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This paper develops a test for comparing treatment effects when observations are missing at random for repeated measures data on independent subjects. It is assumed that missingness at any occasion follows a Bernoulli distribution. It is shown that the distribution of the vector of linear rank statistics depends on the unknown parameters of the probability law that governs missingness, which is absent in the existing conditional methods employing rank statistics. This dependence is through the variance–covariance matrix of the vector of linear ranks. The test statistic is a quadratic form in the linear rank statistics when the variance–covariance matrix is estimated. The limiting distribution of the test statistic is derived under the null hypothesis. Several methods of estimating the unknown components of the variance–covariance matrix are considered. The estimate that produces stable empirical Type I error rate while maintaining the highest power among the competing tests is recommended for implementation in practice. Simulation studies are also presented to show the advantage of the proposed test over other rank-based tests that do not account for the randomness in the missing data pattern. Our method is shown to have the highest power while also maintaining near-nominal Type I error rates. Our results clearly illustrate that even for an ignorable missingness mechanism, the randomness in the pattern of missingness cannot be ignored. A real data example is presented to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A general nonparametric imputation procedure, based on kernel regression, is proposed to estimate points as well as set- and function-indexed parameters when the data are missing at random (MAR). The proposed method works by imputing a specific function of a missing value (and not the missing value itself), where the form of this specific function is dictated by the parameter of interest. Both single and multiple imputations are considered. The associated empirical processes provide the right tool to study the uniform convergence properties of the resulting estimators. Our estimators include, as special cases, the imputation estimator of the mean, the estimator of the distribution function proposed by Cheng and Chu [1996. Kernel estimation of distribution functions and quantiles with missing data. Statist. Sinica 6, 63–78], imputation estimators of a marginal density, and imputation estimators of regression functions.  相似文献   

The author considers estimation under a Gamma process model for degradation data. The setting for degradation data is one in which n independent units, each with a Gamma process with a common shape function and scale parameter, are observed at several possibly different times. Covariates can be incorporated into the model by taking the scale parameter as a function of the covariates. The author proposes using the maximum pseudo‐likelihood method to estimate the unknown parameters. The method requires usage of the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm. Asymptotic properties, including consistency, convergence rate and asymptotic distribution, are established. Simulation studies are conducted to validate the method and its application is illustrated by using bridge beams data and carbon‐film resistors data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 102‐118; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

P Ibabbola  R Velez 《Statistics》2013,47(3):471-482
For a multidimensional continuous time GAUssian process whose mean vector depends linearly of a multidimensional parameter, we consider a sequential estimation niodel. A suitable estimator process is constructed, and its distributions are analyzed in order to prove that it is progressively sufficient, After the reduction by sufficiency, an invariant structure is introduced and the optimal invariant terminal decision function is obtained.  相似文献   

The maximum likeihood estimate is considered for an intraclass correlation coefficent in a bivariate normal distribution when some observations on either of the varibles are missuing. The estimate is given as the soulution of a polynomial equation of degree seven. An approximate confidence interval and a test procedure for the intraclass correlation are constricted based on an asymptotic variance stabilizing transformation of the resulting estimator. The distributional results are also considered under violation of the normality assumption. A Monte Carlo study was performed to examine the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and to evaluate the proposed procedures for hypotheses testing and interval estimation.  相似文献   

This study considers the nonparametric estimation of a regression function when the response variable is the waiting time between two consecutive events of a stationary renewal process, and where this variable is not completely observed. In these circumstances, our data are the recurrence times from the occurrence of the last event up to a pre-established time, along with the corresponding values of a certain set of covariates. Estimation of the error density function and some of its characteristics are also considered. For the proposed estimators, we first analyze their asymptotic behavior and, thereafter, carry out a simulation study to highlight their behavior in finite samples. Finally, we apply this methodology to an illustrative example with biomedical data.  相似文献   

Right, left or interval censored multivariate data can be represented by an intersection graph. Focussing on the bivariate case, the authors relate the structure of such an intersection graph to the support of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for such data. They distinguish two types of non‐uniqueness of the NPMLE: representational, arising when the likelihood is unaffected by the distribution of the estimated probability mass within regions, and mixture, arising when the masses themselves are not unique. The authors provide a brief overview of estimation techniques and examine three data sets.  相似文献   

In this article, the least squares (LS) estimates of the parameters of periodic autoregressive (PAR) models are investigated for various distributions of error terms via Monte-Carlo simulation. Beside the Gaussian distribution, this study covers the exponential, gamma, student-t, and Cauchy distributions. The estimates are compared for various distributions via bias and MSE criterion. The effect of other factors are also examined as the non-constancy of model orders, the non-constancy of the variances of seasonal white noise, the period length, and the length of the time series. The simulation results indicate that this method is in general robust for the estimation of AR parameters with respect to the distribution of error terms and other factors. However, the estimates of those parameters were, in some cases, noticeably poor for Cauchy distribution. It is also noticed that the variances of estimates of white noise variances are highly affected by the degree of skewness of the distribution of error terms.  相似文献   

A sequence of empirical Bayes estimators is given for estimating a distribution function. It is shown that ‘i’ this sequence is asymptotically optimum relative to a Gamma process prior, ‘ii’ the overall expected loss approaches the minimum Bayes risk at a rate of n , and ‘iii’ the estimators form a sequence of proper distribution functions. Finally, the numerical example presented by Susarla and Van Ryzin ‘Ann. Statist., 6, 1978’ reworked by Phadia ‘Ann. Statist., 1, 1980, to appear’ has been analyzed and the results are compared to the numerical results by Phadia  相似文献   

