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A new class of Bayesian estimators for a proportion in multistage binomial designs is considered. Priors belong to the beta-J distribution family, which is derived from the Fisher information associated with the design. The transposition of the beta parameters of the Haldane and the uniform priors in fixed binomial experiments into the beta-J distribution yields bias-corrected versions of these priors in multistage designs. We show that the estimator of the posterior mean based on the corrected Haldane prior and the estimator of the posterior mode based on the corrected uniform prior have good frequentist properties. An easy-to-use approximation of the estimator of the posterior mode is provided. The new Bayesian estimators are compared to Whitehead's and the uniformly minimum variance estimators through several multistage designs. Last, the bias of the estimator of the posterior mode is derived for a particular case.  相似文献   

A robust estimator is developed for Poisson mixture models with a known number of components. The proposed estimator minimizes the L2 distance between a sample of data and the model. When the component distributions are completely known, the estimators for the mixing proportions are in closed form. When the parameters for the component Poisson distributions are unknown, numerical methods are needed to calculate the estimators. Compared to the minimum Hellinger distance estimator, the minimum L2 estimator can be less robust to extreme outliers, and often more robust to moderate outliers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study M-estimators of regression parameters in semiparametric linear models for censored data. A class of consistent and asymptotically normal M-estimators is constructed. A resampling method is developed for the estimation of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimators.  相似文献   

In this study, as alternatives to the maximum likelihood (ML) and the frequency estimators, we propose robust estimators for the parameters of Zipf and Marshall–Olkin Zipf distributions. A small simulation study is given to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators. We apply the proposed estimators to a real data set from cancer research to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators over the ML, moments and frequency estimators. We observe that the robust estimators have superiority over the frequency estimators based on classical sample mean.  相似文献   

In this study, new unbiased and nonlinear estimators based on order statistics are proposed for the family of symmetric location-scale distributions and these estimators can be computed from both uncensored and symmetric doubly Type II censored samples. In addition, other relevant unbiased estimators are proposed to estimate standard deviations of these new estimators. A simulation study has been performed to evaluate the performance of the new estimators compared to BLU estimators for small sample sizes. As a result of the simulation study, the new estimators proposed for the location-scale family in general performed nearly as good as BLU estimators. Furthermore, the computational advantage of the proposed estimators over BLU and ML estimators are worthy of notice. In addition, these new estimators have been applied to real data, and the estimation results obtained have been compatible with those of BLUE methods.  相似文献   

Presence of collinearity among the explanatory variables results in larger standard errors of parameters estimated. When multicollinearity is present among the explanatory variables, the ordinary least-square (OLS) estimators tend to be unstable due to larger variance of the estimators of the regression coefficients. As alternatives to OLS estimators few ridge estimators are available in the literature. This article presents some of the popular ridge estimators and attempts to provide (i) a generalized class of ridge estimators and (ii) a modified ridge estimator. The performance of the proposed estimators is investigated with the help of Monte Carlo simulation technique. Simulation results indicate that the suggested estimators perform better than the ordinary least-square (OLS) estimators and other estimators considered in this article.  相似文献   

The improved large sample estimation theory for the probabilities of multi¬nomial distribution is developed under uncertain prior information (UPI) that the true proportion is a known quantity. Several estimators based on pretest and the Stein-type shrinkage rules are constructed. The expressions for the bias and risk of the proposed estimators are derived and compared with the maximum likelihood (ml) estimators. It is demonstrated that the shrinkage estimators are superior to the ml estimators. It is also shown that none of the preliminary test and shrinkage estimators dominate each other, though they perform y/ell relative to the ml estimators. The relative dominance picture of the estimators is presented. A simulation study is carried out to assess the performance of the estimators numerically in small samples.  相似文献   

We propose penalized-likelihood methods for parameter estimation of high dimensional t distribution. First, we show that a general class of commonly used shrinkage covariance matrix estimators for multivariate normal can be obtained as penalized-likelihood estimator with a penalty that is proportional to the entropy loss between the estimate and an appropriately chosen shrinkage target. Motivated by this fact, we then consider applying this penalty to multivariate t distribution. The penalized estimate can be computed efficiently using EM algorithm for given tuning parameters. It can also be viewed as an empirical Bayes estimator. Taking advantage of its Bayesian interpretation, we propose a variant of the method of moments to effectively elicit the tuning parameters. Simulations and real data analysis demonstrate the competitive performance of the new methods.  相似文献   

The Yule-Walker estimators of the AR coefficients of a causal multidimensional AR model are obtained by replacing the autocovariances with their estimators in the Yule-Walker equations. It is shown that only unbiased-type estimators of the autocovariances yield consistency of the Yule-Walker estimators. Also, the asymptotic joint distribution of the Yule-Walker estimators is presented.  相似文献   

