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中国省域投资环境竞争力评价研究   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
由于我国地域辽阔,而且经济发展极不平衡,各地区投资环境差异很大。所以,外商在我国投资面临一个投资区位选择的问题。本文给出了地区投资环境竞争力的理论框架,在此基础上给出了地区投资环境竞争力评价的指标体系;采用主成分分析法确定指标权重;给出地区投资环境竞争力层次模型与主成分分析相结合的评价方法;最后对我国各省市区投资环境竞争力进行基本评价并作出分析。  相似文献   

当前我国医院间存在严重的"信息孤岛",医院参与医疗信息共享意愿不高,患者的诊疗信息被静态碎片化储存而无法充分有效地利用。考虑到医院进行医疗信息共享将降低患者转移成本,本文构建一个多阶段双寡头动态博弈模型研究医疗信息共享对医院竞争过程中患者转移数量和服务质量水平决策的影响。首先,根据是否存在转移成本,将患者分为新患者和经验性患者,借助Hotelling模型刻画患者的效用函数,分析患者就诊决策。然后,在政府价格规制和不考虑医院利他性情景下,构建了医院累积期望收益目标函数,使用动态规划方法,求解实现医院累积期望收益最大化的服务质量水平,获得了实现患者相互转移且医院在市场中共存的马尔可夫完美均衡。最后,根据医院参与医疗信息共享后患者转移成本降为零,分析与比较信息共享前后患者转移数量和服务质量水平变化。研究发现:在不同医院间本身存在患者转移背景下,医院参与信息共享后,患者转移数量增加但存在一个上限,增加的转移量与患者在医院间的转移成本呈正相关,与初始感知效用的差值范围呈负相关;医院参与信息共享后,均衡状态下的医院服务质量水平高于信息共享前的服务质量水平。因此,在不改变当前医保支付方式下,要加快推进医疗信息共享,政府部门可以根据医院的患者数量和服务质量水平变化对其进行定期补贴,以激励医院积极参与医疗信息共享,本文给出了这个补贴的量化表达。  相似文献   

We identify the inefficiencies that arise when negotiation between two parties takes place in the presence of transaction costs. First, for some values of these costs it is efficient to reach an agreement but the unique equilibrium outcome is one in which agreement is never reached. Secondly, even when there are equilibria in which an agreement is reached, we find that the model always has an equilibrium in which agreement is never reached, as well as equilibria in which agreement is delayed for an arbitrary length of time. Finally, the only way in which the parties can reach an agreement in equilibrium is by using inefficient punishments for (some of) the opponent's deviations. We argue that this implies that, when the parties are given the opportunity to renegotiate out of these inefficiencies, the only equilibrium outcome that survives is the one in which agreement is never reached, regardless of the value of the transaction costs.  相似文献   

作为竞争优势重要前因的顾客价值:一个实证研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
迈克尔·波特与Woodruff 都提出顾客价值是竞争优势的源泉的观点,但至今尚没有实 证. 现采用两阶段论证法,首先借鉴已有的相关研究和实证数据论证顾客忠诚是竞争优势的前 因,然后通过总结消费者行为倾向前因的已有研究成果,将顾客价值纳入其中,利用货车柴油 发动机市场上获得的调查数据,证明了顾客价值是顾客忠诚的最重要前因,得出了顾客价值是 竞争优势的重要前因的结论.  相似文献   

奇异值分解在重构模糊决策系统规则库中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SVD技术重构PSG模糊规则库,降低规则的数量。根据矩阵奇异值的性质,适当取舍模糊规则库后件矩阵Ω的奇异值,得到Ω的近似表示Ω,利用Ω重新构建规则库,新规则库的输入变量域的维数比原规则库的维数小,从而有效地降低了模糊规则数。仿真结果证明了该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

