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This study explores the relationships between social support and social networks of female immigrants married to South Korean men, using two-year data on migrant wives from the Gyeonggi Welfare Panel and an ego-centred network approach. The results suggest that a larger network with less cohesive ties provides more diverse social support for migrant wives. Migrant wives gradually reduce dependence on their family-in-laws and play roles of support givers for those with the same nationality by sharing their experiences in South Korea. The ego-centred network analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the social networks of married migrant women in South Korea.  相似文献   

This study aimed to address the social contexts of Korean society in which diverse social interactions of foreign wives take place and to identify coping strategies to construct positive social identities. Social identities are often reconstructed as a result of dynamic interactions with various situations. Using the conceptual framework of social identity theory, this study attempted to uncover the social contexts that shape foreign wives' social identities. This study, using the qualitative approach, selected nine Filipino and Vietnamese participants who were married to Korean men. The data were collected by in‐depth interviews, a focus group with three Vietnamese participants, field notes, participant observation, and photo documents. In the section on study findings, this study addressed Korean social contexts, in which Korean government has been providing a variety of multicultural policies and services for helping foreign wives successfully adapt to Korea. This study also found various forms of stereotypes and discrimination against foreign wives and presented their discrimination experiences. Diverse ways to cope with such negative experiences are presented in the last section. Given the findings, the researcher suggests that policies and programs should promote foreign wives' integration in Korean society.  相似文献   

‘International marriage’ has increased within rural areas in South Korea. As an increasing number of rural women move to urban areas, men are left facing the challenges of finding appropriate spouses. This issue stimulated support for ‘international marriages’ by the Korean government. A review was carried out of the literature of foreign wives' cultural adaptation in South Korea using the ecological systems. While foreign wives have escaped the hardships of lower economic status in their home country, they often face new challenges in South Korea. The article recommends that one-stop multicultural services are needed to address the cultural issues facing non-Korean women.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between social capital and life satisfaction in an Asian context, focusing on South Korea and Taiwan. We considered two components of social capital – networks and trust – and argue that the ability of social capital to increase life satisfaction depends on the context. Using the national Life and Society survey data from South Korea (N = 978) and Taiwan (N = 1,200), our analysis found that, when several control variables, such as subjective social status, self‐reported health condition, sex and belief in individualism, were considered, social capital was positively related to life satisfaction in Taiwan, while there was no significant association between social capital and life satisfaction in South Korea. The South Korean case revealed that social capital is not a good predictor of life satisfaction in a context in which being successful is overwhelmingly emphasised.  相似文献   

社会网络资源在职业配置中的作用*   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张文宏 《社会》2006,26(6):27-27
本文运用大规模问卷调查资料探讨了社会网络资源在职业配置中的具体作用。我们的主要研究发现是:(1)人力资本和政治资本较贫乏、经济地位较高的人更可能频繁使用社会网络资源以实现职业流动;(2)运用社会网络资源的职业流动者比不用者的求职效率低,但前者的目标收入却高于后者;(3)运用社会网络资源的职业流向是从政府部门和国有企业流向个体、集体、外资合营、外国独资、新经济部门或无主管上级的市场化的经济实体;(4)社会网络资源的运用,对劳职配置的吻合程度没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Social capital is frequently used to explain many policy related outcomes, but research has not adequately explained how it is accumulated. It is unclear whether the economic or social characteristics of others in a social network motivate social capital accumulation. This lack of understanding has called some to question social capital's efficacy. Employing data from a survey of randomly selected foreign-born Mexicans in Los Angeles County, the influence of social and economic characteristics of a migrant's social network members are estimated. Results suggest a negative association with social capital accumulation for Mexican migrants with a social network member outside their neighborhood. Having married social network members is positively associated for legal Mexicans, while having network members who work in occupations requiring more social skills is positively associated for unauthorized Mexicans accumulating social capital. Measures of human and financial capital are not associated with the probability of developing social capital.  相似文献   

熊亮  舒保华 《创新》2010,4(3):103-106
外资并购这一经济活动牵涉众多的社会关系,而这些社会关系在我国已经受到了法律规范的调整,但目前我国有关外资并购的法律法规并不完善。外资并购所涉法律关系主要有:行政法律关系、经济法律关系和民事法律关系。  相似文献   

