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现有动态能力理论将消费者视为影响企业动态能力的环境因素之一,主要从企业内部视角来探讨企业如何应对外部市场的变化,缺乏从企业与消费者相互影响视角对动态能力的深入研究。本文通过B2C电商企业梦芭莎的案例研究发现,在快速变化的环境中,企业与消费者互动形成的协同演化动态能力构成电商企业动态能力的一种主要形式,由此提出企业与消费者协同演化动态能力的概念模型,认为企业与消费者协同演化动态能力由捕捉消费者变化、适应消费者变化和引导消费者变化3种能力,及被动型和主动型协同演化两个阶段构成。其中,市场环境动荡形成的压力筛选构成企业与消费者协同演化动态能力的构建前提,企业与消费者之间的交互作用构成企业与消费者协同演化动态能力的构建逻辑,信息技术应用构成企业与消费者协同演化动态能力的构建基础,组织学习和消费者学习构成企业与消费者协同演化动态能力的构建机制。这一研究将外部环境与动态能力的关系从单向因果关系扩展为双向互为因果关系,丰富了企业动态能力理论的内涵,对中国B2C电商企业的创新发展具有启发和指导意义。  相似文献   

以中美“贸易摩擦”为研究视角,通过事件研究法得到科技板块企业在贸易制裁事件窗下的累计异常收益率衡量企业抗风险能力。以研发投入作为调节变量,进一步研究企业多元化战略对抗风险能力的作用机理,采用Heckman两阶段方法检验其内生性问题。研究表明:多元化与企业抗风险能力之间存在倒“U”型关系;研发投入与多元化之间存在替代关系,选择二者之间的最优组合才能最大效率地提升企业抗风险能力。  相似文献   

本文通过观测企业情境感知导致的战略逻辑差异,揭示转型经济背景下新兴场域企业创新选择的演化规律。对“滴滴出行”的案例研究发现:第一,企业对转型经济情境的感知源自场域中国家逻辑与市场逻辑的嵌入程度;第二,根据逻辑嵌入程度,企业的外部情境感知可细分为“技术嵌入”“市场嵌入”“制度嵌入”与“动态嵌入”四个阶段;第三,不同阶段的情境感知诱发战略逻辑“相位转变”,以寻求战略与情境的一致性;第四,战略逻辑“相位转变”驱动四个阶段的创新选择遵循“能力逻辑”“复杂逻辑”“游击队逻辑”与“混合逻辑”的演化路径。此外,本文还引入“后卢因式变革”概念解释创新选择路径的演化机理,并重点关注国家逻辑在上述过程中的关键作用。  相似文献   

张红  唐媛  蓝海林 《管理学报》2011,(10):1444-1450
通过对永光集团的案例研究,回答了在不断变化的技术和市场环境下,后发企业如何根据不同发展阶段的战略目标和技术基础选择组织学习的主导模式,以促进技术能力提升这一问题。分析表明,组织学习是一个不断深化的动态过程。组织学习模式的选择与技术基础有着很强的内在联系,后发企业技术能力发展水平、技术基础和发展战略目标影响组织学习主导模式的选择,而组织学习的主导模式又从知识积累和知识应用2个方面影响后发企业技术能力的形成。  相似文献   

许晖  郭净  邓勇兵 《管理学报》2013,10(1):30-40
选取东软集团进行典型案例研究,以公司20年的国际化发展历程为时间脉络,探讨管理者国际化认知与营销动态能力演化过程之间的联系。研究发现,在企业国际化进程中,管理者国际化认知(包括国际注意力和文化智力)是影响营销动态能力形成的重要因素,并影响企业能力演化的能力形成、能力提升和能力转移3个阶段,进而提出了管理者国际化认知与营销动态能力演化过程的作用关系模型。  相似文献   

本文立足于企业利基市场战略实施中后劲不足的问题,通过建立企业捍卫利基市场关键路径分析框架,并以杭州贝因美集团有限公司为案例,对企业如何捍卫利基市场进行了分析,并形成主要研究结论。  相似文献   

