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中国优秀的传统文化是我们中华民族文化的瑰宝,是我们应该竭尽全力传承的文化精髓。在现代家庭教育中我们要传承这古老的传统文化,使中华古老的传统文化能历久弥新,薪火相传,生生不息,这是我们在现代家庭教育中必须面对的重大问题。 相似文献
从红色基因的基本概念和内涵角度出发,以机电与交通工程学院为例,通过问卷调查等形式对大学生传承红色基因的现状进行调查分析。从课堂教学层面、传承效果层面、传承途径层面,梳理了当前传承红色基因所面对的主要困境,并提出了相应的破解之道,从而引导学生更为有效、准确地传承红色基因。 相似文献
董洁 《青春岁月:学术版》2021,(17):308-310
中国共产党成立100年来,能够永葆红色的一个重要原因就是红色基因的传承与发展.红色基因是我们党砥砺前行的珍贵精神财富,承载着中华儿女对美好生活的希冀和矢志不渝的奋斗目标.要走好新时代的长征路,必须在回首过去中铭记,在缅怀历史中传承,让红色基因成为激励中华民族不断克服前进道路上各种荆棘载途的强大动力源泉,提振共产党人的精... 相似文献
新四军红色文化内蕴丰富,特色鲜明,是中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分,它承载着中华民族厚重的历史内蕴,不仅在抗战时期发挥了重要作用,也为新时期中国特色社会主义建设提供了强大的精神动力。新四军红色文化不仅蕴含着重要的政治价值、文化价值,更重要的是其传承价值。在人民生活水平日益提高、社会日益发展的当下,我们要坚定地传承和发扬新四军红色文化,要对新四军红色文化资源进行抢救性保护,要深入发掘新四军红色文化资源,更重要的是要打造新四军红色文化品牌,使其成为新四军红色文化中一道亮丽的风景线。 相似文献
红色文化是我党新民主主义革命实践过程中形成的具有特殊意义的物质财富和精神财富的总和。主要包括红色文化资源、红色文化传统、红色文化基因。习近平总书记关于红色文化的论述主要体现在三个方面:利用红色资源、发扬红色传统、传承红色基因。这三个方面的论述对于目前开展青少年革命传统教育、树立社会主义核心价值观、建立社会主义文化强国以及指导思想政治教育实践活动具有重要意义。 相似文献
Halaevalu F. Ofahengaue Vakalahi Ph.D. MSW Meripa T. Godinet Ph.D. MSW 《Journal of Family Social Work》2013,16(3):229-253
This qualitative study examines the Samoan family and culture as possible sources of risk and/or protection for delinquency among Samoan youth. Study participants included Samoan American youth and parents living in one U.S. state. Data were collected via individual interviews. Results indicate that family practices, dynamics, and socioeconomic status; cultural factors such as Samoan customs and traditions (Fa'aSamoa); and structural factors such as oppression and discrimination may serve as sources of risk and/or protection for delinquency among these Samoan youth. A theory is proposed based on familial, cultural, and structural factors related to delinquency among Samoan youth. Implications for future research, policy, and practice specifically focusing on the cultural aspects of the lived experiences of Samoan youth and their families living in the United States are discussed. 相似文献
Florence Haselkorn 《Journal of Social Work Education》2013,49(2):13-19
New contributions to social work education, highlighted at the 1972 International Congress of Schools of Social Work held in the Hague, generate critical questions for social work educators on theory and experience, commitment and competence, authority and freedom. The contributions of “agology” from Holland, “conscientization” from Latin America and “animation” from France give new urgency to the old problem of defining the core and boundaries of social work. The paper postulates that the boundaries must be drawn to include social action and social change, while always maintaining an identifiable professional behavior which is the product of knowledge, values, and skills associated with a professional discipline. 相似文献
中国全球图片总汇 《中国妇女(英文版)》2020,(1):50-52
生活在美国纽约曼哈顿的琳恩•贝拉特博士有9个女儿。并没有华人血统的9姐妹从出生起就面对一条不成文的“家规”——学中文。贝拉特说:“我希望我的孩子们不仅能说好中文,还能全面了解中国的文化和历史,这在我们家是一件没得商量的事。” 相似文献
One of the key features of Vietnamese family organization is patrilocality—the preference of married couples to coreside with the husband's parents. With data drawn from a retrospective survey of persons in 1,855 households in the largest province in the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam, we found that more than 75% of married respondents reported having lived with the grooms' family after marriage. The proportion of newly married couples that follow the patrilocal custom appears to have increased in recent decades, although the average duration of coresidence has declined. Some aspects of modernization, especially nonagricultural occupations and later age at marriage, contribute to a lower incidence of intergenerational coresidence, but the underlying cultural preference to live with the grooms' parents immediately after marriage appears to have become stronger in Vietnam. In contrast to some features of traditional family life that conflict with modernity, intergenerational coresidence can be quite functional in modernizing societies. 相似文献
养成教育是良好道德品质和行为习惯的训练和习得过程,也是家庭在未成年人思想道德建设中的重要责任.本文从养成教育特点的分析出发,阐述了家庭教育的责任和父母在养成教育中的目标导向、行为示范、效果强化、偏差矫正等作用,从教育内容、教育途径、教育对象等方面,提出家庭在养成教育中的新使命. 相似文献
家庭教育研究的现代化问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社会转型过程下,促进家庭的和谐幸福成为社会进步的重要任务.家庭教育担负着重要的使命.对于家庭教育的研究必须实现在目标、内容与方法等方面上的现代转型.为此必须正确处理现代家庭教育研究的自治与开放、硬件与软件、现实与长远等关系. 相似文献