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一、研究背景 我国目前处于社会转型时期,青年的价值观念变化很大。中国青年的价值取向发生了什么变化,他们的价值取向是个人主义的,还是集体主义的?一直是学者争论的热点。弄清这个问题,对青年思想的引导,和社会思想文化建设的深入开展,都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

陈望道是马克思主义在中国早期传播的关键性人物之一,陈望道青年思想是中国特色社会主义青年理论体系的重要源流.在五四时期,以陈独秀、李大钊等为代表的共产主义者从"总体解决"的维度提出了近代中国青年解放的"国家方案",其核心要义在于把青年解放系于国家解放和政治解放的前提之下.陈望道在秉持马克思主义阶级政治理论的基础上,进一步指出近代中国青年解放的制度性障碍是旧式婚姻制度,青年解放的基础在于冲破传统家庭对青年婚恋的束缚,让青年获得恋爱自由、婚姻自主.这就是陈望道关于青年解放的"微观方案".陈望道青年思想是马克思主义青年观中国化的早期发生域,并在当代中国改革进程中展现出全新的理论形态和实践形态.  相似文献   

当代青年在自我实现的历程中面临着利己主义的兴盛、工具理性的强盛以及社会公共意识的疏离和道德信仰虚无等思想的冲击,致使自我实现陷入困境,而困境的实质是把自我实现置于排他的、独白的个人主义基础之下。承认的视角为青年自我实现提供了一种借鉴的路径,即把自我实现置于主体间性的前提下,通过爱、法权和团结的承认模式的建构,把自我与他者、个体与社会纳入同一视域之内。既保证个体自主性和独特性的确立。也使个体的社会价值和对共同体的社会责任得以实施。从而帮助青年顺利实现自我。  相似文献   

青年亚文化是特定时期青年群体共同情绪的一种文化表达,"小猪佩奇"与"社会人"的偶遇,是青年群体凭借其特有的触媒习惯进行的二次网络创作,将青年群体具有隐蔽性、集体性和延续性的综合性焦虑进行隐性表达。同时,也迎合了"90后""00后"青年群体幼态持续和价值虚无的情感需求,但青年亚文化毕竟是一种非主流文化,应该理性看待其存在,避免过度消费流行文化,偏离青年群体的主流价值观。社会各界需要关注青年群体,尤其是以"90后""00后"为主体的大学生群体,在尊重青年文化多样性的同时,对青年群体亚文化进行规制,加强媒介素养教育,营造健康的网络氛围,加强青年群体责任意识教育和社会主义核心价值观教育。  相似文献   

文嘉 《当代青年》2021,(4):71-77
中国青年政策以培养中国特色社会主义合格建设者和接班人为最终目标,兼顾青年的福利获得和青年作为能动主体的作用发挥,更注重青年优先理念的传达和青年群体的动员引导,各个层级政策制定主体具有较大创新空间.政策的传导并非简单执行,而应被界定为政策扩散.作为青年政策主要推动者的共青团,同样需要不断适应时代对青年工作的更高要求.青年政策扩散是以党政意志的制度保障层、资源汇聚的吸纳层和强大动员驱动层有机结合并相互转化,这三者共同作用于政策效能的提升.  相似文献   

音乐是文化的符号,流行歌曲根植于所处时代的现实土壤之中。改革开放以来,不同时期的流行歌曲以一种鲜明的风格记录时代声音,为我们透视青年亚文化流变提供了独特的视角。“摇滚”歌曲反映了改革开放初期,青年释放自我与现实抗争的文化情结;“怀旧”音乐是青年人在“前面无路想回头”境况下的一种心理调节;以“自我”为主题的歌曲是青年主体意识增强的现实回应;“佛系”歌曲映射了青年人自由空间被挤占后的一种养心策略。  相似文献   

"民工"是中国工业化的产物,是改革开放后出现的新的群体,农民进城务工也是城市建设发展的需要."青年民工"是一种过渡性的职业身份状态,作为弱势群体,他们的基本权利难以得到合理保障,从而给社会稳定留下了较大的隐患.实现各阶层社会成员共同富裕,是建设和谐社会的必然趋势."青年民工"的生存现状已经引起社会各界的广泛关注,也给青年工作带来了更深层次的思考.  相似文献   

中国古代整体利益价值取向是否定个人的独立人格,抑制人的个性发展的国家整体利益,集体主义价值取向是坚持集体主义和个人利益相统一的国家整体利益.社会主义市场经济愈健康顺利发展,个人就愈能获得全面发展的手段,愈能真正实现自己的全面发展.  相似文献   

道德性是青年志愿服务与生俱来的天然特性,"道德体验"也是早期青年群体参与志愿服务最为朴素的精神追求。从青年志愿服务的主体动机或客观效果的演变来看,青年志愿服务萌芽、探索和全面发展的过程其实也是一个从追求"道德体验"到追求"社会效益"的发展演变过程。青年公益创业就是青年志愿服务"社会效益"最大化的有益尝试。青年公益创业不仅能繁荣社会企业,扩大社会就业,推动社会体制改革,促进社会治理创新,而且在促进社会公正,改善社会风气等方面具有重要作用。  相似文献   

