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Tobias Wolbring argues in his replica to our article Mein(schöner)Prof.de (issue 4/2009 of this journal) that the presented empirical analyses would be problematic in several respects. He claims our sample was selective, criticizes the lacking control of relevant confounding variables and our statistical model building. In this response we consider Wolbring’s criticism in detail. We believe we can prove that his points of criticism do not hold after a close investigation. In particular, we think our central substantial conclusions can be maintained.  相似文献   

Evaluations of academic teaching have become an instrument for the quality management in universities of constantly growing importance. This process is unproblematic as long as the quality of teaching is rated validly by the evaluations of students. The validity of the rating, however, becomes questionable as an influence of the teaching staffs’ physical attractiveness on the evaluation of teaching has been proved. This effect would only be compatible with an assumed valid rating of the teaching performance if attractive teachers would in fact show a better performance in academic teaching and are not just better rated for their attractiveness. We analyzed data from the German online platform MeinProf.de for the evaluation of academic teachers. The results show that attractive teachers very probably do not perform better. The attractiveness of female teachers does not have the expected influence on the evaluation of their teaching.  相似文献   




Visa policies today are a central instrument for filtering wanted and unwanted types of travellers, leading to a hierarchy of mobility rights. While there is evidence of a “global mobility divide”, we still know little about the role of regional integration when it comes to the distribution of mobility rights and the (re)structuring of mobility spaces. Against this background, the article examines the structure of visa relations in different bodies of regional integration (EU, MERCOSUR, ASEAN, ECOWAS, EAC, NAFTA, SADC and SICA). The article compares visa policies in the member states of these institutions in 1969 and 2010 from a social network perspective. While one would generally expect each institution's member states to become more similar with regard to both internal and external mobility regulations, we find that not all regional clusters align their visa policies. Potential explanations for this state of affairs are investigated.  相似文献   

~~麻辣小夫妇(2)@杨静~~  相似文献   


In recent years, the concept of cultural intelligence has received increasing attention by researchers and professionals because of its theoretical and practical importance. To understand why some individuals adapt more effectively than others to culturally different social contexts has become a goal with implications for education, recruitment and the prevention of social conflict. The goal of this study was to adapt the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) to Spanish. To do so, two studies were carried out. In the first, the psychometric properties generated by the CQS on a Spanish sample (N = 413) were analysed. In the second study, a confirmatory replication of the factor structure and reliability of the CQS was performed with a different Spanish sample (N = 526) from the first study. The results indicated that the Spanish version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale can be considered a useful and appropriate tool to be used with psychometric guarantees in the Spanish-speaking population.  相似文献   

一、基数词(11~19)有下列特点:1)ll和12的个位数与被数名词的性相一致,其他(13~19)的个位数与被数名词的性反阴、阳.十位数与被数名词的性相一致.2)12的个位数有主、宾、属格之分,其他数字都定格在开口单动符上.3)11~19的个位数与十位数之间不加“,”.  相似文献   

THE changes in collars, sleeves and lace of women's clothing should be regarded as changes in form. But the early 20th century also saw changes in the ideology of and attitudes towards women's fashions. The first striking change was that women began to adopt men's fashions. Some women who struggled for emancipation chose to dress as men in order to change the image of women as delicate and frail. Around 1903, Qiu Jin, a famous woman fighter of the Chinese democratic revolution, lived in Beijing. A Japanese friend was deeply impressed by  相似文献   

WHEN we came to Lukang,Changhua County in westernTaiwan after leaving Chilung City in the north of Taiwan,we felt a totally different atmosphere. At Chilung,in the heavy rain of an early morning,mycompanions and I hurried to take pictures of a fish market bustlingwith 100 years of history.It was still in that darkness before dawn,wind mixed with rain,but the market was brightly lit and crowdedwith People.Among a confusion of voices were the loud calls of  相似文献   

