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Among many classification methods, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a favored tool due to its simplicity, robustness, and predictive accuracy but when the number of genes is larger than the number of observations, it cannot be applied directly because the within-class covariance matrix is singular. Also, diagonal LDA (DLDA) is a simpler model compared to LDA and has better performance in some cases. However, in reality, DLDA requires a strong assumption based on mutual independence. In this article, we propose the modified LDA (MLDA). MLDA is based on independence, but uses the information that has an effect on classification performance with the dependence structure. We suggest two approaches. One is the case of using gene rank. The other involves no use of gene rank. We found that MLDA has better performance than LDA, DLDA, or K-nearest neighborhood and is comparable with support vector machines in real data analysis and the simulation study.  相似文献   

Ordinal classification is an important area in statistical machine learning, where labels exhibit a natural order. One of the major goals in ordinal classification is to correctly predict the relative order of instances. We develop a novel concordance-based approach to ordinal classification, where a concordance function is introduced and a penalized smoothed method for optimization is designed. Variable selection using the L 1 $$ {L}_1 $$ penalty is incorporated for sparsity considerations. Within the set of classification rules that maximize the concordance function, we find optimal thresholds to predict labels by minimizing a loss function. After building the classifier, we derive nonparametric estimation of class conditional probabilities. The asymptotic properties of the estimators as well as the variable selection consistency are established. Extensive simulations and real data applications show the robustness and advantage of the proposed method in terms of classification accuracy, compared with other existing methods.  相似文献   

We introduce a technique for extending the classical method of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to data sets where the predictor variables are curves or functions. This procedure, which we call functional linear discriminant analysis ( FLDA ), is particularly useful when only fragments of the curves are observed. All the techniques associated with LDA can be extended for use with FLDA. In particular FLDA can be used to produce classifications on new (test) curves, give an estimate of the discriminant function between classes and provide a one- or two-dimensional pictorial representation of a set of curves. We also extend this procedure to provide generalizations of quadratic and regularized discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is an important technique of explorative data mining. It refers to a collection of statistical methods for learning the structure of data by solely exploring pairwise distances or similarities. Often meaningful structures are not detectable in these high-dimensional feature spaces. Relevant features can be obfuscated by noise from irrelevant measurements. These observations led to the design of subspace clustering algorithms, which can identify clusters that originate from different subsets of features. Hunting for clusters in arbitrary subspaces is intractable due to the infinite search space spanned by all feature combinations. In this work, we present a subspace clustering algorithm that can be applied for exhaustively screening all feature combinations of small- or medium-sized datasets (approximately 30 features). Based on a robustness analysis via subsampling we are able to identify a set of stable candidate subspace cluster solutions.  相似文献   

Techniques of credit scoring have been developed these last years in order to reduce the risk taken by banks and financial institutions in the loans that they are granting. Credit Scoring is a classification problem of individuals in one of the two following groups: defaulting borrowers or non-defaulting borrowers. The aim of this paper is to propose a new method of discrimination when the dependent variable is categorical and when a large number of categorical explanatory variables are retained. This method, Categorical Multiblock Linear Discriminant Analysis, computes components which take into account both relationships between explanatory categorical variables and canonical correlation between each explanatory categorical variable and the dependent variable. A comparison with three other techniques and an application on credit scoring data are provided.  相似文献   

We consider classification in the situation of two groups with normally distributed data in the ‘large p small n’ framework. To counterbalance the high number of variables, we consider the thresholded independence rule. An upper bound on the classification error is established that is taylored to a mean value of interest in biological applications.  相似文献   

Fisher's Linear Discriminant Function Can be used to classify an individual who has sampled from one of two multivariate normal Populations. In the following, this function is viewed as the other given his data vector it is assumed that the Population means and common covariance matrix are unknown. The vector of discriminant coeffients β(p×1) is the gradient of posterior log-odds and certain of its lineqar functions are directional derivatives which have a practical meaning. Accordingly, we treat the problems of estimating several linear functions of β The usual estimatoes of these functions are scaled versions of the unbiased estmators. In this Paper, these estimators are domainated by explicit alterenatives under a quadratic loss function. we reduce the problem of estimating β to that of estimating the inverse convariance matrix.  相似文献   

