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图们江发源于长白山天池,是中国东北地区的一条大河.历史上的氵岁貊、沃沮、高句丽、靺鞨、女真、满等民族,都曾在这块土地上繁衍生息,并创造了图们江流域所特有的历史与文化和繁盛的都市文明.尤其是7-10世纪,靺鞨族在图们江流域建立了靺鞨国的王都,在接受中原大唐文化的基础上,又建立了渤海国的中京显德府和东京龙源府,成为当时东亚地区的"海东盛国".渤海国在图们江流域兴起,开创了与日本隔海交流的历史新纪元.  相似文献   

一、综合开发“一江两河”流域的意义综合开发雅鲁藏布江中游、年楚河、拉萨河流域地区,即所谓的“一江两河”流域,是西藏自治区各行各业的专家、学者和从事政治、经济工作的同志,在充分调查研究、反复论证的基础上所取得的共同认识。“一江两河”流域的农业综合开发,对西藏经济和  相似文献   

关于赫哲族的活动区域,人们一直认为他们自古以来一直活动在三江流域.通过历史传说、考古调查以及史书记载三个视角考证,赫哲先人的活动范围至少包括黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江、牡丹江以及嫩江等五江流域.  相似文献   

着重以史籍文献中关于瑶族迁徙及分布记载为依据,探讨粤西江流域瑶族外迁之成因,以为有三大成因一是封建官兵的残酷剿杀,导致瑶族人口大量流失;二是封建官府的"移民实边",侵占了瑶民的土地家园;三是封建王朝的剿抚兼施,导致瑶民逐步向化.  相似文献   

1985年11月,有幸参加了广西壮族自治区人民政府组织的“广西左江流域崖壁画考察团”,先后对广西南部左江流域的宁明花山、高山,龙州的棉江花山,崇左的驮角、驮柏,扶绥的吞平山、仙人山、岜赖山、岜割山、镇龙山等崖壁画地点进行了为期十天的重点考察,使我对左江流域崖壁画的题材内容、年代、族属、艺术特色和社会功能等问题有了进一步认识。由于篇幅所限,以上诸问题留作今后讨论,本文只对左江崖壁画  相似文献   

这是一个广泛的论题,不得不对所论述的地域和时期加以限定。根据《金史·地理志》和《大金国志》的记载,依我的理解,一般说来狭义的“金源内地”主要指以按出虎水流域为中心的上京地区,而广义的“内地”则应包括上京路及其下辖的蒲峪路,胡里改路、恤品路和曷懒路等共五个路的地界。这从《金史·地理志》十九路中把其余四路统通归入上京路之下便可以证明,而《大金国志》中的金国二十路则只铠有会宁府路(即上京路),亦未列出其余四路的名称(《大金国志》比《金史·地理志》多一临潢府路)。按现代地理观念,这一范围基本上相当于现今的黑龙江流域这一广大区域,以及另外一些地方。而在时间  相似文献   

鄂伦春族是我国少数民族中人口稀少的民族,解放前还不到两千人。主要聚居在我国东北的大兴安岭东麓,嫩江流域上游各支流的广大原始森林地区。 鄂伦春族有自己的语言,语言属阿尔泰语系满—通古斯语支,无文字,清朝时期通用满文,辛亥革命后,通用汉文。鄂伦春族历史悠久,早在公元前,就已经世世代代游猎于精奇里江流域及外兴安岭一带。  相似文献   

十七世纪和十八世纪黑龙江的历史,与达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春等少数民族开发建设黑龙江流域有着密不可分的联系。同样黑龙江大片土地的陷落,也与黑龙江将军频繁移治有一定关系。本文拟就黑龙江大片土地的陷落及与黑龙江将军频繁移治的关系等相关问题进行探讨。 黑龙江流域长期以来一直没有相应的行政管理机构,更没有军事防务设施。即便元朝在今瑷珲地方设过失宝赤或色布奇万户府。明朝沿黑龙江流域设了很多卫  相似文献   

