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We propose generalized linear models for time or age-time tables of seasonal counts, with the goal of better understanding seasonal patterns in the data. The linear predictor contains a smooth component for the trend and the product of a smooth component (the modulation) and a periodic time series of arbitrary shape (the carrier wave). To model rates, a population offset is added. Two-dimensional trends and modulation are estimated using a tensor product B-spline basis of moderate dimension. Further smoothness is ensured using difference penalties on the rows and columns of the tensor product coefficients. The optimal penalty tuning parameters are chosen based on minimization of a quasi-information criterion. Computationally efficient estimation is achieved using array regression techniques, avoiding excessively large matrices. The model is applied to female death rate in the US due to cerebrovascular diseases and respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

Mixture distributions have become a very flexible and common class of distributions, used in many different applications, but hardly any literature can be found on tests for assessing their goodness of fit. We propose two types of smooth tests of goodness of fit for mixture distributions. The first test is a genuine smooth test, and the second test makes explicit use of the mixture structure. In a simulation study the tests are compared to some traditional goodness of fit tests that, however, are not customised for mixture distributions. The first smooth test has overall good power and generally outperforms the other tests. The second smooth test is particularly suitable for assessing the fit of each component distribution separately. The tests are applicable to both continuous and discrete distributions and they are illustrated on three medical data sets.  相似文献   

Beginning with January of 1987, the consumer price indexes (CPI's) have been seasonally adjusted by the X-11 autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) procedure. This modification of the X-11 procedure was introduced following an empirical investigation into three aspects of seasonal adjustment methodology as applied to several CPI series—the choice of ARIMA models to fit and forecast those series, the improvements made by the ARIMA modification in terms of revision and smoothness of the seasonally adjusted series, and the effect on the quality of seasonal adjustment and the identifiability of seasonality due to the ARIMA modification. This article reports the results of that investigation, in addition, a brief account is given of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics procedures relating to the projected seasonal factors, seasonally adjusted aggregate series, and the revisions of the seasonally adjusted series.  相似文献   

Analysis of two-phase regression has traditionally been carried out using a variety of likelihood approaches. In this paper we present an alternative procedure based on a goodness of fit criterion.

Exact hypothesis tests for a known switch point are developed. Approximate (conservative) tests for an unknown switch point are also obtained  相似文献   

This article considers parameter estimation, goodness of fit, likelihood ratio and score tests, and model selection by Akaike information criterion for the inverse trinomial (IT) distribution, a classical one-dimensional random walk distribution. The IT distribution has a cubic variance function of the mean and is a generalization of the negative binomial distribution. Basic distributional properties and expressions for the probability mass function, recurrence formula, moments, and score functions are also presented.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the time series properties of the Beveridge-Nelson decomposition and provides extensions in two fundamental directions: in the first place it is shown that anyARIMA(p, 2, q) process can be additively decomposed into anIMA (2, 1) trend and a stationary component; secondly, for the class of seasonally integrated processes, i.e. displaying unit roots at the seasonal frequencies, another component, namely the seasonal component, is identified by the condition that its predictions will average, out to zero over any one-year time span. Furthermore, algorithms for the extraction of the components are given which exploit the Kalman filter recursions once the data generating process is cast in the state space form.  相似文献   

We adapt the interactive spline model of Wahba. to growth curves o with covariates. The smoothing spline formulation permits a nonpara-metric representation of the growth curves. In the limit when the discretization error is small relative to the estimation error, the resulting growth curve estimates often depend only weakly on the number and locations of the knots. The smoothness parameter is determined from the data by minimizing an empirical estimate of the expected error. We show that the risk estimate of Craven and Wahba is a weighted goodness of fit estimate, A modified loss estimate is given, where a2 is replaced by its unbiased estimate.  相似文献   

It is believed by criminologists that the incidence of crimes committed against persons is highest in the summer. Knowledge about the annual patterns and other temporal behavior of such crimes can help authorities in prevention. The objective of this study is to reveal the temporal behavior of murders in Canada and assess if they are affected by trend-cyclical and/or seasonal influences. The series analyzed comprise the period 1961 to 1980 and are classified according to suspects and victims. Only the quarterly series display a significant seasonal pattern, with the peak occurring in the third quarter. We have also analyzed the relationship between the trend cycle of the murder series and two other variables, namely unemployment rate and rate of growth of the 15-to-44 age group.  相似文献   

Researchers familiar with spatial models are aware of the challenge of choosing the level of spatial aggregation. Few studies have been published on the investigation of temporal aggregation and its impact on inferences regarding disease outcome in space–time analyses. We perform a case study for modelling individual disease outcomes using several Bayesian hierarchical spatio‐temporal models, while taking into account the possible impact of spatial and temporal aggregation. Using longitudinal breast cancer data from South East Queensland, Australia, we consider both parametric and non‐parametric formulations for temporal effects at various levels of aggregation. Two temporal smoothness priors are considered separately; each is modelled with fixed effects for the covariates and an intrinsic conditional autoregressive prior for the spatial random effects. Our case study reveals that different model formulations produce considerably different model performances. For this particular dataset, a classical parametric formulation that assumes a linear time trend produces the best fit among the five models considered. Different aggregation levels of temporal random effects were found to have little impact on model goodness‐of‐fit and estimation of fixed effects.  相似文献   

