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In this paper, we consider the shrinkage and penalty estimation procedures in the linear regression model with autoregressive errors of order p when it is conjectured that some of the regression parameters are inactive. We develop the statistical properties of the shrinkage estimation method including asymptotic distributional biases and risks. We show that the shrinkage estimators have a significantly higher relative efficiency than the classical estimator. Furthermore, we consider the two penalty estimators: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and adaptive LASSO estimators, and numerically compare their relative performance with that of the shrinkage estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is conducted for different combinations of inactive predictors and the performance of each estimator is evaluated in terms of the simulated mean-squared error. This study shows that the shrinkage estimators are comparable to the penalty estimators when the number of inactive predictors in the model is relatively large. The shrinkage and penalty methods are applied to a real data set to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

We introduce in this paper, the shrinkage estimation method in the lognormal regression model for censored data involving many predictors, some of which may not have any influence on the response of interest. We develop the asymptotic properties of the shrinkage estimators (SEs) using the notion of asymptotic distributional biases and risks. We show that if the shrinkage dimension exceeds two, the asymptotic risk of the SEs is strictly less than the corresponding classical estimators. Furthermore, we study the penalty (LASSO and adaptive LASSO) estimation methods and compare their relative performance with the SEs. A simulation study for various combinations of the inactive predictors and censoring percentages shows that the SEs perform better than the penalty estimators in certain parts of the parameter space, especially when there are many inactive predictors in the model. It also shows that the shrinkage and penalty estimators outperform the classical estimators. A real-life data example using Worcester heart attack study is used to illustrate the performance of the suggested estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose Stein‐type shrinkage estimators for the parameter vector of a Poisson regression model when it is suspected that some of the parameters may be restricted to a subspace. We develop the properties of these estimators using the notion of asymptotic distributional risk. The shrinkage estimators are shown to have higher efficiency than the classical estimators for a wide class of models. Furthermore, we consider three different penalty estimators: the LASSO, adaptive LASSO, and SCAD estimators and compare their relative performance with that of the shrinkage estimators. Monte Carlo simulation studies reveal that the shrinkage strategy compares favorably to the use of penalty estimators, in terms of relative mean squared error, when the number of inactive predictors in the model is moderate to large. The shrinkage and penalty strategies are applied to two real data sets to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

This article considers the shrinkage estimation procedure in the Cox's proportional hazards regression model when it is suspected that some of the parameters may be restricted to a subspace. We have developed the statistical properties of the shrinkage estimators including asymptotic distributional biases and risks. The shrinkage estimators have much higher relative efficiency than the classical estimator, furthermore, we consider two penalty estimators—the LASSO and adaptive LASSO—and compare their relative performance with that of the shrinkage estimators numerically. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is conducted for different combinations of irrelevant predictors and the performance of each estimator is evaluated in terms of simulated mean squared error. Simulation study shows that the shrinkage estimators are comparable to the penalty estimators when the number of irrelevant predictors in the model is relatively large. The shrinkage and penalty methods are applied to two real data sets to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

In the multinomial regression model, we consider the methodology for simultaneous model selection and parameter estimation by using the shrinkage and LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operation) [R. Tibshirani, Regression shrinkage and selection via the LASSO, J. R. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 58 (1996), pp. 267–288] strategies. The shrinkage estimators (SEs) provide significant improvement over their classical counterparts in the case where some of the predictors may or may not be active for the response of interest. The asymptotic properties of the SEs are developed using the notion of asymptotic distributional risk. We then compare the relative performance of the LASSO estimator with two SEs in terms of simulated relative efficiency. A simulation study shows that the shrinkage and LASSO estimators dominate the full model estimator. Further, both SEs perform better than the LASSO estimators when there are many inactive predictors in the model. A real-life data set is used to illustrate the suggested shrinkage and LASSO estimators.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the estimation problem of the parameter vector in the linear regression model with heteroscedastic errors. First, under heteroscedastic errors, we study the performance of shrinkage-type estimators and their performance as compared to theunrestricted and restricted least squares estimators. In order to accommodate the heteroscedastic structure, we generalize an identity which is useful in deriving the risk function. Thanks to the established identity, we prove that shrinkage estimators dominate the unrestricted estimator. Finally, we explore the performance of high-dimensional heteroscedastic regression estimator as compared to classical LASSO and shrinkage estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the non-penalty shrinkage estimation method of random effect models with autoregressive errors for longitudinal data when there are many covariates and some of them may not be active for the response variable. In observational studies, subjects are followed over equally or unequally spaced visits to determine the continuous response and whether the response is associated with the risk factors/covariates. Measurements from the same subject are usually more similar to each other and thus are correlated with each other but not with observations of other subjects. To analyse this data, we consider a linear model that contains both random effects across subjects and within-subject errors that follows autoregressive structure of order 1 (AR(1)). Considering the subject-specific random effect as a nuisance parameter, we use two competing models, one includes all the covariates and the other restricts the coefficients based on the auxiliary information. We consider the non-penalty shrinkage estimation strategy that shrinks the unrestricted estimator in the direction of the restricted estimator. We discuss the asymptotic properties of the shrinkage estimators using the notion of asymptotic biases and risks. A Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to examine the relative performance of the shrinkage estimators with the unrestricted estimator when the shrinkage dimension exceeds two. We also numerically compare the performance of the shrinkage estimators to that of the LASSO estimator. A longitudinal CD4 cell count data set will be used to illustrate the usefulness of shrinkage and LASSO estimators.  相似文献   

