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According to statistics released at the National Working Conference on Women's Business Venture and Reemployment hosted by the ACWF in February, women's federations at all levels in the last 12 years helped train 5 million laid-off women and directly helped 2 million laid-off women find reemployment; in the last two years, women's federations raised 11 million yuan to help laid-off women; in the last three years, women's federations helped 600,000 women receive 204 million yuan to start their own businesses.  相似文献   

France Marseille Opera House Concert
July 18 (Friday) 7:30 p.m. Cost: 80/180/260/360/420/500/600 yuan Add: Concert Hall, National Center for the Performing Arts (2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing)  相似文献   

NOT too long ago, a stranger made a special trip to Dongzhaotong Village in Laiyang City, Shandong Province to enquire about Wu Lanhua, the former head of the village's women affairs; in 1979 Wu had been honored as a National March 8th Pacesetter and the stranger intended to pay 1,000 yuan to buy the medal for his collection. With a trembling hand, 85-year old Wu Lanhua picked up a medal from a pile of medallions and replied firmly, "You could offer me 1,000 yuan, even 10,000 or 100,000 yuan, and I still wouldn't sell  相似文献   

The Hutong
This organization has a delightful array of Chinese cultural programs -- including culinary classes -- in a traditional hutong courtyard. Want to learn how to make your own handpulled noodles? Know the difference between Cantonese and Sichuan dishes? Take the food tour of China's great regional specialties; come with an appetite and try The Hutong's Regional Cuisine class for 220 yuan (US $32) or 200 yuan for members (US $29).  相似文献   

FIFTY-five-year-old Li Xiuhua is a rural woman, whose husband died, leaving her two sons and a daughter, who had all been married. In the past several years, Li Xiuhua and her husband worked very hard and earned a considerable sum of money through pig and rabbit raising. Besides a new house worth 50,000 yuan, they also had a deposit of 100,000 yuan in the bank. After her husband's death, Li Xiuhua's parents-in-law told her that the new house and all the savings would belong to them and their grandchildren if Li  相似文献   

XIN Long, a student at Beijing's Qinghe Primary School, received just 25 yuan each month from his father after his parents divorced. He is living with his mother, a temporary worker earning only 135 yuan a month. As tuition fees and living expenses rose higher, life for Xin Long and his mother became harder and harder. To lessen the burden, Xin Long and his mother wanted to take the case to court,  相似文献   

The People's Armed Police has donated a combined four million yuan (US $655,738) -- during two presentations -- to the Spring Bud Project so far this year. The money will fund a scholarship that will support 1,100 high school girls from Jiangxi and Anhui provinces. Two ceremonies were held -- the first on March 1 in Jiangxi and the other March 2 in Anhui -- to mark the donations.  相似文献   

AT the Auction of Selected Contemporary Calligraphic Works and Paintings held on June 6, 1993 female painter Deng Lin's Plum Blossom was bought by the French company Pierre Cardin for 130,000 yuan (about US$ 2,300). At the auction of Masterpieces of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting held half  相似文献   

THE year 1995 was very special for Cai Shuzhen. In addition to having net earnings of 400,000 yuan, Cai retired an outstanding loan and invested 780,000 yuan in farm machinery. Local villagers found these achievements surprising, for Cai had over the past years become notorious for undertakings which failed despite her  相似文献   

HIRING a fitness consultant for one year is as easy as filling in a form and paying 10 yuan to get a membership. You will receive a bulletin entitled Fitness Guide and therefore after the bulletin provides free health  相似文献   

Southwestern Shangdong Province is a hilly and mountaingus area, which is an important place where the state sends aid to the poor. Before 1988, the average annual income was 150 yuan. Production techniques were very backward and people generally bore more children, placing their hopes on the increase of labor. Some had 5 or 6, some had 7 or 8. Consequently, the more they prod.uced, the poorer they became; and the poorer they were, the more they produced.  相似文献   

