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成人初显期理论及其评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
成人初显期是由美国心理学家阿柰特教授提出的是关于18岁至20多岁时期的一个发展概念,主要关注的是年龄为18-25岁的人。成人初显期的核心任务是探索恋爱、职业与世界观的各种可能性。本文就成人初显期提出的理论与文化背景、五个基本特征、独特性、形成原因及跨文化的研究展望进行简明的评介。  相似文献   

运用了“职业承诺问卷”和“职业生涯管理调查问卷”对来自不同高校的青年女教师进行了调查。通过对高校青年女教师职业承诺特点及其与职业生涯管理之间关系的分析,结果发现:(1)不同生涯阶段、不同婚姻状况的青年女教师在职业继续承诺维度存在着不同;(2)高校青年女教师职业情感承诺对其职业生涯管理存在显著性影响。据此,本研究认为在高校教师队伍建设中,应该针对不同职业生涯阶段、不同婚姻状况的高校青年女教师,采取不同的促进策略;另一方面,为了协调学校组织发展和教师个体生涯发展,有必要提高高校青年女教师对职业的情感承诺。  相似文献   

"佛系青年"是当前"90后"青年群体自我推崇的新标签,其"佛系心态"是这类群体有别于青年其他心态的显著表征,通过片面截取佛教基本教义进行意义的拼贴、置换、认同,展现出这类青年亚群体当下的生活样貌和精神困境。"佛系心态"折射出了处在人生奋斗阶段的"90后"青年群体当前复杂的生存样态,呈现出了处在两个历史交汇期的青年群体既渴望获得成功却又逃避的矛盾心态。对身边的事秉持着无欲无求、不争不抢的心理状态是青年新兴亚文化的主观映射,是对当下青年生存所面临的现实问题的镜像反映。在新时代的背景下,通过党和政府助力青年发展,青年增强担当精神,以及舆论坚持正确价值观引导青年,对塑造奋发有为的新时代青年具有重要意义。  相似文献   

作为"强国一代"的青年,其人心向背成为党稳定执政基础的关键之一。通过对青年的调研发现,在道路取向方面,青年认同与担忧并存;在理论取向方面,意识形态淡化且思想多元化发展;在制度取向上,青年将权力合法性视为现实的必然结果,形成一种功利化评价,注重实际获得而非口号;在文化取向上,青年更加认同强国家形象,但对核心价值、信仰等方面呈现了较低的关注度;在自我政治角色上,政治参与感较低,表现了一定程度的政治"无意义"和"低效能"感。从整体看,新时代的青年政治态度呈现出"臣民—参与型"政治文化类型,无政治阶层广泛存在,但青年的政治参与和表达意愿更为积极和强烈。由于在场空间中缺乏必要的渠道和路径,缺场空间的广泛参与成为主要方式,但因缺乏引导和监管,非理性化参与和表达引发诸多矛盾和问题。  相似文献   

新媒介技术发展早期建构的文化形态虽不足以动摇主导文化的中心,但却催生了青年亚文化表征及其亚文化实践。以网络视频直播中的泛娱乐直播为对象,运用布尔迪厄场域理论及爱德华·索亚"第三空间"理论,探索青年女性亚文化中的自我建构与身份认同问题。研究发现,与以往的成果迥异,作为互联网新的媒介形式,网络视频直播并未帮助女性建构新自我以获得独立的身份认同,而是在资本和市场引导下,通过维持媒介刻板形象满足男性凝视,以达到获取金钱和作为草根明星认同感的目的。  相似文献   

基于相信包括"弱者"在内的每一个人都具有自我解决问题、团结互助、谋求幸福生活的愿望与能力,北京协作者在成立时制定了"团结协作、助人自助"的组织服务理念,始终将自己定位为促进社会融合、社会工作建设与公民社会建设的"协助者"、"推动者",广泛地与社会各界人士团结协作,让服务对象在接受服务的同时培育自我解决问题和服务他人的能力. 北京协作者秉承"团结协作、助人自助"的组织服务理念,开始了10年的艰苦探索,其服务历程分为三个阶段. 第一阶段(2003年~ 2006年):探索社会服务与政策倡导相结合的农民工自我服务模式 在该阶段,北京协作者重点开展了以下服务:  相似文献   

民主视角下青年网络政治参与的效应与政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民政治参与是现代民主的核心要素。青年政治参与是公民政治参与的重要组成部分,关系着中国民主建设状况与政治发展方向。青年政治参与先后出现过计划经济时代的政治动员型参与、市场经济时代的利益趋动型参与、网络时代的自我表达型参与三种类型。青年是网络政治参与的重要主体,由于网络自身的适时性、便捷性、交互性,再加之现实政治参与渠道的狭窄,在网络空间的青年政治参与表现出迥异于物质世界青年政治参与的活跃性。网络政治参与是青年政治参与新的增长点,不过其自身也存在着非理性、失范性、网络民粹主义、网络谣言等负面效应。为此,构建引导青年网络政治参与的政策与制度势在必行。  相似文献   

