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司马相如与蜀郡太守文翁均为汉代著名人物,关于司马相如成名与文翁化蜀之间的关系,前人多有误解。以《三国志.秦宓传》所录秦宓致王商书信为重点,对这一问题加以辨析,可以澄清相关历史事实。 相似文献
拉贾·拉奥的第一部长篇英语小说<根特浦尔>面世以后,一直被评论家认为是对甘地的颂歌.2003年,有评论家提出异议,认为<根特浦尔>是对甘地主义的歪曲.本文通过历史和小说文本的互证,说明拉奥充分了解和认识甘地主义的优点和不足.在1934年之前,他就深刻认识到印度社会的发展前景掌握在以贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁为代表的政治家手中.这是他对印度发展的一个预见. 相似文献
阿马蒂亚.森,印度人,在西方和印度早负盛名,但是中国人———首先是学术界———熟悉他,当在他荣获1998年诺贝尔经济学奖之后。进入新世纪以来,他的著作被陆续介绍到中国来,接二连三,看来有一些热。热是好事,好在他似乎比别的经济学家更能给我们带来有益的启发。不过,已经迻译的作品多与经济学专业有关,且往往横跨多种领域,如经济、政治、数学、哲学、伦理、社会学等,外行如我者,总不免望而生畏,因为不具备相应的专业知识,毕竟难窥门径。现在好了,我们有了一本不那么专业的著作翻译出来,凡是对文化有兴趣的人,都可以拿来读。它就是眼前这部… 相似文献
可感知文化带来的损毁意味着由社会科学管理者以及社会科学管理委员会领导的大量学者组成的大型研究集团对伊本·卡尔敦、维科、洛克、孟德斯鸠、亚当·斯密、赫伯特·斯宾塞、A.孔德,以及卡尔·马克思等数代学者的取代。他们奋发不懈地生产了大量学术论文, 相似文献
哈贝马斯和利奥塔的理性批判都经历了语言学转向和伦理学转向,但得出的理论结论却截然不同:哈贝马斯致力于理性重建,强调共识;利奥塔则致力于理性的拒斥,强调分歧。 相似文献
构建社区管理主体和谐关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社区管理主体组织存在着许多问题。以社区为中心规定居民委员会、业主委员会和物业管理公司之间的关系,加强各组织建设是构建社区管理主体和谐关系的途径。 相似文献
论自由、平等与正义的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文从理论上阐述了自由、平等与正义这三个价值目标的相互关系:自由与平等既有对立的一面,又有统一的一面,而正义正是要在自由与平等之间保持一种合理的张力,也就是说,既要满足自由与平等双方的诉求,又要限制双方走出自己的边界而侵害对方的合理诉求。 相似文献
创造性与知识、智力和人格关系研究述评 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
创造性与知识、智力和人格关系问题是创造性研究中的重要课题,并对教育的价值追求具有导向作用。过去国际学术界对这些问题的认识存在重大分歧,但最近的有些观点具有逐渐融合的趋势。本文利用国内外新近研究资料重新评价了有关的观点,并对新近出现的实证研究证据及其对教育的意义进行了讨论。 相似文献
Pamela Szczygiel 《Smith College studies in social work》2018,88(2):115-134
ABSTRACTIn social work, as in other mental health fields, there has been a surge of literature regarding trauma-informed practice. Even so, the value and meaning of being a trauma-informed practitioner still call for further explication and analysis, especially in the realm of clinical social work practice. Approaching and engaging traumatized clients with a trauma-informed lens carry profound implications in the assessment, diagnostic, and intervention stages of treatment, and these implications warrant further unpacking. Additionally, it is critical to explore, through real-world case examples, the significance of working with a trauma-informed lens. This article develops a stage-based, relational definition of trauma-informed practice and argues that trauma-informed practice prioritizes client complexity, social context, and the therapeutic relationship throughout the assessment, diagnostic, and treatment process. In addition, it prioritizes the nuanced experiences and needs of the client, in particular the need for safety, above specific treatment modalities. In this way, it has vital importance to the field of social work. The significance of being trauma informed is considered at all stages of treatment and will be illuminated through practice examples and a longer clinical vignette. 相似文献
《Asia Pacific journal of social work》2013,23(2):5-18
This study explores the issue of premarital sex among the Muslim-dominant societies of Malaysia and Indonesia. Although premarital sex is condemned in both countries, its rate is on the rise. Three hundred and eighty-nine adolescents took part in a survey on their sexual experiences, religiosity, and a few youth cultural elements. The results suggest that there is an erosion of traditional and religious values, and that peers and youth culture play a significant role in influencing adolescents who engage in premarital sex. 相似文献
