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作为近年来的热点议题,母职研究将视线转向较少被关注的普通农村劳动家庭。基于对下一代照料与教养的重视,选择回归家庭当个好妈妈的农村年轻女性增多。研究发现,农村年轻女性形成“拟中产化”的母职实践,体现在养育物质投入增加、情感陪伴增多与教养方式转变上。农村年轻女性母职认同的形塑逻辑在于:现代中产的科学育儿理念借助信息网络媒介的渗入,加上孩子中心主义的养育伦理、就业市场中的文凭竞争与熟人社会中的面子比较等因素的共同作用。然而,由于农村劳动家庭面临家庭资本与结构的多重劣势,年轻女性在母职认同与实践上存在张力,导致陷入个体依附性增强、自我实现受阻和家庭关系紧张等母职风险。对此,农村年轻女性通过参与非正式就业机会、建构朋友圈和推动男性参与等策略来应对,从而实现对个体自我与家庭整体利益得以兼顾的母职调适与再造。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,知识女性在社会政治、经济、文化中发挥了不可小觑的作用,以前所未有的广度和深度积极参与社会活动,逐步实现了自身的社会价值。但传统文化对女性角色定位的束缚,造成知识女性在社会角色与家庭角色中的种种困境,因此,对知识女性社会角色与家庭角色之间的关系研究十分必要。  相似文献   

人们认识世界的过程中,形成了对女性不同家庭角色的固定认识。在俄语谚语中,从俄罗斯女性的家庭地位、男性对女性的社会期望和俄罗斯女性的行为模式三方面反映出女性各家庭角色的定型形象,表现了俄罗斯男性对女性的诉求和审美评价。  相似文献   

罗国芬  陆静  李正明  刘丽华 《社会学》2008,(1):47-51,40
社会分层研究中,“中心化”的视角是考察在一定社会结构下人们想法和行为与社会结构的互动。通过对杨浦区“双千”家庭的调查,发现这些特困家庭作为社会行动者,在追求“中心化”的过程中面临不少困境,包括主观社会心态方面的焦虑感、高期望与难以实现的担忧,也包括受客观条件限制的过度角色化、人力资本投资不足等后果。这就需要社会支持体系能够适时帮助这些特困家庭,促使他们即使在生活最艰难的时候,也有在社会结构中“中心化”的目标和改善的可能性。  相似文献   

基于组织认同理论,以随机抽取的597名藏族大学生为研究对象,从"观念—认知—行为"视角,检验了藏族大学生家庭价值观对其亲社会行为的影响。研究结果表明,藏族大学生的价值观对其亲社会行为有显著影响,具体而言,孝道维度、男性中心观维度和家庭本位观维度均对亲社会行为有显著正向影响;家庭认同感在家庭价值观与亲社会行为之间起着中介作用;亲子沟通不仅调节了家庭价值观与家庭认同感之间的关系,还调节了家庭认同感的中介效应。  相似文献   

十七年女性文学文本是不能忽略的事实存在,通过对十七年文学中五类女性劳动者、女战士、女英雄形象的具体分析来找寻女性与历史、政治之间的暖昧关系,探究女性在文本生成中的社会角色、家庭角色与女性个体之间的丝丝关联,引发人们思考。  相似文献   

家庭问题是儿童外出流浪的主要原因之一,只有家庭问题得到了缓解,流浪儿童才能真正实现回归家庭和社会。因此,流浪儿童救助保护需要家庭的参与。本文在结合前人研究和我国流浪儿童救助保护现状的基础上,分析了家庭参与流浪儿童救助保护的必要性和可行性,并建构了"家庭参与流浪儿童救助保护体系",将儿童心理行为问题解决和家庭问题解决相结合,为我国流浪儿童救助保护工作提供可资参考的新思路。  相似文献   

在当今经济全球化和充满竞争的时代,单从时间量上计算,工作已逐渐占据了个体生活的主要部分。在这样的社会背景下,个体对家务的分配越来越脱离传统角色的安排,几乎女性和男性都同等的加入了劳动力队伍,男性也同样的背负起照顾家庭的责任。本文对工作中心度与家庭冲突进行了分析。  相似文献   

家族组织民俗作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分和基础,历经了几千年的历史演变,发生了很大变化。其中,回族家庭组织民俗在传统回族社会的社会结构和乡村治理中扮演着重要角色和发挥着不可替代的作用。本文通过一定的文献研究及相关田野调查,以宁夏平罗县田家村这样的家族式回族农村社区为例,通过了解其乡村文化传统及乡村社会变迁,进行家族式回族社区的家庭组织民俗研究。通过参与观察及深度访谈,调查研究并总结出传统的乡村社会民间互助形式,并对于新时代背景下回族家庭组织民俗的价值与意义提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

