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This paper proposes a multiple sample extension of the chain-deferred plans by the author (1983).

These plans are similar to the traditional multiple plans except that they use information from, at most, four surrounding lots when sentencing the current lot. When compared with existing plans, the new proposals either reduce the cost of the decision procedure or reduce the possible length of the queue of unsentenced lots and at the same time give an equivalent overall protection.

The average sample number before a decision and the average delay time are both examined and compared with existing multiple deferred state sampling plans and with the traditional multiple plans.

The compatibility of these plans with the traditional multiple plans is illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a table that can be used to select a double sampling plan indexed by indifference quality level and lot size.  相似文献   

X be a continuous quality characteristic, with one-sided lower specification limit, having either normal distribution with known σ or exponential distribution. We report on an algorithm allowing the calculation of the so-called ASN-Minimax plan. This plan has minimal maximal average sample size among all double sampling plans for variables that obey the classical two-points-condition on the operating characteristic. We give examples and tables of the ASN-Minimax plans in the normal as well as in the exponential case. Received: March 20, 2000; revised version: January 22, 2001  相似文献   

The properties of three sampling inspection plans with identical operating characteristic curves are discussed. Relative merits and demerits are studied and an eficient plan is identiJied. Tables yielding parametric values for designing plans for various entry parameters are provided.  相似文献   

The design of double acceptance sampling (AS) plans for attributes based on the operating characteristic curve paradigm is usually addressed by enumeration algorithms. These AS plans may be non optimal regarding the sample size to inspect as they were obtained without the requirement that the constraints at the OC curve controlled points are not violated for minimum Average Sample Number (ASN) scenarios. An approach based on mathematical programming is proposed to systematically design double AS plans for attributes, where the characteristics controlled are modelled by binomial or Poisson distributions. Specifically, Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) formulations are developed and combined with an enumeration algorithm that allows finding ASN minimax optimal plans. A theoretical result is developed with the purpose of assuring the global optimum design is reached by iteration where a convenient solver is used to find local optima. To validate the algorithm, we compare our results with those of tables commonly used for practical purposes, consider different rates of risk, and setups commonly used in Lot Quality Assurance Plans (LQAS) for health monitoring programmes. Finally, we compare AS plans determined for processes described by binomial and Poisson distributions.  相似文献   

Usual stratified sampling design assume that one is able to draw units directly from given strata. If this is not possible, one can use the following double sampling procedure: First take a large simple random sample out of the whole population and find out, to which stratum each sample unit belongs. Out of these chosen units take a second stratified sample. In this paper unbiased estimators for this procedure in the cases of known (part I) and unknown (part II) stratum weights are proposed for sampling with replacement and sampling without replacement and their variances are evaluated.  相似文献   

Procedures and tables for the selection of conditional double sampling plans for various entry parameters are given. A search procedure is also developed to determine the parameters of the plans when two points on the operating characteristic curve are specified.  相似文献   

Summary We deal with double sampling plans by variables for a one-sided specification limit when the quality characteristic is normally distributed with unknown standard deviation. An algorithm is presented that allows to calculate the OC of the sampling plans proposed by Bowker and Goode (1952). We give several examples. Furthermore, it is shown that the algorithm carries over to calculating the OC of the double-stage t-test. The authors wish to thank Yvonne K?llner and Timor Saffary for technical support.  相似文献   

In this study, performance of single acceptance sampling plans by attribute is investigated by using the distribution of fraction nonconformance (i.e. lot quality distribution) for a dependent production process. It is the aim of this study to demonstrate that, in order to emphasize consumer risk (i.e. the risk of accepting a bad lot), it is better to evaluate a sampling plan based upon its performance as assessed by the posterior distribution of fractions nonconforming in accepted lots. Similarly, it is the desired posterior distribution that sets the basis for designing a sampling plan. The prior distribution used in this study is derived from a Markovian model of dependence.  相似文献   

MIL-STD-1235C establishes standard procedures for the selection and implementation of single- and multi-level continuous sampling plans, such as CSP-1, CSP-F, CSP-2, CSP-T and CSP-V. CSP-V is a single-level continuous sampling procedure which provides for alternating sequences of 100%inspection (either at full or reduced clearance number) and sampling inspection. It requires a return to 100% inspection whenever a non-confirming unit is found during sampling inspection, but provides for a reduced clearance number upon demonstration of superior product quality. The CSP-V procedure serves as an alternative to the CSP-T procedure where a reduction in sampling frequency has no economic merit. In this paper, expressions for the average outgoing quality, the average fraction inspected and the operating characteristic function are derived using a Markov chain model. Four tables are given to enable the selection of CSP-V plans when the acceptable quality level or the limiting quality level and the

average outgoing quality limit are specified.  相似文献   

Traditionally, fraction-nonconforming is treated as a Bernouilli variable with the attendant assumption of independence in constructing the acceptance sampling plans. This study relaxes the independence assumption in attribute sampling and provides a convenient nomogram to incorporate the effects of dependence into the sampling plans. The nomogram provides convenient answers for a number of questions about sampling with attributes. The study simplifies the procedural details, virtually eliminates the computation and facilitates the rapid scanning and evaluation of alternative solutions.  相似文献   