目前,全球制造业竞争格局正面临重构,为了提升我国制造业国际竞争力,需要进一步提高制造业能源生态效率。本文考虑生产过程中的非期望产出,将制造业废气、废水、固体废物排放量纳入产出变量,首先构建SBM模型对我国2000-2016年30个省市的制造业能源生态效率进行测算,接着对制造业能源生态效率地区差异进行深入分析,最后采用Tobit模型对全国及东中西地区制造业能源生态效率的影响因素进行实证分析。结果显示全国历年制造业能源生态效率均值为0.44,总体处于中低等发展水平,省际差异显著。制造业能源生态效率整体上呈现上升趋势,纯技术效率较低是制约制造业能源生态效率上升的主要原因。统计期内东部地区综合效率值明显高于中西部地区,但规模效率显著低于中西部地区。经济发展水平对全国及东中西部制造业能源生态效率的影响最为显著,其影响效应分别为0.079、0.123、0.172和0.104。除经济发展水平外,研发投入、能源消费结构等因素对全国及东中西部制造业能源生态效率影响程度均不相同。为了提高我国制造业整体能源生态效率,缩小空间差异,总体上应采取优化制造业产业结构、实施创新驱动战略、提升清洁能源消费比重、改善国企公司治理等,而各地区应依据综合效率分解结果及各因素影响效应采用相适用的对策。  相似文献   

对由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的单一产品二级供应链,在市场潜在需求和价格敏感系数不确定的情况下,分析制造商和零售商的鲁棒定价决策。首先考虑了零售商掌握完全信息而制造商仅已知各参数区间的不对称信息情形,建立Stackelberg鲁棒博弈模型并对模型的均衡解进行探讨,进一步通过对解的分析和对比讨论了不对称信息下零售商的决策优势。然后研究了制造商和零售商都仅已知各参数区间的不完全信息情形,给出Stackelberg鲁棒博弈模型,求得其均衡解并与完全信息下的情形以及不对称信息下的情形进行比较,分别得到制造商和零售商在不完全信息下所获得的利润比在完全信息下所获得利润高的条件,并证明了制造商在不完全信息下所获得的利润比在不对称信息下获得的利润高,而零售商则刚好相反。最后给出算例分析,对所得到的解和结论做一些补充。  相似文献   

工期索赔问题是目前项目管理中的一类重要问题,针对这一问题出现了多种分析方法,但都不能被普遍接受,一个关键的难点在于多个工序发生延误时工序间相互作用的原理及其对总工期造成的影响尚未研究清楚,导致时差所有权不合理、延误责任分担不公平、索赔分析结果与实际情况不一致等问题。针对这些问题,本文基于时差理论提出了一种分析工期索赔的新方法。本文首先提出了工期延误中的"组合效应",指多个工序延误时总工期实际延误总量经常不等于每个延误工序单独推迟总工期的分量之和的现象,以组合效应研究为入手点,本文利用CPM网络的时差特性分析了延误工序间相互影响的原理,进而揭示了多工序延误时"组合效应"的规律;然后在此基础上根据组合效应的影响因素确定组合效应在各延误工序中的分摊比例,进一步得出各工序在工期索赔中应承担的责任,由此提出了基于时差的工期索赔分析方法;最后通过一个项目算例将这种方法与目前常用方法进行了比较。由于组合效应清晰地反映了延误工序之间的相互影响及其对总工期影响的内在规律,因此本文提出的方法责任分摊更加公平合理,更加符合实际情况,且借助时差参数实现程序化使其免于频繁的网络更新更便于应用,能够有效弥补目前工期索赔分析方法的不足,为项目管理人员提供一种工期索赔分析的有力工具。  相似文献   

内生时机下多阶段R&D博弈的均衡行动顺序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于内生时机的博弈理论,研究了内生的R&D时机下双寡头企业先进行R&D活动后进行产品市场价格竞争的多阶段动态博弈的均衡R&D顺序,其中产品市场上的需求函数是线性的且企业在产品市场上的行动是同时进行的。运用逆向归纳法研究表明均衡R&D顺序只由企业的R&D外溢水平决定:若两企业的外溢水平都较低(较高),则均衡R&D顺序为两企业同时行动(分别以两企业为领头者的序贯行动);若一个企业的外溢水平较低而另一企业的外溢水平较高,则均衡R&D顺序为以低外溢水平的企业为领头者的序贯行动。在序贯R&D时两企业的R&D总水平、社会总福利水平及产品市场产量(价格)都高于(低于)同时R&D时的情形。  相似文献   

