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The article surveys Tsarist, Soviet and Western historiography of Russia and how this affected the national identities and inter-ethnic relations among the three eastern Slavs. Western historiography of Russia largely utilised an imperialist and statist historiographical framework created within the Tsarist empire during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Although this framework was imperialist it was gradually accepted as 'objective' by the Western scholarly community. Yet, this historiography was far from being 'objective'. After 1934 Soviet historiography also reverted to the majority of the tenets found in Tsarist historiography. Within Tsarist, Western and Soviet historiographies of 'Russia' eastern Slavic history was nationalised on behalf of the Russian nation which served to either ignore or deny a separate history and identity for Ukrainians and Belarusians. In the post-Soviet era all 15 Soviet successor states are undertaking nation and state building projects which utilise history and myths to inculcate new national identities. The continued utilisation of the Tsarist, Western and Soviet imperial and statist historiographical schema is no longer tenable and serves to undermine civic nation building in the Russian Federation. This article argues in favour of a new, non-imperial framework for histories of 'Russia' territorially based upon the Russian Federation and inclusive of all of its citizens.  相似文献   

东干族是指19世纪移居到中亚地区的中国西北陕甘宁回民及其后裔,亦称中亚回族。他们在130年前远离祖国之时,将西北地区的"花儿"民歌也带到了中亚地区。在苏联集体农庄时代,"花儿"民歌曾盛行于吉尔吉斯斯坦中亚回族聚居农庄,其知名歌手至今健在。苏联时期的东干语文献中也收录有"花儿"民歌。中亚回族传承了中国西北回族唱"花儿"民歌的民俗文化。在海外回族中流传的"花儿"民歌资料,是中国"花儿"体系的一个重要组成部分,也是一份珍贵的民族文化遗产,应加以研究、抢救和保护。  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of the social and the spatial structures of Moscow on the patterns of settlement of labour migrants. It emphasizes the ways in which the structure of post-Soviet urban environment differs from the European and U.S. one, and uses interviews with guest workers from Central Asia to map out the strategies they employ in their search for accommodation in Moscow, as well as the barriers they encounter. Special attention is paid to the role played by ethnic networks in the lives of migrant workers, and the ways in which these networks are configured by the urban space. This article demonstrates how the absence of spatial segregation in the post-Soviet city, inherited from the Soviet period, affects the trajectories of social and economic integration of migrants and explains the absence of ‘ethnic areas’ in today’s Moscow.  相似文献   

This article attempts to shed light on a special kind of Orientalist discourse that circulates in Russian‐Israeli literature and press. This discourse feeds on the cultural sources buried in the Russian‐Soviet imperialist discourse about ‘Russia’s Orient', which has been articulated by modern Russian literature, including prominent Russian‐Jewish authors, and corresponds to the racially grounded discursive practices currently widespread in post‐Soviet Russia with regard to natives of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The article investigates the ways of transferring Orientalist concepts from the (post‐)Soviet cultural experience to the Israeli one, identifying the Orientalist discourse's dual role in shaping the immigrants' self‐awareness on two levels, the local and the global. On the local level, the Russian‐Israeli intelligentsia deploys ‘Soviet‐made’ Orientalist interpretative tools to read and decipher the reality of a new country, by presenting it as a familiar reality. Identifying and labeling the local Orientals — the Palestinians on the one hand and the Mizrahi Jews on the other — by means of negative concepts borrowed from the Russian‐Soviet Orientalist repertoire, a Russian‐Israeli intellectual locates her/himself within the Eurocentric Ashkenazi component of Israeli society. On the global level, the extreme Islamophobic rhetoric of the Russian‐Israeli Orientalist discourse, according to which today Israel and Russia, as well as the West, all share a common Islamic ‘enemy’, enables a Russian‐Israeli intellectual on the one hand to reassert her/his cultural ties with her/his country of origin, and on the other to heighten the validity of her/his self‐image as part of Western culture.  相似文献   