制造业青年农民工文化教育水平的差异直接影响和决定着他们的经济收入、体闲娱乐文化活动、目前的生活感受和生活状况、工作状况、维护自身权益情况以及对未来生活的期待等.青年农民工已经成为支撑我国制造业发展的重要力量,而整体偏低的文化教育水平不能满足我国制造业发展的需要.因此,要采取多种措施对青年农民工进行补偿教育.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, youth organizing has grown across the country. Through organizing, young people identify issues of concern and mobilize their peers to build action campaigns to achieve their objectives. Youth organizing has been appreciated for its contributions to youth and community development. The authors use two case studies to trace the more recent emergence of youth organizing as an important force for school reform. The Boston-based Hyde Square Task Force began with a focus on afterschool programming, but its youth leaders now organize to get Boston Public Schools to adopt a curriculum addressing sexual harassment. Meanwhile, the Baltimore Algebra Project began as a peer-to-peer tutoring program but now also organizes to demand greater funding for Baltimore schools. These cases illustrate a broader phenomenon where students reverse the deficit paradigm by acting out of their own self-interest to become agents of institutional change.  相似文献   


The experience of forming romantic attachments during adolescence aids in the development of future relationships. The clearly defined and ordered process of forming these relationships does not seem to exist in adolescent relationships today. This study focuses on the language used to define current dating practices, how parents and youth deviate in these definitions, and the ambiguity associated with adolescent romantic relationship behaviors. Findings indicate several tags applied to youth relationships from talking to dating and youth relationships progress along a continuum with somewhat vague behavioral boundaries. These potentially vague boundaries suggest the need to thoughtfully operationalize the terminology used when assessing dating practices and developing programs for youth and their parents so that efforts to prevent adolescent intimate partner violence are more effective.  相似文献   

对中国青年研究的反思   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
反思是对认识的认识,是将自身作为对象的认识,对青年研究的反思,也就是对青年研究已有的认识进行再认识。中国青年研究目前尚处于前学科阶段,必须站在社会变革之中和学术探讨最前沿,青年研究才能有真正的发展和超越。  相似文献   

香港青年问题的逻辑起点源于青年与社会的互动关系。马克思和布迪厄关于关系与矛盾的分析视角以及他们所阐释的理论能为我们理解和研究当前香港青年问题提供一种深度分析的模型。将香港社会当作场域来分析,当前香港青年问题有其自身特有的逻辑和必然性,集中反映了不同力量的对抗较量,其核心诉求指向资本—权力。在世界大变局与中国大发展的历史性交汇时期,香港青年应跨越场域界限,消除隔离心态,顺势融入国家建设;跳出狭隘思维,不做沉默羔羊,主动释放正向能量;确立历史视野,积累强大资本,勇于扛起青春责任。  相似文献   

New Orleans has experienced some of the highest per capita rates of homicide in the nation. In response, the City of New Orleans developed the NOLA FOR LIFE murder reduction strategy, one aspect of which is the implementation of Positive Action, a character building program for youth. The Positive Action program has offered promising results for curbing youth violence when implemented in school-based settings. However, given the city’s mostly charter-based school system, summer camps are among the few entry points available through which to implement city-wide youth initiatives. During the 2016 summer camp session, an evaluation was conducted to determine whether incorporating the Positive Action curriculum into a 6-week summer camp results in youth experiencing positive changes in peer self-esteem, the ability to get along with others, bullying behavior, and normative beliefs about aggression. This evaluation compares youth that received the Positive Action curriculum during summer camp with those that received the traditional summer camp curriculum. A multi-method approach of quantitative pre-and post-surveys of youth and focus group interviews with camp teachers were employed. Results from the quantitative data suggest few statistically significant findings, while qualitative data suggests that Positive Action may be effective at reducing violent norms and behavior. Implications for social workers and the need for adapting school-based violence reduction interventions for non-traditional settings are discussed.  相似文献   

中国共产党成立一百周年是中国青年赓续初心使命并继续稳步向前的历史节点,为深入挖掘百年历程下中国青年的成长与发展,研究新时代中国青年的发展之路,探析十四五期间我国青年发展趋势与规律,2021年5月,上海社会科学院社会学研究所举办了新时代、新征程与中国青年发展研讨会.来自全国各地60余位专家学者围绕建党百年与青年运动、十四五规划与青年发展、城市数字化转型与青年参与、高质量发展与人才培养等重要理论与实践问题,进行了深入阐析和专题研讨.  相似文献   

Approximately 650 youth from a variety of ethnic and generational backgrounds participated in a longitudinal study of the postsecondary educational experiences of youth from immigrant families. Youth completed questionnaires and provided official school records in the 12th grade and participated in a phone interview 3 years later. Youth from immigrant families demonstrated the same level of postsecondary educational progress as their peers from American‐born families across a broad array of indicators. In addition, youth from immigrant families were more likely to support their families financially, and some were more likely to live with their parents as compared with those from American‐born families. Variability among those from immigrant families suggested that youth from families with higher incomes, higher levels of parental education, and East Asian backgrounds were more likely to enroll and persist in postsecondary schooling as compared with their peers.  相似文献   

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