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On the basis of data from the 2008 Chinese General Social Survey, this paper analyzes the changing organizational job mobility patterns of members of society in a segmented labor market. The structure of labor market segmentation is based on differences in the power of different labor sectors to distribute social resources, leading to further differences in their power of “attraction” or “repulsion” that influence people’s organizational mobility. These forces are strongest in the primary labor market, lessening the possibility that workers will leave their jobs and raising the possibility of cross-sector mobility. In the course of China’s market transition, changes in the power to allocate social resources have entailed changes in the structure of labor market segmentation, changes that have been reflected in organizational mobility. Our examination of changing modes of organizational mobility reveals that the structure of urban labor market segmentation has changed from being mainly systemic at the outset of reform and opening up to the current coexistence of systemic segmentation and market segmentation.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between labor market policies and employees' willingness to make concessions in order to avoid unemployment. In contrast to previous work that analyzed the behavior of employers and the unemployed, we examined how labor market policies influence employees' flexibility. Multilevel modeling techniques were applied to a data set that was created by combining individual‐level data from the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) with country‐level information from the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development. The main findings of our analyses were that dismissal protection and unemployment benefits do make a difference to employees' willingness to make concessions, and that the relationships between the willingness to make concessions and labor market policies are nonlinear. Substantively, these nonlinear relationships suggest that employees' willingness to be flexible is negatively associated with both “too much” and “too little” social protection.  相似文献   

黄先碧 《社会》2008,28(6):39-59
社会网络是影响社会经济行动及其结果的重要因素。作为社会网络的一种类型,关系网植根于中国文化并广泛渗透于经济和社会生活的各个领域。根据对城市求职者所作的深度访谈,本文着重探讨在劳动力市场改革的制度背景下,求职者使用关系网对其就业过程产生的效力,并分析该效力的影响边界及其理论含义。研究发现,随着市场改革的深入,关系网在就业过程中仍然发挥着显著作用,但是,其效力受到工作单位的所有制性质、劳动力市场的竞争程度,以及岗位的技能要求等因素的影响;关系网的效力边界与转型社会的制度安排密不可分;中国社会的“关系网”概念比西方学界研究的“社会网”概念具有更丰富的内涵。  相似文献   

在“五位一体”框架中,探讨支撑国家整体发展战略的基本价值原则,乃是当代中国化马克思主义文化战略学的重要课题之一。中共十八届三中全会《决定》强调“让一切劳动、知识、技术、管理、资本的活力竞相迸发”,要做到这一点,在市场之内的初次分配中,必须让“资本-劳动”分享利润,与此相对应的是一种与“平等”等密切相关的“分享”价值原则。《决定》有关“多渠道增加居民财产性收入”“保障农民公平分享土地增值收益”等重大举措,同样是在市场之内贯彻分享价值原则,而以民生为主的社会建设、以公共服务为主的文化事业则是在市场之外推行分享价值原则的主要方式。全面推行分享价值原则,既有利于坚定地推进新型市场化改革,同时也有利于保障平等、促进和谐、拓展自由,对内可以凝聚社会共识,激发国民创造力,对外则有助于在价值制高点上展现社会主义中国的文化魅力和感召力。  相似文献   

This paper examines U.S. census data from 1960 to 1980 to assess the relative wages of WWII veteran and non-veteran men. Our analysis reveals that a significant portion wage gap between veterans and non-veterans (the “veteran wage premium”) is due primarily to differences in education, work experience and other socioeconomic characteristics. Our findings are consistent with the notion that greater human capital, due perhaps to the selection process for military service, or to the post-war benefits provided by the GI Bill, helped contribute to the remarkable post-war labor market success of American veterans. To a lesser extent, veterans may also have benefited from preferential labor market treatment, or from intangible aspects of military experience that enhanced their returns to earnings-related characteristics.  相似文献   

由于新劳动合同法提高了企业的雇佣成本,降低了企业雇佣的灵活性,企业进行雇佣决策的内部市场规则必然进行调整。根据内部劳动力市场的有关理论,建立企业进行雇佣决策的能力-回报-期限的理论框架。基于此理论框架,可以预测企业应对新劳动合同法的不同方式。  相似文献   

Given the fundamental disparities between China and the west in political structures, social values, policy regimes, and problem loads, it is meaningful to use “workfare” as a challenging analytical standpoint and detect that China had created unique workfare regimes to build up the past state‐socialism and the present market‐socialism. In the era of state‐socialism, the dual‐track welfare system, apparently adopting an institutional approach to the city and a residual approach to the countryside, was purposely integrated with the segregated urban‐rural work system, constituting a China‐specific workfare regime in which the whole workforce was included and effectively organized into the socio‐economic order. Under market‐socialism that appears as an awkward hybrid, the work‐welfare governance model is being gradually transformed into a pragmatic, much marketized one, though without idealogical legitimacy as well as a clear‐cut vision. On the one hand, employment differentiation and income disparity resulted from a strategic shift from the “reform‐without‐losers” stage to the “reform‐with‐losers” stage in the labor market, together with a large scale rural‐to‐urban labor migration, are structuring a market‐oriented, stratified employment system. On the other hand, while being a welfare laggard, China's productivist, status‐segregated welfare system is taking shape owing to a set of welfare reforms along the line of marketization and societalization. All these changes would imply that China is converging towards a neo‐liberal regime in which the role of the state is residual to the market.  相似文献   

