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Itiswell-knownthatforaboutadecadebeforetheAnti-JapaneseWarbrokeout,theKuomintang(KMT)andtheCommunistPartyofChina(CPC)foughtbloodybattles;afterthewar,thetwopartiesc0ntinuedt0resorttoarmsinalife-and-deathstruggle;evenintheperi0dof"thesecondcooperati0n,"therewerestiIlprof0undcontradictionsandconstantconflictsbetweenthetwosides.ItmightbeaskedwhytheKMTandtheCPCw0uldengageinthissec0ndcooperati0n?Thereisonlyoneanswer;forthesakeofwaragainstJapan.Buthowcouldthetw0partiesstartthecooperation,diss…  相似文献   

“存在(to on)”是什么?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“存在(toon)”是什么?颜一自巴门尼德开始,“存在”一直是西方哲学中的一大难题。亚里士多德在其著作里反复讨论到存在问题,其不少论断影响深远。笔者前几年研读及辶多译其著作时,发现亚里士多德关于“存在”的态度十分特别,即他激烈地否定、排斥这一概念,而...  相似文献   

Behaviour is central to many fields, but metatheoretical definitions specifying the most basic assumptions about what is considered behaviour and what is not are largely lacking. This transdisciplinary research explores the challenges in defining behaviour, highlighting anthropocentric biases and a frequent lack of differentiation from physiological and psychical phenomena. To meet these challenges, the article elaborates a metatheoretical definition of behaviour that is applicable across disciplines and that allows behaviours to be differentiated from other kinds of phenomena. This definition is used to explore the phenomena of language and to scrutinise whether and under what conditions language can be considered behaviour and why. The metatheoretical concept of two different levels of meaning conveyed in human language is introduced, highlighting that language inherently relies on behaviours and that the content of what‐is‐being‐said, in and of itself, can constitute (interpersonal) behaviour under particular conditions. The analyses reveal the ways in which language meaningfully extends human's behavioural possibilities, pushing them far beyond anything enabled by non‐language behaviours. These novel metatheoretical concepts can complement and expand on existing theories about behaviour and language and contribute a novel piece of theoretical explanation regarding the crucial role that language has played in human evolution.  相似文献   

There is now overwhelming experimental evidence that individuals systematically violate the axioms of Expected Utility theory. In reality, however, many economic decisions are taken by, or on behalf of, groups whose members have a joint stake in those decisions. This paper reports on an experiment in which pairs of individuals are tested for Common-Ratio inconsistencies. We find that the agreed choices of subject-pairs follow a pattern of inconsistency very close to that of individuals' choices. We also look for evidence that group participation increases the consistency of the individuals themselves. With one solitary exception, we find none.  相似文献   

天津市各街(镇)劳动保障服务中心作为社会保障工作的重要组成部分,不仅承担着档案管理、职业介绍、职业培训等职能,同时还承担着城乡居民医疗保险、城乡居民养老保险业务经办等任务。  相似文献   

This article critically engages with Saxonberg's proposal (2013) to replace the (de)familialization perspective with the (de)genderization approach in comparative family policy/regime studies. It argues: (1) there is a need to refine the term ‘(de)familialization’ and to bring in the child's and elderly's perspective; (2) the ‘(de)familialization’ and ‘(de)genderization’ perspectives are mutually irreplaceable; and (3) there is a need to conceptualize the theoretical relationship between these two perspectives. The article further proposes to use the theoretical framework of Amartya Sen's Capability Approach (CA) to reinterpret both analytical perspectives with a dual advantage using that approach would lend. It first conceptualizes the de‐familializing and de‐genderizing policies as ‘means’ designed to increase peoples' ‘capabilities’ to achieve ‘valued functionings’ and not ultimate goals of policies that aim to change people's ‘functionings’. Thus, it addresses the criticism of de‐familialization and de‐genderization as policy strategies that enforce certain, potentially controversial ideals of societal and familial relations. Second, by using crucial CA concepts, i.e. ‘means’, ‘capabilities’ and ‘functionings’, it refines the interpretation of policy‐, regime‐ and outcome‐oriented analyses (typologies). As a result, it clarifies the distinction between these types of analyses and highlights the advantages of both a policy approach and a redefined regime approach.  相似文献   


Though the impact of managed care on clinical social work practice and education has been widely acknowledged and critiqued, Humane Managed Care? edited by Schamess and Lightburn, represents a compendium of papers addressing all aspects of the recent phenomena and its impact on practitioners, educators, and most especially our clients. In reviewing this impressive and comprehensive volume, this paper addresses many of the most controversial and painful aspects of the “Managed Care Revolution,” including its impact on the level of clinical practice and its economic and political ramifications. It is suggested that the editors and some of the authors are less hopeful about the possibility of providing “humane” treatment in the managed care environment than they were only a few years earlier, as indicated by a comparison of this volume with the 1996 special edition of Smith College Studies in Social Work. This article also critiques some of the anthology's chapters, which suggest that the changes in health care delivery will ultimately be beneficial to clinical social workers.

