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作内力图是工程力学中的重点之一,而剪力图和弯矩图则是难点之一,也是学生反映最难掌握的内容之一.它的要求和方法是:先讲剪力和弯矩方程,并要求学生根据方程绘制剪力图和弯矩图,然后再讲用简捷法作剪力图和弯矩图.  相似文献   

润东 《现代交际》2004,(10):42-43
俞翠薇:2003年度中国十大数字人物之一,2003年度中国八大财智女性之一,2003中国IT渠道年度精英人物。  相似文献   

贪污腐败是社会的黑暗面,廉政执法是社会的光明面。大学生是国家未来建设的栋梁之一,因此对大学生的廉洁建设问题应该引起更大的关注。注重大学生廉洁自觉意识的培养,是把贪污腐败扼杀在摇篮里的方法之一,也是形成社会良好风气的方法之一,应该引起国家、社会、个人的关注。  相似文献   

高山 《老人天地》2013,(2):20-21
茅于轼,中国当前最有影响的经济学家之一,被评为改革开放30年最具贡献的十位经济学家之一和“当代中国最有道德修养和良知的经济学家”。  相似文献   

高速加工技术能够实现加工质量和加工效率两方面的统一,是现代先进制造技术之一.高速数控机床是实现高速加工的必要条件之一,是世界公认的最具有技术带动性,覆盖面广的关键先进制造技术.  相似文献   

正丹麦是联合国公认的发达国家,贫富差距极小,国民拥有很高的生活水平,丹麦还有着非常高的福利政策。丹麦是欧盟成员国之一,也是北大西洋公约组织创世会员国之一,被人们评为"最幸福的国家"之一。越是发达国家,越是讲究衣食住行,那么,地处北欧的丹麦住宅有什么特点呢?笔者的北欧之行,虽然是走马观花,但近距离看丹麦,那宽敞舒适独特的民居还是给笔者留下深刻的印象。  相似文献   

林荣  杨锦坤 《城市》2011,(4):51-56
一、泉州零售业发展概况 泉州地处福建省东南部、台湾海峡西岸,是福建省三大中心城市之一,也是构建"海峡西岸经济区"的重要港口城市之一。泉州作为历史文化名城,有其特有的历史文化底蕴和浓厚的商业氛围。  相似文献   

化归方法顾名思义就是指转化和归结,这是数学领域的思维模式之一。微积分学包括微分学和积分学两种,是数学领域的分支之一。本文就数学化归的方法、微积分学中的一些问题等进行简单论述。  相似文献   

基于犯罪预防的城市居住空间规划途径探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱玉兰  刘峘  汪磊 《城市》2006,(5):62-64
一、引言 随着我国城市化进程的不断加速,原有的各种社会矛盾也不断显现出来,城市犯罪率上升即其中重要表现之一.由于城市犯罪已成为我国突出的社会问题之一,从构建和谐社会的国家战略角度出发,如何预防城市犯罪已逐渐成为社会各学科的研究重点之一.  相似文献   

应用文写作课是目前高职院校普遍开设的一门基础课之一。掌握应用文写作知识是当代大学生必备的素质之一。当前,应用文写作课现状不容乐观,本文针对本课程教学存在的主要问题,提出了一些相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

裴峰 《科学发展》2013,(2):28-33
在"单位人"向"社会人"转变的大背景下,社区已经成为城市管理服务的主阵地。社区事务受理服务中心作为社区公共服务的"前台"和"窗口",推进"一口受理"是其提升服务能级的必然选择。推进"一口受理"公共服务模式关键是整合资源、再造流程,这就要求以信息化手段为支撑,以制度建设为保障,以健全管理机制为核心,不断完善社区事务受理服务中心"一门式服务、一口式受理、一体化运作"的运行机制。  相似文献   

When one is the victim of prejudice, one is often aware of it. When one is the perpetrator of prejudice, however, one may or may not be aware of it. This article details the author's struggle as a bisexual feminist to identify and eliminate her prejudice against transsexuals, particularly MTF (Male To Female) women.  相似文献   

A study of history presupposes a set of concepts. This paper elaborates one such concept, ‘worker consciousness’. It sets out to formulate worker consciousness through first of all specifying a method of conceptualization and then applying this to the derivation of worker consciousness.

