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本文在综合研究国内外企业合作战略的基础上,使用聚类分析法,对152个合作企业的数据进行分析.本文对技能型合作企业强调学习能力的不同方面,对企业进行分类.分成强调学习能力的能力全面型、知识应用型、努力学习型和能力起步型等类别的技能合作型企业.四种类型企业的合作绩效,其成本、规模、学习效果等效应,要好于经营业绩、竞争优势及技术创新等效应.  相似文献   

简泽  徐扬  李玉花  黄莹珊 《管理世界》2020,(1):187-205,242
生产率困境是创新经济学、战略管理、运营管理和组织科学关注的中心问题之一。然而,这方面的文献分散在不同的研究领域中,因而,迄今为止,这方面的知识是碎片化的。以1978年到2018年间的225篇文献为样本,本文系统地考察了生产率困境的形成机制和治理方式。首先,本文描述了这方面文献的演进脉络,进而形成了3个不同但是互补的研究视角。然后,从这3个视角出发,本文分析了生产率困境的前因后果。最后,将这3个视角综合起来,我们发展了一个关于生产率困境的综合性的理论框架,系统地揭示了生产率困境的形成机制和治理方式。研究结果表明,在给定的技术范式下,技术发展存在自然和经济的极限,因而,生产率的增长最终会缓慢下来。重要的是,由于效率-创新冲突的存在,企业对生产率的追求使得它们不具有通过颠覆式创新推动技术范式转换的激励。进一步,即使企业具有这种激励,它们在追求效率的过程中发展起来的核心能力变成了核心粘性,因而失去了颠覆式创新的能力。于是,企业对短期生产率的追求反过来使得它们难以突破生产率增长的极限,进而长期锁定在生产率困境中。  相似文献   

Our paper provides a complete characterization of leverage and default in binomial economies with financial assets serving as collateral. Our Binomial No‐Default Theorem states that any equilibrium is equivalent (in real allocations and prices) to another equilibrium in which there is no default. Thus actual default is irrelevant, though the potential for default drives the equilibrium and limits borrowing. This result is valid with arbitrary preferences and endowments, contingent or noncontingent promises, many assets and consumption goods, production, and multiple periods. We also show that only no‐default equilibria would be selected if there were the slightest cost of using collateral or handling default. Our Binomial Leverage Theorem shows that equilibrium Loan to Value (LTV) for noncontingent debt contracts is the ratio of the worst‐case return of the asset to the riskless gross rate of interest. In binomial economies, leverage is determined by down risk and not by volatility.  相似文献   

We propose a non-parametric methodology to study the presence of economies of scope between teaching and research (i.e., the teaching–research nexus). In particular, the paper advocates a conditional version of the ‘benefit-of-the-doubt’ approach to estimate the relationship between professors’ overall academic output, measured by a composite measure of multi-dimensional and importance-adjusted scores of teaching effectiveness and research productivity, and the time devoted to teaching and to research. The methodology is illustrated with a dataset of professors working at a Business & Administration department of a university college where the time allocation of teaching and research was assigned exogenously. The outcome of the analysis indicates the presence of limited scope economies for professors with an extensive research time.  相似文献   

Technology entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth, although entrepreneurs must maintain cooperative ties with the owners of any technology they hope to bring to market. Existing studies show that fairness perceptions have a great influence on this cooperation, but no research investigates its precise mechanisms or dynamic patterns. This study explores the development of 17 ventures that cooperated with a university‐owner of technology and thereby identifies different cooperation patterns in which fairness perceptions influence the degree of cooperation. These perceptions also change over time, partly as a function of accumulated experience and learning. A system dynamics model integrates insights from existing literature with the empirical findings to reveal which cooperation mechanisms relate to venture development over time; the combinations of individual experience, fairness perceptions, and market circumstances lead to four different patterns. This model can explain changes in entrepreneurial cooperation as a result of changes in fairness perceptions, which depend on learning effects and entrepreneurial experience. Each identified cooperation pattern has implications for research and offers insights for practitioners who need to manage relationships in practice.  相似文献   

Countries in transition now represent a significant sector of the international political economy. One of the challenges that they face in moving towards market-based systems and institutions is that of transforming the structure of business enterprises into forms more compatible with capitalist economies. Corporate governance is an important part of this. We argue that, certainly during an interim stage whilst equity markets are weak or non-existent, debt finance has a useful role to play. However for this to be possible there are some important institutional changes that are necessary in order to provide the infrastructure within which debt finance can operate effectively and efficiently. We then present an overview and evaluation of the progress of change in four selected transition countries. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: High unemployment in Europe has led many economists to recommend labour market deregulation — the removal of obstacles to labour market flexibility. These “obstacles” include union power, employment protection legislation and income security arrangements. We argue that such worker rights promote productivity and real wage growse effects. Policy-makers should be aware of these positive effects on productivity and real wage growth when considering curtailing worker rights in order to reduce unemployment.  相似文献   

