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河南亿嘉农林综合发展有限公司系亿嘉投资控股有限公司下属全资子公司,成立于2010年,注册资金2100万元。公司位于“中国盘古之乡”南阳市桐柏县大禹路中段,是一家以茶叶种植、加工、销售,旅游观光,渔牧养殖,  相似文献   

合肥TCL电器销售有限公司是TCL集团有限公司在安徽注册成立的一家省级销售公司。自1996年成立以来,销售连年翻番。1996年实现销售收入4千万元,1997年为1.5亿元,1998年达到2.5亿元,1999年接近5亿元,仅1998、1999两年就向安徽各级政府提供税收466.87万元。公司经营的产品从TCL彩电到TCL电冰箱、洗衣机、手机、空调、家庭影院、  相似文献   

2000年,西南铝新产品产值只有4.4亿元,2005年新产品产值提高到7.1亿元。2006年1月至11月,西南铝实现营业收入118亿元,成为中国铝加工行业第一个、重庆市又一家营业收入突破百亿元企业,提前实现了集团“十一五”规划。  相似文献   

荆州市奥达纺织有限公司是一家改制设立的民营企业,现拥有资产4.4亿元,净资产1.4亿元,以生产经营各种支别、各种规格的棉纱棉布和收购加工棉花为主。产品年生产能力为棉纱1.6万吨,棉布7000万米。近几年来,公司坚持创新,激发活力,苦练内功,狠抓管理,经济效益稳步提高,打了一个漂亮的翻身仗。2001年盈利水平在全市同行中排第一位;2002年跃居全省同行业第一名;  相似文献   

2009年,嘉德春拍和秋拍总成交额为20.4亿元。到了2010年,总成交额已猛增至63亿元,2011年,嘉德仅一次春拍的总成交额,已达到53.23亿元,我们不难看出,拍卖行的成交额在成倍增长  相似文献   

戈泽宁 《经理人》2004,(11):70-71
南方电机制造集团有限公司(化名)是一家大型电机制造企业,由国家国有资产管理委员会直接管理,2003年的总收入为人民币153亿元,经营利润3.5亿元,是我国重要的大功率交直流电机和控制系统的制造基地之一。  相似文献   

今年是苏宁创业第20个年头。这20年里,进入家电零售行业的人太多了,有的倒下了,有的退出了。而苏宁却一直做了这么多年,越做越大。在经济危机阴霾笼罩的2009年,苏宁电器实现营业收入583亿元,比2008年的499亿元增长了16.84%;净利润28.9亿元,  相似文献   

去年中央政府公共投资9243亿元 去年中央政府公共投资大幅增加,达到9243亿元,比2008年预算增加5038亿元。  相似文献   

烟草工商税5131亿元 中国烟草行业工商税利在国际金融危机背景下"逆势而上",2008年是4499.4亿元,2009年是5131.1亿元,同比增长12.2%。烟草行业继续以“带头大哥”身份,笑傲纳税榜单首位。(《中国青年报》)  相似文献   

华杉 《经理人》2012,(1):110-111
葵花药业是中国标杆性的非处方药企业,1998年改制成立,至2007年,年销售收入约8亿人民币,其中葵花护肝片和葵花胃康灵各有约3.5亿元的销售额,其余产品加起来销售额约1亿左右。  相似文献   

王新平  李强 《管理学报》2008,5(5):766-768
管理素能提升是现代煤炭开采企业提高可持续发展能力的重要途径。以陕西黄陵某矿有限公司为例,对我国煤炭开采企业管理素能提升策略的方法和过程进行了论述。  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(6):102088
Despite its intuitive appeal, acquisition experience has not shown a clear benefit to acquirers, and we argue the applicability of acquisition experience depends on goals and context. Using survey data, we consider the effects of applying codified experience for two common acquisition goals involving knowledge transfer and market expansion. Our findings reveal a ‘double-edged sword’ effect, where on one hand, codification mitigates negative effects of industry rivalry on knowledge transfer. However, on the other hand, codification amplifies negative effects of industry rivalry on market expansion and internal turmoil on knowledge transfer. Beyond demonstrating the importance of goals and context contingencies for determining acquisition experience effect, our results reconcile conflicting research findings to identify when codified experience is beneficial in acquisitions.  相似文献   