Sampling plans are a useful tool to decide whether large-size lots should be accepted or rejected. In this paper we introduce double sampling plans by variables for a normally distributed characteristic with known standard deviation and two-sided specification limits. These plans fulfill the classical two-points-condition on the operating characteristic (OC) and feature minimal maximal average sample number (ASN).  相似文献   

In this article designing of acceptance sampling plans for the truncated life test is proposed using economic approach by assuming that the lifetime of a product follows Frechet distribution based on median. The optimal sampling plans to meet the consumer’s confidence level with minimum total cost are designed. Efficiency of the proposed plan is also analyzed.  相似文献   

Lieberman and Solomon (1955) introduced multi-level continuous sampling plans and Derman et al. (1957) extended them as tightened multi-level continuous plans. MLP-T plan is one of the three tightened multi-level continuous sampling plans of Derman et al. (1957). In this paper, we restrict our discussion to MLP-T plans with two sampling levels. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the average outgoing quality, the average fraction inspected and the operating characteristic function are derived. Four tables are given to enable selection of MLP-T plans with two sampling levels when the acceptable quality level or the limiting quality level and the average outgoing quality limit are specified.  相似文献   

The design of a sampling inspection plan is usually based on the properties of the operating characteristic curve. This approach ensures that the plan has adequate power to discriminate a lot of acceptable quality from a lot rejectable quality. However, the designed plan need not necessarily have adequate predictive power when the sentenced lot is re-inspected using the same sampling plan. The paper introduces a new design approach for the single sampling attributes plan ensuring the decision of acceptance or rejection is consistent for both current and any future inspection of the lot. The proposed design controls the risks of a future sample leading to a contradictory decision of acceptance or rejection of the lot. An increase in sample size is required to achieve the required predictive power if the true lot quality fails to be at very low fraction non-conforming levels. A Bayesian analysis is also provided.  相似文献   

Starting from Milbrodt (1985), the asymptotic behaviour of experiments associated with Poisson sampling, Rejective sampling and its Sampford-Durbin modification is investigated. As superpopulation models so-called Lr-generated regression parameter families (1⩽r⩽2) are considered, allowing also the presence of nuisance parameters. Under some assumptions on the first order probabilities of inclusion it can be shown that the sampling experiments converge weakly if the underlying shift parameter families do so. In case of convergence the limit of the sampling experiments is characterized in terms of its Hellinger transforms and its Lévy-Khintchine representation, leading to criteria for the limit to be a pure Gaussian or a pure Poisson experiment respectively. These results are then applied to the situation of sampling in the presence of random non-response, and to establish local asymptotic normality (LAN) under more restrictive conditions. Applications also include asymptotic optimality properties of tests based on Horvitz-Thompson-type statistics, and LAM bounds and criteria for adaptivity, when testing or estimating a continuous linear functional in LAN situations. They especially cover the case of sampling from an unknown symmetric distribution, which has been subject to detailed investigations in the i.i.d. case.  相似文献   

Acceptance sampling, widely used in various production industries, is a very vital tool of quality control. In this paper, a new attribute acceptance-sampling plan is developed based on the exponentially weighted moving average statistic under a time-truncated life test when the product lifetime follows the Weibull distribution or the Burr type X distribution. The performance measures such as the probability of acceptance and the average sample number are derived. Tables are constructed for the selection of optimal parameters of the proposed sampling plan so as to minimize the average sample number satisfying the producer's and the consumer's risks. Illustrative example is also given for the application of the proposed plan. It is also shown that the proposed plan requires a smaller sample size compared to the single sampling plan.  相似文献   

Supplier management plays an important role in the quality improvement process. Recently, supplier selection has received much attention in many production industries. In this paper, we propose a double sampling plan for selecting a better supplier comparing two suppliers with linear profiles. The difference test statistic based on the process yield index SpkA is used to determine the optimal parameters of the proposed double sampling plan. The efficiency of the proposed sampling plan is compared with the existing single sampling plan.  相似文献   

Several estimators for estimating the mean of a principal variable are proposed based on double sampling for stratification (DSS) and multivariate auxiliary information. The general properties of the proposed estimators are studied, search for optimum estimators is made and the proposed estimators are compared with the corresponding estimators based on unstratified double sampling (USDS).  相似文献   

Determination of conditional double sampling scheme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a new sampling scheme called the 'conditional double sampling scheme' (CDSS) has been proposed. A compact table is presented for the selection of a CDSS indexed by various combinations of entry parameters. Advantages of the CDSS over the single sampling scheme have been discussed. The basis for the construction of the table is given.  相似文献   

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