The mental models approach, a leading strategy to develop risk communications, involves a time‐ and labor‐intensive interview process and a lengthy questionnaire to elicit group‐level risk perceptions. We propose that a similarity ratings approach for structural knowledge elicitation can be adopted to assist the risk mental models approach. The LinkIT game, inspired by games with a purpose (GWAP) technology, is a ludic elicitation tool designed to elicit group understanding of the relations between risk factors in a more enjoyable and productive manner when compared to traditional approaches. That is, consistent with the idea of ludic elicitation, LinkIT was designed to make the elicitation process fun and enjoyable in the hopes of increasing participation and data quality in risk studies. Like the mental models approach, the group mental model obtained via the LinkIT game can hence be generated and represented in a form of influence diagrams. In order to examine the external validity of LinkIT, we conducted a study to compare its performance with respect to a more conventional questionnaire‐driven approach. Data analysis results conclude that the two group mental models elicited from the two approaches are similar to an extent. Yet, LinkIT was more productive and enjoyable than the questionnaire. However, participants commented that the current game has some usability concerns. This presentation summarizes the design and evaluation of the LinkIT game and suggests areas for future work.  相似文献   

The issue of national competitiveness is a matter of considerable importance to both managers and public policy makers alike. Business scholars reflect this importance by their annual production of international indices of country competitiveness. Nevertheless, the notion of national competitiveness is controversial and has both (i) a narrow, concise conception that relates primarily to cost conditions as determined by exchange rates, and (ii) a broader, more nebulous conception that comprises the institutional and systemic circumstances of an economy, such as legal, governmental, public policy and other factors framing countries' wider business environments. In practical managerial terms, national competitiveness is a combination of both these narrow and broad conceptions. However, exactly how important cost conditions as opposed to institutional circumstances are to national competitiveness from a practical business perspective has never been investigated and is not known. This study uses qualitative and quantitative data gathered from senior firm executives in a specimen economy to find out. Hierarchical regression analyses suggest that institutional circumstances are significantly more important than cost conditions to the competitiveness of an economy from a practical managerial viewpoint.  相似文献   

基于顾客感知价值的服务企业竞争力探析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
随着服务业在社会经济发展中的地位日益突出,服务企业竞争力问题开始引起学术界关注。本文将顾客感知价值嵌入传统的企业战略研究范式之中,阐述了顾客感知价值与企业竞争力的关系;在剖析了顾客感知价值概念及其决定因素的基础上,结合服务的基本特性提出了通过改善顾客感知价值提升服务企业竞争力的策略。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the literature on the established determinants of productivity in the retail sector. It also draws attention to some neglected strands of research which provide useful insights into strategies that could allow productivity enhancements in this area of the economy. To date, very few attempts have been made to integrate different specialisms in order to explain what drives productivity in retail. Here this paper rectifies this omission by putting together studies from economics, geography, knowledge management and employment studies. It is the authors’ view that quantitative studies of retail productivity should focus on total factor productivity in retailing as the result of competition/composition effects, planning regulations, information and communications technology, the multinational operation element and workforce skills. Further, the fact that retail firms possess advantages that are transferable between locations suggests that investment in strategies enhancing the transfer of explicit and tacit knowledge between and within businesses are crucial to achieve productivity gains.  相似文献   

We study incentive issues that arise in semiconductor capacity planning and allocation. Motivated by our experience at a major U. S. semiconductor manufacturer, we model the capacity‐allocation problem in a game‐theoretic setting as follows: each product manager (PM) is responsible for a certain product line, while privately owning demand information through regular interaction with the customers. Capacity‐allocation is carried out by the corporate headquarters (HQ), which allocates manufacturing capacity to product lines based on demand information reported by the PMs. We show that PMs have an incentive to manipulate demand information to increase their expected allocation, and that a carefully designed coordination mechanism is essential for HQ to implement the optimal allocation. To this end, we design an incentive scheme through bonus payments and participation charges that elicits private demand information from the PMs. We show that the mechanism achieves budget‐balance and voluntary‐participation requirements simultaneously. The results provide important insights into the treatment of misaligned incentives in the context of semiconductor capacity‐allocation.  相似文献   