The authors look into the problem of estimating regression functions that exhibit jump irregularities in the first derivative. They investigate the behaviour of the bias in the local linear fit and show the superior performance of appropriate one‐sided versions of the local linear fit near such irregularities. They then propose an improved estimation procedure based on data‐driven selection of a conventional or one‐sided local linear fit according to a residual sum of squares type of criterion. The authors provide theoretical results and illustrate the method both on simulated and real‐life data examples. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 453–475; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We Propose a Bayesian approach to chech the goodness of fit for time series regression models. The test statistics is proposed by Smith (1985) based on a sequence of random variables which are independently distributed standard normal if the model is correct. We estimate this sequence of random variables using several methods. The tests of goodness of fit are performed when either the error terms violate the Gaussian assumption, or the order is incorrect, or the model is misspecified. The methodology is illustrated using both a simulation study and three real date sets.  相似文献   

It is essential to test the goodness of fit of the model before making inferences based on it. Multilevel modeling of ordinal categorical responses is not as developed as for continuous responses. Assessing model adequacy in terms of the goodness of fit with ordinal categorical responses is still being developed and no satisfactory tests are available so far. As a consequence of that, this study concentrates on developing such a goodness of fit test for Multilevel Proportional Odds models and to study the properties of the test.  相似文献   

The Ising model is one of the simplest and most famous models of interacting systems. It was originally proposed to model ferromagnetic interactions in statistical physics and is now widely used to model spatial processes in many areas such as ecology, sociology, and genetics, usually without testing its goodness of fit. Here, we propose various test statistics and an exact goodness‐of‐fit test for the finite‐lattice Ising model. The theory of Markov bases has been developed in algebraic statistics for exact goodness‐of‐fit testing using a Monte Carlo approach. However, finding a Markov basis is often computationally intractable. Thus, we develop a Monte Carlo method for exact goodness‐of‐fit testing for the Ising model that avoids computing a Markov basis and also leads to a better connectivity of the Markov chain and hence to a faster convergence. We show how this method can be applied to analyze the spatial organization of receptors on the cell membrane.  相似文献   

An overview is given of methodology for testing goodness of fit of parametric models using nonparametric function estimation techniques. The ideas are illustrated in two settings: the classical one-sample goodness-of-fit scenario and testing the goodness of fit of a polynomial regression model.  相似文献   

In this paper ve obtain an asymptotic expression for the upper tail area of the distribution of an infinite weighted sum of chi-square random variables and show how this can be applied to distributions of various goodness of fit test statistics. Results obtained by this general approach are comparable with those reported previously in the literature. In the case of the Cramer-von Mises statistic an empirical adjustment is given vhich significantly improves on previous approximations. For the Kuiper statistic the corresponding empirical adjustment leads to an existing highly accurate approximation.  相似文献   

It is crucial to test the goodness of fit of a model before it is used to make statistical inferences. However, no satisfactory goodness of fit test is available for the case of categorical multilevel data which occur when categorical data are clustered or hierarchical in nature. Hence the aim of this paper is to develop a new goodness of fit test for multilevel binary data based on Hosmer and Lemeshow and Lipsitz et.al. In order to identify the properties of the developed test, simulation studies were carried out to assess the Type I error and the power.  相似文献   

We consider the use of smoothing splines for the adaptive modelling of dose–response relationships. A smoothing spline is a nonparametric estimator of a function that is a compromise between the fit to the data and the degree of smoothness and thus provides a flexible way of modelling dose–response data. In conjunction with decision rules for which doses to continue with after an interim analysis, it can be used to give an adaptive way of modelling the relationship between dose and response. We fit smoothing splines using the generalized cross‐validation criterion for deciding on the degree of smoothness and we use estimated bootstrap percentiles of the predicted values for each dose to decide upon which doses to continue with after an interim analysis. We compare this approach with a corresponding adaptive analysis of variance approach based upon new simulations of the scenarios previously used by the PhRMA Working Group on Adaptive Dose‐Ranging Studies. The results obtained for the adaptive modelling of dose–response data using smoothing splines are mostly comparable with those previously obtained by the PhRMA Working Group for the Bayesian Normal Dynamic Linear model (GADA) procedure. These methods may be useful for carrying out adaptations, detecting dose–response relationships and identifying clinically relevant doses. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper brings together two topics in the estimation of time series forecasting models: the use of the multistep-ahead error sum of squares as a criterion to be minimized and frequency domain methods for carrying out this minimization. The methods are developed for the wide class of time series models having a spectrum which is linear in unknown coefficients. This includes the IMA(1, 1) model for which the common exponentially weigh-ted moving average predictor is optimal, besides more general structural models for series exhibiting trends and seasonality. The method is extended to include the Box–Jenkins `air line' model. The value of the multistep criterion is that it provides protection against using an incorrectly specified model. The value of frequency domain estimation is that the iteratively reweighted least squares scheme for fitting generalized linear models is readily extended to construct the parameter estimates and their standard errors. It also yields insight into the loss of efficiency when the model is correct and the robustness of the criterion against an incorrect model. A simple example is used to illustrate the method, and a real example demonstrates the extension to seasonal models. The discussion considers a diagnostic test statistic for indicating an incorrect model.  相似文献   

The inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution is widely used to model data and then it is important to develop efficient goodness of fit tests for this distribution. In this article, we introduce some new test statistics for examining the IG goodness of fit based on correcting moments of nonparametric probability density functions of entropy estimators. These tests are consistent against all alternatives. Critical points and power of the tests are explored by simulation. We show that the proposed tests are more powerful than competitor tests. Finally, the proposed tests are illustrated by real data examples.  相似文献   

The authors consider a semiparametric partially linear regression model with serially correlated errors. They propose a new way of estimating the error structure which has the advantage that it does not involve any nonparametric estimation. This allows them to develop an inference procedure consisting of a bandwidth selection method, an efficient semiparametric generalized least squares estimator of the parametric component, a goodness‐of‐fit test based on the bootstrap, and a technique for selecting significant covariates in the parametric component. They assess their approach through simulation studies and illustrate it with a concrete application.  相似文献   

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