The linear discriminant function is transformed into a linear combination of independent random variables. It is shown that reducing dimensionality using the smallest distance criterion results in smaller increase in the error rate than using the smallest variance criterion. Three error rates are used to prove this.  相似文献   


Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) is known as a method to find a discriminative feature space for multi-class classification. As a theory of extending FLDA to an ultimate nonlinear form, optimal nonlinear discriminant analysis (ONDA) has been proposed. ONDA indicates that the best theoretical nonlinear map for maximizing the Fisher's discriminant criterion is formulated by using the Bayesian a posterior probabilities. In addition, the theory proves that FLDA is equivalent to ONDA when the Bayesian a posterior probabilities are approximated by linear regression (LR). Due to some limitations of the linear model, there is room to modify FLDA by using stronger approximation/estimation methods. For the purpose of probability estimation, multi-nominal logistic regression (MLR) is more suitable than LR. Along this line, in this paper, we develop a nonlinear discriminant analysis (NDA) in which the posterior probabilities in ONDA are estimated by MLR. In addition, in this paper, we develop a way to introduce sparseness into discriminant analysis. By applying L1 or L2 regularization to LR or MLR, we can incorporate sparseness in FLDA and our NDA to increase generalization performance. The performance of these methods is evaluated by benchmark experiments using last_exam17 standard datasets and a face classification experiment.  相似文献   

We propose a hybrid two-group classification method that integrates linear discriminant analysis, a polynomial expansion of the basis (or variable space), and a genetic algorithm with multiple crossover operations to select variables from the expanded basis. Using new product launch data from the biochemical industry, we found that the proposed algorithm offers mean percentage decreases in the misclassification error rate of 50%, 56%, 59%, 77%, and 78% in comparison to a support vector machine, artificial neural network, quadratic discriminant analysis, linear discriminant analysis, and logistic regression, respectively. These improvements correspond to annual cost savings of $4.40–$25.73 million.  相似文献   

A method of regularized discriminant analysis for discrete data, denoted DRDA, is proposed. This method is related to the regularized discriminant analysis conceived by Friedman (1989) in a Gaussian framework for continuous data. Here, we are concerned with discrete data and consider the classification problem using the multionomial distribution. DRDA has been conceived in the small-sample, high-dimensional setting. This method has a median position between multinomial discrimination, the first-order independence model and kernel discrimination. DRDA is characterized by two parameters, the values of which are calculated by minimizing a sample-based estimate of future misclassification risk by cross-validation. The first parameter is acomplexity parameter which provides class-conditional probabilities as a convex combination of those derived from the full multinomial model and the first-order independence model. The second parameter is asmoothing parameter associated with the discrete kernel of Aitchison and Aitken (1976). The optimal complexity parameter is calculated first, then, holding this parameter fixed, the optimal smoothing parameter is determined. A modified approach, in which the smoothing parameter is chosen first, is discussed. The efficiency of the method is examined with other classical methods through application to data.  相似文献   

Fisher's linear discriminant function, adapted by Anderson for allocating new observations into one of two existing groups, is considered in this paper. Methods of estimating the misclassification error rates are reviewed and evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations. The investigation is carried out under both ideal (Multivariate Normal data) and non-ideal (Multivariate Binary data) conditions. The assessment is based on the usual mean square error (MSE) criterion and also on a new criterion of optimism. The results show that although there is a common cluster of good estimators for both ideal and non-ideal conditions, the single best estimators vary with respect to the different criteria  相似文献   