The most natural parametric distribution to consider is the Weibull model because it allows for both the proportional hazard model and accelerated failure time model. In this paper, we propose a new bivariate Weibull regression model based on censored samples with common covariates. There are some interesting biometrical applications which motivate to study bivariate Weibull regression model in this particular situation. We obtain maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters in the model and test the significance of the regression parameters in the model. We present a simulation study based on 1000 samples and also obtain the power of the test statistics.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider some problems of estimation and prediction when progressive Type-I interval censored competing risks data are from the proportional hazards family. The maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained. Based on gamma priors, the Lindely's approximation and importance sampling methods are applied to obtain Bayesian estimators under squared error and linear–exponential loss functions. Several classical and Bayesian point predictors of censored units are provided. Also, based on given producer's and consumer's risks accepting sampling plans are considered. Finally, the simulation study is given by Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the performances of the different methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, the estimation of parameters for a three-parameter Weibull distribution based on progressively Type-II right censored sample is studied. Different estimation procedures for complete sample are generalized to the case with progressively censored data. These methods include the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs), corrected MLEs, weighted MLEs, maximum product spacing estimators and least squares estimators. We also proposed the use of a censored estimation method with one-step bias-correction to obtain reliable initial estimates for iterative procedures. These methods are compared via a Monte Carlo simulation study in terms of their biases, root mean squared errors and their rates of obtaining reliable estimates. Recommendations are made from the simulation results and a numerical example is presented to illustrate all of the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the problem of predicting times to the latent failures of units censored in multiple stages in a progressively Type-II censored competing risks model. It is assumed that the lifetime distribution of the latent failure times are independent and exponential-distributed with the different scale parameters. Several classical point predictors such as the maximum likelihood predictor, the best unbiased predictor, the best linear unbiased predictor, the median unbiased predictor and the conditional median predictor are obtained. The Bayesian point predictors are derived under squared error loss criterion. Moreover, the point estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained using the observed data and different point predictors of the latent failure times. Finally, Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to compare the performances of the different methods of prediction and estimation and one real data is used to illustrate the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on robust estimation and variable selection for partially linear models. We combine the weighted least absolute deviation (WLAD) regression with the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) to achieve simultaneous robust estimation and variable selection for partially linear models. Compared with the LAD-LASSO method, the WLAD-LASSO method will resist to the heavy-tailed errors and outliers in the parametric components. In addition, we estimate the unknown smooth function by a robust local linear regression. Under some regular conditions, the theoretical properties of the proposed estimators are established. We further examine finite-sample performance of the proposed procedure by simulation studies and a real data example.  相似文献   

We consider shrinkage and preliminary test estimation strategies for the matrix of regression parameters in multivariate multiple regression model in the presence of a natural linear constraint. We suggest a shrinkage and preliminary test estimation strategies for the parameter matrix. The goal of this article is to critically examine the relative performances of these estimators in the direction of the subspace and candidate subspace restricted type estimators. Our analytical and numerical results show that the proposed shrinkage and preliminary test estimators perform better than the benchmark estimator under candidate subspace and beyond. The methods are also applied on a real data set for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider James–Stein shrinkage and pretest estimation methods for time series following generalized linear models when it is conjectured that some of the regression parameters may be restricted to a subspace. Efficient estimation strategies are developed when there are many covariates in the model and some of them are not statistically significant. Statistical properties of the pretest and shrinkage estimation methods including asymptotic distributional bias and risk are developed. We investigate the relative performances of shrinkage and pretest estimators with respect to the unrestricted maximum partial likelihood estimator (MPLE). We show that the shrinkage estimators have a lower relative mean squared error as compared to the unrestricted MPLE when the number of significant covariates exceeds two. Monte Carlo simulation experiments were conducted for different combinations of inactive covariates and the performance of each estimator was evaluated in terms of its mean squared error. The practical benefits of the proposed methods are illustrated using two real data sets.  相似文献   