Jeffery Atik 《Risk analysis》2004,24(2):483-490
In Australia-Salmon, the WTO Appellate Body found Australia to be in violation of the WTO SPS Agreement based on the inconsistency of the "appropriate level of protection" underlying various SPS measures. Article 5.5 of the SPS Agreement prohibits arbitrary or unjustifiable distinctions in "appropriate levels of protection" if such distinctions result in discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade. In Australia-Salmon, Canada challenged Australia's import ban on salmon. Australia permitted the entry of other fish products that were known to host some of the same diseases cited by Australia in justifying its salmon import ban. The distinction in the "appropriate levels of protection" between Australia's regulation of salmon and its treatment of these other fish products was found to be "arbitrary or unjustified" and to have "resulted in a restriction on international trade."Australia-Salmon was the first WTO decision to find an Article 5.5 violation. Canada successfully made a "weakest link" argument to undercut Australia's regulatory justification. The decision rests on the relationship between the risk purportedly justifying the salmon import ban and the risk seemingly ignored in Australia's treatment of other fish products-the regulatory "situations" compared concerned the identical pathogens with the identical potential consequences. As such, Australia-Salmon may be an example of a category of regulatory "chains" that are peculiarly exposed to Article 5.5 challenge. In responding to the Appellate Body's ruling, Australia reduced its limits on salmon and imposed new restrictions on the other fish products. The outcome suggests that a challenge of one SPS measure under Article 5.5 may lead to the imposition of new restrictions on other imported products-an unexpected result for the free trade regime.  相似文献   

In consulting, finance, and other service industries, customers represent a revenue stream, and must be acquired and retained over time. In this paper, we study the resource allocation problem of a profit maximizing service firm that dynamically allocates its resources toward acquiring new clients and retaining unsatisfied existing ones. The interaction between acquisition and retention in our model is reflected in the cash constraint on total expected spending on acquisition and retention in each period. We formulate this problem as a dynamic program in which the firm makes decisions in both acquisition and retention after observing the current size of its customer base and receiving information about customers in danger of attrition, and we characterize the structure of the optimal acquisition and retention strategy. We show that when the firm's customer base size is relatively low, the firm should spend heavily on acquisition and try to retain every unhappy customer. However, as its customer base grows, the firm should gradually shift its emphasis from acquisition to retention, and it should also aim to strike a balance between acquisition and retention while spending its available resources. Finally, when the customer base is large enough, it may be optimal for the firm to begin spending less in both acquisition and retention. We also extend our analysis to situations where acquisition or retention success rate, as a function of resources allocation, is uncertain and show that the optimal acquisition and retention policy can be surprisingly complex. However, we develop an effective heuristic for that case. This paper aims to provide service managers some analytical principles and effective guidelines on resource allocation between these two significant activities based on their firm's customer base size.  相似文献   


This article does three things. It reconstructs the narrative about the foundation of South Australia in the 1830s as a strategic planning process. It then deconstructs that analysis to explore the issues it addresses and the outcomes. Finally, it reviews the South Australian experience to see if there are valid comparisons to be made with current practice and what lessons it might offer in that regard. In doing that it briefly reviews one present methodology of strategic planning most akin to that followed in South Australia, and one strategic planning exercise that could learn from it.  相似文献   

多个再制造商在同一回收市场中获取废旧产品并进行再制造,他们之间存在回收竞争.每个再制造商回收废旧产品的数量取决于自身付出的回收价格,同时和对手们的回收价格相关.目标是最大化各自的期望利润.本文首先利用优化理论和非合作博弈理论,证明了该博弈作为超模博弈,存在唯一的Nash均衡.然后通过比较发现竞争下的Nash均衡价格高于串谋下的合作均衡价格.最后通过数值仿真探讨了再制造商的数目和再制造成本对博弈的影响.  相似文献   

From an international perspective, Australia has been one of the leading jurisdictions for corporate governance reform. Its first corporate governance code predates the Cadbury Report, and Australia is also one of the few countries internationally to have been only marginally affected by the recession that ensued after the Global Financial Crisis. Considerable governance reform has occurred since 2007–8 in Australia, however; much of it occasioned by pressure brought to bear by institutional investors as a reaction to both traditional governance failings and also social and environmental concerns such as a growing awareness of climate change. Institutional influence is primarily associated with the compulsory retirement income system that emerged in the 1980s in light of an economy‐wide union campaign. While governance structures are becoming more homogenous, institutional logics reflecting trustees’ concerns are driving and shaping this ongoing process. A new approach to corporate engagement has emerged under the influence of investor representative bodies such as the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors that is driving corporate governance change.  相似文献   

创新是企业活力和企业发展的源泉,卓有成效的技术创新模式是技术创新绩效的根本保证。本文采用了单案例研究法,以山东省兖州煤业兴隆庄煤矿为例,首先分析了兴隆庄煤矿自建矿27年来的技术创新绩效;在此基础上,从技术创新模式的先导、切入点、依托、主线和落脚点的视角,对兴隆庄煤矿的全面创新、内部协同创新、二次创新和自主创新等方面进行了案例研究,并对兴隆庄煤矿成功的技术创新模式进行了理论概况。这一独具特色的兴隆庄煤矿技术创新模式,对中国煤炭企业和其他资源型企业的技术创新模式选择和技术创新管理都将有着重要的借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

The author was involved in the 1973–1974 acquisition chase in the U.K. and in the Pacific Basin while working for a British company noted for its acquisitiveness. A mystique has grown up around those people who buy companies and individuals who surround themselves with secrecy and charisma are hiding one essential fact; appraising target companies is not very different from appraising any other direct investment. In fact the task lends itself to a combination of simple economics and plenty of common sense.  相似文献   

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