Social enterprises, which have been dramatically increasing all over the world for several decades, are facing the challenge of how best to develop strategies to improve performance and achieve sustainable growth. In South Korea, the government has supported active networking among social enterprises as a tactic for overcoming insufficient material and human resources. However, it is unclear whether active networking activities among social enterprises are associated with higher performance. In this study, a network survey of certified social enterprises (= 78) in Seoul, South Korea was conducted. Multivariate regression models examined whether degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality were associated with the economic and social performance of social enterprises after controlling for organizational factors. The results revealed that a social enterprise with higher degree centrality in the network of regular meetings achieved higher social and economic performance.  相似文献   

在韩国,提供社会福利服务的主体是公共部门和民间部门。公共部门的主体是中央和地方政府,民间部门包括个人、社会福利法人、宗教团体、志愿者团体等。在民间部门中起主导作用,处于核心地位的是社会福利法人组织。在社会福利法人中,国家资源和民间资本结合在一起,共同承担着增进国民福利的责任。本文主要分析韩国社会福利法人的特征,考察韩国社会福利法人发展现状和运营模式,探讨社会福利法人发展过程中存在的问题及改善方案。  相似文献   

朝鲜核试验的战略意图可以从比较优势理论、边际分析理论与博弈论等研究角度讨论。朝鲜核试验不仅对朝鲜吸引外国资本、接受国际援助、进行对外经济贸易等方面产生影响,而且对周边韩国、中国等国的经济产生影响。研究表明,韩国整体经济并未因朝鲜核试验受大幅影响,金融市场所受负面影响不明显,外资一般持观望态度。对中国而言,朝鲜核试验不利于中国一直竭力营造的良好外部投资环境,对在朝中国资本投资行为产生一定影响。此外,无形中提高了中国的区域军事安全成本。  相似文献   

本文基于同质性理论、同群效应和类聚效应,建立了归国者跨国资本转移机制的模型,并根据“千人计划”学者合作者网络,计算并分析了他们的跨国学术资本转移情况。结果表明,“千人计划”学者归国后积累了更多的学术社会资本;通过“三元闭包”机制,将国外学术社会资本转移至国内;归国后所积累的资本转移效率更高;通过资本转移,“千人计划”学者有助于打破聚簇密度,引发创新级联。本研究的意义在于提出了社会资本的转移模型和计算公式,发现社会资本的转移是一个弱关系到强关系、间接联系到直接联系的过程,并通过定量的方法研究了归国者所带来的社会影响。  相似文献   

The interrelationship between increased ageing and declining fertility is facing many developed countries with challenges, risks and policy debates around care, reproduction and women's rights. This article demonstrates the special case of cross‐border marriages and the lives of immigrant wives in Taiwan, with a view to identifying their social needs and hence their prospects for social inclusion. It considers the extent to which these immigrant wives have managed to fulfil the dreams of their own native families and/or satisfy the reproductive demands of their ‘in‐law’ families. Issues of women's social and reproductive role, gender discrimination and the unfulfilled rights and ‘partial citizenship’ of immigrant wives are discussed. The author argues that immigrant wives carry full responsibility but possess only partial citizenship. The ideology of the spousal sponsorship regime, which makes the application for naturalization extremely difficult, not only increases the vulnerability of immigrant women but violates their human rights.  相似文献   

郭云涛 《社会》2011,31(4):137-157
本文使用CGSS2006调查数据,分析了城市社会转型对居民社会资本获取和动员过程的具体影响。研究发现,在社会资本获得过程中,城市社会转型不会影响居民社会资本的地位效应却影响了居民社会资本网络位置效应,“超大城市”居民在社会网络资本的“网络位置效应”因子均值上显著地低于“小城市”居民;随着城市规模的增大,市场化程度对教育的社会资本地位效应获取率的负向影响有越来越小。在社会资本动员过程中,市场化程度与社会资本地位效应因子的经济回报率正相关,而与社会资本网络位置效应的经济回报率不相关。  相似文献   

Objectives . Few studies apply the concept of social capital to labor force participation. In this research, I study the relationship between friendship networks and labor force participation as represented by employment and hours worked. Methods . I test five hypotheses representing social capital with network structure, network quality, and network diversity using nationally representative data from the 2000 Social Capital Benchmark Survey. Since this survey enables comparisons across racial/ethnic and gender groups, I am also able to specify how social capital interacts with race/ethnicity and gender to influence labor force participation, while controlling for other prominent theoretical concerns such as human capital theory. Results . I find that friendship networks are generally positively related with increased labor force participation. Further, I find significant social capital differences based on race/ethnicity and gender. Conclusions . I illustrate that social capital can be applied across a broader racial/ethnic/gender spectrum. The findings suggest that programs that attempt to bring valuable labor market information to individuals and communities lacking employment–related information are likely to be effective in reducing inequality, especially if combined with programs for developing human capital.  相似文献   