In many practical situations, complete data are not available in lifetime studies. Many of the available observations are right censored giving survival information up to a noted time and not the exact failure times. This constitutes randomly censored data. In this paper, we consider Maxwell distribution as a survival time model. The censoring time is also assumed to follow a Maxwell distribution with a different parameter. Maximum likelihood estimators and confidence intervals for the parameters are derived with randomly censored data. Bayes estimators are also developed with inverted gamma priors and generalized entropy loss function. A Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to compare the developed estimation procedures. A real data example is given at the end of the study.  相似文献   

This article considers a class of estimators for the location and scale parameters in the location-scale model based on ‘synthetic data’ when the observations are randomly censored on the right. The asymptotic normality of the estimators is established using counting process and martingale techniques when the censoring distribution is known and unknown, respectively. In the case when the censoring distribution is known, we show that the asymptotic variances of this class of estimators depend on the data transformation and have a lower bound which is not achievable by this class of estimators. However, in the case that the censoring distribution is unknown and estimated by the Kaplan–Meier estimator, this class of estimators has the same asymptotic variance and attains the lower bound for variance for the case of known censoring distribution. This is different from censored regression analysis, where asymptotic variances depend on the data transformation. Our method has three valuable advantages over the method of maximum likelihood estimation. First, our estimators are available in a closed form and do not require an iterative algorithm. Second, simulation studies show that our estimators being moment-based are comparable to maximum likelihood estimators and outperform them when sample size is small and censoring rate is high. Third, our estimators are more robust to model misspecification than maximum likelihood estimators. Therefore, our method can serve as a competitive alternative to the method of maximum likelihood in estimation for location-scale models with censored data. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Results of the Monte Carlo study of the performance of a maximum likelihood estimation in a Weibull parametric regression model with two explanatory variables are presented. One simulation run contained 1000 samples censored on the average by the amount of 0-30%. Each simulatedsample was generated in a form of two-factor two-level balanced experiment. The confidence intervals were computed using the large-sample normal approximation via the matrix of observed information. For small sample sizes the estimates of the scale parameter b of the loglifetime were significantly negatively biased, which resulted in a poor quality of confidence intervals for b and the low-level quantiles. All estimators improved their quality when the nominal value of b decreased. A moderate amount of censoring improved the quality of point and confidence estimation. The reparametrization b 7 produced rather accurate confidence intervals. Exact confidence intervals for b in case of non-censoring were obtained using the pivotal quantity b/b.  相似文献   

Transductive methods are useful in prediction problems when the training dataset is composed of a large number of unlabeled observations and a smaller number of labeled observations. In this paper, we propose an approach for developing transductive prediction procedures that are able to take advantage of the sparsity in the high dimensional linear regression. More precisely, we define transductive versions of the LASSO (Tibshirani, 1996) and the Dantzig Selector (Candès and Tao, 2007). These procedures combine labeled and unlabeled observations of the training dataset to produce a prediction for the unlabeled observations. We propose an experimental study of the transductive estimators that shows that they improve the LASSO and Dantzig Selector in many situations, and particularly in high dimensional problems when the predictors are correlated. We then provide non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees for these estimation methods. Interestingly, our theoretical results show that the Transductive LASSO and Dantzig Selector satisfy sparsity inequalities under weaker assumptions than those required for the “original” LASSO.  相似文献   

In one-way ANOVA, most of the pairwise multiple comparison procedures depend on normality assumption of errors. In practice, errors have non-normal distributions so frequently. Therefore, it is very important to develop robust estimators of location and the associated variance under non-normality. In this paper, we consider the estimation of one-way ANOVA model parameters to make pairwise multiple comparisons under short-tailed symmetric (STS) distribution. The classical least squares method is neither efficient nor robust and maximum likelihood estimation technique is problematic in this situation. Modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimation technique gives the opportunity to estimate model parameters in closed forms under non-normal distributions. Hence, the use of MML estimators in the test statistic is proposed for pairwise multiple comparisons under STS distribution. The efficiency and power comparisons of the test statistic based on sample mean, trimmed mean, wave and MML estimators are given and the robustness of the test obtained using these estimators under plausible alternatives and inlier model are examined. It is demonstrated that the test statistic based on MML estimators is efficient and robust and the corresponding test is more powerful and having smallest Type I error.  相似文献   

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