This study examined the association between relationship styles, coping strategies, and psychological distress among 144 Anglo‐Australian and 250 Hong Kong Chinese undergraduate students. The results indicated that relationship styles (secure, clingy, and fickle) influenced psychological distress through their association with coping strategies (avoidance and self‐punishment). Society of residence was a moderating factor for the association between clingy relationship style and psychological distress. Females also reported higher levels of psychological distress than males. Among participants who had experienced a romantic relationship break up, participants endorsing clingy relationship style and those whose partners initiated the break up expressed more hurt in comparison, whereas those who endorsed avoidance strategy reported less hurt. The results of the present study also suggested that psychosocial variables (relationship styles, coping strategies) were generally more important than demographic factors (e.g., age) in predicting mental health outcomes. However, relationship styles and coping strategies may operate differently under different contexts. 相似文献
启蒙运动具有多维面相,其中最典型且差异最为显著的两支是法国启蒙运动和苏格兰启蒙运动.法国启蒙运动崇尚"建构理性",旨在建构自由、平等、博爱的乌托邦社会,从而呈现出与传统断裂、空想冒进的现代性精神.苏榕兰启蒙运动肯定"常识理性",主张建立自由、文明、有秩序的商业社会,故呈现出历史延续、审慎中道的现代性精神.因此,苏格兰启蒙理性的这种现代性异于法国启蒙运动所造就的现代性,对于规避后者的危机具有重要的借鉴价值. 相似文献
基于PISA2015中国四省市数据,分析影子教育在15岁学生中的分布特征,并采用两水平伯努利模型探究学校层面的因素对学生是否参加影子教育的影响,审视学校教育质量的发展。研究结果表明:中国四省市科学、数学和阅读补习的参与率较高,分别为58.7%、74.0%、63.4%;四省市农村地区补习参与率显著高于城市地区;教师质量越高的城市地区学校,学生参加课外补习的概率显著低于教师质量差的农村地区学校。提高学校教师质量可以减少影子教育参与概率,提高教育资源和基建设施质量对影子教育参与没有影响。学校教育质量与影子教育的发展即存在"替代"又存在"互补"关系,低质量的农村和乡镇学校刺激学生参加补习满足对教师质量的需求,高质量的城市学校刺激学生参加补习提高教育竞争力。 相似文献
María Celeste Dávila 《Journal of social service research》2018,44(1):38-49
ABSTRACTThe aim of this article was to examine the role of social networks in the fostering of volunteering as a social activity among older adults. Two different data sources were used. First, a secondary analysis was conducted of 2,057 Spanish respondents to the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, previously published in 2013. The features of the social networks of volunteers and non-volunteers (network structure, interaction and quality) were analyzed. Second, a questionnaire was administered to 152 older volunteers in Spain to determine the role played by social networks in the recruitment of older people to volunteer work by looking at which network members had suggested volunteering, among other variables. The analysis of the two datasets found that the low participation of older Spanish people in volunteering is related to the structure of their social networks. While the social networks of older Spanish people are mostly comprised of family members, recruitment to volunteering tends to happen through relationships with friends and acquaintances rather than relatives. Future research in this area should consider the impact of gender on the uptake of volunteering and address other issues such as the role of social networks in the benefits that people get from volunteering. 相似文献