后发企业最终实现技术追赶得益于能力重构.然而,在技术追赶动态过程中,后发企业如何进行能力重构演化机制尚不明确.通过对圣龙的案例分析,本研究发现:市场动态性从外部为后发企业的技术追赶提供机会窗口,主导逻辑则从内部为后发企业的技术追赶提供认知引导.具体而言,初始追赶阶段的市场动态性低,后发企业通过定位逻辑实现能力演化;超越追赶阶段的市场动态性中,后发企业通过杠杆逻辑实现能力转换;行业前沿阶段的市场动态性高,后发企业通过机会逻辑实现能力替代.本研究强调了不同程度市场动态性的重要性,引入了主导逻辑视角,揭示了能力重构演化机制的内在规律.本研究既丰富了技术追赶理论,又为后发企业追赶实践提供了管理启示.  相似文献   

彭新敏  刘电光 《管理世界》2021,37(4):180-197
后发企业在技术追赶过程中,既存在显性的技术能力劣势,又面临隐性的市场认知劣势,因此在构建技术能力之外还需通过改变市场认知才能突破追赶困境,然而现有研究尚未将市场认知作为独立的理论视角,且市场认知演化的关键过程及其内在机制仍未被充分揭示。本文通过对海天在注塑机领域实现赶超的案例研究,探究了后发企业在技术追赶过程中市场认知的演化过程及其机制。研究发现:(1)后发企业在"追赶—超越追赶—行业前沿"3个阶段中,市场认知相应地经历了"合法化身份—差异化形象—引领性地位"的连续演化过程。(2)在此过程中,模拟机制、转换机制和塑造机制依次发挥了重要作用。其中,后发企业通过由类比行动和获取外部资源构成的模拟机制,获得了市场合法化身份;通过由疏离行动和重组内部价值构成的转化机制,取得了市场差异化形象;通过由分化行动和重构未来方向构成的塑造机制,实现了市场引领性地位。据此,本文提出一个在技术追赶动态情境下市场认知演化的阶段式过程理论模型,明确了市场认知演化的前因、机制和结果,为后发企业克服市场认知劣势,最终摆脱技术追赶困境提供了管理启示。  相似文献   

张慧明  周德群 《管理学报》2008,5(5):755-758
结合企业的战略资源与调查问卷分析了东中部煤炭企业跨区域进入西部模式的静态选择、动态选择。研究表明:相比于自身的技术管理资源,跨区域投资煤炭企业更重视区位的自然资源禀赋条件、政府支持力度和投资项目的资本密集度;控股独资优势和跨区域投资企业经验的积累主导了进入模式的演化;西部地区采矿权的市场化程度、煤炭开采的配套设施建设等软性资源对进入模式演化的影响较弱。  相似文献   

知识是企业动态核心能力的基础,企业为保持长期竞争优势,就必须构建基于知识的动态核心能力,本文提出了一个基于知识的动态核心能力演化模型。指出动态核心能力的出现和发展是企业的经营性惯例、学习性惯例、知识说明以及知识编码四种因素共同发展的结果,认为动态核心能力的演化主要是围绕变异、内部选择、传播和保持四个阶段循环进行。然后本文结合万科集团动态核心能力演化发展战略进行案例分析,从而得出有益的结论。  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse “how” and “why” a company engages in CSR and sustainability. The “how” concerns the features of the firm’s CSR and sustainability approach, defined in terms of a firm’s strategy (implemented issues, initiatives and activities) and organization (organizational structures and roles and managerial systems adopted). The “why” refers to the key determinants, both internal and external, of CSR and sustainability. Finally, how the firm’s CSR and sustainability approach evolves over time and the relation between CSR determinants in various stages of the CSR evolutionary path are also investigated. The research method is based on the longitudinal analysis of a case study concerning a large multinational company operating in the telecommunications industry in Europe. The analysis of the case study shows that sub-cultural differences in the approach to CSR and sustainability may occur across hierarchical levels and functional units. Moreover, embedding CSR and sustainability principles doesn’t follow a linear and continuous process, made by sequential stages. Indeed, it can be characterized by an up and down evolutionary path, based on different stages with a changing emphasis given to CSR and sustainability issues. Finally, we find that the firm CSR and sustainability approach is not an autonomous choice, but it is a consequence of the contingent role played by both the external and the internal drivers and by their relative importance during the company’s CSR history.  相似文献   