CCTF, Nestle Team Up to Improve Health of Newborns, Women
The China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), on April 22, 2014, received a donation of 30 million yuan (US $4.9 million) from Nestl6 China to fund a project aimed at improving the health of women and newborns in China. The donation was made in Beijing. The project, entitled "1,000 Days Action for Newborn and Maternal Health," is intended to raise public awareness of the significance of the 1,000 days from conception to a child's second birthday, through various types of publicity and training. It is also intended to improve the nutrition of newborns and their mothers.  相似文献   

ACWF Visits Poor Mothers in Pingshan,Hebei全国妇联向河北平山革命老区贫困母亲送温暖On January 9, 2005, a work group from the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) led by Chen Xiurong, ACWF's Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat, visited the poor mothers in Pingshan County of Hebei Province, bringing them funds and healthcare information. During this visit, ACWF donated funds and materials with a combined worth 3.73 million yuan.  相似文献   

The Air Force of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) on December 9, 2013, donated 10 million yuan (US S1.64 million) to the Spring Bud Project. The project, established and administered by the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), is intended to help female dropouts return to school.  相似文献   

Xu Yongguang, the Secretary General of the China Youth Development Foundation, said by the end of 1995, the grand total of the money donated to the Hope Project was 700 million yuan. In the past seven years, this money helped 1.25 million children who might otherwise been deprived of education, and paid for the construction of 2,074 Hope Primary Schools. —People's Daily (overseas editor)  相似文献   

At the end of February, a serious earthquake struck the Bachu area of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, leaving scores of families homeless-in sub-zero temperatures. On behalf of the All-China Women's Federation, Gu Xiulian, ACWF Vice-president and First Member of the Secretariat, delivered 1,100 down-filled jackets, donated by Jiangsu Xinyalu Group, and 200,000 yuan, donated by the China Women's Development Fund, to Reziwan Aibai, the president of the Xinjiang Women's Federation. General Administration of Civil Aviation of China arranged free transportation of the goods.  相似文献   

The Land of Love Water Cellar for Mothers Project, under the China Women's Development Foundation (CWDF), held a ceremony on March 22, in Beijing, to celebrate World Water Day. During the ceremony, 10 singers and actors were named project ambassadors. Also, nearly 20 million yuan (US $2.9 million) in donations were collected from 23 comoanies and institutions.  相似文献   

By May 18,the All-China Women's Federation had collected more than 102.8 million yuan (US $14.69 million)in donations and supplies to assist victims of the May 12 earthquake截至5月18日,全国妇联累计募集资金和物资总计1.028亿元。Women,Children Survivors of Tremor Require Assistance灾区妇女儿童等待救援All of us at Women of China are calling upon you,our readers,to assist the women and children who survived the deadly 8-magnitude earthquake that  相似文献   

Brought to the public by Warner Brothers, this modern cinema boasts new Chinese releases and Hollywood blockbusters. Equipped with impressive, large screens, comfortable seating and an arcade room, it's a weekend or Friday night treat. Popcorn and beverages are available. Foreign films are shown in their original language, and tickets range in price from 60-70 yuan (US $9-10). Tickets are half price on Tuesdays. Be sure to reserve early, as evening tickets are popular. Students enjoy half-price tickets every day, while VIP seats, with extra-luxurious seating, snacks, beverages and three glasses of wine cost just 150 yuan (US $22).  相似文献   

August 14 (Thursday) 7:30 p.m. Cost: 20/40160/80/100 yuan Add: Forbidden City Concert Hall (Zhongshan Park, West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing)Harp Classical Music Masterpieces Concert
Ice Dancing Ballet -- Swan Lake August 15-17 (Friday-Sunday) 7:15 p.m. Cost: 180/280/380/480/580 yuan Add: Opera Hall, Shanghai Oriental Art Center (425 Dingxiang Road, Pudong District, Shanghai)  相似文献   

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