成他们的城市归属感,实现社会和谐发展,同时能提升我国整体竞争能力,实现人力资源强国战略。  相似文献   

本文梳理了1978年以来北京史研究的学术发展脉络,并结合中国城市史研究所面临的问题对北京史研究进行展望,建议开展"城市环境史"的研究。  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the simultaneous impacts of urban economic change, in particular the effects of industrial restructuring from manufacturing to service industries in central cities and the suburbanization of employment, on both central-city social disorganizations and crime rates in central cities. This study first assumes that urban economic decline aggravates central-city social disorganizations (family disruption, and population mobility). Second, this study proposes that urban economic decline increases central-city crime rates (seven index crime rates). This study used four predictors of economic transformations in an intrametropolitan area between 1980 and 1990 to measure urban economic change. Three of these measures were indicators of central-city economic change (changes in central-city employment ratio of service to manufacturing sectors, unemployment rate, and poverty rate), and one was an indicator of suburban economic change (suburban employment rate). Results from a sample of 153 central cities confirmed that a rise in the central-city employment ratio accelerated suburban population mobility. After including two measures of social disorganizations, urban economic change had a significant effect on central-city crime rates, in which a decline in manufacturing employment, relative to service employment, increased three central-city crime rates: aggravated assault, larceny, and burglary rates. Two central-city crime rates, rape and larceny, increased with a rise in central-city poverty rate, as well. In contrast, suburban employment growth was related to a decrease in central-city violent crime rates.  相似文献   

挥发性羰基化合物(cVOC)是大气光化学反应形成臭氧和灰霾等空气污染现象的重要前体物。超大城市是带动中国城市群快速发展的中心城市,经济发达,人口密集且数量超过1000万。在这些超大城市的大气环境中检出21种cVOC化合物,其总浓度年均值达55.6μg/m3,含量之高惊人。由于机动车尾气、工业排放、有机溶剂大量使用等原因,导致甲醛、乙醛、丙酮等三种健康危险物占据了中国城市大气cVOC总浓度的62.4%。采用日暴露水平、致癌风险和风险商等3种定量评价指标,发现北京、上海和广州大气环境中cVOC含量超标严重,具有较高的健康影响风险。在举办奥运会、亚运会和世博会等大型国际活动期间,中国式的空气质量保障运动仅能起到短期内缓解空气污染的疗效,但是难以长治久安。中国城市大气cVOC的健康风险问题应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着我国政府职能的转变以及社会需求的不断增加,私人投资者也越来越多地参与到国家公共基础设施的建设与运营中。一种国际上广泛应用的公私合营融资模式在我国地铁领域的建设及运营中逐渐得到重视,可是很少的国内城市在实际的建设和运营中采用这种公私合营模式,这主要由于公私合营模式的前期项目筹划、运作模式设计过程很重要,而中国至今还没有找到合适的公私合营运作模式。国内外有很多成功应用公私合营模式在地铁建设和运营中的案例或者比较有代表性特点的地铁案例,通过分析这些成功案例的运作机制及其特点,能研究出更适合中国大中型城市应用的公私合营模式,而从生命周期和相关利益者的角度详细剖析,具有更加广泛的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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