Two nonparametric estimators o f the survival distributionare discussed. The estimators were proposed by Kaplan and Meier (1958) and Breslow (1972) and are applicable when dealing with censored data. It is known that they are asymptotically unbiased and uniformly strongly consistent, and when properly normalized that they converge weakly to the same Gaussian process. In this paper, the properties of the estimators are carefully inspected in small or moderate samples. The Breslow estimator, a shrinkage version of the Kaplan-Meier, nearly always has the smaller mean square error (MSE) whenever the truesurvival probabilityis at least 0.20, but has considerably larger MSE than the Kaplan-Meier estimator when the survivalprobability is near zero.  相似文献   

The expected inactivity time (EIT) function (also known as the mean past lifetime function) is a well known reliability function which has application in many disciplines such as survival analysis, actuarial studies and forensic science, to name but a few. In this paper, we use a fixed design local polynomial fitting technique to obtain estimators for the EIT function when the lifetime random variable has an unknown distribution. It will be shown that the proposed estimators are asymptotically unbiased, consistent and also, when standardized, has an asymptotic normal distribution. An optimal bandwidth, which minimizes the AMISE (asymptotic mean integrated squared error) of the estimator, is derived. Numerical examples based on simulated samples from various lifetime distributions common in reliability studies will be presented to evaluate the performances of these estimators. Finally, three real life applications will also be presented to further illustrate the wide applicability of these estimators.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the second-order least squares estimation, which is an extension of the ordinary least squares method, for censored regression models where the error term has a general parametric distribution (not necessarily normal). The strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator are derived under fairly general regularity conditions. We also propose a computationally simpler estimator which is consistent and asymptotically normal under the same regularity conditions. Finite sample behavior of the proposed estimators under both correctly and misspecified models are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. The simulation results show that the proposed estimator using optimal weighting matrix performs very similar to the maximum likelihood estimator, and the estimator with the identity weight is more robust against the misspecification.  相似文献   

The conditional mean residual life (MRL) function is the expected remaining lifetime of a system given survival past a particular time point and the values of a set of predictor variables. This function is a valuable tool in reliability and actuarial studies when the right tail of the distribution is of interest, and can be more informative than the survivor function. In this paper, we identify theoretical limitations of some semi-parametric conditional MRL models, and propose two nonparametric methods of estimating the conditional MRL function. Asymptotic properties such as consistency and normality of our proposed estimators are established. We investigate via simulation study the empirical properties of the proposed estimators, including bootstrap pointwise confidence intervals. Using Monte Carlo simulations we compare the proposed nonparametric estimators to two popular semi-parametric methods of analysis, for varying types of data. The proposed estimators are demonstrated on the Veteran’s Administration lung cancer trial.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is to derive the Bayes and the empirical Bayes estimators of an unknown survival function F under progressively censored data with respect to the squared error loss function and a Dirichlet process prior using the fact that the posterior distribution of F given the data is a mixture of Dirichlet processes, and the assumption that the survival and the censor in0- distributions are continuous.  相似文献   

Consider a population of n individuals that move independently among a finite set {1, 2,……, k} of states in a sequence of trials. t = 0. 1, 2,…, m. each according to a Markov chain with transition probability matrix P . This paper deals with the problem of estimating P on the basis of aggregate data which record only the numbers of individuals that occupy each of the k states at times t = 0. 1,2,……,m. Estimation is accomplished using conditional least squares, and asymptotic results are verified for the case n → ∞. A weighted least-squares estimator is introduced and compared with previous estimators. Some comments are made on estimability questions that arise when only aggregate data are available.  相似文献   

In earlier work, Kirchner [An estimation procedure for the Hawkes process. Quant Financ. 2017;17(4):571–595], we introduced a nonparametric estimation method for the Hawkes point process. In this paper, we present a simulation study that compares this specific nonparametric method to maximum-likelihood estimation. We find that the standard deviations of both estimation methods decrease as power-laws in the sample size. Moreover, the standard deviations are proportional. For example, for a specific Hawkes model, the standard deviation of the branching coefficient estimate is roughly 20% larger than for MLE – over all sample sizes considered. This factor becomes smaller when the true underlying branching coefficient becomes larger. In terms of runtime, our method clearly outperforms MLE. The present bias of our method can be well explained and controlled. As an incidental finding, we see that also MLE estimates seem to be significantly biased when the underlying Hawkes model is near criticality. This asks for a more rigorous analysis of the Hawkes likelihood and its optimization.  相似文献   

This paper examines the formation of maximum likelihood estimates of cell means in analysis of variance problems for cells with missing observations. Methods of estimating the means for missing cells has a long history which includes iterative maximum likelihood techniques, approximation techniques and ad hoc techniques. The use of the EM algorithm to form maximum likelihood estimates has resolved most of the issues associated with this problem. Implementation of the EM algorithm entails specification of a reduced model. As demonstrated in this paper, when there are several missing cells, it is possible to specify a reduced model that results in an unidentifiable likelihood. The EM algorithm in this case does not converge, although the slow divergence may often be mistaken by the unwary as convergence. This paper presents a simple matrix method of determining whether or not the reduced model results in an identifiable likelihood, and consequently in an EM algorithm that converges. We also show the EM algorithm in this case to be equivalent to a method which yields a closed form solution.  相似文献   

Failure time data subject to three progressive Type-I multistage censoring schemes are studied. Product limit estimators are proposed for the estimation of the survival function. It is shown that the resulting estimators are asymptotically equivalent to the corresponding estimators where the data are subject to a random iid right censoring scheme. Many well-known results on confidence bands and tests for randomly right censored data hold for these progressive censoring schemes.  相似文献   

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