Essay Review: Humane Managed Care? Gerald Schamess, M.S.S. & Anita Lightburn, Ph.D. (Eds.). (Washington, DC: NASW Press, 1998.)  相似文献   

刘锦湘同志任职广州市副市长后一直分管工业战线工作。最近,我们请他结合广州国有工业企业的实际,谈谈国有企业和国有经济的改革发展问题。下面是记者与他座谈的情况。记者:刘市长,现在国有企业在改革中遇到困难,因此,一些人对国有企业贬多褒少,您对国有企业怎么看?刘锦湘:对任何事物都要辩证、唯物、历史地看,要实事求是。对国有企业也应是这样。我们讲了很多国有企业的困难,困难是事实。但这些困难怎么来的?不能只看到目前的困难而抹煞国有企业的贡献,不能把今天国有企业的困难看作是国有企业的必然结果。十几年改革开放带来…  相似文献   

This paper examines the place of ethnicity in local authority foster care in the context of the sufficiency duty to secure adequate local placements for looked after children. The analysis draws on two main sources, namely Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED's) annual survey of fostering agencies and inspection reports for around half the local authority fostering services in England. Sufficiency is gauged in two main ways, comparing numbers of black and minority ethnic (BME) foster carers first with numbers of BME looked after children and second, with local adult (age 25–64) populations. Statistical analysis shows very wide variation on both measures and a significant minority of authorities that perform poorly in terms of the ethnic diversity of their foster carers. Inspection reports also vary widely in the degree and nature of attention given to issues of ethnicity with many offering limited (and sometimes no) challenge to poor performance. These findings are discussed within the broader context of recent trends towards de‐emphasizing the significance of ethnicity in child welfare.  相似文献   

六大量的学生流失,流向社会的各个角落,或经商,或做工,这不仅导致新一代文盲、半文盲的大量产生,而且已成为青少年犯罪的一支“后备军”。上海少年犯管教所近年来收容的外来违法犯罪少年明显增加。在这些人中。文盲、半文盲占96%。  相似文献   

People living in an institution will leave this residential context one day and have to proceed to a stable independent way of living. This transition is not without difficulties as it turns out this socially vulnerable group runs an increased risk of becoming homeless. Research in Flanders (Belgium) has shown that a considerable share of the homeless population has previously stayed in an institutional setting, mostly in youth care (48.7%), psychiatric (34.4%) and penitentiary (33.1%) institutions. Moreover, the share of homeless people with a history in one of these institutions has increased in the past decades. Institution leavers, face at least three obstacles to a stable housing situation in Flanders: a lack of affordable housing, a lack of access to (non-residential) social assistance and personal difficulties in coping with living independently. Yet, there are several programs that support institution leavers and prepare them for the transition to an independent living situation and legal developments that strengthen their position in society and on the housing market. In this paper, we explore these initiatives and developments in three case studies (Antwerp, Ghent and Leuven). Based on in-depth interviews with “street-level bureaucrats” who work in these institutions (youth care, psychiatric and penitentiary settings), social support services and social housing organizations, we reconstruct the pathways of institution leavers to the housing market, the support they receive and the experienced difficulties.  相似文献   

多年来,在经济学界流行着这样一种观点,认为扩大再生产的实现条件是Ⅰ(v m)>Ⅱc。如,一九五九年山西人民出版社出版的王耐群等编写的《政治经济学教科书问题解答》一书第六十五页指出;“第一部类的可变资本和剩余价值之和大于第二部类的不变资本,是资本主义扩大再生产的实现条件。”一九八○年人民出版社出版的许涤新主编的《政治经济学辞典》第五○八页指出:“社会资本扩大再生产的实现条件则是,Ⅰ(v m)>Ⅱc或Ⅰ(a v m)>Ⅰc Ⅱc。即第一部类一年内所生产的生产资料必须多于两大部类一年内所消耗的生产资料,以便第二年有多余的生产资料用于…  相似文献   

Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere, or commonly known as HOPE VI, under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has a mission to rebuild severely distressed public housing. In general the goals of HOPE VI projects are to improve severely distressed public housing and to improve the lives of its residents. While evidences around the country either lend support to these goals, or find anomalies, we find severe contradictions in a specific mid-south HOPE VI project. The question investigated is whether one particular HOPE VI project was efficacious in accomplishing these goals or was it deleterious to the residents and to what extent. The study began with straightforward comparisons of the original residents and the residents selected for resettlement in a HOPE VI reconstruction project. The investigation continued with a regression analysis of the factors that were significant in determining if a head of household was accepted for resettlement. The results of this analysis clearly demonstrate that there is a bias in the selection of those individuals accepted for resettlement.  相似文献   

In a paper published in The Social Science Journal, Maddan et al. [Maddan, S., Walker, J. T., & Miller, J. M. (2008). Does size really matter? A reexamination of Sheldon's somatotypes and criminal behavior. The Social Sciences Journal, 45, 330–344.] proposed that Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used as proxy for somatotype, a quantitative system for describing body build, in social science research. This paper tests this proposal using a sample of 200 males from an archival data set collected by Sheldon [Sheldon, W. H. (1942). The varieties of temperament: A psychology of constitutional differences (with S.S. Stevens). New York: Harper and Row Publishers.]. The data included somatotype data, height, and weight. BMI was calculated and individuals were assigned to the categories endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph based on the Maddan et al. BMI criteria. The BMI method was only able to correctly classify 110 individuals, 55% of the sample. This finding suggests that BMI is an inadequate proxy for somatotype.  相似文献   

自1980年代后期以来,中国农民的大规模跨区流动即“民工潮”日渐成为令人瞩目的社会现象。到了1990年代中期,正当“民工潮”汹涌澎湃之时,有人指出“民工潮”的发展已带动了农民工回乡“创业”的到来。这在学术界和政策界引起了农村劳动力流动方向的讨论。即:在中国经济进入全面结构调整的背景下,农民是选择继续进城打工还是回乡创业。讨论的重要性在于,农民究竟会选择什么样的就业环境与就业方式。本文对回流现象在社会经济学框架内进行了研究,分析了过去20年的发展趋势。文章还根据安徽和四川两省的抽样调查数据讨论了回乡农民工的特征。初步的观察表明,在中国现阶段,农村劳动力外出仍是解决农民就业和农户收入增长的主要途径。  相似文献   

户口还起作用吗?——户籍制度与社会分层和流动(英文)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
户籍制度是中国社会一项基本的制度安排,它把户口作为资源配置和利益分配的重要凭据,对社会分层和流动产生了较大的影响。在改革开放近三十年后,中国的户口还起不起作用,以及起着怎样的作用?通过对综合社会调查数据的分析,发现中国社会分层具有城乡户口差别和城市户口等级差别并存的特点,户口转变和迁移的开放性程度与个人社会流动机会获得有正相芙关系。市场转型虽带来了较多流动机会,但户口等级差别以及户口对体制内流动所起的结构性影响依然存在。鉴于户籍制度的强粘附性生成了社会差别,改革这一制度的基本方向是推行户口一元化和迁移自主化。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强领导干部读书学习的一系列讲话精神,不久前,中央党校出版社和中央党校报刊社等部门联合组织了一次"领导干部读书情况"的问卷调查,共收回有效调查问卷536份。问卷51道选题,其主要内容是针对领导干部知识背景、读书情况、新媒体利用等进行调查。目前调查结果已经出炉,虽然只是针对在中央党校学习的领导干部学员所做的一项抽样调查,但真实反映了当前我国党政干部的读书情况。本期选登部分调查信息,以促进领导干部阅读学习,引领广大干部多读书、读好书。  相似文献   

秦海波  李玉昆 《社会工作》2023,(1):52-71+107-108
本文基于2010-2019年28个省级行政区的面板数据,以广东省“双百计划”作为准自然实验,使用合成控制法实证检验乡镇(街道)社工站对乡村振兴的影响效应。实证结果显示,乡镇(街道)社工站对广东省乡村振兴发展指数具有正向的促进作用,表明社工站建设能够有效地助力乡村振兴,且这一结论具有稳健性,为巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果、实现乡村振兴提供了一条可供借鉴的实践路径。然而,广东省与中西部地区的发展水平存在一定的差异,在追求社会工作力量助力乡村振兴的同时,应结合本地经济发展、社会建设等方面的实际情况进行实践探索,加快完善乡镇(街道)社工站建设的相关配套政策和制度环境。  相似文献   

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