针对"互联网+分时租赁"市场竞争存在有限理性,且不断模仿、学习和改进的特点,本文通过构建进化博弈模型,来揭示租车软件进出市场、抢占市场的博弈过程,并结合当前打车软件市场采用最多的价格战对模型进行了具体化分析和算例验证。研究表明:一个初期稳定的分时租赁市场受到某一公司价格战策略的突变冲击后,不存在纯策略的进化稳定状态,但一定有混合策略的进化稳定状态;对于准备进入市场的公司或想扩大市场份额公司,其最优策略是选用价格战;而对于已经在该市场内运营的公司,其最优反应策略也是降价。  相似文献   

供应链式产业集群具备集群和供应链特性,这类集群的技术创新活动存在两种类型:供应链上下游企业创新活动和供应链间企业创新活动。从技术创新视角出发,将集群创新过程分成研发阶段和产出阶段,并引入技术溢出系数、研发资金、技术创新成功概率等变量,用动态博弈方法分别对供应链上下游企业及供应链间企业的技术创新进行分析,推导出企业利润均衡函数,最后得出如下结论:①供应链上下游企业不创新或同时创新的情况下,双方将共享利润;②由于存在技术溢出现象,供应链内某一企业进行创新,该企业及其上下游企业利润都将提高;③供应链内上下游企业采取合作创新的利润大于未创新和独立创新情况下的利润;④供应链核心企业间的竞争激烈,链间技术溢出程度变小,不创新的企业市场份额将降低,利润减少。  相似文献   

Yimin Wang 《决策科学》2012,43(1):107-140
We consider a manufacturer’s new market entry problem when it already has some established facility in its existing market. We consider two common market entry strategies: the export strategy and the foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy. In the export strategy the firm increases the capacity at its existing facility and subsequently allocates the output to the existing and the new market dynamically, depending on realized market conditions. The export strategy is a flexible strategy. In the FDI strategy, the firm invests in a dedicated capacity to serve the new market only. The FDI strategy is a (partially) dedicated strategy. We study these two strategies from a planning perspective, that is, how the firm’s strategy choice influences the optimal capacity levels. We find that the firm’s strategy choice can significantly impact the optimal capacity investment levels. We prove, for example, that the firm may enter the new market in the export strategy but not in the FDI strategy, even if the capacity investment cost is identical in the existing and the new market. In addition, we prove that the firm may invest a strictly higher capacity level in the export strategy than that in the FDI strategy. We also prove that new market entry in the FDI strategy may strictly decrease the firm’s supply to its existing market but this is not so in the export strategy, and hence policy makers should carefully consider the implications of trade regulations on firms’ market entry choices.  相似文献   

研发投资是提高企业绩效的重要途径,不同阶段的的研发投资对于企业绩效的改善存在着差异化作用。本文构建了不同阶段研发投资对企业绩效影响效应的理论模型,并以我国103家上市公司2010-2016年的相关数据为样本,从动态效应的实证分析阶段和开发阶段两个阶段的投资强度对企业绩效影响的异同,结果发现:研究阶段和开发阶段的投资对企业绩效影响均具有正向的积极影响作用,开发阶段的投资在当期对企业绩效的影响较强但不可持续,研究阶段的投资具有滞后效应并且对企业绩效的提升有比较长远的影响。因此过多关注开发阶段的投资并不能有效提高企业绩效,企业应加大研究阶段的投资,以更好地实现其在提高企业绩效中的长效作用。  相似文献   