Nonparametric estimation of a structural cointegrating regression model is studied. As in the standard linear cointegrating regression model, the regressor and the dependent variable are jointly dependent and contemporaneously correlated. In nonparametric estimation problems, joint dependence is known to be a major complication that affects identification, induces bias in conventional kernel estimates, and frequently leads to ill‐posed inverse problems. In functional cointegrating regressions where the regressor is an integrated or near‐integrated time series, it is shown here that inverse and ill‐posed inverse problems do not arise. Instead, simple nonparametric kernel estimation of a structural nonparametric cointegrating regression is consistent and the limit distribution theory is mixed normal, giving straightforward asymptotics that are useable in practical work. It is further shown that use of augmented regression, as is common in linear cointegration modeling to address endogeneity, does not lead to bias reduction in nonparametric regression, but there is an asymptotic gain in variance reduction. The results provide a convenient basis for inference in structural nonparametric regression with nonstationary time series when there is a single integrated or near‐integrated regressor. The methods may be applied to a range of empirical models where functional estimation of cointegrating relations is required.  相似文献   

本文研究了由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的零售商负责回收闭环供应链。指出通过收益费用共享契约可协调解决分散式决策闭环供应链中存在的“双边际效应”问题,提高其运营效益。当突发事件引起市场需求中的最大市场需求规模发生扰动时,通过对集中式决策闭环供应链的最优决策与稳定环境下起协调作用的收益费用共享契约协调零售商所得到的最优决策进行比较分析,结果表明:稳定环境下的收益费用共享契约将不能协调突发事件干扰下的分散式决策闭环供应链。基于收益费用共享契约的协调机理对其参数进行改进可再次协调突发事件干扰下的分散式决策闭环供应链,并且该契约也能够协调稳定环境下的分散式决策闭环供应链。最后,通过算例验证了本文的主要结论并说明了收益费用共享契约的价值。  相似文献   

基于粗糙集条件信息熵的权重确定方法   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
权重确定是管理决策和评价的重要环节,现有的权重确定方法基本依赖于专家的先验知识。粗糙集权重确定方法由于其不需要所处理数据集合的先验信息、充分体现数据客观性的特点在管理决策中得到日益广泛应用。但是,原有的粗糙集权重确定方法无法确定冗余属性的权重。本文针对粗糙集的信息表示比代数表示更全面的特点,通过粗糙集条件信息熵属性重要度的分析,提出了新的基于粗糙集条件信息熵的权重确定方法,并分析了其合理性。通过算例证明,新的条件信息熵权重确定方法可以解决原有粗糙集权重确定方法无法解决的问题,从而提高了方法的普适性和可解释性。  相似文献   

Climate change is projected to cause severe economic losses, which has the potential to affect the insurance sector and public compensation schemes considerably. This article discusses the role insurance can play in adapting to climate change impacts. The particular focus is on the Dutch insurance sector, in view of the Netherlands being extremely vulnerable to climate change impacts. The usefulness of private insurance as an adaptation instrument to increased flood risks is examined, which is currently unavailable in the Netherlands. It is questioned whether the currently dominant role of the Dutch government in providing damage relief is justified from an economic efficiency perspective. Characteristics of flood insurance arrangements in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France are compared in order to identify possible future directions for arrangements in the Netherlands. It is argued that social welfare improves when insurance companies take responsibility for part of the risks associated with climate change.  相似文献   

John B Westwood 《Omega》1981,9(2):195-202
The rapid increase of physical distribution costs relative to other categories has resulted in a renewed interest in the analysis of transport operations. One of the most common problems is that of vehicle replacement, and in this paper we present an analysis of real data. The methodology is developed paying due regard to the role of quantitative analysis in the decision-making process, and the sort of data which is readily available in most transport departments. A traditional discounted cost model is presented and this is followed by a productivity-based analysis, which is shown to be an improvement. The latter generates optimal solutions and is flexible enough to carry out considerable sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