With an emphasis placed on supply‐side interventions such as skills training and incentives enhancement, active labor market polices (ALMPs) are strongly promoted by international organizations and widely adopted across different welfare regimes to boost employment rates. This article first presents the under‐examined relationship between ALMPs and employment precariousness, which has posed a challenge to the neoliberal notion of employability and activation. Youth‐focused employment policies tend to speed up employment entry whilst downplaying the risk of precariousness and the importance of job quality, and thus further reinforcing the belief that engaging in precarious employment is tolerable if not inevitable. The article then examines the case of Hong Kong, which illustrates that its relatively low rate of youth unemployment may conceal the unfavorable employment conditions confronted by youth. It is argued that the service‐led employment policies and short‐term vocational training define the employability of young workers in terms of labor flexibilities. The coined phase of “flexi‐employability” is characterized by promoting youth's readiness for, and adaptability to, the volatilities and changing demands of the labor market. Arguably, the disciplinary approach to youth activation would only strengthen the work‐first principle by enforcing young people to take up jobs available and leave welfare as soon as possible, but without thoroughly addressing the risks and insecurities generated by the labor market in undermining their well‐being.  相似文献   

转型期劳动力市场形式变迁的制度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毕秀水 《学术交流》2004,(10):82-86
在我国经济转型期存在着体制型、城乡型、行业型以及市场内生型等竞争性与垄断性并存的二元结构劳动力市场形式。要形成市场配置型的劳动力市场,必须进一步改革现有经济体制,实现劳动力流动市场化、劳动就业契约化、就业机会均等化、人力资本产权明晰化和劳动保障社会化。政府作为制度供给的主体,应当提供相应的劳动力市场政策,尽快形成竞争性的市场配置形劳动力市场。  相似文献   

Robert Dahl (1961) clearly identifies a division of labor within political associations that allows the organization to perform its functions in a “reliable” and “skillful” manner. According to Dahl, the division of labor is facilitated by an occupational based recruitment of party “leaders” and “subleaders”. This article examines such a division of labor in political parties activities at both the grassroots and convention levels. We find strong evidence for a division of labor in party activities at both levels. However, our findings provide only tenuous evidence for occupation based differences among those participating in these two distinct types of party activities.  相似文献   

佟新 《社会》2008,28(4):1-19
本文认为,在跨国资本的作用下,中国形成了三位一体金字塔式的劳动力市场结构。以新自由主义意识形态为基础,跨国公司巨大的资本优势建构了高端劳动力市场的过度市场化和高端劳动力的碎片化。在华跨国公司高端劳动力人员与公司的权威控制关系受到后现代资本主义生产模式的影响,在任务管理取向下,高端劳动力人员超强劳动,且因内部劳动力市场的激励效应而呈现甘愿性顺从的倾向;此外,高端劳动力人员依靠自身的专业技术资格与竞争能力发展出积极的职业生涯策略。跨国资本在建构中国分层的劳动力市场的同时,也对中国社会结构的重组造成影响,产生了新的阶层--中产阶级。  相似文献   

This study examines the re‐entrance of female workers into the Korean labor market. We highlight that women in their 40s have the highest rate of employment among all female workers and that a large proportion of these women are entering into non‐standard employment. In approaching this question, we examine the political economy of this phenomenon by first discussing the demand side of the Korean labor market using the gendering of the varieties of capitalism argument and then the supply side with the work–life balance argument. When examining re‐entrance into the labor market, women with general skills with lower education and higher education both found it more feasible to re‐enter the labor market as non‐standard workers. While work–life balance is a prominent reason for women's choice of opting out of the labor market, work–life balance choice mattered less for women re‐entering the labor market as non‐standard workers in their 40s and 50s but instead firmly based skill formation mattered more. In addition, the retail service industry is suggested to absorb a large number of female workers with lower skill levels who would have had difficulties in re‐entering other male‐oriented companies.  相似文献   

In the past three decades numerous studies have been conducted to document structural changes in the labor market and their impacts on occupational attainment at the national level. However, few systematic studies have been conducted to assess racial disparity in the labor market at the state level over time. As Massachusetts has become more racially diverse than ever before and is prepared for greater challenges in the global economy, the state has to make sure that its labor force is ready to embrace the challenges. Thus, it is critically important to review the historical patterns of racial disparity in the state labor market over time and to explore factors that may help address occupational disparity. Relying on the human capital theory, this study will use the state data from the Current Population Surveys to assess the extent of labor market segmentation and examine factors that may contribute to racial occupational attainment over time.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of labor market characteristics, especially labor unions, on the use of two representative cancer screening services, namely the mammogram and the Pap smear, given the level of competition in the health insurance market. The role of labor unions is illustrated by means of estimated probabilities based on regression results that consider, for the first time, both health insurance and labor market variables in the same model by employing a multilevel analysis, a technique not previously used in prevention studies. The results suggest that competition among health insurance plans may actually reduce the use of preventive care whereas union membership may mitigate such negative impacts.  相似文献   