青年一代应当在乡村社会治理中发挥更大作用,有关青年如何参与乡村社会治理并实现有效参与成为研究热点。对青年参与乡村社会治理的实证研究发现,年龄问题束缚了青年参与乡村社会治理的行为动力;青年对社会保障水平、公民间信任水平、社会公平公正水平的评价会对青年参与乡村社会治理的行为动力产生赋能效应;接受过高等教育是当代青年的优势之一,对其参与乡村社会治理的行为动力具有一定的促进意义,但若受到生活方面问题的干扰,参与动力则会大幅减弱。要建构青年有效参与乡村社会治理的动力系统,各类社会组织应形成"扎根乡村"的宣传合力、创新"线上+线下"融合化参与方式、完善青年人才引进及配套机制、确保青年社保及公共服务的人性化与持续化供给。  相似文献   

青年"手作族"指的是热衷于手工劳作的都市青年新族群.在高度依赖自动化、智能化的现代社会,都市人大多忽视和远离了手工劳作,然而青年"手作族"却重新关注、回归以手为核心的身体实践.这种身体实践起始于从身体出发的兴趣探索,再内化为日常惯习的身体技艺,最终以地摊作为身体出场的景观,完成了媒介化与娱乐化的身体展演.其间,青年"手作族"呈现出自我主体性、多元创造性和审美趣味性的族群文化,同时面临着玩乐与谋生、生产与损耗、美好表象与困境遮蔽等现实矛盾.  相似文献   

综合国际上对志愿者参与动机研究与我国本土经验研究,有利于深入分析城市青年参与志愿活动原因与动机。目前,青年参与志愿服务活动动机呈多元化特征:青年参与志愿者服务活动体现出较明显的政府动员特征,而宗教价值驱动不明显;青年参与志愿服务活动时,更多是基于一种社会公益的奉献精神与互助精神,在参与活动过程中也获得社会资本的积累。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

An interpretative phenomenological study of newlywed couple leisure was conducted to understand the role of leisure in the development of relationship dynamics and couple identity. Nine couples were interviewed twice, using open-ended questions that explored the role of leisure in their relationship development. Data were analyzed using interpretive phenomenological processes. Couples viewed leisure as a crucial part of their relationships, helping them develop their identities as couples through creating shared meaning and opportunities to improve communication and conflict management skills. Findings can be used to encourage couple exploration of positive leisure experiences during courtship and early marriage, including therapeutic interventions and relationship education programs that teach couples to incorporate joint leisure strategically into their relationships.  相似文献   

The authors used the 2003 to 2012 American Time Use Survey to examine marital status variation in mothers' leisure time. They found that never‐married mothers have more total leisure but less high‐quality leisure when compared with married mothers. Never‐married mothers' leisure is concentrated in passive and socially isolated activities that offer fewer social and health benefits. Black single mothers have the highest amount of socially isolated leisure, particularly watching television alone. Results suggest that differences in the context and type of leisure are salient dimensions of the divergent and stratified life conditions of married, divorced, and single mothers.  相似文献   

This article looks at the complex relationship between serious leisure and work, with an eye to examining its implications for social life and practice. First, the serious leisure perspective (a theoretic framework that synthesizes three main forms: serious, casual, and project-based leisure) is described. Then, occupational devotion is examined. It consists of a strong, positive attachment to a form of self-enhancing work, where the sense of achievement is high and the core activity (set of basic tasks) is endowed with such intense appeal that the line between this work and leisure is virtually erased. Devotee work roots most immediately in amateur, hobbyist, and volunteer pursuits. Next some of the ways that people bridge devotee work and their leisure are considered. Careers are then discussed. These careers originate in serious leisure and, for some people, extend into work. After considering some others ways of bridging devotee work and serious leisure, two main implications of the link between these two are taken up.  相似文献   

The authors argue that leisure should be considered a primary institution in advanced industrial societies. The increasingly organized nature of contemporary leisure and the prominence of leisure activities in the search for communal bonds are viewed as the primary factors contributing to the emergence of leisure as a major social institution.  相似文献   

Examinations of the self and leisure are uncommon, not to mention those bearing on leisure and the semiotic self. The goal of this article is to help correct this deficiency. To this end, the serious leisure perspective is presented, followed by a discussion of how it is related to the semiotic self as formulated by Norbert Wiley. The principal vehicle by which this is accomplished is by way of the meaning of leisure. Moreover participants in serious leisure find there a powerfully attractive leisure career, an experience that is unavailable in the other two forms: casual and project-based leisure. This career frames the development of the semiotic self through leisure.  相似文献   


A sample of retired persons in a southern metropolitan area responded to a questionnaire designed to investigate the interrelationship between level of leisure activity and adjustment in retirement Adjustment was measured by two indices, life satisfaction and alienation. The survey's results show that persons who have more leisure activities are more satisfied with their lives and are less alienated than those who have few leisure activities.  相似文献   

Utilising insights from narrative theory this paper explores the role of narrative in the everyday leisure experiences of people with a mild intellectual disability. Drawing on our experiences with an Australian leisure service Live it UP! we develop the connection between leisure and storytelling in order to open up an innovative approach to working with individuals. The stories of people's capabilities that we draw on run counter to a dominant cultural story of lack associated with disability. Through a post-structuralist analysis we argue that narratives of leisure are a powerful social medium with the potential to produce change in an individual's life and immediate social relationships. Such an understanding is crucial for the development of alternative leisure support services which identify the person's needs, challenging the social positioning of people with an intellectual disability.  相似文献   

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