The uncertainty, dynamism and volatility of the new competitive landscape are altering the fundamental nature of competition as the 21st century begins. In this exciting competitive era, technological learning plays a vital role in the firm’s competitive success. This role is significant because increasingly, technological learning is linked to the firm’s ability to develop, maintain and exploit dynamic core competencies. Dynamic core competencies are the foundation for competitive advantages. Although difficult to accomplish, firms try to establish competitive advantages that can be sustained for some period of time. Being able to develop, maintain and exploit competitive advantages is critical to the creation of firm value. This introductory article for the Special Issue explores the importance of technological learning and the management of knowledge for firm growth and performance. Additionally, we present a context that frames the issues examined and the contributions made by the papers included in the special issue.  相似文献   

This paper clarifies how a firm’s entrepreneurial orientation (EO) affects joint product innovation within a vertical alliance and how this is influenced by increasing technological uncertainty and the absorption of knowledge from the alliance partners. The results of a structural equation model with latent interactions on 171 firms in the manufacturing industry indicate that the focal firm’s EO increases joint innovation, although this positive effect declines when a high level of uncertainty increases. On the other hand, the ability to absorb partners’ knowledge increases joint product innovation. As such, this study’s results contribute to research in the field of vertical alliances, EO, and the theoretical foundation of a dynamic capability perspective.  相似文献   

In order to gain competitive advantage, a firm must link its technology choice to its total manufacturing strategy and business unit's goals. A dynamic model is presented to examine the strategic decision concerning the acquisition of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) technology. A major contribution of this model is its ability to capture the strategic benefits of FMS with respect to economies of scope and technological progress. Decisions such as the timing and size of new technology acquisition and the scrapping of conventional capacity are explored as a firm plans for the upgrading of its facility to meet future dynamic strategic goals. This model may be used to assist with strategic planning because it identifies the critical relationships and trade-offs between various exogenous forces (such as market growth or decay, the cost of acquiring flexible manufacturing systems, and the rate of technological progress) and the decision variables considered.  相似文献   

秦剑 《中国管理科学》2014,22(1):130-138
本文考察了研发/制造/营销跨职能整合的前端驱动要素及跨职能整合对新产品开发绩效的提升机制。结果表明:联合创新激励、高层管理者支持、产品开发正式化和产品开发动态性是增强跨职能整合有效性的重要前因变量,跨职能整合提升了产品线协同和新产品开发绩效,产品线协同和新产品开发有助于增加企业市场绩效,而产品创新战略则在以上路径关系间发挥了差异效应影响。当企业开发低创新性产品时,高层管理者支持和产品开发正式化对跨职能整合的驱动效应以及产品线协同对企业市场绩效的促进作用要更大,而当企业开发高创新性产品时,联合创新激励和产品开发动态性对跨职能整合的正向影响以及研发/制造/营销跨职能整合对产品线协同和新产品开发绩效的驱动效应则更为显著。  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic industry model with heterogeneous firms to analyze the intra‐industry effects of international trade. The model shows how the exposure to trade will induce only the more productive firms to enter the export market (while some less productive firms continue to produce only for the domestic market) and will simultaneously force the least productive firms to exit. It then shows how further increases in the industry's exposure to trade lead to additional inter‐firm reallocations towards more productive firms. The paper also shows how the aggregate industry productivity growth generated by the reallocations contributes to a welfare gain, thus highlighting a benefit from trade that has not been examined theoretically before. The paper adapts Hopenhayn's (1992a) dynamic industry model to monopolistic competition in a general equilibrium setting. In so doing, the paper provides an extension of Krugman's (1980) trade model that incorporates firm level productivity differences. Firms with different productivity levels coexist in an industry because each firm faces initial uncertainty concerning its productivity before making an irreversible investment to enter the industry. Entry into the export market is also costly, but the firm's decision to export occurs after it gains knowledge of its productivity.  相似文献   

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