At present, Chinese labor relations operate under a unitary model of legal regulation in which labor law is applied to workers “as a whole, with everyone treated equally.” This causes a number of problems. In reality, due to constantly changing modes of employment and the flexibility of workers’ “affiliation,” forms of employment are highly diverse. In addition to regular employees, there are also “quasi-employees” (employee-like persons) whose affiliation is quite weak, and other special employees. This necessitates the updating of the legislative thinking behind labor laws. While holding fast to the assumption that workers are a vulnerable group, we should review the differences between different types of employee and draw up the corresponding regulations on the basis of specific situations. Where legislative technique is concerned, we should do away with the traditional one-size-fits-all legislative model in favor of a dedicated model that targets particular types of subject and particular circumstances. We should abandon the traditional old-fashioned model in which “all labor law provisions apply” or “no labor law provisions apply” and categorize employees in such a way as to provide special rules for quasi-employees, special employees and employees of special employers. The legal regulation of labor relations should be based on categorization and differential treatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated labor market integration in a group of war-wounded refugees after two years in Sweden. The study group consisted of 54 war-wounded asylum applicants ( n =25) and quota refugees ( n =29) who arrived in Sweden in the late 1980s. They were consecutively investigated during hospitalization, shortly after arrival, and followed up two years later. After two years, 24% were at work or were occupied in vocational training courses. The degree of disability was not related to labor market integration. Length of time spent in the municipality was directly associated with labor market integration. Present well-being, Swedish language skill and education were factors related to integration. However, these factors differed in their relation to labor market integration when the length of time spent in the municipality was considered. With respect to the first two years in Sweden, the war-wounded group seemed to follow well an ideal labor market integration process for refugees. A short wait for a municipality to reside in and a careful introduction into the municipality might have been available for this group more than for other refugees.  相似文献   

In modern society, educational achievement’s impact on individual lives is reflected not only in economic benefits in the labor market but also in various “intangible returns.” Based on national data from the Chinese General Social Survey of 2010, our analysis of the urban- rural disparity and mediating factors in the health benefits of educational achievement shows that education has positive returns in terms of health for both urban and rural residents, but the returns to compulsory education and senior middle school differ for the two groups. This difference may be caused by the gap in the quality of compulsory education between urban and rural areas. Therefore, a linchpin of the relevant education policies should be encouragement of “urban-rural integration” in terms of the quality rather than just the quantity of education and the universalizing of senior middle school education in rural areas.  相似文献   

While many studies estimate the effects of active labor market programs (ALMPs) on the participants’ labor market outcomes, far fewer studies are concerned with the effects of these policies on the regional job-matching process. We analyze which ALMPs are particularly effective at the regional level, as well as the role local labor market conditions play for their effectiveness. We find positive effects for a number of ALMPs, but for some of these the effects differ considerably between regions with high and low unemployment. This has important policy implications.  相似文献   

周扬  谢宇 《社会》2019,39(4):186-209
基于中国家庭追踪调查两期数据(CFPS 2010、2012)和动态研究视角,本文系统分析和讨论了当今体制二元分割下的劳动力市场状况,以及由此产生的工作流动的发生机制及其经济后果,提出体制分割成为影响劳动力市场机会结构和经济后果不平等的重要集体性中介因素。体制对工作流动产生了三方面的影响:体制的稳定性效应,即为其成员提供内部庇护,从而降低体制内工作流动率;体制的收入效应,即与体制外流动相比,体制内工作流动会导致更高的收入增长;体制的壁垒效应,即体制阻止和排斥体制外的劳动力发生跨体制流动,从而影响工作流动的方向。经过使用倾向值匹配、IPTW等统计技术控制样本选择性后,分析结果显示,体制分割的这三方面效应均呈显著影响,且结果稳健。本文将体制分割与工作流动过程相结合,探讨体制对劳动力市场分割的动态作用,有助于更全面地理解当前劳动力市场中的分层与流动现状。  相似文献   

本文通过对珠江三角洲农民工问卷调查资料的回归分析,试图检验在市场转型下的企业制度和社会环境对农民工工资的影响。研究发现,人力资本中的教育年限、本企业工龄等变量对农民工工资有显著的正向影响,年龄和性别也有显著影响;企业制度中的工种对工资有显著影响,表现出明显的等级性。企业所属行业、规模和企业性质对工资没有显著影响,是否签订劳动合同和缺工情况同样如此。社会资本变量和社会环境变量对农民工工资水平没有显著影响。文章由此认为,农民工的工资是处于分割的二元劳动力市场一端,是高度市场化的,缺乏企业内部劳动力市场或晋升机制,也少受劳动力市场用工情况变化影响,没有地区性差异,是一个实实在在的、刚性的低工资。  相似文献   

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