In the present article, we propose the generalized ratio-type and generalized ratio-exponential-type estimators for population mean in adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) under modified Horvitz-Thompson estimator. The proposed estimators utilize the auxiliary information in combination of conventional measures (coefficient of skewness, coefficient of variation, correlation coefficient, covariance, coefficient of kurtosis) and robust measures (tri-mean, Hodges-Lehmann, mid-range) to increase the efficiency of the estimators. Properties of the proposed estimators are discussed using the first order of approximation. The simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performances of the estimators. The results reveal that the proposed estimators are more efficient than competing estimators for population mean in ACS under both modified Hansen-Hurwitz and Horvitz-Thompson estimators.  相似文献   

In this article we assess the suitability of two new ridge estimators by means of a simulation study. We compare these estimators with well-known ridge estimators. We also make direct comparisons between the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator and the ridge estimators by using ratio of the average total mean square error of the OLS estimator and the ridge estimators. We find that the new estimators perform well under certain conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, two new types of estimators of the location and scale parameters are proposed having high efficiency and robustness; the dynamically weighted modified maximum likelihood (DWMML) and the combined dynamically weighted modified maximum likelihood (CDWMML) estimators. Three pairs of the DWMML and two pairs of the CDWMML estimators of the location and scale parameters are produced, namely, the DWMML1, the DWMML2 and the DWMML3, and the CDWMML1 and the CDWMML2 estimators, respectively. Based on the simulation results, the DWMML1 estimators of the location and scale parameters are almost fully efficient (under normality) and robust at the same time. The DWMML3 estimators are asymptotically fully efficient and more robust than the M-estimators. The DWMML2 estimators are a compromise between efficiency and robustness. The CDWMML1 and CDWMML2 estimators are jointly very efficient and robust. Particularly, the CDWMML1 and CDWMML2 estimators of the scale parameter are superior compared to the other estimators of the scale parameter.  相似文献   

Simultaneous estimation of poisson logits is considered in a 2xp contingency table under entropy loss. Classical estimators, which are corrected versions of the maximum likeihood estimators, are obtained as generalized Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators. Finally, improved estimators are obtained which domicate the generalized Bayes estimators.  相似文献   


Estimation of quantiles from two normal populations is considered under the assumption of common mean and ordered variances. Several new estimators have been proposed using certain estimators of the common mean, including the plug-in type restricted MLE. A sufficient condition for improving equivariant estimators is proved and as a result improved estimators are derived. The percentage of risk improvements for each of the improved estimators have been computed numerically, which are quite significant. All the improved estimators have been compared numerically using Monte-Carlo simulation method. Finally, recommendations have been made for the use of estimators in practice.  相似文献   

This article considers pairwise-difference rank estimators of the coefficient vector in a transformation model. These estimators, like other existing rank estimators, require no subjective bandwidth choice. Monte Carlo simulations, numerical asymptotic efficiency comparisons, and two empirical applications suggest that the proposed estimators perform well in comparison with existing semiparametric estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new family of robust estimators for ARMA models. These estimators are defined by replacing the residual sample autocovariances in the least squares equations by autocovariances based on ranks. The asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators is provided. The efficiency and robustness properties of these estimators are studied. An adequate choice of the score functions gives estimators which have high efficiency under normality and robustness in the presence of outliers. The score functions can also be chosen so that the resulting estimators are asymptotically as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimators for a given distribution.  相似文献   

The present study deals with three different invarint quadratic unbiased estimators (IQUE) for variance components namely quadratic least squares estimators (QLSE), weighted quadratic least squares estimators (WQLSE) and Mitra type estimators (MTE). The variance and covariances of these three different estimators are presented for unbalanced one-way random model. The relative performances of these estimators are assessed based on different optimality criteria like, D-optimality, T-optimality and M-optimality together with variances of these estimators. As a result, it has been shown that MTE has optimal properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest three new ratio estimators of the population mean using quartiles of the auxiliary variable when there are missing data from the sample units. The suggested estimators are investigated under the simple random sampling method. We obtain the mean square errors equations for these estimators. The suggested estimators are compared with the sample mean and ratio estimators in the case of missing data. Also, they are compared with estimators in Singh and Horn [Compromised imputation in survey sampling, Metrika 51 (2000), pp. 267–276], Singh and Deo [Imputation by power transformation, Statist. Papers 45 (2003), pp. 555–579], and Kadilar and Cingi [Estimators for the population mean in the case of missing data, Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods, 37 (2008), pp. 2226–2236] and present under which conditions the proposed estimators are more efficient than other estimators. In terms of accuracy and of the coverage of the bootstrap confidence intervals, the suggested estimators performed better than other estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the location and scale parameters of an extreme value distribution based on multiply Type-II censored samples. We first describe the best linear unbiased estimators and the maximum likelihood estimators of these parameters. After observing that the best linear unbiased estimators need the construction of some tables for its coefficients and that the maximum likelihood estimators do not exist in an explicit algebraic form and hence need to be found by numerical methods, we develop approximate maximum likelihood estimators by appropriately approximating the likelihood equations. In addition to being simple explicit estimators, these estimators turn out to be nearly as efficient as the best linear unbiased estimators and the maximum likelihood estimators. Next, we derive the asymptotic variances and covariance of these estimators in terms of the first two single moments and the product moments of order statistics from the standard extreme value distribution. Finally, we present an example in order to illustrate all the methods of estimation of parameters discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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