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A general family of univariate distributions generated by beta random variables, proposed by Jones, has been discussed recently in the literature. This family of distributions possesses great flexibility while fitting symmetric as well as skewed models with varying tail weights. In a similar vein, we define here a family of univariate distributions generated by Stacy’s generalized gamma variables. For these two families of univariate distributions, we discuss maximum entropy characterizations under suitable constraints. Based on these characterizations, an expected ratio of quantile densities is proposed for the discrimination of members of these two broad families of distributions. Several special cases of these results are then highlighted. An alternative to the usual method of moments is also proposed for the estimation of the parameters, and the form of these estimators is particularly amenable to these two families of distributions.  相似文献   

H. M. Barakat 《Statistics》2013,47(5):1005-1012
In this paper, we show that both the class of beta-generated distributions GF and its base distribution F belong to the same domain of maximal (or minimal or upper record value or lower record value) attraction. Moreover, it is shown that the weak convergence of any non-extreme order statistic (central or intermediate order statistic), based on a base distribution F, to a non-degenerate limit type implies the weak convergence of GF to a non-degenerate limit type. The relations between the two limit types are deduced.  相似文献   

The bivariate Lagrange expansion, given by Poincare (1986), has been explained and slightly modified which gives bivariate Lagrangian probability models. A generalized bivariate Lagrangian Poisson distribution with six parameters has been obtained and studied. Also, the bivariate Lagrangian binomial, bivariate Lagrangian negative binomial and bivariate Lagrangian logarithmic series distribution have been obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish the role of concomitants of order statistics in the unique identification of the parent bivariate distribution. From the results developed, we have illustrated by examples the process of determination of the parent bivariate distribution using a marginal pdf and the pdf of either of the concomitant of largest or smallest order statistic on the other variable. An application of the results derived in modeling of a bivariate distribution for data sets drawn from a population as well is discussed.  相似文献   

Bivariate uniform distributions with dependent components are readily derived by distribution function transformations of the components of non-uniform dependent continuous bivariate random variables (X,Y). Contour plots of joint density functions show the various, and varying, forms of dependence which can arise from different distributional forms for (X,Y) and aids the choice of bivariate uniform distributions as empirical models.  相似文献   

The two-sample problem and its extension to the k-sample problem are well known in the statistical literature. However, the discrete version of the k-sample problem is relatively less explored. Here in this work we suggest a k-sample non-parametric test procedure for discrete distributions based on mutual information. A detailed power study with comparison with other alternatives is provided. Finally, a comparison of some English soccer league teams based on their goal-scoring pattern is discussed.  相似文献   


We construct a new bivariate mixture of negative binomial distributions which represents over-dispersed data more efficiently. This is an extension of a univariate mixture of beta and negative binomial distributions. Characteristics of this joint distribution are studied including conditional distributions. Some properties of the correlation coefficient are explored. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed model by fitting to three real data sets with correlated count data. A comparison is made with some previously used models to show the effectiveness of the new model.  相似文献   

We discuss properties of the bivariate family of distributions introduced by Sarmanov (1966). It is shown that correlation coefficients of this family of distributions have wider range than those of the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributins. Possible applications of this family of bivariate distributions as prior distributins in Bayesian inference are discussed. The density of the bivariate Sarmanov distributions with beta marginals can be expressed as a linear combination of products of independent beta densities. This pseudoconjugate property greatly reduces the complexity of posterior computations when this bivariate beta distribution is used as a prior. Multivariate extensions are derived.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of bivariate lifetime distributions. Let {Xi}i ? 1 and {Yi}i ? 1 be two independent sequences of independent and identically distributed positive valued random variables. Define T1 = min?(X1, …, XM) and T2 = min?(Y1, …, YN), where (M, N) has a discrete bivariate phase-type distribution, independent of {Xi}i ? 1 and {Yi}i ? 1. The joint survival function of (T1, T2) is studied.  相似文献   

Gini index is widely used in the study of inequality of income distribution. In the present paper we give a definition of the Gini index in the Bivariate set-up and look into the problem of characterizing probability distributions based on some relationship between this index and various other commonly used measures. We also generalized the Gini index to a situation where several attributes of the population are considered.  相似文献   

Inverse Weibull (IW) distribution is one of the widely used probability distributions for nonnegative data modelling, specifically, for describing degradation phenomena of mechanical components. In this paper, by compounding IW and power series distributions we introduce a new lifetime distribution. The compounding procedure follows the same set-up carried out by Adamidis and Loukas [A lifetime distribution with decreasing failure rate. Stat Probab Lett. 1998;39:35–42]. We provide mathematical properties of this new distribution such as moments, estimation by maximum likelihood with censored data, inference for a large sample and the EM algorithm to determine the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. Furthermore, we characterize the proposed distributions using a simple relationship between two truncated moments and maximum entropy principle under suitable constraints. Finally, to show the flexibility of this type of distributions, we demonstrate applications of two real data sets.  相似文献   

This article considers inference on correlation coefficients of bivariate log-normal distributions. We developed generalized confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for the correlation coefficients, and extended the results to compare two independent correlations. Simulation studies show that the suggested methods work well. Two practical examples are used to illustrate the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

A divergence measure between discrete probability distributions introduced by Csiszar (1967) generalizes the Kullback-Leibler information and several other information measures considered in the literature. We introduce a weighted divergence which generalizes the weighted Kullback-Leibler information considered by Taneja (1985). The weighted divergence between an empirical distribution and a fixed distribution and the weighted divergence between two independent empirical distributions are here investigated for large simple random samples, and the asymptotic distributions are shown to be either normal or equal to the distribution of a linear combination of independent X2-variables  相似文献   

The EM algorithm is employed to compute maximum-likelihood estimates for beta kernel distributions. Estimation is considered under two censoring schemes: the progressive Type-I censoring and progressive Type-II right censoring schemes. As an application, the EM algorithm is executed to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates for the beta Weibull distribution under the two censoring schemes. A simulation study and two real data sets are used to show the efficiency of the EM algorithm.  相似文献   

Many models have been used to represent the distributions of random variables in statistics, engineering, business, and the physical and social science. This paper considers two, four-parameter generalized bea distributions that include nearly all the models actually used as special or limiting cases. Properties and the interrelationships among these distributions are considered. Expressions are reported that facilitate parameter estimation and the analysis of associated means, variances, hazard functions and other distributional characteristics.

Estimation procedures corresponding to different data types are considered. Maximum likelihood estimation is used and the value of the likelihood function provides and important criterion for model selection. The relative performance of the various models is compared for several data sets.  相似文献   

On the basis of Kullback-Leibler discrimination information, and of discrimination measures introduced by Ebrahimi and Kirmani (1996a) and by Di Crescenzo and Longobardi (2004), we propose a measure of discrepancy between double truncated distributions. Some properties of this measure are studied and some mistakes in the preceding literature are corrected.  相似文献   

Generalized discrete distributions such as the double Poisson and the double binomial family of Lagrange distributions are considered when the probabilities are inflated by a constant λ (0 < λ < 1). In each of the above cases, the effect of inflation on the variance is discussed. Also, the Bayesian estimate of inflation as well as those of the parameters are attempted. A maximum likelihood method is also suggested.  相似文献   

In this paper, a family of copulas with two parameters is proposed and its dependence analysis is performed. The corresponding family of bivariate distributions with specified marginals is constructed. For normal marginals, the new distributions are non-elliptical and can be applied in data analysis. They provide various alternative hypotheses for testing normality. Finally, an example is given.  相似文献   

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