承销增发新股中承销商是否存在交易操纵行为是涉及到市场信息效率的关键问题.从国内发行核准制度和无市商的电子交易机制出发,流通市场承销商与策略交易者的博弈行为研究表明,纯操作均衡是唯一的均衡,即承销商始终选择流通市场交易操纵行为,此时流通市场净指令流的信息失效,增发公告后流通市场信息缺乏效率.同时,本文也通过首日流通市场中收盘价和交易量回归,以考察承销商是否存在增发实施前的交易操纵行为.实证表明,增发首日交易量与承销商信誉无关,且难以用公开信息预测,预示承销商交易操纵行为;另外,收盘价与交易量无关,交易量没有信号效应,这与纯操纵均衡相符.本文从实证角度验证了模型结论.结论表明现行发行核准制驱使承销商操纵增发前流通市场交易价格,这要求监管当局修正或者重新设计股票发行制度.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个工作场所同情的多层次的动态整合模型。该模型认为工作场所个体同情过程和集体同情过程是一个"双向互动"的关系:在同情使能特征的作用下,个体同情过程可以涌现为集体同情过程,而集体同情过程也会促进个体同情过程的发展。集体同情能力是一种动态能力,可以帮助企业获得持续的竞争优势。在已经形成集体同情能力或者同情涌现使能特征较高的情况下,之前经历的痛苦遭遇的总量和多样性可以影响组织现有的集体同情能力。该模型可以解释并预测工作场所对痛苦遭遇的不同回应及效果。本研究不仅整合了工作场所同情研究文献,还回应了关注组织研究人性化和"对社会负责的学术"的号召。  相似文献   

A model to measure productivity of a multi-performance objective system based on the concept of Management by Objectives (MBO) and systems theory is presented. The multi-attribute utility theory and “goal programming” are applied to evaluate the performance objectives. The approach, termed as the PO–P approach to measure productivity, provides a methodology to determine the productivity index of the plant considering it as a system and it is useful for monitoring and control of performance. Application of the approach is illustrated with a case study.  相似文献   

产业国际竞争力是当前战略管理和国际贸易领域的一个重要研究问题.全球价值链背景下,国家和企业都是全球竞争市场上的行动者,它们已成为提升一国产业国际竞争力时需要同时关注的力量.国家和企业究竟应该如何发挥作用?治理是关键.与单一公司的治理相比,全球价值链背景下的治理显得更加复杂,总体上可以分为三类治理问题:企业内治理、产业治理和市场治理.本文从产业治理与市场治理的交互出发,构建全球价值链背景下发展中国家产业的二维治理模型,并由此区别出五种典型的主导治理模式,分别是自由市场、公共治理、产业治理、共同治理和网络治理.不同的主导治理模式体现了国家和企业在其中扮演的不同角色,进而形成对产业国际竞争力的不同影响.  相似文献   

Resilience, the ability to adapt to adversity and endure job demands, is growing in prominence in the management literature with limited regard to occupational influences. Often examined at the individual level with fragmented conceptualizations, it can be a trait, capacity, or a process. We conduct a review of (1) management studies and (2) content from O*NET for 11 occupations and disciplinary studies taking a grounded approach to synthesize themes to develop an integrated occupational resilience framework. Our review suggests that resilience is individually and occupationally determined as part of a multi-level system. Our review shows that specific occupational tasks and contextual demands imply different connotations of what exactly “resilience” means and how contexts may constrain or foster resiliency. Occupational resilience involves (1) multiple conceptual strands related to accessing resources (trait, capacity, and processes); (2) positive and negative triggers that are occupationally distinguished; (3) different resilience types (cognitive, emotional, and physical) that vary in need, breadth, and importance across occupations; (4) a dynamic phenomenon that occurs within and across career stages; (5) both content-general, and job-specific occupational tensions; and (6) work and nonwork domains. Multi-level occupational-specific and comparative studies, adaptive performance and risk taking across the work–nonwork interface are highlighted areas for future research.  相似文献   

软件盗版:公司的战略选择与政府政策的选择分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件产品的特点是开发成本高,但盗版和复制成本几乎为0,因而在软件市场上,原版厂商、盗版厂商、软件用户和政府之间形成一种博弈关系,在不考虑网络效应的条件下,本文分不同情况研究了这种博弈关系:在防盗版问题上,政府起着重要的作用;在实施政府政策的效率与实施政策的代价之间,政府应做出权衡;另一方面,随着技术的进步,政府的政策应作出调整。  相似文献   

本文研究需求不确定环境下合作广告供应链中的信息共享对供应链上下游企业决策及绩效的影响。在此供应链中,上游制造商决定产品批发价格及地方性广告费用分担比例,下游零售商决定地方性广告费用的投入及产品售价。运用斯坦伯格博弈模型研究了不确定性对上下游定价和广告投入决策的影响,分析比较了有信息共享和无信息共享两种情况下供应链各成员及供应链利润。结果表明,对零售商而言,其广告水平,产品售价,及期望利润都随着广告效应的增大而增加;对制造商而言,当广告费用分担率较大时,较强的广告效应会导致零售商对广告的过度投入,从而损害制造商的利润。给定制造商广告分担率,信息共享可以提高制造商期望利润,却减少了零售商期望利润,并可能减少供应链的总体利润。给定批发价格的情况下,信息共享会提高制造商及供应链期望利润,而对零售商来讲无差别。  相似文献   

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