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古埃及人是一个爱好讲故事的民族,在流传至今的诸多古埃及文献中,故事、传奇一类的叙事文学相当引人注目。这些源于民间口头创作的文学作品,语言精练,想象力丰富,情节离奇,富于传奇色彩,并洋溢浓郁的生活气息,历来为埃及人民所喜爱。  相似文献   

我所讲的这个埃及灯的故事,要从中国一位有名作家说起.20世纪的100年间,我国现当代著名文学家不仅在译介阿拉伯文学方面做出了重要贡献,而且以切身经历和感受进行文学创作,为后人留下记写阿拉伯风物人情的优美隽永的篇章.著名散文作家杨朔(1913~1968)无疑是他们之中最为特殊的一位.中国文学家到过阿拉伯国家的不少,但基本上都来去匆匆,说到在那里"常驻"过的,恐怕只有杨朔一人.  相似文献   

买书不为阅读只为观赏的,恐怕只有两种人,要么是附庸风雅的暴发户,要么是家境殷实的藏书家.这两种人我都不是,却也有过一番类似的经历.汉译<埃及古代史>不过10万字,买回一两年至今尚未读毕,可它又是我从书架上取出次数最多的一本书,不时拿在手中把玩欣赏.对一本书产生这样的"感情",在我是从未有过的.当时在旧书摊上发现它后的喜悦,仿佛现在还能感觉到.  相似文献   

买书不为阅读只为观赏的,恐怕只有两种人,要么是附庸风雅的暴发户,要么是家境殷实的藏书家。这两种人我都不是,却也有过一番类似的经历。汉译《埃及古代史》不过10万字,买回一两年至今尚未读毕,可它又是我从书架上取出次数最多的一本书,不时拿在手中把玩欣赏。对一本书产生这样的“感情”,在我是从未有过的。当时在旧书摊上发现它后的喜悦,仿佛现在还能感觉到。  相似文献   

盖双 《阿拉伯世界》2003,(5):46-49,55
我所讲的这个埃及灯的故事,要从中国一位有名作家说起。20世纪的100年间,我国现当代著名文学家不仅在译介阿拉伯文学方面做出了重要贡献,而且以切身经历和感受进行文学创作,为后人留下记写阿拉伯风物人情的优美隽永的篇章。著名散文作家杨朔(1913~1968)无疑是他们之中最为  相似文献   

本文对近年来我国出版的两部<古代埃及史>进行了评介,总结了两书的特点和创新之处,并指出其存在的不足.  相似文献   

本文对近年来我国出版的两部《古代埃及史》进行了评介,总结了两书的特点和创新之处,并指出其存在的不足。  相似文献   

古埃及象形文字是埃及文明发展的产物,由表意符号、表音符号和部首符号三部分组成.本文对这三类文字、古埃及文字的起源、影响因素、发展阶段作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

"In this article, a family migration model is introduced where differences in regional amenities and wage rates can result in voluntary, temporary migration. A household production model of temporary migration will be developed and tested to analyse Egyptian temporary migration to the Gulf region. The theoretical model will be a two-period model of temporary migration and will be empirically tested using the well known and comprehensive 1982 Egyptian Fertility Survey, which is part of the World Fertility Survey and covers a period for which temporary migration from Egypt was at or near its peak. This was also before the Gulf War, after which patterns of migration were different." (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2005,31(2):297-299
Every year one toy rises to the top of children's “must have” list for Santa Claus. In 1996, the toy was Tickle Me Elmo. The media-driven public relations campaign, developed by Freeman Public Relations in New York, to introduce the toy succeded beyond all expectation. The demand for Tickle Me Elmo dolls far exceeded the available supply, forcing parents to desperate actions to find one before December 25th. This paper explores the collective media exposure the toy received during the1996 Christmas season, October 15–December 31.  相似文献   

Each night across America more than one million children are homeless. They and their parents now account for 38% of America's homeless. They are also the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. The demand for emergency shelter by families with children has increased 50% since 1995 and 15% in the last year alone. Despite the lowest unemployment rate in 30 years and a booming stock market, the number of homeless children today is higher than at any other time since the Great Depression. Throughout the early part of 1999, the Institute for Children and Poverty surveyed almost 2,000 families with more than 4,000 children in 24 locations to assess the state of homeless children across America. This report is their story—a story of constant upheaval, educational struggles, declining health, and violence. It is also a story of opportunity for those with the will and the power to influence policy and create change.  相似文献   

埃及是中东地区的旅游大国,也是世界的旅游大国之一.在现任总统穆巴拉克于1981年上台执政的20多年里,由于国内政局稳定,对外开放力度的逐渐加大,赴埃的游客人数和旅游收入逐年增加.据埃及旅游部的统计,2003年1~10月到埃及的外国游客人数达4849530人,比2002年同期增长12.9%,比历史最高峰的2000年同期也增长4.5%.  相似文献   

Ibrahim's story     
The article details the personal and professional life of Ibrahim Muti'i (1920–2010), a well-known Uighur linguist. Through a series of interviews, Mr. Muti'i sketched the events he wanted to be remembered. Mr. Muti'i's life story corresponds with many of the significant events in Northwest China both in the Republican era (1911–1949) and the first decades of the People's Republic of China era.  相似文献   

张新起 《城市》2006,(1):49-50
改革开放以来,我国节会活动如雨后春笋不断涌现.如何把握节会规律、扩大节会效应,成为人们关注和思考的热点问题.潍坊市从1984年举办首届国际风筝会以来,至今已举办了22届,从风筝会一枝独秀,发展到鲁台经贸洽谈会、寿光国际蔬菜科技博览会、青州花卉博览交易会、昌邑北方绿化苗木博览会、昌乐国际宝石节、临朐奇石节等群芳争艳的态势,展会对促进地方经济发展、提高城市知名度正发挥着越来越重要的作用.  相似文献   

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