In this study, a new per-field classification method is proposed for supervised classification of remotely sensed multispectral image data of an agricultural area using Gaussian mixture discriminant analysis (MDA). For the proposed per-field classification method, multivariate Gaussian mixture models constructed for control and test fields can have fixed or different number of components and each component can have different or common covariance matrix structure. The discrimination function and the decision rule of this method are established according to the average Bhattacharyya distance and the minimum values of the average Bhattacharyya distances, respectively. The proposed per-field classification method is analyzed for different structures of a covariance matrix with fixed and different number of components. Also, we classify the remotely sensed multispectral image data using the per-pixel classification method based on Gaussian MDA.  相似文献   

Several mathematical programming approaches to the classification problem in discriminant analysis have recently been introduced. This paper empirically compares these newly introduced classification techniques with Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (FLDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), logit analysis, and several rank-based procedures for a variety of symmetric and skewed distributions. The percent of correctly classified observations by each procedure in a holdout sample indicate that while under some experimental conditions the linear programming approaches compete well with the classical procedures, overall, however, their performance lags behind that of the classical procedures.  相似文献   

When classification rules are constructed using sample estimatest it is known that the probability of misclassification is not minimized. This article introduces a biased minimum X2 rule to classify items from a multivariate normal population. Using the principle of variance reduction, the probability of misclassification is reduced when the biased procedure is employed. Results of sampling experiments over a broad range of conditions are provided to demonstrate this improvement.  相似文献   

This article extends the biased minimum x2 rule to the unequal covariance matrix case and to the case of several populations, The biased procedure is shown to improve the performance of the commonly used classification procedures. Results of sampling experiments over a broad range of conditions are provided to demonstrate this improvement.  相似文献   

A commonly used procedure for reduction of the number of variables in linear discriminant analysis is the stepwise method for variable selection. Although often criticized, when used carefully, this method can be a useful prelude to a further analysis. The contribution of a variable to the discriminatory power of the model is usually measured by the maximum likelihood ratio criterion, referred to as Wilks’ lambda. It is well known that the Wilks’ lambda statistic is extremely sensitive to the influence of outliers. In this work a robust version of the Wilks’ lambda statistic will be constructed based on the Minimum Covariance Discriminant (MCD) estimator and its reweighed version which has a higher efficiency. Taking advantage of the availability of a fast algorithm for computing the MCD a simulation study will be done to evaluate the performance of this statistic. The presentation of material in this article does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Austro Control GmbH and is the sole responsibility of the authors.  相似文献   

Generalized discriminant analysis based on distances   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
This paper describes a method of generalized discriminant analysis based on a dissimilarity matrix to test for differences in a priori groups of multivariate observations. Use of classical multidimensional scaling produces a low‐dimensional representation of the data for which Euclidean distances approximate the original dissimilarities. The resulting scores are then analysed using discriminant analysis, giving tests based on the canonical correlations. The asymptotic distributions of these statistics under permutations of the observations are shown to be invariant to changes in the distributions of the original variables, unlike the distributions of the multi‐response permutation test statistics which have been considered by other workers for testing differences among groups. This canonical method is applied to multivariate fish assemblage data, with Monte Carlo simulations to make power comparisons and to compare theoretical results and empirical distributions. The paper proposes classification based on distances. Error rates are estimated using cross‐validation.  相似文献   

The sample linear discriminant function (LDF) is known to perform poorly when the number of features p is large relative to the size of the training samples, A simple and rarely applied alternative to the sample LDF is the sample Euclidean distance classifier (EDC). Raudys and Pikelis (1980) have compared the sample LDF with three other discriminant functions, including thesample EDC, when classifying individuals from two spherical normal populations. They have concluded that the sample EDC outperforms the sample LDF when p is large relative to the training sample size. This paper derives conditions for which the two classifiers are equivalent when all parameters are known and employs a Monte Carlo simulation to compare the sample EDC with the sample LDF no only for the spherical normal case but also for several nonspherical parameter configurations. Fo many practical situations, the sample EDC performs as well as or superior to the sample LDF, even for nonspherical covariance configurations.  相似文献   

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