尉建文 《社会》2008,28(6):60-70
本文采用“网络闭合”和“结构洞”两种社会资本的理论视角,提出“信任”和“网络位置”是企业社会资本的最主要特征的观点,并从组织和群体两个层面及企业内部和外部两个部分对企业的社会资本测量进行了分析。在本文所提出的企业社会资本测量的分析框架中,在组织层面上,将企业看作是网络中的节点,关注企业的正式关系以及网络结构特征;在群体层面上,将企业社会资本看作是企业“班底”的内部信任程度以及在他们在人际关系网络中的位置。  相似文献   

Social welfare reform has been implemented in Korea since the 1997 financial crisis. A dominant concern of the reform was on equality and social solidarity. A major means to this end was establishing universalistic social insurance programs like those in developed welfare states. The reform efforts produced some positive results but were not greatly successful. Income polarization and the deteriorating economic status of low-income families have become big social issues. Many low-income families have not gained many benefits from the reformed social security system. The rapid aging of the population is creating an exploding demand for social spending, risking the fiscal sustainability of major social insurance programs. The reform experience suggests that a social welfare system based on western-style universal social insurance may be too expensive to sustain and not very effective in protecting disadvantaged families in Korea. More attention is being paid to expenditure control and efficiency. Social insurance programs may need to be leaner than those in traditional welfare states. Targeted programs, such as the "making work pay" policy, are likely to be expanded more broadly to low-income families. The future of the Korean welfare state may hinge on successful employment support for working families and extensive investment in their human capital.  相似文献   

产业发展长期以来一直是社会科学研究的重要内容,从现有的理论来看,主要形成了三个理论解释范式,即以新古典经济产业理论为代表的市场主义的解释范式、以历史制度学派和组织制度学派为代表的制度主义的解释范式,以及以网络和社会资本等新兴产业理论为代表的网络主义的解释范式。这三种理论范式分别把市场机制、制度与产业政策、产业网络与社会资本等因素视为产业发展的核心机制。在一定意义上,这些解释范式分别存在着“市场决定论”、“制度决定论”与“网络决定论”的倾向。  相似文献   

刘娜 《社会工作》2009,(16):41-44
当前的城市社区建设迫切需要重建社会资本,社会资本的核心要素是信任、规范和网络。社会资本能够促进个体合作,产生共享价值,滋生信任观念。作为社会资本重要组成部分的公民参与网络和在公民参与网络中培育的公共精神也是城市社区存在的必要条件。  相似文献   

脆弱的团结:对台兴工厂连锁骚乱事件的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄岩 《社会》2010,30(2):101-115
全球化正在改变中国的产业结构和劳资关系,在华南地区兴起的大量代工企业中,数以千万计的外来打工者面临外来资本和本地政府的双重压迫,他们基于生存而进行的抗争是一种脆弱的抗争。本文从微观机理上剖析了抗争发生的原因及骚乱升级的机会结构,指出了抗争走向失败或沉寂的社会根源,并以此回应海内外其他学者的观察。  相似文献   

陈煜婷  张文宏 《社会》2015,35(6):178-205
本文使用2009 JSNet全国数据,考察市场化背景下社会资本作用的变化及其对性别收入差距的影响。研究发现:第一,市场化程度较高的情况下,网络资源对收入回报的作用更小,阶层网络对收入回报的作用更大;第二,体制外部门两性的网络资源对收入回报的作用没有差异,体制内部门男性的网络资源对收入回报的作用小于女性;第三,男性的阶层网络对收入回报的作用无论在体制外部门还是体制内部门都高于女性。综上所述,对于女性而言,其所拥有的网络资源所能带来的收入回报优势被市场化的推进所消减;对于男性而言,其所拥有的阶层网络所能带来的收入回报优势被市场化的推进所提升。因此,随着市场化的不断推进以及社会资本在市场化背景下作用的变化,两性的收入差距在进一步拉大。  相似文献   

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