The part on method makes a distinction between the material object and its representation in thought and argues that there is no one to one correpondences between these two. This implies that there is no simple correlation between concepts and reality.

In deriving worker consciousness it is argued that a clear analytical distinction needs to be made between on the one hand, individual consciousness and on the other hand, collective consciousness, of which worker consciousness is but one form. The paper then relates worker consciousness to economic struggle, distinguishing this from class consciousness which embodies political struggle.  相似文献   

This study examines the presentation of the image of the United States in 874 news stories carried in five Chinese newspapers – from a framing perspective. It has yielded four major findings: (1) the political image of the United States is presented by the Chinese press in a relatively balanced fashion, depicted as one that embodies contradictory attributes: positive and negative, strong but aggressive, democratic but hypocritical; (2) the economic image of the United States is presented as one that is undergoing a recession but full of hope in recovery; and (3) the social image is one that features “fair play with minor skirmishes”; and (4) the cultural image is one that is diverse, free, democratic, advanced in science and technology, but hegemonic and biased.  相似文献   

Faced with competition, one's behavior often depends on that of his competitors. The determination of price is one response to competition, and an important one indeed. But it is not the only one. All contracting parties may gain, if price can be reduced to encourage restraints on behavior. This paper shows that "behavior which restrains behavior" may be effectively induced by the simple expedient of a reduction in price.  相似文献   

In this paper we document the prevalence of mixed immigration status families and discuss some of the immigration and citizenship policies that drive their formation. Using the 1998 Current Population Survey, we find that nearly one in ten families with children is a mixed status family: that is a family in which one or both parents is a noncitizen and one or more children is a citizen. We also find that 75 percent of children in immigrant families are citizens. We identify a number of the challenges that mixed status families pose for achieving the goals of recent welfare and illegal immigration reforms.  相似文献   

Culture and international relations are related in all circumstances. On the one hand, if one refers to the discipline of International Relations, culture is an important parameter that influences knowledge production and paradigmatic elaboration. The discipline of IR is therefore culturally situated. On the other hand, when one is dealing with the phenomenon of international relations, it appears as if all social relations, international relations are orientated by the ways of thinking, beliefs and representations of its actors. At the same time, international relations create opportunities for cultural invention in order to regulate the interaction among actors.  相似文献   

This essay re-examines the concept of ideology and the relations between language, ideology and power. Two basic concepts of ideology are distinguished, a ‘neutral’ conception and a ‘critical’ conception, and the latter conception is developed and defended. To study ideology, it is proposed, is to study the ways in which meaning serves to sustain relations of domination. The analysis of language is thus central to the study of ideology, since language is one of the principal mediums through which meaning is mobilized in the social world. This reorientation of the study of ideology enables one to criticize certain misleading assumptions and provides a basis upon which one can pursue problems of interpretation, justification and critique.  相似文献   

Money is only one of many factors which motivate Indians to leave India to come to the US. Considerations vary according to the particular stage one is in concerning family development. These decision points occur when one has to decide whether to leave or stay; the factors to consider differ at each point. Decision points generally come when consideration has to be made as to: 1) where one will obtain a university education, 2) where to obtain on-the-job training, 3) where children should be raised, 4) where the best career opportunities are, and 5) where retirement should be spent. The decision is often made on perceptions and stereotypes rather than accurate information. In India, unlike the US, the unit of consideration is the family. The concern is how the family will be affected. Emigration becomes a goal, for the belief develops that going abroad in and of itself is enhancement. In addition, the potential emigrant develops an unrealistic view of what life is like abroad and what to expect.  相似文献   

The depiction of physical impairments in popular culture reflects as well as shapes public attitudes towards persons with disabilities. Scholars have begun to document images of disabilities (the 'what') in venues such as literary fiction, motion pictures, advertisements, and television programming but there has been less attention directed toward exploring the techniques through which images are delivered (the 'how'). In this paper we explore how the story telling devices of disability—in-dialogue versus disability-in-action and the endowment of characters with compensating characteristics are employed in one segment of popular culture—literary fiction, one genre within this class—the detective novel, and one type of physical impairment—the deaf detective. Our findings suggest that the use of these devices is historically rooted and how they transform handicaps and disabilities into physical impairments thus decontextualizing what is essentially a social issue into one that is ascribed to individuals.  相似文献   

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