Central Asia, one of the most understudied areas in the world, is currently going through the upheavals of modernisation and nation formation. Arguing against the one-dimensional modernist conclusion that this process was arrested during the Soviet period, the article sets out to explore the complex weave of historical continuity and discontinuity in the formation of national identity in the new states. It argues against the notion that national identity involves the necessary dissolution of traditional ties. Moreover, the article substantially qualifies the contemporary theoretical trend to treat continuing elements of tradition as merely dead images of the past, given life by instrumental elites. Instead of nationality being posited as a one-dimensional form of identity, the article sets up an approach that emphasises the contradictory layering of identity.  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯成为其继承国。剧烈的社会变迁不但改变了俄罗斯大多数人的社会地位、生活状况,也彻底颠覆了俄罗斯人思想中形成的一系列认同,其中包括国家认同和民族认同。在新的社会历史条件下构建符合国家利益和人民利益的新认同,这不但是国家决策者的任务,也是社会人文科学者的社会责任。在此历史背景下,俄罗斯民族学家、社会活动家季什科夫率先提出俄罗斯公民民族构建理论。经过近二十年的发展,其理论不断完善,在社会实践层面也获得很大进步。本文拟从历史背景、理论根源、现实反应和社会实践几个环节入手,探讨这一理论在俄罗斯发展的过程中对俄罗斯多民族国家和社会发展的重要意义,也希望从这一理论中探寻对我国公民民族建设的有益启发。  相似文献   

在这个世纪之交俄国出现的民族主义思潮是后冷战时代重要的社会现象。俄国民族主义思潮包括两方面内容 :一是如何处理苏联遗留下来的民族遗产以及苏联解体带来的民族意识危机等问题 ,二是全球化时代西方社会对俄国民族问题的解读甚至干预、世界主流民族主义理论的发展对俄国民族主义现实状况所带来的挑战。俄国学术界处理民族主义问题常立足于民族传统文化 ,对解释国内民族主义问题有相当的说服力 ,但又限制了俄国民族主义思想进入国际主流学术界  相似文献   

本文以19世纪前期的中亚为背景,勾勒了该时期英俄争夺中亚,并达成1873年英俄协定的历史概貌,以便使我们对英俄进行殖民掠夺的本性有一个全新的认识.  相似文献   

肇始于19世纪的民族文化自治思想因背负资本主义骂名而遭到苏共的封杀。苏联解体后,俄罗斯联邦主要为了满足境内散居民族成员保存和发展自身语言及文化的需求,从1996年开始正式将"民族文化自治"作为调节本国民族关系的一项重要制度。该制度在俄罗斯联邦的实施,不仅是对其区域自治制度的一种补充,也对保护少数民族的文化权益、营造和谐的社会氛围及公民社会的构建等有着积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文从理论渊源、研究对象、研究方法和学术影响上对美、苏两种传统的民族生态学进行了比较,认为两者虽然都诞生于民族学或人类学界内部,从事研究的也主要都是人类学家或民族学家,但却有着较大区别。两者之间的根本差别在于前缀ethno-意义的区别。苏联/俄罗斯的ethno-ecology前缀ethno-仅表示着与民族(ethnos)相关,而并不像美国的ethno-ecology前缀ethno-,其意思乃是文化持有者的内部眼界,是一种主位的对人与环境相互关系的研究。  相似文献   

本文指出,杨增新、金树仁统治时期中国新疆同内地的贸易与同俄、英的贸易呈现出明显的差异,突出表现为对苏联的依赖。  相似文献   

Sports have long been an important point of expression in communal identity in the North Caucasus and recently came to serve as a forum for political dissent. This article examines the emergence and transformation of ethnic sport projects in the North Caucasus in connection with the 2014 Sochi Olympics. It charts the history and progress of two projects known as the Circassiada and the Caucasus Games and evaluates the debate of the sport-nation nexus in the North Caucasus. While the Circassiada and the Caucasus Games reflect the typical elite-driven narratives of border security and terrorism, they also highlight discussions over historical and cultural practices of nationhood and the boundaries of national identity.  相似文献   

中亚地处东西方交通要道、丝绸之路的核心区域,突厥语族民族在这一区域中扮演了重要角色.通过回顾相关文化理论及对这一区域和族群文化的实证研究表明,人类文化的变迁是通过逐渐的"过渡段落"实现的,而中亚及突厥族群的文化进程为实现欧亚大陆的文明衔接与动态分布做出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

This article problematises the uptake and use of digital technologies by migrant and refugee-background young people, through the lens of a site-based arts pedagogy program, Culture Shack (CS), in Melbourne, Australia. It argues that online pedagogies including animation, Facebook, photoshop, mobile phones and Youtube can be used effectively for bridging cultural, gender and educational gaps, if the ways in which they are applied engage with communication preferences and discourses of culture, ethnicity and digital media technology – including issues related to technological determinism. Drawing on Dimitriadis’ attention to the power of public pedagogies and cyberculture theorists such as Leung and Nakamura, this article frames creative ICT use as not merely a tool but a contested, negotiated space in which young participants shape educational transits of being and becoming, and arts-based digital learning as twenty-first century global pedagogies.  相似文献   