在重点综合开发一江两河地区的大背景下,农业综合开发也在国家的大力支持下拉开了序幕。一江两河中部流域地区是西藏农村经济的发展极,而农业综合开发区则是一江两河地区的经济增长点,共同活跃了一方经济,富裕了一片群众,稳定了社会。六年来,我区顺利组织实施了第一期(1990-1992年)、第二期(1993-1995年)国家农发项目和1996年农发项目。我区的农业综合开发经历了一个由试验到逐步规范,由单纯的政府行为向以社会经济行为为主过渡,由一江两河十八个县向全区的创业过程,一个投资结构多元化、开发形式多样化、开发目标多重化、开…  相似文献   

左右江、邕江流域──壮侗语民族原始居民的家园与稻作农业起源的中心之一覃乃昌左江、右江。邕江流域包括今南宁、百色两地区的大部分县。这是一个自然地理环境特殊的区域,也是充满着许多至今仍难以解开的历史文化之谜的区域。整个流域由西北向东南呈长槽形,右江象一条...  相似文献   

随着历史上各个时期的移民运动,客家人不断进入壮族聚居地区,逐渐形成壮族与客家杂居的局面.在壮族与客家杂居地区,壮族的分布以桂西南、桂西最为集中,往东逐渐递减;客家的分布以桂东南最为集中,往桂西、桂西北逐渐递减,桂中地区是壮族与客家杂居最为普遍的地区.总的来说,客家人在壮族地区的分布呈现出大分散、小聚居的特点,这种分布格局的出现是和历史上客家与壮族的迁移以及民族融合密切相关的.  相似文献   

This article investigates the conflict between a shared national identity and immigration, posed by liberal, instrumental nationalists. They worry that immigration will undermine a shared national identity that is needed to generate trust and solidarity within the democratic welfare state. The article consists of a qualitative study of Swedish and British respondents. The main conclusion is that people experience and interpret their shared identity, ideas of belonging and exclusion in the democratic welfare state differently, with different consequences for the proposed conflict. When identity and belonging was tied to contributions or to institutions, rather than a nation, the conflict between a shared identity and immigration was cushioned.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of national pride on immigration. The main question is whether national pride in Iranian residents of Canada, those who applied for immigration to Canada and Tehran residents is different. A total of 75 Iranian residents who were living in Canada, 99 Iranians who had applied for immigration to Canada and 98 Iranians who were living in Tehran participated in the study and filled out the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) questionnaire. Participants in the three groups were generally matched in terms of their demographic characteristics. Results revealed that in all items, except for two, there were significant differences between groups – that is, Iranian residents of Canada had the lowest national pride, while non-immigrant Iranians had the highest national pride. Although the national pride scores of the immigration applicants were between those of the immigrants and non-immigrants, the former group was more similar to the immigrants. Discussion is focused on explaining the reporting role of different components of national pride in forming one's attitude towards immigration. It is concluded that political dissatisfaction, accompanied by a sense of low levels of social welfare, leads to reduce social attachment and brings up the immigration issues. It is also concluded that one of the most effective and urgent strategies to increase national pride in Iran is to put more emphasis and attention on Iran's culture, art and history.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the interplay of parties' preferences, political institutions and electoral competition affects the liberalisation of immigration policies. It joins a growing body of research that focuses on the role of domestic factors in shaping immigration policies. While several studies point to the important role of partisanship and the activation of public opinion, they fail to provide a clear mechanism that takes into account differences in parties' preferences as well as the institutional context they act in. By adding two crucial factors to the analysis, this paper presents a new framework for liberal change in the field of immigration politics. First, institutional veto points determine if left-of-centre parties can reform policies according to their preferences. Second, the degree of electoral competition and the politicisation of immigration issues affect how susceptible political parties are to the anti-immigrant sentiment in the population. A time-series cross-section analysis of 11 countries from 1980 to 2006 shows that left-of-centre governments are more likely to pass liberal reforms, but only if they are not facing an open veto point. Moreover, increased levels of electoral competition coupled with a politicisation of the immigration issue reduces the likelihood of liberal reforms.  相似文献   