项目调度中的时间-费用权衡问题研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
项目管理中,通过增加额外费用来加速执行项目的某些活动,以此达到缩短项目工期的目的,这就是在项目调度文献中被广泛研究的时间-费用权衡问题.这篇文章将时间-费用权衡问题分为两类来研究:第一类是活动的执行时间和费用之间有连续函数关系的连续时间-费用权衡;第二类为时间和费用之间没有函数关系的离散时间-费用权衡.详细介绍离散时间-费用权衡问题近10年的研究进展,包括问题的求解算法、模型改进等.从更贴近实际项目实施的角度,介绍了具有时间转换约束的离散时间-费用权衡问题.最后,指出了时间-费用权衡问题需要进一步研究的几个方向.  相似文献   

A transfer price is a value placed on the goods or services which are traded between divisions of an organization. This paper attempts to make the subject of transfer pricing accessible to researchers and others interested in managerial problems so that a very real managerial problem can be studied in a broader managerial context. The not insubstantial literature that has grown up in the transfer pricing area is reviewed and, in particular, a critical evaluation of recent writings in the field is provided. It is shown that little which is unequivocal is known about transfer pricing and that the choices made by managers with regard to transfer pricing are little understood, both with regard to the factors which drive choice and the differences between choice in practice and theoretical interpretations. It is suggested that progress in the area will require a richer understanding of the realities confronting practising managers. Research by means of field studies, particularly case studies, is recommended to provide this. A series of hypotheses and issues, representing the dilemmas facing managers, is provided as a theoretical grounding for such research.  相似文献   

研究了非线性需求函数条件下产品存在网络外部性时,垄断企业采用对需求区间分段定价的方法进行二级歧视定价的策略。首先分析了单阶段垄断企业二级价格歧视的静态定价策略,接着给出了在一个较长时期内垄断企业分两阶段进行二级歧视的动态定价策略。结果表明网络外部性不影响最优需求区间分段单调递增的性质,但价格随网络外部性的增强而相应提高,且第一阶段的价格高于第二阶段的贴现值。  相似文献   

In this paper, a multi-period supply chain network design problem is addressed. Several aspects of practical relevance are considered such as those related with the financial decisions that must be accounted for by a company managing a supply chain. The decisions to be made comprise the location of the facilities, the flow of commodities and the investments to make in alternative activities to those directly related with the supply chain design. Uncertainty is assumed for demand and interest rates, which is described by a set of scenarios. Therefore, for the entire planning horizon, a tree of scenarios is built. A target is set for the return on investment and the risk of falling below it is measured and accounted for. The service level is also measured and included in the objective function. The problem is formulated as a multi-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming problem. The goal is to maximize the total financial benefit. An alternative formulation which is based upon the paths in the scenario tree is also proposed. A methodology for measuring the value of the stochastic solution in this problem is discussed. Computational tests using randomly generated data are presented showing that the stochastic approach is worth considering in these types of problems.  相似文献   

Doing or being?     
The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, would occasionally distill the essence of the art into three simple shapes--a circle, a square, and a triangle. These are three basic ways of dealing with what's coming at you. The square is the simplest. It is about, essentially, doing nothing. The saying here is from the old spiritual: "I shall not be moved." You meet the challenge head on. The triangle is about forward motion--attack, cutting right to the heart of what is coming at you, or cutting right past it to the space beyond. The circle is often the most interesting space. The circle is not about standing ground or cutting through. The circle is about dancing with whatever is headed your way. The real danger lies in being stuck in any one mode--perpetually intransigent, always flailing away in attack mode, or forever slip-sliding through one dance step after another. It is only when our response is embodied in who we are that we will have the power truly to lead other people.  相似文献   

研究了双渠道销售商的退款保证策略选择问题。将销售商的退款保证策略分为两个渠道都不提供、仅实体渠道提供、仅网络渠道提供以及两个渠道同时提供等四种。分别求解得到相应的最优定价及利润。研究发现:销售商在实体渠道和网络渠道的产品价格仅与其是否在该渠道提供退款保证服务有关,而与另一渠道是否提供退款保证无关。如果销售商想要刺激某渠道的利润水平,当退货产品残值较高时应选择在该渠道提供退款保证,而当残值较低时应选择在另一渠道提供退款保证。通过数值分析发现,同时在两个渠道提供退款保证并非总是销售商的最优策略。销售商的退款保证策略选择与两个渠道间的成本差异有关,当两个渠道间的成本差异较高时,销售商最好仅在网络渠道提供退款保证。  相似文献   

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