汰、熟梦哪............ .用日把找这张.修整一F.我\吸国一大些.脸长些.日浓些··一}恿玲暴日子过的有邀有味.多是呀!幸祖呀!、一伪淤拼乃、阿Q的烦心事系列(2)@小桦~~  相似文献   

何为组织形象一个社会组织,作为参与社会政治经济生活的结构单位,也和个体行动者一样.其追求的目标、认同或倡导的价值观念、进循的行为规则、实际的行为方式以及所使用或生产的各种有形物品等都会在公众中留下一定的印象,刻上一定的痕迹。组织的内在精神和各种外显行为及有形物品综合作用于公众,从而在公众心目中形成的总体印象就是它的组织形象。组织形象可分为知名度和美誉度两个维度,知名度指组织的方方面面,如名称、产品、服务方式、倡导的观』念、推行的政策等为人们知晓的程度;美誉度指人们对它的方方面面的肯定、赞许的程度…  相似文献   

Unilateral Initial Attraction (UIA) is a first unilateral awareness towards an unknown person and can be the starting point of an interest in voluntarily initiating an interaction or relationship. In order to create a measure tapping this feeling, Study 1 asked individuals to indicate attributes characterizing UIA (Phase 1), and to rate their centrality (Phase 2). These were used to develop the Measure of Initial Attraction (MIA) comprising one component of arousal and another of unilateral interest. While the former is shared with the love construct, the latter differentiates from measures of passion. The MIA proved to be a valid and reliable instrument with the capacity to discriminate UIA across different relationships (Study 2) and targets (Study 3), with good convergent validity (Study 3). Results are discussed within the framework of personal relationships.  相似文献   

THE cloth-making campaign carried out by the Eighth Route Army and the local people in Shanxi helped pulp them through a tough situation and win the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-1945). In the remote hills where both industrial and agricultural development was slow-  相似文献   

The Environmental Action Scale (EAS) analyses engagement in civic actions which seek to have an environmental impact. The EAS has shown adequate psychometric properties when used with English-speaking samples, but there are no studies assessing how it works in other linguistic and cultural groups. The aim of the study is to present the Spanish version of the EAS along with evidence that supports the utility of the scale to be used in the Spanish population. The Spanish version obtained after the adaptation process was first administered to 277 participants. The results pointed to items that did not function adequately, so a revised version was created and administered to 286 participants. Validity evidence based on internal structure showed that the EAS consistently evaluates two dimensions of the construct: Participation Activities and Leadership Activities. Evidence based on relationships with other variables indicated that the construct is also related to other variables, such as environmental identity and moral convictions.  相似文献   

最近,有两个研究计划已经阐明了各种组织实践公众关系的不同方式,以及它们为什么这样做的理由。对这些实践的阐明还有助于解释实际所讲授的公众关系学的原因,以及为什么公众关系学所以被置于学术部门的道理。总之,公众关系教育已经反映了公众关系的实践。  相似文献   

由于从收入的视角定义和测量贫困存在诸多不足,一些学者提出"资产贫困(asset poverty)"的概念和测量方法,试图补充收入贫困的不足.1995年,美国社会政策专家梅尔文·奥利弗( Melvin Oliver)和托马斯·夏皮罗(Thomas Shapiro)出版了《白人的财富,黑人的财富——种族不平等的一个新视角》一书,这本书的出版在美国社会引起了巨大反响,2006年出版了十周年纪念版.该书揭示了一个重要事实,按照传统的收入贫困测量方法,美国黑人和白人的收入差距缩小了,但是从资产的视角来看情况却大不相同.平均而言,如果一个白人拥有1美元的资产,一个黑人仅仅拥有10美分的资产.这揭示了美国社会白人和黑人之间的巨大财富差距.1995年,美国学者罗伯特·哈夫曼( Robert Haveman)和爱德华·伍尔夫(Edward N.Wolff)对资产贫困进行了定义,并对1983-2001年美国的资产贫困进行了测量.  相似文献   

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