阳镇  李烜 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):11-21,92-95
International trade and investment have been two major topics in the field of interna-tional economics. They are also two main ways to deepen foreign economic ties. With the rapid de-velopment of the China—ASEAN free trade area and the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, international trade and investment have had an important influ-ence on the ethnic areas of Guangxi. Guangxi is a frontier and coastal minority area, and as well as an important window opening on to the ASEAN e-conomic sphere and economic hinterland. It has great power and vitality for economic development within the ASEAN economic sphere. However, Guangxi, if compared with domestic developed are-as, is a relatively backward region within China’s economy. Its level for utilizing FDI( Foreign Direct Investment) lags behind, and its foreign trade vol-ume has definitely lagged far behind that in the more developed coastal provinces. This has severe-ly restricted the economic and social transformation of the Guangxi, and is an important obstacle for re-alizing a “well -off” society in ethnic areas. In recent years, resulting in the increasing external dependency in ethnic areas, the development of foreign investment has kept steady. This has played an important role in promoting technological progress and adjusting the industrial structure in ethnic areas. At the same time, foreign investment has also increased the speed of the ethnic minority areas’ ability to absorb advanced technology and management experience. This, in turn, has had great significance for further exploring international markets. However, the various regions in China have differences in their utilization of FDI and for-eign trade, so, effective an evaluation for exploring foreign trade and FDI has had a specific effect on the economic growth in ethnic areas, which can provide certain reference points for ethnic minority areas to formulate economic policy. Based on the relevant data of exports, imports and economic growth collected between 1990 and 2013 for Guan-gxi, and using statistical analysis and the econo-metric regression method, this article studies the relationship between FDI, foreign trade and eco-nomic growth in ethnic minority areas of Guangxi.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the history of immigration and demographics of British Muslims and analyzes the relevant characteristics that influence their political representation in the country. Such factors include immigration patterns, demographic characteristics of Muslim groups and coalition versus group competition trends, political mobilization patterns, the politics of race, and the dynamics of party–minority relations. The paper also provides original data on elected Muslims in British local and national government and examines the electoral power, political identity, social behavior, civic and political participation, and representation of Muslims in the larger British community.  相似文献   

张玉洁  颜廷 《世界民族》2020,(2):95-108
作为一个拥有悠久移民历史的国家,移民问题贯穿在澳大利亚历史上的每一个篇章中,而霍华德政府时期的移民人口结构则奠定了当代澳大利亚移民人口结构的基本形态,因此研究霍华德政府时期的移民人口结构更有助于认识当代澳大利亚社会。本文从回顾澳大利亚的移民历史着手,分别从移民的类别与年龄、来源国、性别结构、地区分布、受教育水平与英语水平这五方面来研究霍华德政府时期移民人口结构的特点,探寻移民人口结构变化对澳大利亚社会产生的诸多影响。  相似文献   

特朗普执政后,美国对墨西哥移民政策越发紧缩。回顾美墨之间的历史,美国对墨西哥移民政策一直呈现钟摆化。表现为美国政府在该问题上的立场钟摆化、法案钟摆化和执法模式钟摆化,导致了一系列墨西哥族裔在美国认同危机和两国关系的恶化。钟摆化对墨移民政策有很多的负面影响,基于三种不同的假设,未来美墨之间在墨西哥移民议题上仍会采取合作大于对抗的模式。美国为了避免对墨移民政策的钟摆化带来的失衡结果,追求稳定连续的措施和对墨友好合作才是解决之道。  相似文献   

People living in developing countries want to migrate to developed countries because of increasing economic disparities. They are attracted to migrate because of material affluence, economic prosperity and political stability of the developed world. Canadian immigration laws restrict immigration for people of different social classes in developing countries like Bangladesh and, therefore, it becomes attractive for both Bangladeshi men and women to migrate to Canada through marriage. How restrictive is the Canadian immigration policy in limiting international migration? How does individuals’ immigration or citizenship status in Canada transform them into desirable brides or grooms? What are the expectations of immigrant brides and grooms? How is marriage used as a strategy to immigrate to Canada? I focus on Bangladeshi immigration to Canada and argue that both Bangladeshi men and women are interested to migrate to Canada through marriage due to restrictive Canadian immigration policies.  相似文献   

广西北部湾经济区文化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西北部湾经济区文化发展是作为国家战略的<广西北部湾经济区发展规划>不可缺少的有机部分.根据文化发展理论与区域文化现状,探索适合北部湾城市群文化发展模式,目标是建设一个经济发达、社会文明、文化繁荣的文化城市群.其核心是,共建文化服务体系、共建文化市场体系、共建文化企业体系、共同配置文化资源、共同制定文化政策、共同实行文化体制改革,为国内中西部地区的文化发展起到示范与引领作用.  相似文献   

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