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对比分析“不及物动词 介词to结构”与“动词 带to不定式分句结构”的区别,总结以“vi to”构成的介词动词的主要特点,介绍“vi. to”结构的用法。  相似文献   

1.人们都觉得你是一个好人吗?是的——to 4不是——to 3不清楚——to 2 2.你比较认同下面哪种观点?人之初,性本善——to 4人之初,性本恶——to 3 3.你会选择一条怎样的人生路?生前享尽世间荣华,死后承受炼狱之苦——to 6生前贫困潦倒,死后进入极乐天国——to 5  相似文献   

Textbooks, as the most important learning sources, are supposed to lead students to acquire knowledge by themselves. This paper, by analyzing the characteristics of the previous textbooks, puts forward that the editor might as well transfer teaching materials into learning materials while compiling textbooks. The specific measures include: first, to render content in the light of the learning process; second, to reserve the margin for students to do learning easily via textbooks ; third, to innovate the style and layout through the form of links and highlight inquiry - based learning and autonomous learning; fourth, to follow the learning methods and improve students' learning ability.  相似文献   

The Progress and Tendency of China's Legislation Construction since China' s Reform and Opening up
CHANG Gui-xiang (School of Political Science and public Administration, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China)
During the reform and open policy for 30 years, China government' s legislation construction has achieved a remarkable achievement, simultaneously also faced some questions. In order to realize the comprehensive implementation to manage state affairs according to law and build socialism country under the rule of law goal, China' s government should try to ponder and to solve the following question in the future: to establish the authority of law and supremacy of law concept, to realize the authority movement government by law, as well as strengthening the protection of human rights and building the rule of law culture, to foster civil society.  相似文献   

Biofortification is an emerging intervention to alleviate hidden hunger in China.How to increase farmers’ adoption of biofortified agricultural products is a real problem of biofortification in a context of information asymmetry.Based on experimental method to investigate the influence of nutrition-information intervention on farmer’s willingness to adopt biofortified agricultural products,our research takes the example of iron-rich rice and discuss the moderating effect of value appeals,source of nutrition-information and the scale of farmer operations.The result reveals:1) in the context of information asymmetry,the nutrition-information intervention has a significant positive effect on farmers’ willingness to adopt biofortified agricultural products; 2) the relationship between nutrition-information intervention and farmers’ willingness to adopt is moderated by the farmers’ value appeals.No matter which value appeals farmers hold,nutrition-information intervention can improve their willingness to adopt,and the nutrition-information intervention has a more significant effect on nutrition oriented farmers’ willingness to adopt; 3) the relationship between nutrition-information intervention and farmers’ willingness to adopt is moderated by the scale of farmer.Compared with small-scale and large-scale farmers,nutrition-information intervention has a more significant effect on medium-scale farmers’ willingness to adopt iron-rich rice; 4) the relationship between nutrition-information intervention and farmers’ willingness to adopt is moderated by the source of nutrition-information.Compared with the information from seed companies,nutrition-information intervention has a more significant effect on farmers’ willingness to adopt when the information comes from government agencies,interpersonal communication and media.Therefore,it is suggested to enforce nutrition information intervention and pay attention to the moderating effect of farmers’ value appeals,source of nutrition-information and the scale of farmer operations on the impact of nutrition information intervention on farmers’ willingness to adopt.  相似文献   

The tagmemic linguistic theo ry is one of the most influential schools of the present-day linguistic disciplines,With its emphasis on tagmemes as the basic grammatical unit.Developed out of the tradition of American Structuralism,it differs,however,considerably from its predecessor in a number of important ways.This article aims to explore the fundamental,yet important notions essential to tagmemic analysis relative to its past and present,and attempts to bring to light Some of the major points that are often difficult to come to grips with for beginners.  相似文献   

According to the reform and opening-up policy to the outside world in our country,English has become a more common communication tool in today’s society.The schools at all levels also enhance the English teaching,even the kindergarden.It is important to improve the teaching quality.Teachers have to pay more attention to the research of language teaching.In English teaching classroom,teachers should not only use the oral language and written language to deliver the information,but also make use of the silent body language.Body language not only deepens the verbal language,but also takes an unsubstitutive effect on the verbal language.  相似文献   

1. Present situation of English teaching inmiddle schools. With the development of our society, English isbecoming more and more important in the Foreign tradeand other variows fields. So people begin to pay muchattention to it, but the students taught in the traditionalmethods are hard to adapt themselves to the demands ofthe society because the traditional teaching methods havethe following shortcomings: Fristly, owing to too manymechanical drills, the sutdents feel it difficult to learn  相似文献   

Introduction The factors of personality may be directly or indirectly related to learners' success in foreion language learning. A lot of research work has been devoted to elucidating what kinds of learner's characteristics appear to be related to success in learning a foreign language and in what way they are retatad. However,the results prove to be problematic. As a result,it is not easy for language teachers to evaluate and utilize the results of those in-  相似文献   

常用于正项级数判敛的方法——比较判别法:设正项级数sum from n=1 to ∞(U_n),sum from n=1 to ∞(V_n),且U_n≤V_n 1.若sum from n=1 to ∞(V_n)收敛,则sum from n=1 to ∞(U_n)收敛 2.若sum from n=1 to ∞(U_n)发散,则sum from n=1 to ∞(V_n)发散 这个判敛法简单朴实,但也容易使人想到,收敛或发散的级数是否存在收敛或发散得最慢的呢?答案是否定的。 定义1 设正项级sum from n=1 to ∞(U_n),sum from n=1 to ∞(V_n)都收敛,若,则称sum from n=1 to ∞(U_n)收敛较sum from n=1 to ∞(V_n)慢。 下面所设的级数都是正项级数。 定理1 存在比任何收敛级数收敛更慢的收敛级数。  相似文献   

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