家庭参与一直是美国学校教育革新的重要特质,直接影响到父母与相关教育者的态度与行为方式,对青少年儿童的成长有着决定性的影响。伴随着美国社会政治经济的发展变革,家庭参与一直是美国教育管理理论研究与政策分析的主要实践兴奋点。从美国教育变革的视域下回顾家庭参与的发展,发现该主题经历着不断演进的历程,在理论分析与政策实践方面呈现出不同维度的转向。这种转向深刻地反映了美国教育变革与其经济社会的互动规律,也折射出蕴含其中的美国历史文化传统,并昭示出未来美国教育变革中家庭参与发展的基本趋势。  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):85-112
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of behavioural family therapy (following the treatment agenda outlined in Fleischman, Horne and Arthur, 1983) and brief family therapy (following the procedures outlined in Fisch, Weakland and Segal, 1985), in the treatment of child psychological disorders. The parents of the 49 children referred to the outpatient unit of a children's hospital completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Edelbrock, 1983). Three scales of the CBCL were examined to assess the effectiveness of the two therapeutic approaches pre- to post-treatment. Significant pre- and post-treatment differences were found for behavioural family therapy on the Internalizing, Externalizing, and Sum T scales and for brief family therapy on the Internalizing and Sum T scales. Sum T scales represent the sum of scores across all sub-scales of the CBCL. Neither treatment was found to be more effective than the other.  相似文献   

The author responds to Witkin's (1993) comparison of family social work and family therapy. The author argues that family social work and family therapy share important commonalities. He challenges Witkin's characterization of family therapy as outdated. Instead, family therapy is characterized as having contributed important writings about gender and culture to its practitioners. The paper ends with reflections on the implications of social justice for clinicians.  相似文献   

The construct, family resilience, has been defined and applied very differently by those who are primarily clinical practitioners and those who are primarily researchers in the family field. In thisarticle, the family resilience perspective is integrated with conceptual definitions from family stress theory using the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response (FAAR) Model in an effort to clarify distinctions between family resiliency as capacity and family resilience as a process. The family resilience process is discussed in terms of (a) the meaning of significant risk exposure (vs. the normal challenges of family life) and (b) the importance of making conceptual and operational distinctions between family system outcomes and family protective processes. Recommendations for future family resilience research are discussed.  相似文献   

Social capital (SC) is a concept variedly defined and object today of great attention at an international level: it concerns trust among people, the ability to activate nets, solidarity, and civic engagement in the public sphere.

The SC constitutive character makes it producible only in original and fundamental relationships (in primis the family), where trust is developed and the code of solidarity is current.

Nevertheless, the increasing fragmentation and individualization of the family seem to consume SC, rather than to increase it. This leads to the question about the nature of SC today as constituted by the family. Some phenomena, for example family associationism, show that the family is still a patrimony irrefutable for social life: when families constitute family associations, they produce primary and secondary SC.  相似文献   

The interaction between leaders and members in a year-long family therapy seminar is systematically compared to the process that unfolds between therapist and family during the course of family therapy. A five stage developmental process common to both is postulated and described: (1) Battle for Structure, (2) Naive Enthusiasm, (3) Conflictual Frustration, (4) Task Orientation, and (5) Mutuality. The dynamic elements of each stage are analyzed and factors affecting their development are identified. It is concluded that this five stage process occurs in all similar groups, but that the content of each stage may vary widely from group to group.  相似文献   

Family therapists often see separating parents who need to agree on co‐parenting arrangements. This article provides a guide to current research and practice in family mediation. The limited available research suggests mediation is a useful approach for some separated parents and their children, but often is not successful with highly conflicted parents, parents with mental health problems, parents struggling to accept the separation from their partner, or parents with unrealistic co‐parenting expectations. We analyse ways in which mediation might be enhanced, and discuss the potential roles of family therapists to support separating families to negotiate positive co‐parenting.  相似文献   

The potential contribution of family therapists to the treatment of depression remains underdeveloped. Family therapists need to articulate how changes in family functioning might benefit depressed persons, as well as how other problems in the families of depressed persons tend to go unrecognised. Furthermore, family therapists need to be alert to how undetected depression in adults and children may interfere with their ability to meet their goals with families who seek therapy for other persons. This article provides family therapists with (1) an overview of the nature and experience of depression; (2) an introduction to antidepressant medication; (3) a summary of research findings relating depression to its family context and (4) a brief overview of developments in the marital and family treatment of depression.  相似文献   

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