Political Islam in Central Asia is currently undergoing a transitional phase. Radical groups such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Hizb ut-Tahrir no longer monopolize the Islamist scene. There is now a new generation of Islamist leaders in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan that advocate a public role for Islam without seeking regime change. They can be called Islamo-democrats because they participate in elections and recognize the constitutional process. The article will examine and compare the biography, political career, and beliefs of three representatives of this political trend: Tursunbai Bakir Uulu, Bekbolat Tleukhan, and Mohiddin Kabiri. It will claim that the emergence of Islamo-democrats is partly the result of developments in Turkey, especially the rise to power of the Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi. Two factors account for the Turkish influence in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan: the successful diffusion of ideological norms and the importance that governments attach to maintaining good relations with Turkey.  相似文献   

本文分析了对中亚影响较大的三国在中亚的发展战略,以求有助于中国(主要是西北地区)制定对中亚的开放政策.  相似文献   

The Ukrainian-American community represents a unique acculturating community with respect to sociohistorical context, as well as specific demographic and cultural characteristics. The Ukrainian immigrant experience reflects the identity formed in relation to its challenges faced during the twentieth century and its complex relationship with the former Soviet Union. The purpose of this study was to examine the process of acculturation within the Ukrainian community in the United States and to examine how acculturation processes are related to attitudes on childrearing and traditional family formation. The participants for this sample included 188 participants drawn from the Ukrainian diaspora in Central New York. Analyses demonstrated the unique influence of religious beliefs and the simultaneous unique influence of both American identity and Ukrainian identity on attitudes towards traditional marriage formation and parenting. American identity was associated with more liberal attitudes towards divorce while both Ukrainian and American identity were associated with childrearing beliefs. Higher Ukrainian identity predicted more traditional parenting beliefs, while higher American identity predicted more progressive (less traditional) parenting beliefs. These results describe the distinctive features of the Ukrainian-American community in the United States that contribute to attitudes regarding marital behaviour as well as parenting beliefs.  相似文献   

Research on European Union (EU)–Russia cooperation in migration issues often neglects important actors involved in these seemingly bilateral arrangements. This paper questions the role that the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has been playing in the EU–Russia cooperation in migration management. The analysis is situated in the theoretical framework describing international organisations (IOs) as bureaucracies and within the discussions about international migration governance and migration management. The paper describes the context of the EU–Russia migration management cooperation and identifies the major activities of IOM in Russia. Treating IOs as bureaucracies that pursue their own interests, the paper argues that, far from being a mere implementing body, IOM is an actor that, to a significant extent, has shaped the outcome of EU–Russia migration dialogue. At the same time, it is the context of this bilateral cooperation that has allowed IOM to strengthen its position vis-à-vis both Russia and the EU and to be successful in the competition with other IOs.  相似文献   


By 2015, approximately 2.8 million refugees had arrived in Turkey: approximately 2.5 million from Syria and about 300,000 from other countries. By the end of the year, an estimated 850,000 had moved on to Greece and from there on to other E.U. countries. This onward flow represents a sudden change from 2014 when only 51,000 people exited Turkey for the E.U. This article investigates events in Turkey in 2015 in order to explain these processes. The theoretical framework analyses the interplay of what I describe as secondary root causes for flight. It examines conditions in Turkey as first country of arrival and considers the migration infrastructure as well as political opportunities and constraints. This paper is based on findings from two research projects conducted in 2014 and 2015 which included qualitative interviews with refugees and stakeholders, as well as field observations. It considers the main patterns emerging during this period of both inward and secondary migration, as well as changes over time from 2014 to 2016.  相似文献   


How do post-communist memorial museums in East-Central Europe tell stories about double occupation (by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union), collaboration, the Holocaust and victim narratives, and how have these narratives been influenced by accession to the European Union? How do the museums reference trends set by Holocaust memorial museums? The article shows that one group of museums invokes Europe and the Europeanization of the Holocaust. Other museums seek to contain certain aspects of the memory of Nazism so that it cannot compete with stories of Soviet crimes. Both incorporate elements from Holocaust memorial museums, indicating how universalized Holocaust remembrance is.  相似文献   

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